MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 20 chapter 20

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Both men and women refuse? Cheng Xu frowned and couldn't help asking his soul, "Did Sister Wan Wan ever fall in love when she went to school?"

Lai Xiaomeng recalled for a while, then shook her head: "I shouldn't. Since I met her, she has never liked anyone, let alone people and things." She dug a scoop of ice cream into her mouth, "Except sweets and cigarettes."

Several people chatted about other topics, Li Mo glanced at the back sitting on the swing outside the glass door, took a box of strawberry-flavored yogurt from the table, got up and walked over.

The rain outside the house has stopped for a long time, and the wind is still strong, blowing the leaves flutteringly, the water droplets on the leaves are scattered, and the air is full of moisture.

Ning Qingwan sat on the swing and smoked, with her long legs stretched straight and her feet on the ground, the slender lady's cigarette was sandwiched between her fingers. Take a look.

Those hooking peach blossom eyes are always indifferent and lazy, showing a bit of a charm and a bit of a demon, and the red lips are slightly open and a smoke ring is exhaled.

Mo Li has rarely seen a woman like Ning Qingwan, who smokes so elegantly and seductively. There are many beauties in the entertainment industry, but Ning Qingwan has a unique charm, especially when she is always glowing on the stage. Can't take your eyes off.

"Why did you come out?" Ning Qingwan bent her knees and swayed on the swing.

"Come out and see you." Mo Li walked over to the swing and handed her the yogurt, "My stomach is not good, so please stop smoking."

"Okay." Ning Qingwan took the yogurt, still biting the cigarette.

It should be refreshing, and it is not ambiguous at all. Mo Li pulls out the chair beside him and sits down, scolding with laughter: "You really accept it with humility, and you won't change it after repeated teachings."

When the cigarette was almost exhausted, she pressed the cigarette out in the ashtray and sipped the yogurt.

After a moment of silence, Mo Lei asked, "What's your relationship with that little girl?"

Ning Qingwan hesitated for a while, and then said, "The relationship between fans and idols."

Li Mo stared at her suspiciously: "That's all?"

She and Ning Qingwan have worked together for many years, and she has never seen anyone have an affair with Ning Qingwan, and she has no deep friends in the entertainment industry. Ning Qingwan is gentle and polite to everyone, but there is always a sense of indifference and alienation in her bones. Gentleness is actually cold and thin.

To actually let a little fan know where his home is, and let people live at home, no matter how he thinks about it, it is incredible. All the clues can tell that Ning Qingwan is special to this little fan.

Ning Qingwan bit the straw and thought for a while, then added, "It's the way it is now."

Mo Li was stunned for a while before digesting the meaning of her words. Currently, it is a fan and idol, and it may develop into another relationship in the future.

Lai Xiaomeng and the others listened to what Mo Li said, but didn't feel relieved. After Ning Qingwan became popular, Mo Li was arranged by Chu Shijie as Ning Qingwan's personal manager. The people of the band are deeper.

As the ancestor of Ning Qingwan, there is nothing she can't do. Mo Li firmly believes that as long as Ning Qingwan is willing, she can definitely be a straight girl of steel one second, and bend into a paper clip the next.

"You're not an idol singer either, there are no restrictions on dating or other companies." Mo Li waved the mosquitoes flying around his legs, "However, do you remember when Zhang Chenxing and Yan Qing were kicked out of the cabinet door?"

Ning Qingwan looked calm: "Remember."

Li Mo said: "If you want to fall in love someday, let me know in advance so that I can prepare."

Zhang Chenxing and Yan Qing were exploded suddenly. Mo Li, who was still the band's manager at the time, was unprepared and was caught off guard. He was so busy that he didn't even have time to drink water. After the matter was settled, he stayed in the hospital for a week.

Ning Qingwan lowered her head, her long hair fell down to cover her profile, her expression was unclear, and she said lightly, "I see."

"Of course you have to prepare yourself, think about the problems you will face in the future, and how to solve the troubles you may encounter, such as extreme fans."

After Zhang Chenxing and Yan Qing were forced to come out of the closet, there were CP fans who supported and poisonous Wei Wei opposed to stepping on them. Fans on both sides were arguing.

During this period, the two received a lot of vicious text messages and calls, and even illegitimate meals blocked people and hurt others. Yan Qing was stabbed by Zhang Chenxing's illegitimate meals. During that time, theone was forced to cancel several concerts.

