MTL - Becoming the Empress: Golden Finger Set Under My Bed-Chapter 119 Enemy attack

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An Rushuang was looking at a man.

This man was born with a good appearance, but half of his face was broken with a knife. Today, he still has scars. Although he is full, he can only be covered with half a silver face.

Cover the face.

It was Major General Yun Ran.

At this moment the general who was unprepared was somewhat uncomfortable.

Why is that?

He will reach out and hold the woman in his arms ... she opened her black eyes, black and white, staring at him without blinking.

Suddenly, Meng Li felt that he had done something wrong. It was as if he stole his father's spear for the first time, and when he wanted to show his might, he couldn't support the spear hundred pounds

The weight was directly under the spear, and howling.

No, this feeling is still different, but he was not afraid at that time, but felt embarrassed. Why was this little woman caught the bag at this time, even faster than the heart beat then?

It's really alive.

However, ghosts are probably real. No matter how you look at it, the little girl who is without a trace in front of you is not like a human.

The two looked at each other for a long while, and Meng Li's hand was still under An Rushuang's back. Her palms were very hot. After experiencing the inhuman cold, she now feels like heat.

Outside sensitive. An Rushuang only felt that through a layer of obscene clothes, her back seemed to be burned by the heat emitted from the palm of her hand.

She opened her mouth but said nothing.

Meng Li also licked the corners of his thirsty lips, his eyes were dull, and his throat was dumb and he asked, "Are you here?"

This is nonsense that can't be stopped anymore.

An Rushuang also stuttered, "Well, I'm here."

The air froze for a moment, and the two looked at each other so dryly that they didn't know what to say.

There were a lot of things to ask, for example, Meng Li wanted to ask her who was the ruby ​​she shouted in her dream last time ... An Rushuang wanted to ask him, but he knew that there were huge ants in the desert.

It is used to treat diseases, but now they have a pair of eyes, but there is a blank in their heads at the same time.

After a while, An Rushuang was about to say something to break the dull atmosphere, but there was a voice faster than her.

That was the drum of war in this barracks.

It was rushing like rain, deafening like thunder, and it rang through the entire barracks in an instant!

"An enemy attack!"

Then, in the silent desert, a purr sounded, like a wolf, and like countless people. The sound of this sudden sound was dissolved in one place, in the night, like an evil spirit

In general, An Rushuang shuddered slightly.

Meng Li frowned, and he quickly got up in the armor, holding the spear in his hand, his lips pressed tightly, and the whole person was like a spear, hard and erect, before he was full of tenderness.

Instantly, his cheeks were three minutes colder than that silver face.

He strode to the front of the tent, and An Rushuang called him: "Yun Ran!"

He paused suddenly, his hand bone holding the spear slightly pale, but he never looked back at An Rushuang, but turned his back to her: "If I haven't returned tonight, you can go now

, Don't come back again. "

An Rushuang breathed tightly, she didn't know why she was so nervous, her heart seemed to be choked up, she clenched her fists, and shouted as if begging: "You take

Hoarfrost ... Play with Hoarfrost! "

But while she was talking, someone hurried to call out, "General, the enemy is not far away from us!"

Yun Ran wore silver armor, raised his leg and got out of the general's account. An Rushuang listened to him shouting, "Welcome the enemy!"

He didn't know if he had heard what she said.

She did not know where these people started to fight, but in the big account, she could hear nothing, not even the sound of the wind. She walked in the big account over and over and wanted

Going out, but afraid to become a drag.

All night, she didn't close her eyes. The whole person spent in an extremely difficult anxiety, she thought, must wait for him to return, at least ... at least let her know him


She didn't sleep at all, but her body was resting well. When An Rushuang woke up, the rain was still falling, and it seemed to be close to noon, but it was still dark because of the rain.


Seeing the rain kept on, An Rushuang's heart was inevitably melancholy, but what made her even more surprised was that there was a house full of people in her boudoir today.

Liu Yu, who is short and stature, is looking at her anxiously at this time. Ruby's eyes are crying red, while Ye Chengzhi is standing aside, looking at An at this time with a doubtful look.

Like frost.

What happened?

This was An Rushuang's first thought. She didn't see Zhao Xiaotao among the crowd. Could it be that Zhao Xiaotao had an accident?

Thinking about this, she opened her mouth to ask, but saw a woman in a pink shirt come in at the door. When An Rushuang was looking at herself, she rushed over with a look of joy and shouted in her mouth.

"Thank God, the girl is awake!"

Isn't it Zhao Xiaotao?

This time, An Rushuang was even more puzzled.

Ruby aside, "The girl slept all night and all day, and now it's night. How can we call it, can't afford to call the girl, but it scares us ..."

As she spoke, she remembered today's terror, and for a moment she couldn't speak any more, but choked with tears.

Zhao Xiaotao was also red-eyed.

Liu Yan said: "Don't cry, don't cry, the girl is all right, don't bother her again."

Having said that, he sat softly on An Rushuang's bed, stroking An Rushuang's hair with one hand and asked softly, "Girl, yesterday, but what did you dream of?"

An Rushuang froze slightly, and her confused eyes fell on Liu Ye. She thought about the dream situation, but slowly shook her head, and said in her mouth, "No."

Ruby looked anxious and wanted to say something, but was blocked by Liu Ye directly. Liu Ye looked at An Rushuang with gentle and soft eyes, as if going through her eyes.

See her dream last night.

After a while, she nodded, and said in her mouth, "It's fine if you don't, the girl will dream in the future, but you need to be careful. Something about the girl can be unknown to the ghost."

Feeling takes human life. Therefore, if the girl is trapped next time, remember to pinch the soft meat on her body and it hurts, she should wake up. "

As soon as An Rushuang breathed tightly, she turned her head away from watching Liu Yan, and Liu Yan didn't press too hard, then turned and left.

And An Rushuang looked at the sky. It happened that it was time to go to the first medicine hall. She hurried off. Luo Qu did not let her try the knife by herself, but gave a book.

Let her understand.

After returning, An Rushuang took a rest, but her dream suddenly became a real, dark dream.

She listened blankly to the sound of the killing in her ears, wanting to see it, unable to speak, as if she had fallen into a dark mire.
