MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-Chapter 21 Good fun, don't worry

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Since the T virus has been made out of the system, what about the other things in the game?

For example, rocket launcher, Merlin gun?

Even other things in the game.

Is it also possible...

"The hosting permissions are insufficient. Please continue to increase the permissions."

Soon, Fang Qi got the answer.

"Permissions? Is there such a thing?" Fang Qi asked strangely. "Where can I see my permissions? What else can I do with my current permissions?"

"Not enough permissions to view."


"If you forget it, you will know that your system is unreliable." Fang Qi looked depressed.

No side effects T virus.

Looking at the light blue test tube in his hand, Fang Kai was slightly excited.

He slowly injected the liquid in the test tube into the body. Fang Kai only felt a cold liquid flowing in from the needle tube. Then, this cold air gradually flowed to the limbs as the blood flowed.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that a very intense pain came from the body!

A strange power suddenly emerged from the body, this force is extremely powerful, it seems to tear his entire body!

Fang Qi’s heart sinks: “Is it said that there are no side effects?”

"This is an inevitable reaction to strengthening." The system explained, "There is no side effect but you won't become a zombie."

"..." He felt that the whole body was like a fire, and the cells, blood, and bone marrow of the whole body seemed to be completely swallowed by this flame!

The huge pain caused Fang Qi to feel a sense of dizziness. He could not lie in bed, maybe the next moment, he would faint.

At this moment, the sound of the system rang again: "The host is best not to faint in the past, otherwise the effect of this side-effect T virus will be wasted."

"..." Fang Qi clenched his teeth tightly. He felt that he had never been so painful in his life. Every cell in his body seemed to be torn open!

What makes him vomit blood most is that he can't stun in the past? !

In order not to let this precious side-effect T virus be scrapped, he has to work hard!

The pain of the whole body hits him all the time, and he feels like a boat in the sea, and there is danger of overturning at any time!

This feeling of incomparable pain, he just wants to hurry past, but time seems to be against him, extremely slow!

Just like a snail, move forward little by little!

Time passed by, and Fang Qi did not know how he came.

When he felt the pain of his body receding, it was already the next morning.


At this time, his downstairs has already exploded.

I saw the front door of the Internet cafe. At this time, I had gathered a large circle of people: "How can the boss not open the door today?"

"Don't you say eight o'clock? What time is it now?" Wu Shan looked up and glanced at the sun rising high in the sky, complaining.

"Is it all at noon?" Black and White kept walking around in front of the store. "The mystery of "The Book of Curse" is about to be solved. How can the boss not open the door?"

"Isn't it overslept?"

If fate can be chosen, no one is willing to live in person.

Not to mention the world of strength and strength in this world.

Playing games helps to cultivate? When Xue Ming discovered this, he could no longer sit still!

Xue Ming got up early today, just to improve his game progress as soon as possible, to find out some clues that Xu Zixin has never seen before, so as to avoid being blinded.

"This broken shop, actually only played less than 6 hours!?" Think of this, he kicked the stone on the side of the road, apparently worried about yesterday's things.

"If not..." He remembered the phrase "Never accept" that Fang Qi said coldly yesterday, subconsciously shrinking his feet, and restraining the impulse to bring a ticket to the store in minutes.

"Forget it! This is for the purple heart! Endure the moment!" He snorted, when he went to the "original network club" door, he actually found a bunch of people in front of the Internet cafe!

Liang Shi, Wu Shan, and the middle-aged man of the goat beard, Yang Hai, wearing a black suit, a few black big ones, the big one around the black head, the big one is called the black bear, the lean dwarf is called the black rat, of course, They are all nicknames, not their real names.

"What are you doing?" Xue Ming saw this circle of people, and suddenly he gave birth to a bad feeling. "Why don't you go in?"

"Don't open the door?" He looked inside and suddenly stupid. "Isn't it good 8 o'clock?"

"We don't know." Liang Shi found that this person is familiar. It is estimated that he was also a player who played the Resident Evil yesterday. He smiled bitterly. "Before the boss seemed to open the door because of the increase of the computer, it will not increase again today?"

"It's possible." Black Avenue, "It was already full yesterday, and it is not unreasonable to add some more."

"Do you want to wait..."

Fang Qi was lying in bed in a collapse.

"I have finally passed..." Fang Qi felt that he would never want to experience it again.

He moved his fingers slightly and seemed to feel his body, which was different from before.

Not only the whole body, but everything around it has become different!

He can even clearly feel the trajectory of flies flying in midair!

Open your eyes, every dust on the wall, he can see clearly!

At this time, it is already an hour.

"I can't wait anymore!" Wu Shanhu said with a face. If it wasn't for the stone, it would be estimated that it had already been smashed.

"I can't wait anymore!" Xue Ming never had such a rush. "No more people will come to the door!"

"Would we open the door?" Black Bear said, "A door is only a big deal. If you can't make it, you can install it for the boss."

"..." Liang Shi's face is black. "You are so arguing that it will hang on the boss's never-received list tomorrow."