Li Mo sighed and reminded, "You have more fans than the two of them."

Ning Qingwan was slightly startled, frowned, and squeezed the yogurt box with force.

In fact, she didn't even think about whether she should pull the bunny into her abyss.

But as long as Meng Xia is willing... all the problems are not problems.

The glass door was pulled open, and Lai Xiaomeng stuck out half of her body, "Sister Mo Li, it's getting late, let's go~"

Mo Li got up and straightened his skirt, "By the way, there is a program group who wants to invite you to record." Mo Li frowned and thought for a while, "The reality show 'fortunate to meet you' is a love reality show between stars and amateurs, if you are not interested, I will pushed."

Ning Qingwan got up and threw the yogurt box into the trash, "I'm not interested, just push it."

A few people walked to the door just as they were about to get into the car, when the thunder **** rumbled, and the dazzling electric light on the horizon cut through the dark night like a sharp blade.

Lai Xiaomeng was startled, and immediately got into the car, "Mom, I'm scared to death, Wanwan, will your little fan be afraid in the room alone?"

Before he could finish speaking, Ning Qingwan had already turned around and went back to the house.

Lai Xiaomeng blinked and complained to the others, "Wan Wan has changed. Not only did she hang up my phone, but she doesn't listen to me anymore."

Yan Qing glanced at Ning Qingwan's back, and knew it in her heart, "Just get used to it." After saying that, she started the car.

Cheng Xu couldn't help laughing at Lai Xiaomeng's aggrieved appearance.

"You dare to laugh at me secretly!" Lai Xiaomeng pinched Cheng Xu's leg as soon as she saw Cheng Xu holding back her laughter.

Li Mo looked at the people in the car calmly, sighed leisurely, and thought that the One Band would change its name to the Bend Band sooner or later.

After overhearing Lai Xiaomeng and the others talking, Meng Xia couldn't fall asleep when she returned to the bed. All that was circling in her mind was Lai Xiaomeng, who learned from Ning Qingwan's tone of voice, "I'm sorry, I won't bend."

It's because she is too stupid, because Ning Qingwan is known as Jiquan Tiancai, because she is willing to help herself, and because she is good to herself, she really wants to get into trouble.

After tossing and turning several times, Meng Xia simply picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table, and the screen showed two missed calls from Luo Ke as soon as the screen turned on.

Meng Xia called back, "Coco, is there something urgent you need to call me?"

"Hey, I forgot the dormitory key." Roco's voice was vague on the phone and seemed to be brushing his teeth.

Meng Xia sat up quickly and said, "Then where are you now? I'm sorry, I fell asleep with a headache and didn't check my phone."

"It's okay, I found the dormitory aunt and got the spare key." Luo Ke paused and said modestly, "Oh, if I had known I would not have brought you to the bar with me, those people are really, they have to drink you. , are you feeling better?"

"much better."

"Then sleep a little longer~ I'll hang up."

"Hey! Wait." The only person in this world who can talk to her is Luo Ke, but it's a little hard to tell.

"what's wrong?"

Meng Xia pursed her lips, her mind was a mess, hesitantly did not know how to organize the language, she was silent for a while before she said, "If there is someone who likes you, but you don't like her, if you know that she likes you, Will you still be friends with her?"

"Oh." Luo Ke thought for a while, "No, I don't care if I don't know. If I know, I must refuse and never get along with each other. To be friends is to give people an illusion. There is no herb in the world. Take the time to find it again."

"..." Meng Xia only felt that her heart was getting heavier.

Luo Ke's words are really righteous. If it was Ning Qingwan, she would probably do the same, but she didn't want to stay away from Ning Qingwan.

"Then what if... in exchange, you like someone and she doesn't like you, and you want to be friends with her?"

"Then hide it in the bottom of your heart and try to be friends. Sometimes friendship lasts longer than love." Luo Ke paused and sighed again, "But secret love is too hard, I will watch him talk about girlfriends, How sad to be married."

"Yeah..." Meng Xia murmured, "But it's better than losing."

Her voice was low, and Luo Ke couldn't hear her clearly. She only felt that she was in a low mood, so she couldn't help asking: "Xia Xia, what's wrong with you? It's weird, who did you confess to? Or do you have a crush on someone?"

"Uh, I'm fine, I just saw the topic on the Internet and asked casually." Meng Xia lied nervously and vaguely.

