MTL - Bancheng Fengyue-Chapter 138 9 The Old Dream (Part 2)

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Shaoyi remembered that it was a spring day with catkins floating, and the priest suddenly brought a news: Zhongshan Emperor Changyu will marry the Wushan Goddess who has given birth to a son for him. It's where they make love.

When Liu Sang heard the news, he left Qiongsang City in a hurry. It took half a month to go there. When he came back, his eyes were red and he was very haggard. Shaoyi was shocked by her reaction for a moment. Maybe it was in his imagination. , Liu Sang should clap his hands smartly to say goodbye to Chang Yu, what's wrong with his appearance?

Liu Sang lowered her head, big tears rolled out of her eyelashes, she said softly: "Brother, he said that I should be a goddess who can afford to play, what does he mean? I didn't want to play with him, I I really like him, why doesn't he believe me?"

Not only Chang Yu didn't believe it, even he didn't believe it.

What kind of illusory things do you like? If she likes him today, will she still like him ten thousand years later?

Shaoyi shook his head: "...Go back to your room and rest."

Liu Sang's face was pale, she nodded softly, turned around and left.

She lay down for more than half a month, and she refused to get out of bed or eat. When Shaoyi went to see her in the Yuhuang Tower, she lost a lot of weight and just lay in the quilt in a daze.

"Think about it." Shaoyi sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her hair, "There are so many gods in the world, he is the only one."

Liu Sang didn't speak, just shook his head.

Really capricious.

Shaoyi picked up a fresh leaf from the window sill and blew a ditty, which his mother used to play to him when he was young, and it was usually used to lull him to sleep, and she had better go to sleep soon so that she wouldn't think about these messy things.

The invitation to Emperor Zhongshan's grand wedding banquet was quickly sent to Qiongsang City, and Emperor Qingyang and the princess were invited to come to watch the ceremony. Shaoyi didn't ask Liusang to go with her, she has been very decadent these days, if she burst into tears at Changyu's wedding banquet, it would be too bad.

He went to the Sea of ​​Lihen alone. This blue and clear sea in the far west is probably one of the most beautiful scenery in the Upper Realm. Countless white jade-like islands are dotted on the sea, and Changyu's wedding banquet is in the center of the sea. spread out on an island.

Zhuyin's family got married, and there were many guests. When Shaoyi found Changyu in a dazzling auspicious light, he was whispering affectionately to the goddess of Wushan, who was about to become the emperor's wife. Seeing him coming, the emperor of Zhongshan would Sending his wife away, he looked at him blankly.

Shaoyi looked at him coldly, and said indifferently: "Emperor Zhongshan has forgotten that Liusang is the princess of the Qingyang clan?"

The unrestrained Zhuyin clan finally showed her arrogant and contemptuous side: "I thought it was my attitude to agree to cancel the marriage, but the princess is enchanting and even bold and indulgent, so I have no reason to refuse. Emperor Qingyang is always romantic, so he naturally understands. "

But the object of his flirting should not be the Qingyang family.

Shaoyi took a glass of wine and toasted him, Chang Yufang took it, suddenly the glass of wine turned into a blue flame, almost burning his clothes, he took a step back, and his complexion gradually sank.

"I heard that your talent is very good." Shaoyi smiled slightly, "In my opinion, it's not bad."

Chang Yu said slowly: "I also heard that you are extremely talented and wanted to ask for advice very early."

They didn't say anything more, it's enough for the emperor to talk about it here. This move by Chang Yu completely trampled on the dignity of the Qingyang Clan. The last veil of warmth between the two clans was torn to pieces. The sunny island just now suddenly became dark and the dense white snow fell like a shower. The gods watching the ceremony didn't think that there was a fight at the wedding banquet, so they couldn't help screaming and dodging.

At the beginning, they just tested each other's details, and they didn't play hard, but soon they found that both of them were extremely talented emperors, and it was extremely difficult to stop when they met opponents. Perhaps at the end of the fight, both of them felt a tinge of regret, but they couldn't stop. The huge darkness of the candle shade swallowed the entire beautiful Sea of ​​Lihen, and the blue flame of destruction burned the small island to ashes.

