MTL - Become Marvel Daisy Johnson-Chapter 38 assessment of the situation

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The moment the shells sounded, the direction of the battlefield was already answered.

Most of those who resisted saw that Zemofang's arms were strong, and after the first round of bombardment, they surrendered and joined Zemofang. Zemo played extremely well.

Seeing the defeated army, Saron was burning with anger, trembling his newly bulged muscles, slapped the wall with his big hand, and ran away again.

Daisy contacted Mei in advance, and Mei took a group of people outside to welcome Dr. Daisy Horton and Triplett. After running and hiding for a long time, and beating up the soldiers who were alone on the way, Triplett's wound was bleeding. At this time, his lips were pale, his whole body was sweating, and he felt that he was about to die. Mei hurriedly ordered the people of the quick response force to help Triplet down to heal his injuries.

In the evening, after Dr. Horton defused the bomb, May got in touch with Hand. Hand immediately rushed the group back. Because of the internal support, they easily reached the interior of Sokovia this time.

However, S.H.I.E.L.D. has no right to intervene in the struggle within the rebel army, and cannot intervene. Lang Muluo took a look at Triplet's injury, but he didn't care, and let his subordinates deal with it.

"You're a little girl who dares to dismantle a biological bomb." Lang Muluo teased Daisy as he handed Daisy a bottle of mineral water and a towel.

"It's not just me, okay. I have May, the most powerful agent. I have a doctor, an expert in one field. I also have Triplett." Daisy didn't care about her wounds and dirty cheeks, Unscrew the mineral water first.

"I like your confidence." Lang Muluo then leaned close to Daisy, whispered, "It's really lucky, Hand planned to abandon you at first."

Daisy raised her eyebrows, and the corners of her mouth sank, "I'm always so confident. My God, it would be great if there were Bob's onion rings at this time, I'm starving, I'm going to get something to eat" and stood up Forage for food.

Lang Muluo turned to look at Daisy's figure. The morning sun was blocked by her back for 3/4, and he smiled softly.

Two hours later, the battle ended on Zemo's side, but Saron was nowhere to be found, so he rushed back. Zemo shook hands with Hand and officially accepted the deployment of the United Nations. S.H.I.E.L.D. is directly involved in all matters such as docking. Lang Mlow and others are responsible for controlling Zemo's subordinates, counting all the ammunition and equipment. This time it is truly unreserved, and everything will be recorded. At the beginning, Zemo's subordinates were still unconvinced, but later Zemo stepped forward, and Lumlow's job was much easier.

"By the way, who gave you this batch of munitions and the raw materials for that biological bomb?" Hand stood beside Zemo, watching S.H.I.E.L.D. Things, all kinds of busy figures. Quietly asked.

"I don't know, Saron has lied to me too much." Zemo didn't have much reaction

"I'll figure it out." With a flick of her hair, Hand turned back and went about her own business. She wanted to get in touch with the peacekeeping force. As for what Zemo said, she would naturally not believe it, but this is something that cannot be proven, so she can only put it aside. Anyway, Daisy and the others have already gone to investigate.

Daisy and May tracked down the munitions that appeared out of nowhere and came to the base headquarters of the rebel army. There is also the smell of gunpowder smoke from shells, which is very unpleasant.

The leader of the rebel army will always have clues to this batch of arms, and Daisy and Mei rushed here first. The two acted separately, each conducting a search for the rebel files. One after another, many mysterious letters were discovered, which also mentioned the matter of arms, and even the food in the past was transported by the people in the letters. Mei first came to Saron's command room, and the first thing she saw was the blood on the ground and the small box with "Osborne" on it that fell to the ground. Daisy rushed over not long after, and saw May going through the cupboard. After asking about the situation, Daisy felt that no matter how stupid Osborne was, he would not sell things here, so she let go of this doubt and went through the accounts with May.

Nothing came of it, Daisy and May were still in the room looking for secret passages. Only then did Daisy discover the bloodstains, and following the bloodstains, she seemed to see the escape route of this person.


The twilight was sinking, and the dusty soft light hit Daisy's side face. At this time, she was wearing a small t-shirt made by Rising Tide, sitting lazily, looking at the bustling street with blank eyes. Shaking the spoon in his hand, he slowly stirred the coffee on the table.

Jingle Bell

The front door of this small coffee shop was pushed open, and the orange cat yawned and paced. Followed by Nick Fury.

Gugu skillfully jumped onto the wooden table which was not very high along the sofa, and came to Daisy's hand. With a meow, she looked up at Daisy's face, her eyes were round and lovely, exuding a sense of aura. Lowering his head, the tip of his small nose sniffed Daisy's hand. The fluffy little head wanted to get closer but didn't really stick to Daisy's hand. He turned his head away, took two steps out, his soft tail swung twice in the air, and climbed down with his back facing Daisy. Looking back at Daisy agilely, her big round eyes looked lazy.

Daisy's attention was drawn back by Gu Gu, and she smiled. No matter what is not standardized, the director tears.

