MTL - Back to the Age of Dinosaurs-Chapter 97 [Sixth] I am going to be the male dragon of the Dinosaur King.

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As the name suggests, the short tyrannosaurus is a scaled-down version of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The average length of the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus is 5 meters, which is less than half of the length of the adult Tyrannosaurus Rex. The weight of the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus is generally 23 tons, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex over 3 years old has grown. It’s so heavy.

As a paleontologist, he knew that when he first discovered the fossils of Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, he thought that Dwarf Tyrannosaurus was the young body of Tyrannosaurus Rex. Later, after a series of studies, he aimed at the age of the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus and the body structure of the teeth. Unlike the Tyrannosaurus Rex, it was finally concluded that the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus is not a Tyrannosaurus cub, but a new type of dinosaur.

The three tyrannosaurus are particularly strong and each has at least three tons of weight, and the crickets and crickets are less than three tons in weight. Moreover, the experience of the three adult dwarf tyrannosaurus is very rich. A tyrannical dragon is too far behind.

There are four tons of squats, but cockroaches are herbivorous dinosaurs, and cockroaches have not been played with such a powerful adult carnivorous dragon, never.

The three tyrannosaurus and the scorpion dragon looked nervously at the three dwarf dragons. The little scorpions were very obedient and stayed in the safe range that Yuya and Mongo gave them. They looked forward to these fierce shorts. Tyrannosaurus can take the initiative to leave after smelling the horrible Tyrannosaurus rex.

But I know that this is almost impossible.

If it is a tyrannosaurus that raises a small scorpion alone, when it takes a long time to leave the scorpion to go hunting, it will use its own excrement or smear its own body on the fern plant or the tree to leave a strong taste. The small scorpion draws a safe range of activities.

Because other carnivores will choose to circumvent the scent of the adult Tyrannosaurus Rex, the Tyrannosaurus Rex is such a domineering that almost all the carnivorous dragons can be avoided by the smell alone.

The dwarf tyrannosaurus is the exception. The dwarf tyrannosaurus will search for the smell of the protective scorpion left by the adult tyrannosaurus, because these mean that the adult tyrannosaurus can’t come back for a while, and the dwarf tyrannosaurus treats this smell as Position the gs of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and then hunt the Tyrannosaurus Rex before the return of the adult Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Because the Tyrannosaurus cub can grow up and kill the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus without any effort, even the Tyrannosaurus Rex does not have to wait until it grows into the Asian adult state to easily kill the Dwarf Dragon. The Dwarf Dragon will hunt the Overlord. Dragon Cub as a pre-emptive competitor.

In fact, what I don’t understand is that Tyrannosaurus Rex is the most powerful competitor of all Carnivorous Dragons, and it is almost impossible to defeat the competitors. However, other carnivores will not search for the tyrannosaur cubs like the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus. kill.

In order to eliminate future competitors, other carnivores will certainly die when they encounter the tyrannosaurus cubs, but they will not search for them, and will not risk their lives to enter the Tyrannosaurus’s nest to hunt the Tyrannosaurus Rex Cub.

Only the dwarf tyrannosaurus is so crazy to die, so the dwarf tyrannosaurus is also known as the "Treason Dragon Cub Killer."

The three dwarf dragons are still certain that the adult Tyrannosaurus Rex is no longer near the nest, and as soon as they are determined, they will immediately launch a fierce attack.

咕噜Analysis of their combat effectiveness, the hard power of the three Tyrannosaurus brothers and the three Dwarf Dragons is actually not much different, but the soft power is really too much. The combat experience of these short tyrannosaurus is too rich, hunting the Overlord The experience of Dragon Cub is also very rich.

The three Tyrannosaurus cubs and donkeys stand side by side against strong enemies.

The dwarf tyrannosaurus stepped back and made a fake swoop.

The four little scorpions scared the body and could not control the slight tremor. The three tyrannosaurus brothers would scream behind them and shouted "Brother, we grew up, we can protect you."

I re-established a row with my younger brothers and said, "I am my brother. It is up to me to protect you. I am stronger than you. I will kill them in one corner."

The three brothers of Tyrannosaurus Rex are now less than 3 tons, and they are already four tons. They look much bigger than their younger brothers. The Triceratops cubs develop much faster than the C.

