MTL - Be the King From the Time of Signing-Chapter 5 What about my Italian cannon?

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  Chapter 5 Lao Tzu's Italian Cannon

   Under the city of Luyang, the two armies faced off.

  Wang Ba glanced at Dayu's side, and finally fixed his eyes on Zhao Zilong, and he was unconsciously jealous.

   "You are Zhao Zilong?" Wang Ba stared at Zhao Zilong.

  Zhao Zilong rode a war horse, carried a gentian and a silver spear, and stared at Wang Ba, "It's me, Changshan Zhao Zilong!"

  Wang Ba looked at Zhao Zilong, and although he admired it, he still said: "Which mountain is Changshan? I have never heard of it. Now that the great Zhou is weak, and you wait for the good to be in the great Zhou, it is a waste."

   "Zhao Zilong, it's better to enter my Liuyun, my Liuyun Kingdom will never treat you badly."

   Wangba actually started to win over Zhao Zilong.

   Zhao Zilong is 100% loyal to Zhou Xiao, how could he be persuaded?

   Zhao Zilong said: "My Da Zhou will be prosperous under the leadership of the lord! Wang Ba, bow down and become a minister, this general will spare you!"

  Wangba laughed wildly when he heard the words, "Don't be ashamed! Watch me take your head!"

  Wangba carried a battle axe, drove his horse to the field, and rushed towards Zhao Zilong.

   Zhao Zilong squeezed his legs, and the white warhorse under him suddenly accelerated and rushed out, quickly approaching Wangba.

   The two crossed each other.

   Wangba's axe slashed out a fierce cold light.

   It's just that Zhao Zilong can shoot faster than him.

   The axe has not yet arrived,

   The spear is picked out.


   The sharp point of the spear pierced through Yang Ba's chest and picked him into the air.

   Wangba's mouth overflowed with blood, his eyes widened, staring at Zhao Zilong, full of horror and horror, "You..."

   He only said one word of you, and then his body softened and he lost his life completely.

   "General!" The soldiers of the Floating Cloud Kingdom exclaimed.

   Wangba has experienced hundreds of battles, and his cultivation base has reached the level of Tianwu, and he is rarely injured on the battlefield.

   But this time,

   was killed in one shot.

   The army was in chaos for a while.

   And the soldiers on Da Zhou's side were instantly cheered up. The other general was dead, which meant that the war was half won.

   Zhou smiled watching all this from the city wall,

  With Zhao Zilong by his side, he has full confidence in the victory of this war.

   "Kill!" Zhao Zilong threw his spear and directly threw Wang Ba's body to the Floating Cloud Nation army, then drove the warhorse and was the first to enter the battle group.

The   Dazhou side was killing the sky, and the soldiers rushed towards the Liuyun Country side like tigers and leopards.


   Zhao Zilong rushed into the battle group, and the place where he passed was like the wind and the clouds, and the enemy soldiers fell one by one like wheat.


   Liu Yunguo's coach was beheaded, his morale was low, and he showed a downturn in the confrontation. After a while, he lost most of it!



   Someone shouted, and the army of the Floating Cloud Nation quickly retreated.

   Zhao Zilong led the pursuit.

   literally wiped out the 50,000-strong army of Liuyun Nation and won a great victory.

   Zhao Zilong returned with his army, holding Wang Ba's head and kneeling in front of Zhou Xiao, "My lord, the first battle is a victory!"

   "Very good." Zhou Xiao said lightly, "Today I repair it overnight, and tomorrow I will invade the Floating Cloud Country!"

   Repelling the Liuyun army is not the purpose.

  Da Zhou has been depressed for too long,

  The whole army and even the whole country need a victory to inspire people.

   And the Floating Cloud Kingdom has annexed many territories in Dazhou,

   These territories are also time to be recaptured.

   Now that morale is high, it's time to pursue the victory.

   "It's the lord!" Zhao Zilong stepped back and arranged for the army.


   Liuyun Kingdom soon received the news that the king was beheaded and the entire army was wiped out.

   shocked the royal family.

   "What?" Emperor Yang Xuanru of the Floating Cloud Kingdom was struck by lightning.

  Wangba is his most important general, and he is very brave.