He reached out and touched the side of its chin, scratching it gently. The kitten is very suitable, squinting comfortably. The male-shaped mouth shrugged, showing an orange air. After fumbling for a while, Cuckoo stopped, and Daisy didn't make any more movements. Gu Gu looked at Daisy curiously, eager for her next move. Suddenly the small head turned, and the slightly rounded pointed ears swayed away, soft. Where Cuckoo looked, Nick Fury was walking over with coffee and snacks.

"It seems to really like you, it's amazing." Even Nick Fury lamented the fate between Daisy and Gu Gu, it seems that Gu Gu likes to cling to Daisy every time they meet.

"Girls like cute animals, and they all like girls." Daisy took a sip of the fragrant coffee, but frowned again, and added a spoonful of sugar on hand.

Nick Fury lowered his head and focused on his food, putting the coffee aside.

"Its first owner wasn't too close to it, um." The topic of cats came to an end here, and Nick Fury stopped abruptly

"Then tell me about Sokovia"

Daisy continued to stir the coffee in the cup, because it was some time, so there was a little heat in the cup.

"I was not sure what would happen from the beginning. I was not sure, so I asked Hand to order the troops to retreat."

Gu Gu yawned, and licked his fleshy claws with his pink and tender tongue.

"Things are divided into several steps."

"First of all, if I fail to persuade Zemo to surrender, or if he is false, I will immediately lead the others to run in the opposite direction under the cover of night."

Nick Fury was eating his snack, staring intently at Daisy with one eye.

"But if Zemo is persuaded to surrender by me, I at least have a guarantee. I can dismantle the bomb and control some rebels. The harm will be minimized."

At this point, Daisy put down the spoon in her hand, and gently touched the index finger of her left hand with her right hand. Daisy just discovered today that her hand joints turned out to be quite beautiful. then casually said

"But these are not important. What really makes me unsure is whether the bomb can be dismantled. If it fails, or accidentally triggers the bomb in advance, the worst thing happened. At least, Agent Hand brought the batch of aegis The team has left the danger zone. I can also face my failure with a clear conscience."

Nick put down the food in his hands, closed his mouth, and picked his own mouth with his tongue.

"If you are all trapped, or Zemo is controlled, have you thought about the consequences?"

"Well, that's a good question." You leisurely picked up the coffee and took a big sip. Gu Gu's tail rested on the table, and he swept it lightly, but his closed eyes did not open.

"Tell me about that Saron"

"Tsk, I thought you'd be interested in that Zemo."

"Because I have already discovered the [Super Soldier] serum developed by the Osborn Group, I am somewhat prepared. My father developed the [Super Soldier] serum for the Osborn Group, and I know such a thing. Also Knowing the side effects of this thing, it is very huge." Daisy gently grabbed Gu Gu's fleshy feet, and weighed it casually.

"So when Mei and I tracked down the vanished rebel leader Saron, we were prepared for the worst possible battle. Well, that Saron was talking nonsense in a crazy manner, and he looked like he was not in a good mind. , After injecting the serum, the body was greatly strengthened, and there was nothing to say about the explosive power of the whole body. But he went on a rampage to assassinate the adopted son of Zemo, the new leader of the rebel army. Fortunately, Mei and I arrived in time and stopped him. " Cuckoo looked at Daisy curiously, wondering why Daisy wanted to hold its feet, and Cuckoo, who was still lying down, stretched out his front paw and pressed it on Daisy's hand, his eyes rolled round stared at Daisy. It seems incredible to say: Why! Why are you doing this!

"You are frantically probing on the verge of death"

Nick Fury also noticed the interaction between Daisy and But I don't know if he said "shouldn't mess with the strengthened Saron" or "shouldn't be molesting Cuckoo" .

Daisy thought maybe the latter was more likely.

"I'm more curious about what he said." Nick Fury took a small sip of coffee.

I didn't expect Nick Fury to be interested in this kind of thing. He brushed his shoulder-length hair behind his ears, "Maybe he said something about the end, the end of the world, the advent of the world, etc. Do you believe in metaphysics?"

Cuckoo found that Daisy ignored it again, and stared at Daisy with innocent eyes. But Daisy was too busy chatting with Nick Fury to googoo. Gu Gu who was lying down crawled on his own initiative, turned his head, and faced Daisy. Xiaopang's round face lay on the table, just in front of Daisy's left hand, his eyes stared innocently and pitifully, sometimes glanced at Daisy's cheek, and then stared at his left hand. Waiting for Daisy to scratch her head.

"I know you pedants are all materialists, but there are many things in the world that cannot be explained. Only by finding clues from clues and qualitative ratings can I rest assured." Fu Rui put down the coffee cup in his hand and looked at it with one eye. the distance of the street.

"The world will finally come to an end, and the gate of Gatanjar will finally open. Before the **** of death, surrender."

Daisy frowned, feeling that it was not good to say these words.

"There are many more, such as 'you are all bugs' and 'Long live Morgana', which are like prayers. It is not like any religion described, piecemeal, and it sounds more like a game line. "

As she said that, Daisy noticed Gu Gu who was maliciously acting cute, and gently tapped its little head with her finger.