The tyrannosaurus's tactics are too sophisticated, and a few stunned little scorpions tremble, and these dwarf dragons seem to be killing them.

I know that these short tyrannosaurus "fake" is to let them relax their vigilance. I don't know which one of the fakes really flew. He shouted "Be careful, they will rush over and don't get bitten to the neck."

These dwarf dragons are very efficient in hunting the Tyrannosaurus Rex. They will never drag the water, because there is not much time left for them. They must be fixed before the adult Tyrannosaurus returns, otherwise they will catch their lives.

The three dwarf tyrannosaurus rushed to the three tyrannosaurus cubs at the same time. Their primary goal was to kill the tyrannosaurus cubs. As for the triceratops, if they had time, they would have to kill them by the way.

He and He ran to the side to escape this violent attack, but the Dwarf Dragon immediately launched an attack, three small scorpions protect their neck, but they were bitten by the back.

The dwarf tyrannosaur slammed, and the three little scorpions were heavily slammed on the ground, and their reaction quickly climbed up again.

These almost happened in an instant, and I didn't have time to react.

The three tyrannosaurus scorpions kept making huge screams. They were asking for help from Mongo and 嘎ya, and Mongo and 嘎ya would never come back. They would all die.

He quickly made a wise judgment. He chose a seemingly weak dwarf dragon to rush over and if he could kill one of the dwarf dragons, the other dwarf dragons would escape.

The three brothers of Tyrannosaurus Rex were very clever. They instantly understood their brother’s strategic guiding ideology and concentrated their firepower on this relatively thin and dwarf tyrannosaurus.

The 四 has been four tons more than the three dwarf dragons, not to mention the horns of the cockroaches are also very long. Looking at such a huge triceratops, the dwarf tyrannosaurus will naturally fear and run away from the hustle and bustle. attack.

The other two tyrannosaurus immediately rushed over to support and rushed to the hustle and bustle.

The three Tyrannosaurus brothers rushed to the two dwarf dragons, biting the back of the dwarf tyrannosaurus, and continued to slam into the weakest dwarf dragon.

The two dwarf dragons that were bitten stunned their bodies, and the three tyrannosaurus cubs were heavily slammed on the ground and made a loud noise.

I used the corner of my eye to see that the two short tyrannosaurus had opened the **** basin and bite into the neck of the skull. This mouth was gone and half life was gone.

I also refused to hit the weakest tyrannosaurus. I ran immediately and ran into a short tyrannosaurus that was biting at the neck. The short tyrannosaurus saw the longhorn of the triceratops piercing himself. The neck, gave up the bite of the little Tyrannosaurus, arrived to the side.

Then he slammed into another biting dragon, and the dwarf dragon ran to the side.

The three dwarf dragons rushed toward each other, and the big mouth opened their mouths and bite their heads, necks, and backs. The three tyrannosaurus immediately rushed to bite the backs of the three dwarf dragons.

The fierce slammed into the neck of one of the weakest tyrannosaurus dragons. The dwarf tyrannosaurus ran forward quickly, slamming a loud bang, smashing and stunned, and his long horn was also inserted into the dwarf tyrannosaurus. The hind limbs directly penetrate the flesh.

The dwarf tyrannosaurus issued a fierce roar, and the other two dwarf tyrannosaurus did not take care of the back of the tyrannosaurus cub, and turned to take a bite. The three tyrannosaurus scorpions immediately blocked the front of the scorpion.

咕噜 咕噜 的 抽 抽 抽 抽 抽 抽 抽 抽 抽 抽 抽 抽 抽 抽 抽 抽 抽 抽

The three tyrannosaurus scorpions know that if they don't care for their brothers now, their brothers will be directly killed. The three tyrannosaurus bit the ridges of the tyrannosaurus scorpion and smash them to the ground.

At this time, he finally pulled out his long horn, and he fiercely slammed into these dwarf dragons.

The Dwarf Dragons finally realized that it would be impossible to kill these Tyrannosaurus Rex without first killing the Triceratops.

But soon the dwarf tyrannosaurus found that when they concentrated on attacking the Triceratops, the three Tyrannosaurus cubs would bite them. The Triceratops were also very long and taller than their size.

