MTL - Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration-Chapter 45 psionic theory

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  Chapter 45 Psionic Theory

  The Emerald Mausoleum, the sacred planet of the "Watcher", gave Li Wenyuan a strange feeling.

   This feeling is quite idealistic, so that he read a few more technical drawings full of materialistic atmosphere to drive out this weird feeling.

  Looking from space, the proportion of green here is quite large, and even the ocean can hardly be seen. Even the ice sheets that should cover the north and south poles due to the temperature are also replaced by a piece of green.

  Like its name, it is full of "emerald" color.

   "... Then, how did its 'mausoleum' come about?" Li Wenyuan looked at the planet ponderingly, thinking about the information he had checked before coming here.

  The textual research on the origin of the name "Emerald Tomb" has been submerged in the ocean of history. It seems that it was called "Emerald Tomb" from the beginning, but no one knows who named it first.

   "Is it 'Watcher'?" Generally, the easiest thing to think of is the "Watcher" who regards this place as a "sacred place". It seems that there is nothing wrong with naming it by them.

   ", what is buried here?"

  Li Wenyuan thought so, and then let the scientific research spacecraft fly the drone, and began to scan the entire planet in a carpet-like manner.

   Then no surprise, he didn't find anything unusual.

   After all, the Holy Land planet is very famous in the galaxy, and there are not a few tourists who have come here.

  If there were any obvious anomalies, it would have spread throughout the galaxy long ago, so why would it be his turn to investigate?

  But Li Wenyuan was not discouraged by this.

   "If it's a human relic, it's normal that it won't be easily discovered."

  So he continued to let the drone scan, and at the same time let the synthetic man land on this holy planet.

  He thinks that some things may have to be found in person, and external scanning may not be able to find the problem.

  The landing module slowly landed on the surface of the "Emerald Mausoleum", and soon there were synthetic humans coming out of it.

   Their eyes were dull at first, but soon became bright again. It was Li Wenyuan who took over their bodies.

  After actually landing on this planet, the "dead silence" felt in space became more and more intense.

  Here is also full of a lot of vegetation, but it is different from the situation on the planet Baogaia, which is basically full of tall trees. There are everything from small weeds to giant trees.

   But the weirdness also comes with it.

  The synthetic man scanned the vegetation and the soil under the weeds, but did not find any traces of animals.

  Li Wenyuan picked up a smear of soil, and popped a tube directly from the synthetic man's arm, put the soil into it and started testing on the spot.

  The results are also very surprising. The microbial density here is infinitely close to zero, which means that there seems to be no other life here except vegetation.

   This is undoubtedly very abnormal. You must know that even the harsh environment of space can have bacteria living, and there is nothing in such a good environment on the "Holy Land" planet?

  The feeling of weirdness is getting stronger and stronger. With doubts, Li Wenyuan controlled the synthetic man and began to look around.


  A drone flies over the forest, and the scanning equipment it carries can easily penetrate the cover of vegetation at such a distance to detect what is below.

   But technology sometimes produces some misjudgments.

  For example, under this forest now, a group of people are trekking in it.

  They look like aliens evolved from a crocodile, and the tail behind them has been degraded to be short and thin in order to adapt to upright life.

  There is almost no clothing on the body surface, replaced by an iron sheet that connects all key parts of the body.

  They are all connected to each other by extremely ductile lines, and eventually all of them are connected to a battery-like backpack on the back.

   This is a device to regulate their body temperature. As temperature-changing animals, they can only rely on external objects to regulate their body temperature.

  Although the genetic research on making them a warm-blooded animal has already begun, they still have to continue to use the "tempering package" that has been used since the primitive era and has been improved countless times over the years.

   It is reasonable to say that if aliens are detected, the drone will send a message and conduct tracking observations.

  However, all the scanning equipment of the drone showed that everything was normal, and even the "life strength detector" specially used to detect living things did not find any clues.

   As if nothing had been scanned, the group of aliens who were less than a hundred meters away were not found, and then flashed past the forest.

   And after traveling for a period of time, this group of aliens had to stop due to exhaustion and take a short rest on a slightly flat piece of land in the forest.

   "...It seems that the mother star should have completely abandoned us, otherwise it would be impossible to not be rescued for so long."

   "The set signal transmitter is also blocked. Is it because of the magnetic field of this planet? Or is there some other reason? All in all, we now have no other way but to rely on ourselves."

