MTL - Begging You to Break Off This Engagement!-Chapter 50 Big tiger that is pumping

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Once a person has some thoughts, he will become more open and the banquet is such a person. He dares to think and dare to do it, and he will not drag things. This did not just think of ice cream and lamb for two days, he went to Chen Huayu. He intends to let Chen Huayu first help him to do some mold. He painted some patterns of the mold and ate Rofe, who had eaten the ice cream, and actively helped him to polish it.

When Chen Huazhen was working as a model, Xi Yanqing and Luo Fei shared their thoughts with Chen Huazhen. The main reason is that Chen Huazhen has gone far more than these years. They want to ask to see where there are hail.

In the northern part of the ancient times, if you want to use a lot of ice in winter, just look for a clean river to take ice. It can be different in summer. In the summer, only wealthy people can afford ice. At that time, the ice should be mostly taken in winter and hidden in the hail, and it will be used in the summer. But the hail is a big project that can't be afforded by ordinary people.

"I know that there is a hail in the town, it should be Zhoujia." Chen Huaxuan said, "Zhou is now a rich man in Songlin Town. He has a hail, and he will sell it to various restaurants every year. You ask this to do?"

"I also want to make a hail. That Hua Wei, do you know that the ice of Zhou Jia is worth it? Is it all in three or nine days, or is it made by one?"

“Nature is the home-made ice made in three or nine days?” Chen Huazhen thought, “Do you mean that you have to keep water in your own pool until it is cold and frozen into ice?”

“It’s not saltpeter making ice.” Xi Yanqing remembers that in the ancient times, for ice, this thing was used for winter and summer fishing. Later, when the gunpowder was made, the saltpeter mine was collected. It was found that this thing absorbed a lot when dissolved in water. It’s hot, so I’ve got the saying of saltpeter ice in the later period, and this period should be the Tang Dynasty. But now the dynasty they are in has no record in history, so he does not know whether there is such a thing here, or how it is used. Because the original army joined the army, he can be sure that no gunpowder has been found at this time.

"I haven't heard of this." Chen Huaxuan thought about it for half a day. "How do you say this salt stone ice making method?"

"I just put this saltpeter into the water, and the water can freeze slowly. But I also heard from others before, but it is still unclear whether it can be done." The Banyan smiled and laughed. "That's it, wait for you." When I have time to help me finish these molds, I will go back with the two treasures."

"Cheng, then I will not leave you to eat. They can't eat together now." Chen Huaxuan has been eating for a few days, and his mouth is fading out, but there is no way," By the way, is that ice cream stick still doing more?"

"Cheng, the more the better." Xi Yan thought about it, first make it and say, maybe you can take it for sale. The house that rented his shop opened a snack shop. It was really impossible to send it to the house to see if he could help them sell it and sell it at the top.

"I don't know if the house is frozen, but it is a little warm today." Luo Feiqi, the sun, said to the feast when he walked on the road, "I feel that I can't get it if I don't eat it every day."

"That can't be eaten too much. I saw you really sincerely let you eat one, and I ate the most in the next three days." Xi Yanqing said very seriously. "The ice cream is cold after all, when you are alone." It’s not good to eat too much. Now, if you bring a small one, you can’t do whatever you want. You still have to control some, whether it’s for the children or for you.”

"Know." Luo Fei pouted, "It's strange, how are there all children, Han Xu is always afraid of cold, I am so hot? Is it sure that there are children, isn't it a fire?" Han Xu now looks The flowers are all showing up, and the plum color is getting deeper and deeper. He, this, no change, can eat and sleep.

"I'm really sure, you have practiced so many evils with me..." The banquet laughed. "Would you like to see Liang Dafu?"

"Go to your egg!" Luo Feike was too lazy to toss. He has other things to be busy, serious things.

Luo Fei is aware that now with sweet milk and dried fruit, the top is counted as a milk stick. If you want to make a real ice cream, you should still have to ponder it. He can't help the banquet to run outside, but this product can still be thought of. He knows that a lot of ice cream is going to put eggs and condensed milk. He doesn't know how to make this condensed milk, but if you have an egg, you can try it in the milk, and then freeze it to see what it is!

Since the non-pregnancy, the eggs and meat at home have not been broken, especially the wild boar. I don’t have to buy meat for a few days. Luo Fei wants to eat and get some. He didn't eat much eggs, but he usually gave more to the feast.

Minger did not give the feast a boiled egg, stewed fish, and two eggs to do the experiment first.