These three dwarf dragons have been in the mainland for more than ten years, and they have killed many and many Tyrannosaurus cubs. They have never encountered such a difficult situation today.

If there are only three tyrannosaurus cubs, they will soon be able to kill, that is, the triceratops are too in the way.

In the end, the dwarf tyrannosaurus decided to kill these tyrannosaurus cubs in their own way. They ran away from the sly attack and took the opportunity to launch a deadly attack on the three tyrannosaurus cubs.

With the extremely rich experience of hunting the tyrannosaurus cubs, they forcefully bite the backs of the tyrannosaurus cubs, then slam them to the ground, and finally use the thick hind legs to slam the neck of the tyrannosaurus cubs. Under the combo, even if the Tyrannosaurus Rex is not dead, it will be difficult to stand up for a while.

He slammed hard, but he didn't have three heads and six arms, no shadows, and he could only hit a dwarf tyrannosaurus. He watched the other two brothers being bitten by the spine and being knocked over and pressed on the ground.

With its flexible ability to turn and run, the Dwarf Dragon can escape the slamming impact most of the time, and sometimes even turn around and bite.

After a while, the three tyrannosaurus cubs were all lying on the ground with blood, and they couldn’t get up for a while.

In order to make these tyrannosaurus cubs never get up, they must bite the spine of these tyrannosaurus cubs, and they will die only if they completely bite the spine.

These dwarf dragons stepped on the tails of the Tyrannosaurus cubs with their strong hind legs, then bent down to bite their spines and tried to bite off with constant force.

He was also bloody. He didn't know whether the blood was a dwarf dragon or his own. Because he didn't feel pain at all, he wanted to kill these dwarf dragons, all killed and killed them.

The three younger brothers were both at risk at the same time. He didn't know who to save first, and he didn't have time to think about him. He roared and rushed to the nearest embarrassment.

Seeing the long horns of the cockroach, it is necessary to penetrate the neck of the dwarf tyrannosaurus. The dwarf tyrannical singer finally released the ridge of the back and ran to the side, and he saved the cockroach in the same way.

The three dwarf tyrannosaurs surrounded the squadrons. They opened their mouths to the cockroaches, and the three tyrannosaurus brothers were lying on the ground for a while.

The screams kept defensively defending with the horns. Two of the dwarf tyrannosaurus circumvented to the back of the scorpion. They turned and wanted to attack the dwarf tyrannosaurus behind them, but the neck was completely exposed, and the front one was only The Dwarf Tyrannosaurus immediately launched a deadly attack on the cockroach.

Three Tyrannosaurus Rex said at the same time, "Brother in front of brother"

While shouting three tyrants, the little scorpion was forced to endure the pain and stood up from the ground and rushed to these dwarf dragons.

The dwarf tyrannosaurus responded very quickly. Just as the cockroach bitten into the neck of the dwarf tyrannosaurus, the dwarf tyrannical slammed his head and slammed into the ground.

Another dwarf tyrannosaurus was pumped on the back of the bitten spine with a tail, and the hind leg was soft and fell to the ground.

He was slammed into the ground by the body of the dwarf dragon, and he was trampled on a few feet.

These all happen in an instant.

I couldn’t see it, the dwarf tyrannosaurus stepped on the strong hind legs on the sly head, and there was almost no reaction.

The screaming rushed to the dwarf dragon who bit the cockroach.

The dwarf tyrannosaurus thought that the tyrannosaurus cub had already died, and did not evade the direct turn to attack the triceratops.

Just as the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus turned and attacked, the cockroach suddenly smashed and bit the stout dragon's thick hind legs. The Dwarf Tyrannosaurus never imagined that the tyrannosaurus cub was still dead.

The dwarf tyrannosaurus turned his head fiercely and wanted to directly bite the shackled neck, slamming into the dwarf tyrannosaurus' neck and slamming a loud bang.

I only felt the hot, sticky blood sprayed his face and licked the back of the dwarf dragon's hind legs and squirted blood.

The other two tyrannosaurus gave up the attack and immediately rushed over to support. A dwarf dragon bite into the neck of the donkey, and a dwarf dragon bites into the neck.

