MTL - Befriending The Most Powerful Person-Chapter 38 Future ABo (8)

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Seeing that there were actually two people in the door, and the other was still Edwin, Ji Zhaoyun frowned suddenly, but the next moment he ignored Edwin directly, looked at Shao Ci, and said coldly, "What are you still doing? Come here, or else you'd better sleep here tonight. "

After speaking, he turned around without hesitation and went out.

As soon as Edwin saw Ji Zhaoyun's attitude towards Shao's resignation, he immediately wanted to speak, but was stopped by Shao's resignation.

Shao Ci took a break and his physical strength was almost restored. He looked at Edwin with an apologetic look, "let's continue talking at that time." Then he hurried toward the door.

Edwin asked half of the questions and had to swallow them back. Looking at the back of the two men leaving, his eyes were several times colder than usual, and his hands were clenched tightly.

"Such a person ... how to stay with him ..."

On the aircraft, Shao Ci suddenly remembered that Ji Zhaoyun was the brain powder of Shi Pei. Then accidentally winning things won't make Ji Zhaoyun angry, and suddenly he was a little persuasive.

"Congratulations on your winning." Ji Zhaoyun glanced at him and said, "Although I hope Pei Xuechang wins, I won't do anything to you for this reason. After all, what you won is also true. "

Shao Ci: "...!" Liar, you are obviously the kind of guy who hangs for men and even their brothers! He had secretly calculated the enemies among Shi Pei.

But think about it, at that time Ji Zhaoyun was deeply in love with Master Pei, so it was normal to fall in love with the brain. Now he only worships Master Pei ... so it is understandable that he is not so crazy.

Shao Ci was relieved immediately. I completely ignored the fact that Ji Zhaoyun now likes the hot little prince.

"Speaking of just now, how did you stay with that Edwin?" Ji Zhaoyun said casually, "Until recently, he had been stinking at you."

It's as if you don't stink yourself.

Shao Ci burst into his heart, "Ah, that just happened to be in the lounge ..." Although Edwin would kneel on the spot tomorrow ... Shao Ci felt like Ji Zhaoyun, probably never He didn't listen to gossip in any school, so he was too lazy to explain (.

"Oh? Really." Ji Zhaoyun snorted coldly: "Anyway, it has nothing to do with me. But Edwin is really overwhelmed. He actually confessed to my partner on the Internet, it was delusional, there was I want to be ahead, who will look after people like him. "

Shao Ci: "..." Hey, you and him are just half a catty! And who is your partner, don't be so confident.

"Speaking of tonight, you don't have to stay in the small room above, just go down for a meal." Ji Zhaoyun said lightly: "Looking at your recent performance, I think we should improve your treatment. Now. "

Shao Ci: "..." is because of the discussion of what love issues, so does Ji Zhaoyun's favorability come up a little?

I hope Ji Zhaoyun will never know the truth.

The dinner in the hall was much more delicious than the one in the room. Shao Cidi's tears were falling, and my heart moved for a while, and I began to think about how to reply to Ji Zhaoyun on the Internet.

After going on the virtual network, Shao Ci went to the campus network and took a look. The unexpected post above did not discuss Edwin ’s post at all. There were no posts with even Shao Ci. There were only a few discussions. How could Pei Shishi be so unlucky?

After searching a bit, Shao Ci found that even the keywords were actually blocked.

Shao Ci: "..." I almost forgot Edwin's identity as a cousin of a prince, and it's perfectly fine to block out the information here.

After letting go of the big rock in his heart, Shao Ci went to play a few games first, and then went to Edwin. This is almost a daily routine.

After this period of accumulation, the score of the Little Prince of Hot Strips has climbed to more than 200, and only a little more than a hundred points can squeeze into a hundred miles.

For others, there can only be two or three games a day, and it takes at least two months to make up more than a hundred points. But for Shao Ci, who wants to play a few games a day, he can get together in a day when more than a hundred points are fast. I don't know how many people express jealousy.

Because Edwin knew the true identity of Shao Ci, he was too lazy to shield his appearance and voice, and went directly to Edwin with his true appearance.

After seeing Shao's speech, Edwin almost immersed himself in a happy world, and felt that he was one step closer to Shao's speech. Now two people can meet in the real and virtual world every day, away from his dream again One step closer.

If there wasn't that **** Ji Zhaoyun in the way, things would be perfect.

