MTL - Become Marvel Daisy Johnson-Chapter 16 3 curved wings

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S.H.I.E.L.D. is headquartered on an island in New York called Tricurve Wing.

Under the Kun style, Daisy and Sharon are separated, the two are not in the same system.

Daisy was invited by Nick Fury to come to S.H.I.E.L.D. to rewrite the S.H.I.E.L.D. security system. It was a big project, almost resetting the underlying security system of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The person who received Daisy was Sitwell, who had a bald head that looked like Little Star in the movie.

Following the introduction of the person to the Network Shield Division, I browsed through the super information defense shield system of SHIELD.

I met Maria Hill by chance while I was going to the toilet. Her sea blue eyes were very charming. Under Hill's puzzled eyes, Daisy walked away in embarrassment.

Nick Fury found Daisy, and in the director's office, the director expressed great appreciation for the code written by Daisy, saying that no one found loopholes in the security protocol written by her.

Officially appointed Daisy as the data writer of S.H.I.E.L.D. and granted Level 5 special agent authority.

Daisy panicked when he was given level five authority all at once. The explanation of authority in the manual is very good. Although level five authority is not very advanced, it is at least a right that can only be enjoyed by agents who have been working for 2-3 years.

But Daisy was not so surprised that she could not speak coherently.

Of course, this permission is only temporary. This level of permission is required to build the underlying security system.

"All right."

Daisy was overjoyed, rolled her eyes, and left the director's office. She just met Agent Hill who came over at the door. Daisy smiled awkwardly, but Hill ignored her and walked straight over.

Daisy is messy in the wind alone.

"Level 5 authority? You have been acting cautiously for many years, can she be trusted?"

"I understand your thoughts, Agent Hill. There are many things in the world that cannot be explained. I choose to believe her."

"I'm sorry, I lost my composure. This is Dr. Banner's test report. General Ross wants you to be the director..."

For five minutes, Daisy was very happy about her Level 5 authority! After she rushed to her office and browsed the underlying security system of S.H.I.E.L.D. over the years, her face instantly dropped.

What kind of genius is this, the smelly, long and capacity-consuming security system invented by tm! Not only outdated, but also very outdated!

Sneeze! Oh, I’m digitized, how can I still sneeze?

After complaining, Daisy took out the newly-acquired S.H.I.E.L.D. badge from her pocket. Gently stroking the mold marks on the badge with thin hands, Daisy remembered watching TV dramas before. Daisy inside officially became S.H.I.E.L.D. A member of the bureau, and then SHIELD closed down. It's funny to think about it.


Coulson walked up to Daisy, and Daisy was complaining about how she could read the S.H.I.E.L.D. secrets that she did not have permission to read without monitoring. Coulson said: Now there is a good solution, congratulations Becoming an official S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Daisy accepted the badge that Coulson handed over, her face full of disbelief. Daisy stared at the eagle pattern on the badge in a daze.

If you want to create a new world, sometimes you need to destroy the old world.--Pierce whispered to the scenery outside the French windows.

This place used to be very beautiful. Just like other planets, the population exploded and resources were scarce. When everyone was desperate, I proposed a solution. They all said I was crazy. --On Titan

This is no longer the age of spies, not even the age of heroes, this is the age of miracles. -- Baron Stoke staring at a pair of brother and sister in the window

Sorry, I fell asleep. Or had a dream. There was a loud noise. I was entangled in the cable...for.. I know I killed him, he was fine. -- a broken mass-produced Mark

Mission Report, 16 December 1991

You should... you should aim for my head - after a snap of your fingers.

In the forest of Wakanda, corpses are everywhere. Daisy looks at this bleak scene in a daze, and the heroes are all wiped out.

Kneeling in front of the captain's body, Sharon Carter in the captain's uniform suddenly grabbed Daisy's hand

You could have saved us, why didn't you try harder.

The camera slides to the Parker couple, who are waving to Daisy under the maple tree covered with golden maple leaves, and the two gradually turn into ashes and the maple leaves flutter in the wind.

Sister? I don't feel right, I don't know what's going on I don't want to go, I don't want to go, sister. Don't. I don't want to go, I don't want to go, I don't.

Daisy choked and felt uncomfortable, her lips trembled, and the tone of "I'm sorry" kept coming out of her throat. Then her eyes flashed, and she came to Aunt McGonagall.

Hi, poor Daisy. Look at the way you cry. I am old and should go. Remember to take care of yourself.

Daisy wanted to go forward and hug the old man in front of her, but she missed it, and Aunt McGonagall turned into countless ashes.

Hey! Daisy! Come on! Daisy! I've cleaned the rice, come and see!

Familiar ran to the kitchen of the orphanage, the kitchen was empty, half the pot of rice was spilled on the floor.

When the wind blew, the preserved eggs on the table hit the ground, bang! Daisy felt dizzy

Daisy? Do you want pudding? Don’t leave, okay? You’re the only friend left. If you leave, who will cook me porridge with preserved egg and lean meat. Grandma Liu next door doesn’t taste good. Daisy? Daisy! Daisy West! Daisy!

