MTL - Bancheng Fengyue-Chapter 120 infatuated wrong pay

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The monster fog dissipated, the violent wind calmed down, the burning sky was as red as blood, and the mountains were shrouded in a faint glow.

Shaoyi stood in mid-air for a long time, a fresh and tender leaf whirled and fell on his hand, the Phoenix of Nine Heavens belongs to wood and fire, even the fallen leaves in the world love the breath of him.

He folded the leaf in half, put it near his lips and blew, and the intermittent tune overflowed from his lips—too many years have passed, and he will no longer remember this tune.

You shouldn't let the little loach go. There is not much time and the arrangements are almost done. He has to follow and catch it all the time to be safe. But he still waited in place until Fu Cang came and handed her to Fu Cang. The way she looked at the golden dragon really moved him a lot.

This kind of look is not uncommon, and what is rare is that it will appear on her face, reminding him of some unpleasant pasts that are almost forgotten, and it also makes him feel a bit of unbearable rebellion, and satisfies her.

After playing the intermittent tune, Shaoyi pinched the leaves in his hands and looked at the surrounding mountains and wilderness aimlessly. The turbid air rolled among the branches and leaves of the mountain depressions, and the demons hid in the dark and held their breath. Everything has changed, too much.

Shaoyi stared intently at it for a long time, then suddenly let go of the leaves, allowing it to be swept away by the wind, then smiled and whispered: "Senior Sister, are you alright?"

Zhixi, who had been hiding in the forest, couldn't help but shuddered, and then slowly floated out with a pale face.

She didn't want to be accused by him of "haunting him" again. This time, she really didn't pester him. Everything was an accident. After the edict of the Heavens to Slay Demons, she was also transferred from the Wuchen Department. Emperor Bai Ze knew her ability very well, and obviously didn't think she was suitable to stay in the Wuchen Department. The war department is doing their own tasks conscientiously.

Today, when she was chasing a little demon, she met the third prince of Suihu Maharaja. At that time, he came all the way to Shangmao Maharaja's underground palace as a guest, and had captured four goddesses. When he saw her, he didn't let her go. Take them away, and when she woke up, Ding Maobu had captured the third prince alive, and when she looked up, she saw Shaoyi holding Xuan Yi and confronting Fu Cang.

The **** she was infatuated with once, and the **** she is infatuated with now, both chose Xuan Yi.

At that time, she was dazed and sad for a while about choosing Xuan Yi to help Cang, but she still generously chose to cut off her obsession, and didn't even let anyone know the secret. She didn't want Xuan Yi to be sad, but she repeatedly make yourself sad.

It was always Xuan Yi, when she was helping Cang, she gave in, but now it is Shaoyi, she... still wants to give in?

Zhixi felt extremely ashamed of her surging unwillingness and jealousy. She once thought that she would never have such despicable and shameless emotions in her life, the emotions she despised the most.

She also understood that in fact it was not her turn to give in or not, Fu Cang never had anything to do with her from the beginning to the end, and Shaoyi only flirted with her for a few words, and then rejected her twice without mercy. Even a suave emperor like him was conquered by Xuan Yi? She would rather he be merciless everywhere than choose another one. Perhaps that's why she became so irritable.

Her confidence in herself has almost disappeared in the two crushes, and she lost to the same Goddess. She has always been self-respecting, clean-spirited, has a sweet and pure imagination of love, loves and spoils Xuan Yi, but she never thinks that Xuan Yi is better than herself.

The fair and strict way that she has always upheld does not allow her to pour out these emotions, but she really can't treat Xuan Yi with the same heart and clarity as before. She seemed to be becoming the kind of goddess she hated most before. This situation was too bad, but she was powerless to stop it.

Zhixi rose against the wind, and slowly approached Shaoyi. His black warrior pretended not to show blood, but she could tell at a glance that his right chest had been severely pierced, and there were spots of dried blood on his lips.

Was he injured when he competed with Fu Cang for Xuanyi?

Zhixi's heart was filled with an indisputable and decadent mood, she was right here! Can't he see it? She won't be like Xuan Yi, who is volatile and has a weird temper, and she doesn't have her laziness and indifference. She upholds justice, harmony and friendship, not to mention only him in her heart, why doesn't she look at her?

These evil thoughts of jealousy are tormenting her, resisting her usual reason and strictness. Zhixi couldn't help sighing deeply, and then said, "'re hurt, why bother?"

Shaoyi looked at her blankly: "Senior sister, what did you say?"

Zhixi frowned, and her heart of preaching came back: "You are always smart, how could you not see the matter of Xuan Yi and Junior Brother Fu Cang? Why do you have to interfere? This matter is not only disgraceful, but also a torture to yourself. And got seriously injured! You, you really..."

Her tears fell down carelessly, and she hastily wiped them away with her hands, turning her face away so that he wouldn't notice.

Shaoyi recalled it, and couldn't help laughing: "Senior Sister still cares about me like this."

Zhixi stared at the Huoshaoyun in the sky for a long time, and finally she suddenly had the courage to say in a low voice: "Of course I care about you, because I like you, I don't think you are a romantic and ruthless god, you can play with me." You have to throw it away again, but you don’t. You have a responsibility, you know the responsibility, and you are worried about the matter of Lihenhai. So in my heart, you are by no means a bastard. You, you deserve a better goddess to match, don’t get involved About Cang and Xuan Yi, okay?"