"Hey, don't look at some of these, it's just your appearance, who do you like, and which one will not like you anyway~ If someone confesses, if you don't like it, just reject it."


The two chatted for a while and then hung up the phone.

Meng Xia put the phone aside, hugged her knees, buried her face in her arms, and tightened her arms a little bit. She could try to only treat Ning Qingwan as her sister, as long as she was not hated or alienated by her sister.

She didn't know how long she thought, until the lightning flashed outside the window, Meng Xia raised her head suddenly, and she could see the flash of light through the curtains, the thunder boomed, and she couldn't help shivering.

The door was opened, Meng Xia looked back, the light from outside the house shone into the house, time seemed to stand still for a moment, his eyes met, and he was lost for a moment.

"elder sister."

Sitting with her knees tucked, such a posture is really distressing, the moment Meng Xia looked back, Ning Qingwan could vaguely see tears on her face.

Ning Qingwan turned on the light, walked into the room, sat by the bed, held Meng Xia's face and looked at it for a while, "Why are you crying again? Are you scared to cry by the thunder?"

The two were very close, Ning Qingwan's breath rushed towards her face, the palm of her hand holding her cheek was slightly cold, her breathing gradually accelerated uncontrollably, Meng Xia could feel her cheeks start to heat again.

"No." Meng Xia looked away uncomfortably and moved back, she couldn't tell the real reason for crying.

Ning Qingwan moved her fingers slightly, and wiped the tears from Meng Xia's face by rubbing the pads of her fingers on her tender cheeks, "Isn't it really the one who was scared to cry by Lei?"

"I'm not afraid of thunder."

There was a thunderous sound outside the window, Meng Xia shivered again, and subconsciously hugged Ning Qingwan in front of him.

The slap came too fast...

Ning Qingwan chuckled lightly, her voice provocative.

Meng Xia bit her lip and quickly let go of her hand, feeling annoyed in her heart, how could she be an elder sister?

"Are you hungry?" Ning Qingwan raised her hand and rubbed her head.

Meng Xia thought about it and nodded. She drank a bottle of wine all night. She was really hungry at the moment, and she was a little embarrassed to see Ning Qingwan's teammates, "Is my sister's friend still downstairs?"

"It's gone." Ning Qingwan got up and looked at her with a half-smile, "Do you have a cream cake to eat?"

Cream cake, Meng Xia frowned, memories flooded into his mind immediately, and his face turned crimson, but Meng Xia didn't dare to admit it, so he could only pretend to be stupid and didn't know.

Tsk, dare to be a little coward, Ning Qingwan didn't break her, "Get up, go eat cake."

Meng Xia got up from the bed and followed Ning Qingwan downstairs. Ning Qingwan handed her the cream cake that she had left behind. Meng Xia sat down at the table with the cake in hand, digging the spoonfuls and eating them.

The way he eats is quiet and well-behaved, like a painting, which is very pleasing to the eye.

Ning Qingwan walked over with a jar of peach juice and put it in front of Meng Xia.

"Do you want to eat sister?" Meng Xia raised her eyes and saw that Ning Qingwan was sitting opposite to watch her eat with nothing, and pushed the cake over.

"Is it delicious?" Ning Qingwan asked without answering.

"Sweet, soft and delicious." Meng Xia pursed her lips and handed Ning Qingwan a spoon, "Sister, try it?"

Ning Qingwan glanced at the spoon she handed over, her eyes sank slightly, and she didn't pick up the spoon, "I don't want to eat cake, eat it yourself."

"Okay." When Meng Xia ate the cake again, she felt a bit like chewing wax. Did my sister dislike the spoon she used.

Thinking in a low mood, her slender hand stretched out in front of her and wiped her fingertips from her lips. Meng Xia was sluggish for two seconds, even forgetting to breathe.

Ning Qingwan said calmly, "After eating, brush your teeth and go to bed."

"Okay." Meng Xia blushed and lowered her head to eat.

It's so easy to blush, and Ning Qingwan's eyes gradually filled with a shallow smile.

The rain stopped after the cake was eaten. Meng Xia went upstairs and said good night to Ning Qingwan before returning to the room.

"If you're still afraid, you can find me."

Meng Xia was stunned for a while, these words were too tempting, but she had to control her heart, so she gritted her teeth and refused the temptation.

"I'm not afraid."

Ning Qingwan watched her enter the room, her eyebrows raised slightly, but she was not cowardly at this moment.