After the discussion, Edwin and Shao Ci sat in the room, drinking tea, resting leisurely, and chatting by the way.

"Why do you hide your strength?" Edwin asked in confusion: "Depending clearly on your strength, even in school, you can be regarded as one of the best people. Why should you hide your identity, but still be hidden? Those who are ignorant are humiliated. "

Edwin remembered how those people mocked Shao Ci, and there was a dark mood in his heart, and he could not wait to expel all of them from the college.

In fact, Edwin also searches the Internet every day for news about the Little Prince of Spicy Strips, and every time he sees something dark, he wants to beat the other person's flesh.

"This is it." Shao sighed, pretending to be a lonely expression of a worldly superior: "I don't want those people to know who I am ... because I just want to live a peaceful college life without being disturbed, Be an ordinary person, not a master. "

If others and Shao Ci say so pretentiously, Shao Ci will definitely slap it.

But Edwin's eyes sparkled after hearing this sentence, and he said with emotion: "Yeah, people like you pursue nature differently than vulgar people like us."

Shao Ci remembered that he had changed the mech to that broken appearance for the advertising expenses. It was completely vulgar, but Edwin was so crazy touting ... Shao Ci's heart suddenly felt a little embarrassed, even if he was shameless. Humou is so ashamed that he feels ashamed.

"Well, I still want to ask you, is there any relationship between you and Ji Zhaoyun?" Edwin asked carefully, "Sorry, sorry, I'm annoying, I have asked yesterday obviously ... but I I still do n’t understand why you are so beautiful and powerful, staying with that kind of person. ”

What a ghost, that word! Obviously having two powerful words is enough!

Shao Ci was almost stimulated by Edwin's adjectives to spit out old blood ... This is still the first time he has lived for so many years. The fancier filter is simply terrible.

"It's nothing." Shao Ci managed to recover from the shock of those two words. He couldn't possibly say that he is now a servant, and explained: "You know, I was fired for that reason. At that time, it was Ji Zhaoyun who saved me, so in order to repay him, I stayed with him to help him during this time. "

"Then there is no way to leave?" Edwin hurriedly said, "If it is money, I can help, no matter how much money ..."

"That's not necessary." Shao Ci said: "The life is quite good now, and it doesn't need to be changed for the time being."

The main reason is that if you don't stay with Ji Zhaoyun's side to monitor him, who knows when he will go crazy and expose himself as an omega.

"So ..." Edwin's eyes suddenly dimmed.

Sure enough, he did not do well enough. If he did enough, why would Shao Ci choose not to choose him but Ji Zhaoyun?

The Ji Zhaoyun must have known Shao Ci's identity on the Internet, and used it as a coercion to force Shao Ci to live with him, and then shamelessly intentionally show love in the advertisement, he must want to use this to persecute Shao Ci.

Edwin was insane brain supplement over there, and Shao Ci was taking advantage of this break to email Ji Zhaoyun in the name of the little prince.

Shao Ci said in the email that he likes low-key and powerful people. If Ji Zhaoyun can enter the final in the real mech competition of the empire every few years, then he will consider things with him.

If Shao Ci's memory is correct, the actual mecha competition will be held shortly after, which can just attract Ji Zhaoyun's attention.

As for the finals, Shao Ci is very clear. Although Ji Zhaoyun's strength is good, he has not yet grown up, and it is impossible to enter the finals.

After pressing the send button, Shao Ci couldn't help feeling that he was so resourceful.

And the time was almost up, Shao Ci and Edwin spoke offline and went offline.

Edwin sat in the position, looking at Shao Ci's cup of tea, and unconsciously picked it up and kissed it gently.

This is as if you can get closer to each other.

Not knowing how long it took, Edwin suddenly returned to his senses, and the hand holding the cup shuddered, "What am I just doing ..."

Afterwards things went quite smoothly.

Shao Ci was still lying in bed the next day, and was pulled up by Ji Zhaoyun.

Strangely, Shao Ci was pulled to the garden of the Duke's Mansion, and began to exercise with Ji Zhaoyun.

"What's going on?" Shao yawned, looking confused at Ji Zhaoyun.

"I have to get to the final of the Mech Contest. For that goal, I have to start training now." Ji Zhaoyun gritted his teeth. "I want to be worthy of his Alpha."