Shaoyi smiled deeper: "I am so good in the heart of my senior sister, I don't even know it myself."

Zhixi blushed and couldn't help stamping her feet: "What are you laughing at! Your injury is so serious, doesn't Qingyang have the power to regenerate? Why didn't you heal it?"

Shaoyi touched the wound on his right chest: "Leave it alone for now, I want to make her hurt for a while."

She makes him hurt, and he will always make her hurt more than him.

Zhixi bit her lip and muttered: "You have treated Xuan Yi to such an extent... No matter how painful the wound is, it is you who are tormenting, not her..."

Shaoyi was silent for a moment, and did not respond to this sentence: "Senior sister, the so-called responsibility, I think that as a god, this is a necessary responsibility, it is really not a bright spot. As for why I didn't provoke you..."

He squinted his eyes and smiled, his voice was calm: "I am afraid of trouble, and I have provoked such an infatuated goddess like Senior Sister. I have caused a lot of trouble. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad. Why don't Senior Sister leave the infatuation to the fellow travelers?"

He said she was troublesome, but even though he was said so, his attitude was still so gentle, which made her fatally gentle.

With tears in her eyes, Zhixi looked up at him quietly: "Are you afraid that I will pester you and cause you trouble? I will never."

Let her sink, even if she sinks only once, he is the sea of ​​hatred in her heart, dark and deep, and all methods are useless. Either play with her severely, then abandon her, let her wake up, and she will be able to let go.

Shaoyi frowned: "I'm not the kind of **** you imagined in your naive fantasy."

That's okay, she's bad, ruthless, and smashes her innocence with all her might.

He looked at her silently, with that kind of focused and clear gaze again, but this time it was for him. He couldn't help but sighed very lightly, regretful, loving, and helpless, he felt a lot of emotion for these foolish and wrong-payers.

Shaoyi stretched out his hand, took Zhixi into his arms, held the back of her head, lowered his head and kissed her gently on the lips.

There was no lewd \\/excessive sucking and entanglement, no intense rubbing and wrapping, his lips were soft and hot, and he pressed against her lips quietly for a long time, and then slowly left.

Zhixi stared blankly at him taking a step back, raised her hand to straighten the jade hairpin on top of her head, stared blankly at him with a slight smile, and said in a low voice: "Senior sister, thank you, just forget about me."

The **** in Xuanhei's general costume turned around, fluttered his long sleeves like wings, and flew out of her sight in the blink of an eye.

The sky of Huoshaoyun darkened, and Zhixi stood there for a long, long time, the dark and deep sea of ​​hatred seemed to have swallowed her, and she spun backwards in it, dizzy and confused.

Her knees gave way, and she fell from the air and landed on the ground. Never getting up again, she felt that she would never get up again.


The chest on the right side hurt like it was about to split open, and the pain became more and more painful, probably because the turbid air in the lower realm was thick, and Shaoyi didn't go to heal the wound, and the flesh and blood of the gods would feel extremely painful when they came into contact with the turbid air.

Xuan Yi was so painful that there were bursts of gold stars jumping in front of her eyes. This is really asking for guilt. The one who was beaten was light and calm, and the one who shot was crying in pain. Longlin's impulsiveness, she was full of evil fire and had nowhere to go, and she couldn't beat him, this kind of torture was too vicious.

Holding her tightly with both hands, Fu Cang's voice sounded so far away to her, she really couldn't hear what he said clearly, so she could only bury her face in his arms, tightly.

Drowsy, she didn't know whether she was dizzy or asleep, and she didn't know how long it took, the severe pain in her right chest finally eased, Xuan Yi opened his eyes in confusion, the bed under him was hard and narrow, it was really uncomfortable to lie on , she turned over, and immediately met Shang Fu Cang's dark eyes.

He sat on the edge of the bed, looked at her quietly, and said in a low voice, "You have slept for a whole day, how are you doing now? Is there any other discomfort?"

She touched the chest on the right side, but when she touched it, she was not wearing any clothes, and her hair stood on end in shock.

"...I'm fine." She shrank into the quilt vigorously, "My clothes..."

"Take it off." Fu Cang remained calm, "The belt is broken."

Even if the belt is broken, you can still put it back on with a click, so why take it off? Xuan Yi took a breath: "Where is this?"

"Dingmao Division A warriors are going to the Dingmao Division! Xuan Yi's eyes lit up immediately: "Then Qingyan is here too?" "

"Mr. Xiaolong is in Part B. On the way to kill Zhang Lu, he bumped into Qin Wu in the first battle with Lord Shangmao. At present, both Parts A and B are still exterminating the demons and have not returned yet."

His too calm voice and gloomy gaze made Xuan Yi feel his back getting hairy, and he slowly wrapped himself tightly with the quilt, when suddenly he stretched out his hand and hugged her tightly in his arms, she even felt a little breathless .

"...Sorry." He buried his face tightly in her hair, "Sorry."

His Dragon Princess couldn't even hold a wooden sword well, but he let her alone in the lower realm, and let her encounter such a thing. Chun Jun at the waist seemed to feel the murderous intent and evil thoughts in his heart, which were trembling and humming slightly.

"Under the Roof Literature Network" Reminder: Please keep in mind that the domain name of this site () "Half City Fengyue" only represents the author Shishilang's point of view. If you find that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!