MTL - Becoming the Empress: Golden Finger Set Under My Bed-Chapter 461 Queen See You

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In fact, Zhu Han feels wronged.

He didn't want to kill the old man, but every order he gave, the old man would bring more than half of his courtiers to stop him.

Every time his plan could not be implemented, he really felt that the method Rongfei said was perfect.

But even so, the old prime minister knelt under the dragon chair and worked hard all day.

Bringing those courtiers made him very irritable.

Zhu Han kicked the dragon chair, turned around and went to Rongfei Palace.

But after sitting in Concubine Rong's palace for a while, someone outside came to report that it was the queen begging to see him.

An Lingshan nestled lazily in Zhu Han's arms, stroking her not-so-obvious lower abdomen, frowning her brows slightly: "Queen? Are you afraid that you are not mistaken? This sun is prosperous, how can the queen condescend to condescend Come to my little Weiyang Palace?"

The internal officer hurriedly knelt on the ground, and said loudly: "Return to the imperial concubine! It is indeed the queen, now standing outside the palace!"

An Lingshan raised her eyebrows, but a hint of happiness flashed in her eyes. She stretched out her hand and put a ice fruit to the emperor's mouth, smilingly: "The emperor, would you like to invite the empress in?"

Zhu Han couldn't help but snorted, he could naturally guess what the queen was asking for, and he waved his hand and said coldly: "Go away, don't get in the way of my eyes!"

The internal officer hurriedly hummed and responded, and he lay down and hugged his feet to form a ball, and he really rolled away.

Such a funny look made An Lingshan giggled.

After laughing tired, he collapsed in Zhu Han's arms. The slender fingers lightly outlined the golden dragon on Zhu Han, and asked lazily: "The emperor, you don't give the empress empress face so much. If you want to come, the Prime Minister will not be happy... …"

Speaking of the prime minister, Zhu Han felt even more angry. He patted the square table beside him again and said angrily: "What else does this old man want to do? I just picked up his daughter as a queen, and he can only look obediently. Go!"

Yes, at the beginning, this old man had the merits of being a dragon, but now he has come to resist his intentions.

Let his unsalted daughter come to interfere in government affairs! Really bold!

But the speaker was unintentional and the listener intentionally, An Lingshan heard this sentence at first—the identity of his daughter, the queen, was taken away.

A heart can't help but feel about to move.

If it is true, the queen's identity has been taken away, then she herself is a well-deserved candidate for the queen!

An Lingshan thought this way, her heart pounding.

She gazed at Zhu Han with silky eyes, and said with a chuckle: "The emperor can't say that. The empress is also worried about her father..."

So persuading Zhu Han, she suddenly changed her words: "It's just that the prime minister is really ignorant. The emperor's plan itself is impeccable, but it can be understood that the prime minister has never been on the battlefield. There are indeed some women. Humanity."

Zhu Han snorted again, gritted his teeth and said: "This old man is more than just a woman's benevolence. I look at him like this. I am afraid of wolves and tigers. I shouldn't be a man. It would be better to go home and slap Just be a delicate woman with embroidery needles!"

An Lingshan chuckled: "What the emperor said is really interesting. This prime minister is really like what the emperor said, it's better to be a woman!"

Saying this, she smiled again: "Actually speaking, the prime minister alone can't be of much use, but the prime minister has too many students, and now, it is almost full of half of the court..."

As she said this, she couldn't help sighing: "If it develops like this, the prime minister's words are actually more useful than the emperor..."

This sentence was like a needle, piercing Zhu Han's heart straight, and he slapped the table and stood up.

A pair of cold eyes stared at An Lingshan and shouted: "What did you say!"

Although it was a scorching summer, An Lingshan became cold all over at this moment.

She opened her mouth, as if she could no longer use her voice, she couldn't utter a word.

An Lingshan slid to the ground in a panic, looked at Zhu Han with faint tears in her eyes, and sobbed: "The emperor... the emperor, the concubines are not intentional, just listen... listen to the servants in the palace say, that The prime minister stopped the emperor in everything..."

She sobbed in a low voice, and slowly said: "The concubine...the concubine is just for the emperor to wronged! The emperor is the master of this world, the ninety-five-sage of the throne, and the prime minister is one person who has less than ten thousand people. Above, it can't be so rampant!"

With that said, she crawled on the ground, tears falling down like a bank.

Looking at her like this, Zhu Han couldn't help but sighed Shen Shen, and then he bent down and helped An Lingshan up.

"I know your heart, I am... I am unwilling in my heart!"

He said this, and took An Lingshan into his arms.

He had never seen it, An Lingshan's eyes were filled with tears, but the corners of her lips were sharply curved.

"The concubine knows... the concubine knows the heart of the emperor, no matter when the concubine and the child are on the side of the emperor, but whatever the emperor says is to let the concubine die, the concubine has no objection! "

Her confession won Zhu Han's heart.

Zhu Han held her tightly in his arms, thinking of the prime minister who might still be kneeling in the hall now, he couldn't help being very angry!

This old man, there is no woman sensible yet!

The two of you are here, but they heard another cowering voice from outside.

"The emperor... the empress is still standing outside, saying, asking to see the emperor..."

The little internal officer almost cried when he said this.

On the one hand, the empress insisted on seeking to see him, while on the other, the emperor insisted on not seeing him. He was like a real ball, kicked around.

If the nobleman on either side is really angry, he probably won't be able to keep his head.

Therefore, the **** is also a high-risk profession!

Zhu Han frowned and looked at the little internal officer, and shouted in a deep voice: "I said it! No, don't you Jian slave have long ears!"

The little internal officer knelt down at Zhu Han's feet with a thump, banging his head, and repeatedly convicted him.

After a while, blood was seen on his forehead.

An Lingshan softly grabbed Zhu Han's hand and chuckled, "The emperor, since the empress is so sincere, why don't you see what the empress said, maybe, the empress is not for What about that..."

Although she said so, she was sure in her heart that the queen must have come for the prime minister's business.

Otherwise, as soon as the prime minister knelt on the lobby, why would the queen directly come to this place where he had never set foot?

She thought about it, but a proud smile appeared on her face.

Finally, one day, the queen will accept her favor.

Zhu Han frowned, and couldn't help but sighed Shen Shen: "It's nothing! Since Concubine Rong is begging for her, let her come in!"