(The above is a dream)

"Daisy! Daisy! Wake up! Daisy!"

"Sirron? What happened? Why are you in my room?"

"Quick! Run! There's an earthquake, the room is dangerous!"

Gradually, Daisy got rid of the shadow of the nightmare, and felt the obvious shaking in the room.

Pulling up his coat, he was dragged by Sharon and ran out of the room, and soon came to the open lawn, where many people had already stayed, and some people were rushing over one after another.

It has been more than a week since she lived in SHIELD, and Daisy lives in the temporary housing area arranged near the headquarters. This community is dedicated to housing members and family members of SHIELD, and the security measures are top-notch.

"Why did the earthquake happen? Didn't the Earthquake Bureau give an early warning?" --A black man asked the first question on the grass

His wife is very calm - "Maybe there are special circumstances, we will figure it out."

"Hey, Daisy. As soon as we came out, the earthquake stopped."

"My God, my God. I haven't been in such a mess since I got burned."

Daisy, who was sweating profusely, was reminiscing about her dream just now, not listening to what other people were saying.

What Daisy fears most is Thanos snapping his fingers.

Randomly destroying half of life is simply an executioner standing on the moral high ground!

I have been here for several years. There are not only people I care about, but also people I love. We must save them!

Only by yourself, only by yourself!

From the second day after the earthquake, Daisy would spend time in the training room from 6 am to 8 am and from 6 pm to 10 pm, in addition to writing code in the office.

From that day of nightmare, Daisy understood that she can no longer act like a fool and do nothing.

Thanos snapped his fingers in 18 years and wiped out half of life on earth. Now it is 2004, and there are still 14 years left.

Daisy is going to defeat Thanos and surpass Thanos in 14 years!

Punches hit the sandbags, bang bang. Sweat has soaked the hair, and the hair and sweat stick to the neck.

The agents around looked a little apprehensive, one was because of Daisy's desperate training, and the other was the explosive power of the 14-year-old's hard-fought little body.

Originally, little Daisy was the topic of conversation. Everyone is talking about what it means to become a level 5 agent at the age of a teenager.

But recently she has started to work so hard, training herself desperately, and we will talk about it again. Sometimes I will talk about other things, such as the three-level earthquake not long ago.

In Nick Fury's office, the one-eyed black chief looked at the earthquake report with a serious expression.

In the evening, the woman who spoke to her husband on the grass that day showed up at Daisy's training room.

She looked at Daisy who was so desperate, and shook her head again and again. She threw a bottle of water, and Daisy subconsciously caught it. Daisy looked at her and took a sip of water.

I recognized her at first sight, Melinda May, a rare senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who was born as a flower grower. Although she still only has level 5 clearance, in the TV of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., she is in charge of martial arts .

"What do you want from me? Agent May?"

"What's the point of practicing alone? I'll play with you."

Mei walked in, throwing off her stance. Daisy took a step forward, and the two of them put on a stance at the same time. Taking the next step, the two of them made moves at the same time. In the blink of an eye, the two of them had already passed ten moves. Mei is a master, Daisy Not too bad. The two of you come and go, and there is a tacit understanding between the moves. Sometimes Mei can't help but say: "Okay! Come again!" But afterwards, I will feel awkward because the words are in English. .

After thirty moves, Mei saw that Daisy used an unusual number of kung fu. She thought it was just a combination of Muay Thai and Sanda on the market, but after twenty moves, she vaguely felt that the way was wrong. opposite.

Mei, who has an adult physique, gradually felt the difficulty of pick-and-roll moves, and was secretly surprised that this little girl was so good at it.

Daisy made it possible for her to cross the essence of boxing that her father asked him to practice before. It combines all the advantages of various Kung Fu schools, mainly Jeet Kune Do, and cares about the shape as the core idea. The reason is that at this time she has already become a demon. Naturally, her hands are no longer serious. In the past, the gangsters would take a little effort when they were taught a lesson, but at this time Daisy is like a **** crybaby, willful Let go of your temper.

Suddenly the mobile phone next to Daisy rang, and Daisy swiped across the screen to answer the call.

Mei was sweating all over. In her script, she should teach this adolescent girl a lesson, beat her until she was exhausted, and then whisper some educational words.

But now the script is a bit different.

After hanging up the phone, Daisy put down the phone. "Come again?" She spoke in Rabbit language, the authentic kind.

Mei was taken aback


That night, Daisy and May walked back supporting each other.

Daisy looked at the screen at night, the call was from Sharon, she was a level 3 agent in S.H.I.E.L.D., and she was on a mission, not in Eagle Sauce.

She called to persuade Daisy to go to bed early, and she left shortly after the earthquake that day, vaguely seeing that something was wrong with Daisy.

So I have to call Daisy from far away, to care about Daisy.

Thinking of this, Daisy couldn't help but smile sweetly.

"You could have saved us, why didn't you try harder..."

The smile suddenly disappeared, and she called Emma, ​​Daisy's voice was very low