Luo Fei took the milk and thought about wanting to cook the eggs after hitting the eggs. But is the cooked egg still able to freeze the ice cream? So he stirred one of them and cooked the milk, added sugar, and then poured the mixed egg liquid into the mold and put it into the mold to prepare for freezing. There is also an egg. He originally wanted to put it back, but there was still some milk in the pot that was not used up. He also hit the egg. Just to see more different effects, he separated the egg whites from the egg yolks and added the milk separately, and because there was no mold, he put it in a small bowl and took it out.

Xi Yanqing does not mind Luo Fei to get this, anyway, staying at home is quite boring, and compared to the needlework, the study of ice cream at least does not hurt the neck. As for milk, it’s too big to run out and buy again.

Luo Fei can toss, and when things are done, they will be called Xiyan Qing and go out to find a place to freeze, and look back at the effect.

These three ice creams are also not marked, because the color difference at a glance knows which is which. It’s time to wait.

Xi Yanqing put things back: "Minger, I am going to go to Shishi to release it. I want to ask him about the problem of saltpeter ice. He knows a lot and knows where to find a saltpeter mine. If not, Then we have to find a solution for ourselves."

Luo Fei did not know what saltpeter made ice. He only knew that it would not be enough for a few days. Since the end of the autumn harvest, Xi Yanqing has not been able to go to the mountains to collect medicine, and he also stopped the needles because the children were stopped by the banquet. Do something for the child to pass the time to pass the dinner, but let the feast of the wishful embroidered party say that it will not be picked up, at least not for a short time.

But it is not a matter of always sitting on the mountain.

"Otherwise, you go to the town, go to the town, and go to the embroidered workshop to help me get something back?" Luo Fei said, "I am idle anyway..."

"Let's take a break, or study ice cream. Also, is your child's clothes finished? If you don't have it, then do it. Don't be too tired, don't worry too much." Xi Yanqing knew that Luo Fei was worried. What, "You can rest assured that even if we use the current law of one month or two, we can pass the next year, and certainly will not let you spend money."

"It's not a matter of lack of money." Luo Fei lazily leaned on the banquet. "It's good to make money, but I also want to pass the time. I am too boring now, do you want to know it?" I have finished the children's clothes, and there aren't many big things in total. I can sew a few pieces a day. I even have the diapers." When the day was not cold, he had to cook and cook in the morning. Feed the chicken, then eat the rice and then wash the vegetables, sweep the yard, clean up the chicken circle and wash the clothes. When I was busy, I didn’t wait to catch my breath, and I went to lunch time. Basically, I didn’t have time to go from day to night. At that time, I felt very tired, but once I got used to it, he felt that it was more uncomfortable to be idle. Now he has a meal, and the rest of the work is full of banquets, so he has a lot of time to read and do needlework.

"Then... give you some embroidered?" The banquet was also clear, and there was no TV, cell phone, or newspaper. It was really boring.

"Embroidery is all embroidered, you pick more money to take!" Luo Fei said, "It is the same for me anyway."

"Then I will go see it and say it." Xi Yan Qing pinched Luo Fei's chin.

"What's wrong? Did I come out with a double chin?" Luo Fei quickly touched.

"Not yet." The banquet was clear, "You can eat more."

"If I eat again, I will become a pig." Luo Fei simply fell down and rested on the legs of Xi Yanqing. "Oh, what about the business that rented the shop?" He only heard that the other person was selling snacks. , but have not seen it yet.

"Not bad, just opened the store, and there are new things, there will definitely be a lot of people to buy. A while ago I went to buy you a candied fruit, I also saw someone line up at the door." Is this situation going on? Can't say well. Although the shop is rented out to open a shop, but Xi Yanqing still hopes that this business can be good, after all, the better the business, his shop can be more valuable.

"Xie Ge, at home?!" Suddenly a strange voice came from outside.

"In!" The banquet was cleared and patted Luo Fei. "It should be Jing Rong."

It’s the scenery that comes out of the door. Jing Rong is not as tall as Luo Yong and Xi Yan Qing. He is a lean man, and his height will probably be one meter eight. When Luo Fei and the feast were cleared, I saw that the man was holding two sheep behind him, a slightly fat, and a thin sheep.

"Xie Ge, I haven't seen you for a long time." Jing Rong has already known from Luo Yong that the banquet has been kissed, and Luo Luofei, "Is this my brother?"

"Yes, he is Luo Fei." Xi Yanqing said, "I am one year younger than you."

"Small one year old is also Qi Ge." Jing Rong Chao Luo is a swearing, "Qi Ge is courteous, Qi Ge called me Jing Rong."