咕叽咕咚 completely disregarded their own safety, they stood up from the ground and rushed to the ground, biting the neck of two dwarf dragons, although they still can not bite the neck of the dwarf dragon, but at least can stop these dwarf dragons I bite my brother and my sister.

The dwarf tyrannosaurus swayed hard and slammed two loud noises, and the cockroaches fell heavily on the ground again.

With a bang, the cockroach pulled out his own horn, and the blood spurt was more fierce. He directly smashed the scorpion's body more than half. He rushed to the two dwarf tyrannosaurus, because he was afraid of too fast, and his blood lined up. Just floating in the air.

I know that my brothers can never stand up again in a short time. He must drive away the two dwarf dragons by the momentum and the willpower to kill them, otherwise they will not survive.

Two dwarf dragons rushed to the hustle and they wanted to avenge their dead companions.

After all, he is still a Triceratops cub, even if he grows fast, even if he is now four tons, it is absolutely impossible to deal with two dwarf tyrannosaurus at the same time.

Three Tyrannosaurus scorpions lay on the ground, tears in their eyes, and they kept shouting "Brother, brother"

Without any fear, he ran rampant between the two tyrannosaurus, constantly smashing the two tyrannosaurus with his own horns. After a while, the two tyrannosaurus were all smashed out of the horns. The injury.

Of course, you can't help but hurt, but he just doesn't know the pain. Even if he is bitten by the dwarf dragon, he runs desperately, letting the meat be pulled down, and slamming into another dwarf dragon. .

The experience of the two dwarf dragons is really rich. They are smashing from front to back. They are also very smart. They can always avoid their tails or their heads being bitten. At the same time, the front tyrannosaurus is always pierced by the neck. danger.

Then the two dwarf tyrannosaurus adjusted the layout and stood on both sides of the shackles to avoid being scratched by the long corners of the shackles.

At the same time, the two short tyrannosaurus bite into the awkward stomach, and slammed into one of the dwarf tyrannosaurus with his own body, a loud bang, and the dwarf tyrannosaurus was unstable. Ground.

Both dwarf tyrannosaurus are only 3 tons in weight, and the scorpion has already weighed 4 tons. Thanks to the rolling weight of 1 ton, he can easily knock down the dwarf tyrannosaurus.

After knocking down a dwarf tyrannosaurus, he stepped on the belly of the dwarf tyrannosaurus, and the dwarf screaming screamed and could not move.

Another dwarf tyrannosaurus was completely shaken by the momentum of the embarrassment, and the violent rushed over. The dwarf tyrannosaurus and the circumstance circled, and there was no positive conflict. He was delaying the time.

The sly foot was not enough to step on the dwarf dragon. The dwarf dragon stood up for a while and rushed to the embarrassment with a very fast speed.

Three Tyrannosaurus brothers quickly yelled "Brother is careful behind"

I heard the heavy footsteps behind me, and he ran to the side, and the dwarf tyrannosaurus bitten empty.

The two dwarf tyrannosaurus continued to linger, but they no longer actively attacked the cockroaches, just kept running, turning circles, letting them chase them and hit them.

I know that these two dwarf dragons want to run tired and attack again, but he must chase two dwarf dragons to run, not to chase the two dwarf dragons will continue to attack his three overlords. Dragon brothers.

Even after he had been running for a long time, he did not show any trace of exhaustion, and he slammed more and more, and his voice was getting louder and louder.

The two dwarf dinosaurs were shocked by the stamina of the scorpion. They even thought that this triceratops could never be tired. They were all tired and could not do it. Why is this triceratop not tired at all?

In fact, he was already very tired and tired, but he could not see the two tyrannosaurus, because he slammed more fiercely, and his screaming voice was louder. He had to be able to get rid of the two violent storms. Dragon.

The mad screaming slammed like a hurricane that didn't know how tired it was driving the two tyrannosaurus.

The three tyrannical dragons looked at you, and their brothers, who looked like they would never be tired, were the intrepid triceratops, the triangle dragons who protected them.

But they all know that my brother is actually very tired and tired. They also want to stand up and help their brothers, but they really have no strength at all.