Shao Ci: "!" Lying down, Ji Zhaoyun actually worked so hard for an email. It seems that he is really serious ...

Although Shao Ci's mood was a little complicated, things went well. Ji Zhaoyun really forgot what was confessed on the Internet and changed it to focus on real-life training. In school, he also seized all spare time to practice mecha.

Edwin had to hide upstairs because Shao had said before that he could not go to him casually in order to keep a low profile.

Looking at Ji Zhaoyun who is so close to Shao Ci, Edwin's heart is jealous, but he can't tell his emotions and Shao Ci, and can only use the terminal to take pictures of Shao Ci's exercise.

After experiencing the previous incident of Edwin kneeling, although it can not be mentioned on the Internet, everyone almost knows what happened, and their attitudes towards Shao Ci have changed a lot. It is not like watching with scornful eyes before, But when he saw it from a distance, he avoided it, as if he was a mine that would explode.

Although Shao Ci felt a little subtle, as long as it was convenient, it was fine. Anyway, the attitude of those people would not affect him.

In this way, Shao Ci went to class during the day and then worked out in his free time. After playing the virtual machine game at night for more than ten days, his body was finally better than before ... A lot of it is just a comparison with before, after all, omega Naturally, there is a limit on physical strength, and even if you are not strong, you can't exercise to the level of Alpha.

The goal of Shao Ci is to meet Beta's physical standards.

In the virtual world, the Hot Prince Little Prince's points in the virtual machine game have finally reached the top one hundred, which is enough to enter the finals that will start soon.

These days, Shao Ci does not know how many games he has played, and he has encountered terrible powerful enemies several times.

But these terrible things are for others, and they are not much better for Shao Ci. In these days, the fighting power of Shao Ci has also been rapidly improved, and he has never failed.

Unconsciously, the number of fans of the Hot Strip Little Prince soared, and there were a lot of brain residual fans, and the Hot Strip Little Prince was blowing wildly in various places. Some even claimed that the strength of the Hot Strip Little Prince had reached the top ten standards. As long as he is given time, he will surely win.

Because this kind of brain residual fan's remarks made everyone else's fan very angry, from time to time there will be a fight on both sides. But even if they are the little black princes, they can only start with the name and mech ads, and they dare not go to the strength of the little black princes. After all, the strength of the little princes is obvious to all.

Everyone also called on the little prince to create a social account for promotion, but Shao Ci felt that that might expose his identity, so he didn't say anything.

During this time, the mech full of advertisements of the Hot Strip Little Prince even became a new trend. Many young people printed all kinds of messy text on their mechs and felt very fashionable.

The first person to imitate it was Edwin.

On one occasion, Shao Ci woke up and watched Edwin's battle, but when he entered the auditorium, he saw Edwin's mech, and then almost spit out old blood.

Edwin, who was driving fashionable and tall mechs, was very rich and powerful.

But now, although he is still the most expensive mech, he has nowhere to stay. The mech is printed with various texts. If you look closely, it is actually the name of the hot little prince ... Edwin even He also printed the mech patterns commonly used by Shao Ci on his mech ...

This is no longer aesthetically indescribable, it's just spicy eyes, it looks very scary, it's just like a brain with a terrible powder.

No ... Edwin was a brain fan.

As the person printed on it, Shao Ci felt that he had felt such shame for the first time since he took this nickname ...

And he finally realized how hot his eyes were when he drove out, but even Shao's words would not change!

The people around me are all used to the terrible painting style of Edwin. Shao Ci inquired a little to find out that Edwin was actually the chairman of the Hot Little Little Prince Fan Support Association. Many trends were brought by him. .

Shao Ci: "..." To some extent, Edwin is really terrible.

Because Edwin did not choose to hide his identity, his scene in the cockpit was cast directly onto the screen in the center of the venue.

Everyone can clearly see that Edwin is wearing a college uniform today, and his handsome appearance is full of indifference, his eyes are casually looking at the direction of the enemy, as if he did not put the enemy in his eyes.

The enemy was immediately irritated by Edwin's eyes, and rushed in with arms.

"Too weak." Edwin shook his head, but remembered Shao Ci in his mind. After experiencing the battle with Shao Ci, the strength of these people was not enough for him to see.

"If it was that person, it would never be so slow."

"If it was that person, it must have come to me now ..."

Edwin's mind was full of scenes in which Shao Ci guided himself. He had no patience for the battle in front of him and pierced his opponent's cockpit with a weapon without hesitation.