"Jingrong brothers are polite."

"You're welcome, go into the house and say." Xi Yan Qing let the body, "Do you really take the sheep over?"

"No. Luo Yong said that Qi Ge is pregnant, you are looking for a cow. I just have it, I will bring you two hands, just give you a wedding gift with Qi Ge, who let I didn't catch up at the time." Jing Rong was more sunshine than Luo Yong, and the speech also gave people a very bright feeling. "If it weren't for these two sheep, I would come early one day. These two sheep There are lambs, I didn't dare to let them go too fast."

"Would you not feed them with water?" Luo Fei licked the sheep, and it was rare to have no eyes. The main reason is that there has been almost meat eating recently. He is also a bit overcrowded. Now the meat is not as attractive to him as it was at the beginning, but this goat milk...

"It’s thirsty. I started walking in the morning, coming from the town and coming to the present." Jing Rong also admire himself. In order to get the two sheep back safely, he took a lot of effort. Are you helping to get some water for them to drink?"

"Cheng." Xi Yanqing said to get some water, or a bowl of water with a little warmth.

The monks watched the sheep drink the water, and let them loose in the yard before they entered the room to chat. However, it turned out that Jing Rong’s mother had passed away in the years when he was a soldier. When he was seriously ill, he wrote a letter to him at home, but the letter was secretly hidden by his squatting room. He didn't even see his mother on the last side. Otherwise, there would be no war at the time. According to the general nature of their generals, he would be sent back to his hometown to visit.

Jing Rong is angry with the family because of this, and is even more dissatisfied with the mother. Only his mother is gone, the aunt is being helped, and his position at home is even worse than before. If it wasn't because the unwilling mother helped the farm to be monopolized by the dim room, he had already left home.

Although it is less divided now, it is better than nothing. The only regret is that his fiancée did not come with him, knowing that he left Jingjia Ranch and then broke his marriage contract with him. He had asked her if she wanted to go with him. She refused, and she also booked a kiss with his half-brother.

Jing Rong does not blame her, can only say that the individual has personal difficulties, he only has this fate.

This time, when he came out, he didn't plan to go back. The world is so big. Where can a good man still be a pro?

Jing Rong drank the tea warm and warm body: "I have seen it carefully on the way. I am really a good place here, and I don’t want to mention that Luo Yong is not going to leave. This sheep is looking for mountains and rivers. The place is here. Although it is all frozen here, I can see at a glance that in the spring, the water and grass will be beautiful, and I am afraid that I will keep the sheep for me."

Xi Yanqing said: "Are you serious?"

Jingrong nodded: "Nature is serious. When I am going to the neighboring village, I will go around and see more. If there is no better than this place, I will also stay here. I am looking forward to After that, there are no relatives. You and Qi Ge and Luo Yong are no different from my loved ones." It would be better for a bad family to not go back. As a relative, he would not help him to talk. What kind of home would he have to do?

"If this is the case, then you will stay. I think Luo Yong will build a house here in the spring. According to the law of Yu Qingguo, an individual builds a house in a village, and the foundation is in the name of the person. The village is divided into land. If you want to take root here, it is better to be a neighbor.

"Right right, I just told him like this. I will go around and see it again." Jing Rong thought, still happy with these brothers, he would not want to The day of intrigue!

As Jing Rong had to leave on the second day, Xi Yanqing and Luo Fei did not let him go after the discussion, and they borrowed a night directly at his home. It’s just that the hut of the hut is burning and it’s quite warm, and there’s no need to worry about freezing when you live there.

It was the two sheep, and there was no place to sleep at night. Luo Fei worried that they were sick and got them into the kitchen.

Fortunately, this sheep is docile and does not go around.

On the second day, the snow fluttered again. Jing Rong went out after eating breakfast, and Xi Yanqing also went to the town and left with Jing Rong. Before he left, he took Luo Fei's newly frozen ice cream and sent the sheep and Luo Fei together to Luo. The main thing to go back is night, he does not trust Luo Fei alone at home.

Luo Fei sat in his mother's room and watched Li Yuehua screaming on the clothes there: "Mother, big brother?"

Li Yuehua said: "Your brother's corn house is going to fall, your big brother will help you with repairs. For the second treasure..." Li Yuehua suddenly put down the needlework: "Luo Xiaozi is gone?"

Luo Fei glanced at Luo Ru, who was in the kitchen. "Oh, yes, go to Huangtan Town."