The two dwarf tyrannosaurus were completely frightened by the imposing manner and endurance. They did not expect that they would not beat a Triceratops cub.

I know that I can't hold on for a long time. He chose the dwarf tyrannos who had just stepped on the ground and stepped on his foot. He slammed into the **** mouth of the dwarf tyrannosaurus in a way that was like a death. .

Three Tyrannosaurus cubs shouted "Brother"

The two dwarf tyrannosaurus were completely scared by the imposing manner, and they turned around and ran.

The anger rushed to catch up, of course, it is not really going to chase, but he knows that he must prove his fearlessness in this way.

Soon the two dwarf dragons ran without a shadow, but they still didn't dare to slack off. He roared on the edge of the nest. Even if he was tired, his voice was louder. Only then The two dwarf dragons won't fold back.

The three tyrannosaurus cubs looked at their brother's figure and listened to his brother's roar. His brother was covered in blood. His brother must be very tired and tired. His brother must be very painful, but his brother is still protecting them. Their tears are unconscious. Flowing out, my brother gave them the strongest sense of security.

I don’t know how long I’ve been squatting. He only knows that he can’t fall down, he can’t fall, he wants to protect his brothers, he’s a brother, he wants to protect his brothers.

It wasn't until I saw the figure that Yanya and Pado rushed, and Yanya ran in front, almost rushing to the side of her.

Looking at Yuya, he couldn’t hold on again. He slammed on the floor and whispered in his mouth. "I’m fine, I’m just tired, hemp, you are finally back. , Ma Ma, you are going to see your brothers."

The words have not been finished yet, and it is too tired to faint.

The tears of Yanya’s tears couldn’t stop, and she kept licking her body and saying, “Hey, hemp

At this time, Pado also ran to the side of the beggar, watching the **** cockroaches, Pado was very scared, afraid of trembling, his brain creaking, he was at a loss, he forced himself to calm down gently Look at the cockroaches and carefully examine the injuries on your body.

I don't know if there is telepathy between father and son. Pado hasn't heard that Mongo's ethnic group was attacked by the former lord Tyrannosaurus. He was uneasy and always wanted to see 咕噜.

Not only Pado, Barbana is always uneasy, Pado always feels yelling at him, no hesitation, and Pado immediately set off for the territory of Mongo.

However, the territory of Pado and the territory of Mongo are very large. Even if Pado is not able to leave immediately, he will arrive in a short time. He sprints and is still a step late. The Dwarf Tyrannosaurus has escaped and is covered in blood.

When the cockroach woke up again, the three tyrannosaurus brothers were able to stand up, they were around, and they wanted to marry a brother and fear of hurting his brother.

The three tyrannical dragons and the little nephews narrate the things that happened today. "Brother, brother and those dragons fight, my brother killed a dragon, my brother also injured a dragon, and two dragons fled. If there is no brother, we will all die."

When I saw that Mongo and his brothers had returned, he quickly asked "Mengo, have you won?"

Meng Ge’s voice in his **** head was sobbing. “Win ​​it, oh, we won, I’m not good, I didn’t protect you.”

Hey, "Mongo, the blood on my body is all those tyrannosaurus. I didn't hurt much. The younger brothers were hurt more seriously. I didn't protect them."

Mongo is "stupid, how do you eat grazing dragons to protect the fleshy dragons, and they should protect you."

咕噜 "I am their brother, of course, my brother must protect his brother."

Meng Ge’s tears fell on his skull and ticked.

I quickly said, "Mongo, don't cry, I'm really fine, I don't hurt at all, I am amazing, I am happy today, we won three dwarf dragons."

Mongo did not notice that he was crying. He was too distressed and a little blind, he did not control himself.

咕噜I am really happy today. He really doesn’t feel any pain at all. Compared to protecting his younger brothers, he won the fierce dwarf dragon. What hurts?

Mongo looked at the **** cockroaches, and he arrogantly wanted to tear up all the carnivorous dragons in the entire continent.

Pado has already checked the wounds of the cockroaches in detail. Compared with the three tyrants, the cockroaches are not too heavy. Although the smashing is a little bit, Pado will be very distressed, but he is very happy to grow up. He can't always be with him, he has to fight all the carnivorous dragons.