   This time, Wang Ba was dispatched to capture Da Zhou in one fell swoop, but he did not expect the news that Wang Ba was killed in battle.

   is still a one-shot kill.

   "When did Da Zhou have such a one-dollar general?" Yang Xuan was full of anger.

   "This Zhao Zilong appeared out of thin air, and no information was found."

   "I only learned from the soldiers who escaped and returned the letter that he seems to be from Changshan. However, there is no such place as Changshan in Dazhou..."

   Yang Xuan frowned slightly, "Could it be from a big country?"

   After a little thought, Yang Xuan said again: "The treasury of Da Zhou is empty, and it is like a trapped beast fighting. This time is just the last counterattack. Without enough logistical supplies, it won't last long."

   "Order Guo Nu, lead a hundred thousand troops, and kill them back!"

   "Be sure to take the capital of Dazhou, Zhao Zilong's head!"

   "And the little emperor!"

   "Yes!" The courtier followed the order and retreated...

  Luyang County City.

  The victory of the battle brought Luyang County to life again, as if the long-extinguished flame in his chest was ignited again.

  It was getting late, and Zhou Xiao collapsed early in the palace of the county king.

   Zhou Xiao opened the data panel of the system.

   I saw that the data above has changed.

   "Host: Zhou Xiao."

   "Identity: Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty."

   "Luck of the Son of Heaven: 100 points."

   "Cultivation: Martial Artist Level 1."

   In the previous data panel, the emperor's luck was only 30 points. This time he won the first battle, and it actually increased by 70 points.

   This is also one of the reasons why Zhou Xiao decided to take advantage of the victory.

   Tianzi’s luck can be used to upgrade lentils. Once the lentils are upgraded, it means that Dazhou has a stronger guarantee.

   There are many benefits.

   But seeing the cultivation base on the back of the crane...

   "What was my predecessor doing under house arrest for so many years? What's the difference between a martial artist and an ordinary person? Shame..."

   Zhou Xiao smiled helplessly, and finally took out the celestial book that he signed in, and after memorizing it, he began to operate his spiritual power according to the cultivation method of the celestial book.

  The Book of Heaven is about the same goal in different ways, and integrates the essence of the world's exercises.

   The practice efficiency is quite high.

   In just one night, Zhou Xiao broke into the second level of the warrior.

   But the second level of warriors is still too rubbish.

   "Take your time, anyway, there is a sub-dragon covering me, and no one should be able to kill me easily. But I still have time to strengthen myself..." Zhou Xiao said to himself.

Although the    emperor is in a high position, he will be guarded by expert guards around him.

   But your own strength is the last guarantee.

  It is a common occurrence for the emperor to be assassinated. Zhou Xiao feels that only if he has the strength can he have the strength to protect himself.

   The sky is getting brighter.

  The army outside has assembled.


   The daily check-in reminder arrived as scheduled, and Zhou Xiao naturally clicked to check in without hesitation.

   "Sign in successfully, congratulations on getting 100 Italian cannons."

   "What?" Zhou Xiao's eyes widened.

  The system automatically opens the data panel,

  Item name: Italian Cannon.

   Item rank: Every item.

  Item introduction: The Italian cannon from Li Yunlong's siege in the world of "Bright Sword" has been magically modified by the system, without cooling and without filling. This cannon automatically gathers compressed spiritual power. The host only needs to imitate Li Yunlong and shout: What about Laozi's Italian cannon? can be called automatically. Shouting: Fire at Lao Tzu! The firing system will automatically trigger…

   Zhou Xiao's mouth twitched,

  Things are good things, and even this special call and firing instructions are too unreasonable, right?

   System, are you doing something again?

   But Zhou Xiao couldn't hold back, and shouted cheaply, "Where's Lao Tzu's Italian Cannon?"

   An Italian cannon slammed into the room.

   "I'm darling."

   "With this thing, Lao Tzu...Bah, I will destroy your Liuyun Kingdom!" Zhou Xiao touched the body of the Italian Cannon, which was quite stunned, and felt very happy.

The    system is really powerful.

   Now give the Italian cannon,

   Will there be aircraft carriers and space battleships in the future? Infinite space for imagination.

  The future can be expected!

   (end of this chapter)