Li Yuehua asked: "Is that still coming back?"

Luo Fei continued to aim at Luo Ru. Seeing Luo Ru is not a reaction at all. He said: "I don't know. If I have a good time there, I won't go back. Anyway, I haven't settled here, I don't mean to leave. go?"

Li Yuehua felt a little pity. She has been taking advantage of Luo Yong’s young guy.

Luo Ru still squatted, but his mind did not know where to fly.

Luo Fei smiled and smiled: "Mother, Luo Yong asked me before. If he finds a matchmaker to come to the family to raise a family, the three treasures must not be angry. You said that if he really came to raise a relative, then you and I can't?"

Li Yuehua said: "I am very good with you, Luo Xiaozi. I don't know if your sister is thinking. She will not be happy, and the mother can't force her."

Luo Ru put the basin into it: "On the mouth of the second brother's mouth, he filled the water and picked up the ten scorpions! My two women's two or three scorpions are all picked up, but he picks ten scorpions, if I follow this The person must not be alive and mad at him?! I will not do it!"

"Hey, you are a dead girl! You dare to listen to you, shame is not ashamed?" Li Yuehua did not lightly slap his daughter, "You said that your second brother is a wild child, I am the same for you! Does the girl’s family mix with her own marriage?”

"I am lazy in my arms anyway!"

"He is not lazy. Sambo, he is more powerful than your brother, and he is no worse than your brother. He is..." Rolfton paused. "You forgot who the kitchen was that day? He is I want to be more jealous of that person, and I am embarrassed to be there all the time, so I always pick it with a little water."

"Second brother, you lie to me, I will be my own in the kitchen that day."

"Yeah, you are your own. So you said who he is swearing?" Luo Fei held his chin in one hand and watched his sister gradually react and then cheeked. "Think of it?"

"I, I am going to steam the steamed bun!" Luo Ru lowered his head, and slipped into the kitchen. She said that steamed steamed buns, and when I finally came back, I found out that I was making all the flowers!

"I still said that I didn't think about it. This girl is hard." When Xi Yanqing came back from the town and took Luo Fei back, Luo Fei smiled with a hot flower roll: "When Luo Yong comes back, let him go." Find a matchmaker."

"Well. If this matter can be set, it will be busy for a while, then it will be good to be a next year." Although he and Luo Fei seem to be a little early, the girls here are all 13 of them. If the seventeens do not say the husband's family, how many will recruit gossip.

"Right, how are you going to Shifu today?" Luo Fei almost forgot this, and the banquet was cleared to the town to ask about the saltpeter ice.

"Shi Da Ge knows saltpeter. I should say that I think he is talking about saltpeter. Although he said that it is tooth powder, and he does not know that it can be used to make ice, he also said that this thing is a Chinese medicine, but from what he described, he said What I told him was a thing. Unfortunately, he didn’t have it for the time being. When he got it, he said that he would take it to us.” Xi Yanqing thought of the chat in the day, there was some joy on the face, “But he has his own A hail, just not as big as Zhou’s, and it’s used by myself and some friends on weekdays, so outsiders don’t know. I told him that I want to make ice cream, he said he can try it. If this is the case If he can become a man, he will enter a share. As for the case of saltpeter ice, I can't let too many people know for a while, but we also talked about it. When his friends and friends made friends to pick up some saltpeter mines, I can confirm that we are talking about The same kind, then go on. Anyway, I think that if he knows that saltpeter can make ice, it should not let go of this opportunity to make money." At this time, the ancient ice deposits labor costs, if there are saltpetre mines, all year round Can be made at any time , And more convenient?

"Reliable!" Luo Fei reached out. "Isn't my embroidered material taken?"

"Get it." The Banquet did not know what it was like. It seemed to have a dim sum. "I really took it. But my wife, I haven’t eaten dinner yet. Can you let me eat something first?"

"Yes." Luo Fei's banquet feasted to take out the food. "Where is the thing?"

"Just in the cloth bag I brought back." The banquet touched the nose.

"What is this?" Luo Fei opened the cloth bag and saw some very good base cloth materials, but when I looked at the picture, I didn't feel very right when I looked at it. When I saw it, he was all over the place. , "Xi Yan Qing! You! I will let you give me the embroidery materials. What are you giving me?"

"It's what you said, picking more money, Lu boss said that this is the most." The Banyan smiled and shook his shoulders. "And don't you think that the two people look like us?"

"Roll! The point is to rely on the face!" Luo Fei waved the picture of the **** palace "Hey!" This makes him embroider! ! !