"Fighting such people is simply a waste of my time."

Edwin thought coldly.


Shao Ci did not recognize that person that Edwin had been with him during this time. After all, Edwin's attitude when he was in front of him and the attitude in front of outsiders was too great.

After the game, the two met in Edwin's house.

"I just watched your game." Shao said.

Edwin was startled, and then his cheeks instantly turned red, helpless: "This, this ... I just didn't play well at all, and you have seen this failure ..."

"It's okay, I think you're very good." Shao said, "The battle was very handsome just now. The enemy is not your opponent at all."

Shao Ci really feels that way, and Edwin's strength is indeed very strong in the original text, not to mention that his current force value is higher than that of Pei Shijian ... After saving the last thing, he will go to Shao Peijian. Resign.

Edwin froze for a moment, as if hit by something in his heart.

He and he were actually praised by Shao Ci. Edwin almost felt that there would never be such a happy moment in the world. It took a long time for him to react. His green eyes were full of smiles and he looked seriously at Shao Ci. "Thank you very much, you recognize me so ... I feel very happy."

I'm so happy that this moment never ends.

After going offline, Edwin opened his eyes from the nutrition cabin.

Originally very simple rooms, there are now pictures everywhere, and the characters in the pictures, of course, are without exception Shao Ci.

These photos were taken by Edwin recently behind Shao Ci. I don't know how many photos he took, he couldn't bear to delete them.

Climbing out of the nutrition cabin, Edwin walked to the wall, and in front of him was a photo of the same size. The above Shao Ci was like a real person standing in front of him.

Edwin reached out and pressed Shao's hand on the photo. He pressed his forehead against the wall, his eyes full of obsession.

The next moment, he saw Ji Zhaoyuan in the corner of the photo, his eyes suddenly cold.

"There are always people who shouldn't be in the way ..."

"Obviously, it's enough to have me by his side. These extra people are not needed at all."


A few days later, the finals of the virtual machine game began.

The finals and preliminaries are different. Instead of using the points system, all people are divided into ten groups. After each group of internal players fights against each other, the one with the best performance is selected. Finally let these ten people go to the real finals.

By this time, each battle of each player is divided into five percent of the tickets. Although people who can reach this level are generally not scarce, but this is also a symbol of honor.

Shao Ci felt very touched by the official. Although he was already a millionaire with million empire coins, this money was nothing at Emperor Capital.

If there were only a few opponents, Shao Ci could not wait to play more than a dozen games every day.

Edwin has given up his qualifications for the finals. He has recently lost interest in fighting these people. It is better to say that in addition to fighting with Shao Ci, everything is so boring.

Edwin thinks that instead of participating in time-wasting games, it is better to spend that time on watching Shao Ci's games, which will make him a little more excited.

Of course, it is worthwhile to fight with Shao Ci in the finals, but Edwin does not want to be an obstacle to Shao Ci's progress. Even if the chance of two people randomly entering a group is very small, he is unwilling.

The opening ceremony of the final is for all participants to go up. At these times, many players who never appeared in front of people will show their true features, after all, it is such an honor.

Of course, you can mosaic your face if you don't want to show it.

Shao Ci really wants to show off in front of so many people, but he has the identity that can't expose his appearance, so he has to put up a mosaic on his face and feel that the whole world is dark.

Everyone was lost for a while. They thought that they could see the little prince like this, and they all started to guess why the little prince was so secretive.

The empire is most sought after for its strength. Even if he looks so ugly, everyone will accept it. Several of the appearances in the finals are a bit unbearable, but they still have a lot of fans.

Therefore, there are not many people guessing that the little prince is playing mosaic because of his appearance. Most people think about whether he actually has a non-public identity, such as a certain aristocracy or the royal family.

On the other hand, Shi Peijian felt that it was almost time, and showed his true face directly at the opening ceremony of the final.

The audience in the audience was a sensation for a while, and everyone did not expect that the God of Time was such a beautiful man. Every smile is so touching.

Even if the strength is strong, the strength still has such a high face value, with such a high face value and so young, this is hard to come by! In an instant, Master Pei's face rose in a considerable amount.

The students at the Imperial Military Academy were stunned by the incident. Of course, the people in the academy also pay attention to the virtual machine competition, and they also have their favorite players, and the **** of time naturally has a lot of fans because of the bad technology.

