MTL - Being Scolded As a Loser? All the Big Guys In Beijing Are Rushing To Pamper Me-Chapter 642 No luck in this life, but hope for the next life

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 She patted the maid on the shoulder and said, "You won't be able to come back once you leave. Say goodbye to the people you are good friends with. I won't let you come back tonight."


The little palace lady wanted to say something, but she was interrupted by Concubine Yin, "There isn't much going on in this cold palace. It won't be a problem if you don't come back for one night. Don't leave any regrets to yourself."

"Then go over after the servants have finished packing. Don't forget to close the doors and windows, girl." The little girl said uneasily.

Concubine Yin nodded, with a smile in her clear eyes. She was pale and thin but could still see the orchid look.

"Do not worry."

As if thinking of something, he added: "Go and bring all the valuable things with you."

The little girl was stunned and looked over blankly, "Why?"

Eye gleaming with inquiry.

 Why does she think that the girl wants to send him away?

Is it an illusion?

Concubine Yin's expression remained unchanged and she said calmly: "Someone is coming early tomorrow morning. Those people's hands and feet are not clean. You can save trouble by taking them away."

The little palace maid wants to go to the cold palace. The steward looks domineering and greedy, with a solemn expression on his face.

 “Okay, slaves and maids will listen to the girl.”

 The belongings she finally saved will have many uses in the future, but they cannot be taken over by those villains.

 In a blink of an eye, the sky darkened.

The unpopular Leng Palace fell into a panic-inducing silence.

There was a creaking sound.

 The door that was in disrepair opened and a woman who looked like a drunken begonia came out.

She was wearing a light cyan chest-length skirt with fresh flowers embroidered on the lapels. Her pale face was lightly painted with pink and red lipstick, making her lips bright and pretty.

Concubine Yin carefully held the hem of her skirt and walked out. It was dark and scary.

 Just for people who want to die, the word fear no longer exists.

The moon in the sky is round and bright, and the stars are dotted, so beautiful.

The woman looked up at the sky for a long time. When the wind with some chilly night air blew, she felt cold and her consciousness returned.

 He turned around and went to the room where the Song family's seats were kept, and burned a few sticks of incense.

  A cough that was pushed down into the throat, making the sound a bit hoarse.

"The Yin family died, they were exiled, and the Song family's revenge was avenged..."

 “You can rest in peace.”

“I know you will definitely not forgive me, it doesn’t matter, I will go down and make amends to you personally later.”

After explaining the fate of the Yin family clearly, Concubine Yin took a deep look at the memorial tablet, took a candle from the side, and left the house.

 Stop outside the house where you live.

“Song Heqing, I have no luck in this life, but I hope for the next life.”

"I have never harmed anyone, and I have even been accumulating blessings. I just hope that in the next life I will not be born in a family like the Yin family again, even if I have a Jingchai and a sarong, I just want one heart."

After saying that, he threw the candle onto the haystack nearby, and the flames rushed up at an alarming speed.

 Apparently, flammable oil had been poured around the house in advance.

Concubine Yin seemed to see the young man with jade and gold in her memory in the firelight. She smiled and walked in without hesitation.

 Leng Palace is very remote, and the fire has been burning for a long time, and only the nobles in the palace knew that something happened in Leng Palace.

The queen was slightly startled, "Where is Concubine Yin?"

 She has no ill feelings towards Concubine Yin, and even has some sympathy for her. She is a pitiful person.

 Palace man: "Concubine Yin is gone."

The emperor sighed softly and said, "Let me bury him properly."

Just after he finished speaking, he thought about Concubine Yin's unhappy life, so he added, "Don't bury her, just scatter her ashes in the mountains."

 The palace people stayed where they were.

As a native of the ancients, she felt that after death, people should be buried in the ground and scatter the ashes. This is probably what enemies do.

 It doesn’t look like it.

The empress is kind-hearted and cannot possibly deal with Concubine Yin who has no dispute with her.

 “Your Majesty…” The palace lady’s tone was filled with confusion.

The queen saw her hesitation and shook her head, "Burial is not what she wanted." After that, she got up and went to the inner room.

 The palace man understood and felt a little moved in his heart.

Your Majesty is really kind-hearted.


the other side.

  A little palace maid was running towards the cold palace in a hurry. She was so anxious that she fell twice on the way and her sleeves were torn.

Saw a house that was burned to ashes, with a charred corpse covered in white cloth next to it.

She turned pale and murmured: "Master..."

  Tears fell down as I spoke.

 “Master, you lied to me.”

The little girl felt as if her heart was being squeezed, and her face was filled with the grievance of being deceived.

"You said you were going to the imperial mausoleum, why did you lie to the slave?" she choked and said, her eyes red.

 “The slave should not leave…”

She obviously thinks her master is weird.

Thinking about this, the little palace maid regretted hitting herself, with sadness written on her face.

 At this moment, a **** stopped in front of the little palace maid.

 “Let’s go,” he said.

 The little palace maid cried for a while and raised her eyes like a silly roe deer.

 Seeing the clothes on the eunuch's body, he was so frightened that he burped.

 “Go, what are you going for?”

 The **** said calmly: "Come out of the palace."

Concubine Yin's maid was frightened and said in a low voice, "What are you doing out of the palace?"

The **** glanced at her and said, "You slave is lucky to have a good master. Concubine Yin has taken care of things for you in advance. You can leave the palace and go home."

The little palace maid's mind was at a loss and she looked at him in shock, "Slave, can you go home now?"

"Yes, let's go or not. If you don't want to go, you..." Before the **** could finish speaking, the little maid stood up and said, "Let's go, slave."

 Going home was something she had been thinking about for several years. The opportunity was right in front of her, so how could she just give up.

 The **** had received favor from Concubine Yin, so he naturally kept his promise and waited nearby.

 The little maid bowed and thanked him.

Kneel down in front of Concubine Yin's body, kowtow three times, and say, "I dare not forget my great kindness in this life. I can only repay it in the next life."

Not daring to delay the actions of the father-in-law, the maid hurriedly avoided them.

The luggage was packed last night, and without much effort, the two of them left the palace smoothly.


 Outside the palace.

The **** declined the benefits that the little palace maid thrust into his hands, and said expressionlessly: "Okay, our family will send you here. Live a good life from now on, and don't let the queen down."

The little palace maid was blessed. She thanked her father-in-law, looked at the palace she had always wanted to escape from, and turned to leave.

 When she walked onto the road and wanted to go, Concubine Yin's nose sore and her tears fell again.

The girl loves cleanliness so much and is afraid of pain. I don’t know how she could bear to leave this world with such a tragic fire.

Because Concubine Yin died so tragically, the little girl's joy at returning home was half diminished.

 She used the money she saved to buy a mule, hitched it to a cart, and returned to her hometown after more than a month.

 A mule cart came to the village, which shocked the people at the entrance of the village.

“Second uncle,” Yingchun, who entered the palace as a maid, called out.

He was stunned by the woman called Er Bo Niang. He stared at her for a long time and was shocked, "You, are you a Yingchun girl?"

 Yingchun jumped out of the mule cart and said with joy on his face, "It's me."

The woman rushed to meet her and grabbed her hand, "Oh, it's really you. I haven't seen you for many years. You have suddenly become a big girl. Come on, come home with me, your dad." Mom will be so happy to see you."

As he spoke, he pulled her forward, forgetting even about the mule cart, which was rare in the village.