"What should I do?" Although the store is not big, the boss is not like an ordinary person. He thinks of the words "never receive" and is really trying to get rid of it. "This is not the case." That's not OK!"

"No, it’s anxious to die!" Wu Shan took a shot on the door. "Yesterday, I just played for a while, but it was six hours! Is that so fast? Today is this, let's not play?! ”

"..." Liang Shi's face was pumping. "I didn't say, Wu brother, I stood behind and watched you play yesterday. My feet are sour. Do you have six hours...?"

"..." Wushan's face suddenly couldn't be hanged, and the door panel was sizzling. "That is six hours too little!"

Fang Qi’s Internet cafe’s left and right facades, the shop on the left was originally an old man’s. It’s been a long time since I saw the door open. It’s said that my son’s name has been changed, and the family has moved away. On the right is a buns shop. Buying buns every morning is here.

When Wang Shuo of Baozipu saw these people in front of Fangqidian’s door for so long, he couldn’t help but wonder: “What are you guys doing all around in front of people’s shops?”

"Amount..." Liang Shi bought a few buns and asked, "Da, the boss of this store has not opened the door today, isn’t it good to open at 8 o'clock? Do you know what the situation is?"

"This..." Wang Hao shook his head. "I am also surprised. Fang Qi, the little guy came to my shop every day to buy buns. How late is it today? Do you shout?"

"Call?" Several people looked at each other.

"I am going to shout." Wu Shan thought for a moment, this method seems to be much better than direct slamming.


Fang Qi still felt a pain in his body, but it was much better than last night.

He found that his body was covered with black sweat stains, and he took a shower. This was half-washed and he heard the noise of the building.

He quickly stretched his head and looked out the window. He saw the outside of the store door and had already circled a circle.

"...What time is it?" Fang Qi’s heart screamed, it’s not going to be late?


Soon the city Guards noticed the strangeness here. I saw a team of armored city guards coming forward and asked, "What are you doing all around here? You saw this station early in the morning, now It’s been half an hour, still here?”

"And the long beard, what is the morning call? Do you want to make trouble?"

"...beard?" Wu Shan's black face is darker.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as a trick, otherwise the Yellow River can’t be washed now. If you look back, you know that because you can’t play the game, you’ve been arrested by the City Guard. This is going to be spread out. It’s estimated that the entire city’s military can Laugh to next year!

"His mother! I want to swear!" Wu Shan has already suffocated.

Black smiled and gave him a position, pointing to the city guard: "Please!"

"Hey!" Wu Shan snorted, although he was a good repairer, but with the city guards, the fools know the result.

"I know that these few idle warriors can't stand it!" Xue Ming looked around and had to stand up, "Xue Jia, Xue Ming."

"Xue...Xue Jia?" I saw that the city guards gave a slight ceremony. "It turned out to be the young master of Xue, and the small eyes did not know Taishan, but I also hoped to forgive me!"

"This guy seems to be a big one!" Black whispered.

"Children of the family." Wu Shan snorted.

Liang Shi smiled and said: "But it's good. It seems that this is a good solution."

"That's good." Xue Ming put on a look that was as cold and proud as possible, and he smiled in his heart. "The city guards only, this young master is out, isn't it a hand?"

Several city guards immediately became respectful: "I still ask Xue Shaoye to tell me, what happened here, let us go back and have an account."

After Xue Ming’s explanation, several city guards were even more embarrassed: “Xue Shaoye means... the shop owner didn’t open the door, so they waited outside the store for an hour?”

So what does this store do?

"Virtual Reality?"

"Playing zombies?"

"play games?"

The more the city guards, the more they listen, the lower the voice: "I think I have to go in and have a look?"

"I also think... The brothers who watched the night on these two days went out from here every time, and they also went out from here. They are also some of the young masters, and they can’t touch them. I think there is something wrong here."

"In my opinion, don't mess around! These people are not first report to the top, and then plan."

At this moment, several people found that Fang Qi’s store finally sounded the door opening.

I saw a head exposed from the door: "I said how come you come so early every day?"

"Open the door! Open the door!"

"How does the boss open the door now!" Someone immediately complained.

“Is it difficult to add a computer today?” The group tried to sneak into it, but they did not find any change. “Boss, you are not oversleeping?”

Fang Qi touched his nose a little bit. Strictly speaking, he is probably overslept.

"Don't say that much." The group immediately sneaked in. "The boss, you honestly, is there anything new today?"

“New things?” Fang Qi nodded. “Yes.”


"Is the computer increased?"

"new game?"

"The movie you said is out?"

Several people immediately looked forward to Fang Qi.

"Amount..." Fang Qi pointed to himself. "I accidentally broke through this morning and it is not new."


"...the amount...the boss doesn't take you like this!" Liang Shi looked depressed.

"...the boss is amazing..."

"...Congratulations to the boss..."

"Can't you change your time to break through?" Several people vomited. For this reason, there is no chance of rebuttal.

Is it difficult to break through?

However... Yesterday, there was no injury to the tyrant, and today it broke through? Doesn't this boss's strength have a higher level?

A few people are not even more jealous.