Now everyone knows that Pei Shijian is actually the legendary **** of time, so shocked that it can't be added.

Those who did not understand how Master Pei became Edwin's friend instantly understood that the two of them must have known each other in the game ... Damn it! In other words, they also want to be the base friends of the **** of time! !!

When Shao resigned to school the next day, he saw that Pei Shijian was surrounded by a group of people. Everyone looked at Pei Shijian with a highly admired expression, one by one, and constantly touting Pei Shijian.

The expression between Master Pei is still so indifferent. He smiles and looks at the crowd. "Don't worry, take your time. I will sign every classmate. I just have good luck. I do n’t have much strength, neither do you. I care so much. "

This gentle attitude has caused many people around to fall, not to mention that there is also a protagonist halo among Master Pei, and in a split second, several people arouse the thought of being younger brothers.

When Shao Ci came over, everyone's eyes were very delicate. Everyone knew that it was impossible for Shao Ci to ridicule Pei Shi, but Shao Ci was now properly faced.

However, in the actual combat training class a few days ago, Shao Ci went to Shi Pei and won the Master Pei. Although the process was ridiculous, the result of this victory will not change.

The thought of this salted fish Beta actually wins such a great time **** for that reason, everyone's mood is complicated.

You must know that it is not ordinary people who can reach the finals of the virtual machine game. There are countless forces rushing to win, not to mention that Pei Shijian is only a student. I can imagine how bright the future is.

After tangling a bit, Shao Ci, who was too lazy to pass through, continued to tout Pei Shijian. Whoever has the time to manage a passerby, it is more important to have a good relationship with Pei Shi who looks very close.

And Edwin kept watching in the dark, and saw that these people actually looked at Shao Ci with such eyes, his fingers almost got caught in the pillar, and he hurried to Shao Ci when no one was around. Beside, "Don't care about those people, they simply have no eyes, you are the best in my heart."

"I'm okay, but don't you have to congratulate Master Pei?" Shao said, "I rarely see you and Master Pei together recently."

Edwin only reacted, "Ah, I've been following you lately, and I've forgotten to contact him for a long time."

Video and photos licking Shao Ci every day have taken up most of the time, where Edwin still has time to talk to Shi Pei.

Shao Ci was stunned: "!" Is it really okay to feed you like this?


And in the position of the most central capital of Emperor Star, Ji Zhaoyuan was sitting by the window, looking down at the information about the hot little prince in his hand.

After investigation by the men, although the little prince of Hot Strip has a lot more information than before, there is no way to find out who the true body is, only to find out some habits about using mecha. And what adverts I like most (...) this kind of meaningless thing.

Recalling the other day, my younger brother actually came out on the virtual Internet on the spot. The object that came out was the hot little prince. Ji Zhaoyuan felt a headache.

The Duke and his wife are traveling on other planets during this time, but Ji Zhaoyuan is unable to go back because of something. He didn't expect to just leave his younger brother for a month, and he actually did such a big thing. Ji Zhaoyuan didn't know how to face his parents at that time.

How could the younger brother, who has always been above the top, look down on an unidentified Alpha? What happened in his absence?

And His Royal Highness has been following the news of that person recently ... Ji Zhaoyuan suddenly thought that his brother would be his rival to His Royal Highness.

No, this is impossible. Even if His Royal Highness has paid more attention to that hot little prince recently, but who wouldn't even show his face, who would like it? He should have thought more.

After thinking about it, Ji Zhaoyuan frowned and looked at his subordinates, "Can you only find this? Who is this hot little prince, who actually has such a large authority, can't even the central computer check it?"

"We have no way to investigate the central computer, we cannot find out his detailed location." His kneeling men quickly said, "But in the end we tried every means to finally lock his approximate location, which should be right. "

"Oh? Tell me." Ji Zhaoyuan raised an eyebrow.

"The place where the spicy prince is located is exactly the direction where the Imperial College is located. But we can't find other more detailed aspects."

"Very good, even there ... presumably the hot little prince is a student here." Ji Zhaoyuan looked at the direction of the college district. "There are only a few schools in the college district. not easy?"

Thinking of his younger brother who is still studying in the college district, Ji Zhaoyun suddenly realized that the Little Prince of Hot Strip may have some connection with his younger brother in reality.

"It seems that now I need to go back in person."