The huge and earth-shattering battle between the emperors lasted for three days. Even the Heavenly Emperor at that time was alarmed, but he was powerless to stop it. No one can enter the huge candle shadow from the outside, and the Qing Emperor of the Huaxu clan can only use his sword energy to transform into a dragon and dig into it with difficulty to check for movement.

In the end, in fact, Shaoyi can't remember clearly, their fighting has stopped, and their divine power has been exhausted, between dying and not dying. At such a dying moment, the regret in his heart surged like a tide, and countless nostalgia weighed on his chest like a boulder.

He was impulsive, and he didn't want to perish, and the Qingyang family could continue to be more brilliant under his leadership; his mother was pregnant with a third child, and he didn't know whether she would give birth to a princess or a phoenix king; His ambition and rational planning; there are so many good things and hopes in heaven and earth.

He doesn't want to perish.

In the deep darkness, a thin figure was trying to approach him, Shaoyi squinted his eyes to see her outline clearly, but he was powerless. She leaned on him, hot tears fell on his face one by one, and called him with difficulty: "Brother! Hold on! I'll give you Xinyu!"

Flow mulberry? ! Why is she here? ! She has been hiding here? Then she must have been seriously injured, if she died, what would she give him?

The severe pain of planting the feathers made his eyes blurred, and his ears were buzzing. Liu Sang seemed to be apologizing all the time. If she didn't like Changyu, it would be nice if she could be stronger. It was her willfulness that made everything worse. Make it like this.

But in fact it wasn't, he and Chang Yu were fighting to the death, there were more reasons for his own arrogance, Qingyang clan's arrogance may be the same for Chang Yu. They met their opponents, and they were evenly matched. This was the most hearty battle in their lives.

Also, he never planned to marry the Zhuyin family, whether Liu Sang likes this Emperor Zhongshan or not, her infatuation is just a small trouble to him. He didn't believe it, and he didn't bother. But now listening to her crying and apology, Shaoyi didn't know what it was like.

"Brother, he died." Liu Sang turned and lay on Chang Yu who was beside him, "You won, congratulations."

If it wasn't for her Xinyu, he would have perished by now, it really wasn't a win.

"That's all, when you can get up, if I'm still alive, let's hold on together, if I perish, I can only hold on to you alone."

What she said later, Shaoyi could no longer hear, he was tortured by Xin Yu's severe pain and almost passed out, but after the severe pain faded away like a tide, his injuries had all healed.

He suddenly turned over and sat up, slowly groping in the suffocating darkness. He only touched the sand with his hands, and the perishing **** race would turn into clear air and dissipate within an hour. Liu Sang was less than 50,000 years old, caught in the earth-shattering fight between two emperors, the trauma he suffered was enough to make him feel sick. She died, not to mention she gave him a heart feather.

Why do you want to come? As an older brother, he never took her feelings to heart, not to mention Emperor Zhongshan, Liu Sang was just the one who had completed his beauty hunting list, she died for two bastards, so stupid Terrible. Don't you always love to laugh and play with other gods? Why is it different for Changyu? He really doesn't understand her infatuation.

He kind of wants to fulfill her now, and she's not here anymore.

Therefore, in any case, it is best to be alive, don't die, and when you die, there will be nothing, nothing.

Shaoyi stayed in this darkness where he could not see his fingers for a long time, constantly urging the soul orb with the power of Qingyang's prayer on his forehead, so that the people of Qingyang's clan could pass on the divine power to him. Do everything possible, use all means, even if the descendants of the Qingyang family will become weak due to his constant demands, he will must live.

But he can't do without this huge shadow of candles, they are useless.

I don't know how long it has passed, a trace of turbidity was born for no reason in the originally pure and majestic darkness, the longer the time, the more and more turbidity, and Lihenhai did not know who threw many demons and demons from the outside. The bones of the Yaozu even had a pair of emperor river wings. The turbid air and the clean air collided with each other, and gradually, evil spirits began to grow in the darkness, and they began to really suffocate Shaoyi.

The turbid air mixed with the divine power of regeneration and the darkness of the candle shade for too long, and gradually merged into it, and gradually began to be absorbed by his body.

He felt that he was beginning to be between perishing and not perishing again, and only an obsession to survive was supporting him.

By the time he realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

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