   "...And do you feel that this planet is getting weirder?"

  The last sentence caused everyone to fall into a brief silence. Eventually, someone on the team who seemed to be the leader stood up and said:

   "Don't be so suspicious, where have you put the wisdom of our Sechik people? Even if there is something incomprehensible, it is because our technology has not yet reached that level!"

   Yes, this group of people is the Sechik who came to colonize the planet "Holy Land".

  After the defeat, these people were left here to destroy themselves.

   Fortunately, the battery storage capacity of the "temperature control bag" has always been one of their research priorities, so during this period, they can still travel long distances.

  However, as they stayed on this planet longer and longer, the planet gradually changed from a "livable planet" to a terrorist planet.

  Having hallucinations is relatively small. In fact, their group was originally a large group of thousands of people, and there are dozens of large groups like them.

   But in the passage of time, first one or two people disappeared, which did not attract anyone's attention.

   Immediately afterwards, dozens of people disappeared, and they also found excuses to cover up this incident.

   It wasn't until one day later that a large group of thousands of people disappeared overnight, which caused them to panic.

  They couldn't understand why people disappeared, but their various relics remained on the ground in good condition.

  Eventually the large group becomes a mess, and everyone flees in groups. And this group of people is one of them.

   There was another silence.

   Until someone made a hungry "grunt" sound, the dignified atmosphere dissipated.

   Someone laughed and said, "You are hungry again, you are the one who eats the most among our group."

  The hungry person also smiled awkwardly: "I can't help it, the meat of those native creatures is so delicious, I drool just thinking about it."

  The other person was about to say something, but suddenly his eyes were fixed, and he pulled out his sidearm and turned the switch in one direction without looking back.

   Only one sound was heard, and then there was the sound of something falling to the ground.

  Everyone looked at it, but it was a deer-like native creature lying on the ground, lifeless.

   "The old hunter's hand is steady! Tonight's food has been secured!"

  These people laughed, and began to dismember the creature and roast it on the fire.

  However, not long after, there was another abnormal noise in the jungle.

  The relaxed people were alert for an instant, and all looked at the abnormal place.

  I saw an "alien" who was about the same height as them walking out of the forest slowly, while constantly looking around.

   "Hey! What are you!" The previous hunter couldn't help shouting, while aiming the weapon in his hand at the "alien".

   However, the "alien" didn't seem to hear his voice, and still looked around, as if they didn't even see them.

   "If you come here again, I will attack!" The hunter continued to shout, but his hands were shaking, as if he was trembling because he saw the "alien".

  But the previous leader suddenly raised his hand, signaling them not to move rashly, and then walked up to the "alien" himself.

  Seeing such a close distance, the "alien" still didn't see any sign of him.

  The leader was silent for a while, and reached out to touch the "alien".

   Afterwards, the eyes of everyone gradually changed from nervousness to consternation. Because they saw the leader's hand "passing through" the body of the "alien".

  As for Li Wenyuan, who actually controls this synthetic human who is regarded as an "alien", he looks at this empty "camp" full of doubts.

   Various alien instruments are stacked here and there, and in the open space in the center is a cluster of inexplicable burning fires.

  He didn't see any aliens, but it felt like there were people here just now.

   It was also when the leader's hand "went through" the synthetic human's body, there was no message from the database for a long time.

  【New technologies have been added to the technology tree】

   "Huh?" Li Wenyuan was taken aback by this sudden new technology, and then called up the interface of the technology tree.

  He took a cursory glance at first, but found no new illuminated technology.

  But then, he noticed that among the 1st to 4th-level technologies that should have been lit up by him, there were suddenly a large number of "gray technologies" that had not been researched.

  Finally, he discovered a new technology on the basic "level 1 technology" layer.

   Those gray technologies that have not been studied are all extended from it, and form a brand new technology tree.

   And this "level 1 technology" as the founder also made Li Wenyuan's heart skip a beat.

  【Psychic Theory】

  【Technology Level: 1】

  【Introduction: Thought is in many ways a manifestation of the universe itself, a microscopic world. Although not all species can reach this level, it does exist objectively in this universe, and perhaps the only truth we can know is our existence]

  【Possible Technology: Psychic Potential Theory (99.9%); Mind Vision (99.9%); Zelo Trial Use (99.9%)】

   "It's unbelievable..." He looked at these technologies, not knowing what expression to show.

  (end of this chapter)