MTL - Beasttaming: Fallen Angel As The First Contract In Game-Chapter 15 1 to 3

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"When did Xiao Zi's coercion become so strong?" Lin Yu himself was a little surprised.

Is it because of the strong dark energy here?

He thought about it.

The other party quickly adjusted, first looked around in shock, and then focused on Lin Yu.

After checking that they were healthy, they looked a little annoyed.

Lin Yu didn t expect to kill his opponent in an instant, or let the opponent accept his head and worship.

He is not the protagonist of some invincible novel.

It's good to be able to put a little psychological pressure on the opponent, after all, one's own number is at a disadvantage.

"Do you want to go to war?" The fat man with the most irritable temper panted heavily, his eyes wide open.

"There are five of us, you don't want to lose your ability to fight here, do you?"

"If you want to fight, you can fight. Why are you such a locomotive." Lin Yu was a little speechless.

Not only for the sake of gaining popularity, but he would also feel unwilling if he took so many resources with both hands and accepted the humiliation.

I, Lin, don't want cracks in my Dao heart.

The fat man gritted his teeth. Although he didn t understand what Lin Yu meant, he knew it was not a good thing.

"Okay, then I will see the real chapter under my hand." The leader named Awen said in a rough voice.

"Let's go together." Lin Yu was too lazy to talk nonsense with them.

Zhang Yuze and Gao Yang only felt a surge of heat from the bottom of their hearts to their heads, and their whole bodies boiled up.

They are all young people, who is not passionate?

They stood on both sides of Lin Yu, and at the same time directed the pet beast to release its breath.

【Name】: Little Candle Spirit

【Attribute】: Undead

[Boundary]: Beginning Environment·Fourth Stage

[Potential]: Samsung

[Introduction]: Always burning with a will-o'-the-wisp that seems to burn even the soul, and likes to come out at night to scare people.

The blue flame of Little Candle Spirit rose rapidly, and there was a shrill cry as the rattan whip danced.

【Name】: Li Crying Vine

【Attribute】: Undead

[Boundary]: Beginning Environment·Fourth Stage

[Potential]: Samsung

[Introduction]: Possesses the tenacious vitality of immortality, and makes a strange cry every midnight.

Feeling the aura of the two beasts, the eyes of the other people narrowed slightly.

"Both are quadruple realms?"

In the third year of high school, most people's pet beasts are double and triple, and four and five are definitely the best.

As for Ye Tian's seventh-layer situation, it's just an example.

"That fallen angel, only triple?"

The leader, Arwen, is very worried about the pet beast that just scared them, but now he sees that the realm is only triple.

"Awen, its potential is six stars!"

"What? How is it possible!?"

Ah Wen's face changed, it seemed that the moment of shock just now was not accidental.

"Zhang San and Li Si, you go and hold those two quadruples first, and the three of us join forces to kill that fallen angel."

For the sake of caution, he made a decision immediately.

After the two people behind him responded, they quickly rushed towards Zhang Yuze and Gao Yang.

Lin Yu naturally listened to everything.

Sending three people to deal with him is really giving face...

"Xiao Zi!"

Xiao Zi's face remained normal, she spread her wings again, and an invisible storm spread.

It's just that this time I don't want to target the opponent, but my own side.

Bathed in the energy tide of [Underworld Confidant], the auras of the little candle spirit and the weeping vine instantly soared.

The flames of the little candle spirit were raised again, and the cries of the Liwaiting Vine were loud, and their realm was abruptly raised to the fifth level for a while.

This is the new usage of this skill discovered by Lin Yu.

The two pet beasts were upgraded before the battle, which obviously stimulated the opponent, and the pupils of the two who were sent to deal with them shrank together.

Are you kidding me? Why don't you open the plug-in face to face?

"Quick battle and quick decision." Lin Yu said leisurely.


Feeling the sudden power, Zhang Gao and the two were ecstatic, and responded confidently.

This is the fifth level, and the pet beasts of the two people with the highest level in their class before were only at the fifth level.

As expected of Lin Yu.

Lin Yu, who didn't know that he was adding points in the hearts of the two of them again, looked at his opponent.

"One-on-three, a little pressure."

He looked at the three beasts lined up opposite him.

A flea the size of a fist, so dark that it seems to jump into the shadows at any moment.

A 40 to 50 cm long navy blue swallow, the mouth and tail seem to be entwined with wind eddies.

And a fiery red leopard, exuding a fiery aura all over its body, and a phantom of a bright sun looming behind it.

Three auras erupted from them, merged together, and collided with Xiao Zi's aura.


For a time, countless gravels were thrown up.

The thin man on the far right waved his hand lightly, and the flea beast turned into an arc, taking advantage of the confrontation between the two sides, it disappeared into Xiao Zi's shadow in an instant.

【Name】: Shadow Spirit Insect

[Attributes]: spirit, insect

[Boundary]: Beginning Environment · Triple Layer

[Potential]: two stars

[Introduction]: Spirit insects that can move freely in the shadows, control the Lord of Shadows with special mental fluctuations.

Lin Yu's pupils shrank.

Playing dirty, right?

Awen, who was standing in the middle, laughed loudly, and the leopard with a fiery aura stepped forward.

Fiery flames and breathtaking red light converged in its mouth, and a pillar of fire shot out like a rocket.

Lin Yu felt a heat wave coming.

[Name]: Day Leopard

[attribute]: fire

[Boundary]: Beginning Environment·Fourth Stage

[Potential]: Samsung

[Introduction]: It regards the sun as its belief, and can even gain strength from observing the sun. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"This person should be on the same level as Li Yong." Lin Yu made a judgment.

Xiao Zi raised her slender and slender hand, and the black air flow wrapped around it, and finally condensed into a cold palm, and she let it go.

[Bone-penetrating black cold]!

The black cold palm and the pillar of fire collided in the air, instantly crushing the pillar of fire, and a cold current spread directly towards the opposite side.

Feeling the chill, Ah Wen's pupils shrank.

"Evil light wave!" Lin Yu wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue.

Xiao Zi raised her slender hand, white light flickered between her fingers, unexpectedly her body froze suddenly.

Down below, there was a buzzing wave coming from her shadow, but it was the shadow spirit insect that got into it just now that was making trouble.

[Luring Spirit Capture], this skill successfully controlled Xiao Zi.

A smile crept up on the skinny man's face.

"The cockroach doesn't know the age, and the worm wants to control the angel?" Lin Yu frowned, "Climb for me!"

An invisible wave spread from Xiao Zi's body, and then her wings began to move, and circles of coercion were released like waves.

She used [Underworld Confidant] again, a skill that can be called panacea.

The skinny man had a bitter expression on his face.

Xiao Zi's shadow rolled like a stream of water, and a worm floated up dizzily.

Xiao Zi's face was as cold as ice, and she glanced at it with disdain, her feet were wrapped in black cold air, and she stepped towards it.

Solve one first!

"Whoosh whoosh"!

Amid the sound of breaking through the air, several small whirlwind-like wind cones poked towards Xiao Zi.

Xiao Zi dodged sideways, dodging the wind cone lightly.

After this delay, the shadow spirit worm also got into the shadow again.

Lin Yu raised his head, and the navy blue swallow was hovering in the air.