What happened today made Paddo think a lot. He has already entered the state of Asian adulthood. He is a male triangle dragon. He must become the leader of the Triceratops group in the future. Although the herbivorous dinosaurs do not have to fight for meat to eat, But the chief of the Triceratops needs to protect the ethnic group, and the protection of the ethnic group must fight with various carnivorous dragons.

Yuya kept licking her skull, and she was very distressed by her little sister.

Mongo said to Paddo very embarrassedly, "Pado, I didn't take care of you, I blame me. I shouldn't take it over. I shouldn't let you play here for so many days. I should send it back soon. ”

Pado interrupted Mongo. "We should teach you how to fight with the carnivores earlier. Mongo, we don't want the little blind people to encounter any danger, but the little blinds always grow up, we can't always be there. Protect them around, if they can defeat all the dragons in Jukan, we still have to worry."

Mongo lowered his head. He was not as calm as Pado. He had been thoughtful about Pado in the previous territory. He taught how to fight with the carnivores for a while, but he never taught it since he started to migrate. No time to.

Yuya "Mengo, it is time to grab some small carnivorous dragons and come back to let the little sisters practice fighting."

Mongo nodded and said "good."

The main injury to the sputum and sputum is the back. Fortunately, their spine is not bitten, it is not a fatal injury, but the flesh injury is more serious and needs to rest for a while.

The three tyrannosaurus scorpions kept saying "Ma Ma, Meng Ge, my brother is really amazing. If there is no brother, we will all be killed."

I was embarrassed to be praised by my brothers, but the younger brothers did say that if he did not have a group in Mongo today, the three brothers of Tyrannosaurus would die at least two, and maybe all would die.

Thinking of this, I was fortunate to have been fortunate, but fortunately, his family in Mongo today is fortunate.

咕噜 "咕叽咕咚 and 咕嘎 are also very powerful, if you don’t bite the foot of the dwarf dragon, if you don’t help me block those short tyrannosaurus, I will be killed.”

The three little scorpions became more and more excited. Although they were all injured, they worked together to kill a dwarf tyrannosaurus. The dwarf tyrannosaurus was very powerful. This is the first time they completely completed by their own strength. The second hunting, it can be said that it is a blood in the dragon, is the flag to win, this is what hurts, they are happy

Mengo shredded the body of the dwarf dragon that fell to the ground with his strong hind paws, and then scattered the remains of these bodies near the nest. He was warning other dwarf dragons, and you dare to come to us. Near the nest, it was bitten into **** like this dwarf dragon.

Pado brought the scorpion back to the Triceratops group. All the way, he was excited and said to Pado. How did he kill the dwarf dragon? The injury on his body had no effect on him.

As the most recent herbivorous dinosaur, especially the male triceratops, the male triceratops are born with the spirit of “strive for strength” and “never give up”. The male triceratops, especially the male triceratops who have the potential to become the leader, can It is said that since childhood, bloodthirsty and brutal, they love to fight with the meat dragon, and even want to kill a few carnivorous dragons at any time and anywhere.

The herbivorous dinosaurs are not all docile. The temper of the male triceratops is very violent, not to mention the unusually strong male triceratops. Pado has already killed many carnivorous dragons when he was a young adult.

Although there are human thoughts, he can't be brutal and bloodthirsty. But his dinosaurs are filled with the blood and genes of Pado. The fight makes him happy. He is very satisfied with the horrible carnivorous dragon.

It’s also known today that it’s such a happy thing to kill a carnivorous dragon. He seems to have found the endless fun of the dragon. What hurts, he wants to kill a few dwarf dragons. I can't control it.

Before entering the Triceratops group, Pado solemnly said to the unusually excited little nephew, "Hey, you listened carefully to Dad."

He was still lingering, and he stopped at this time. He looked at Pado and listened with dedication.

Pado, "Oh, you are doing very well today, very brave and very powerful. You have always been the pride of your father. But what Dad wants to say is that it is very dangerous to fight with a carnivorous dragon. No matter how powerful you are in the future, you will encounter the carnivorous dragon." How weak and small, remember not to be proud and complacent. Every fight must try to keep yourself from being hurt. Hey, remember, you don’t want to see you hurt, even if it is a little injury, we will be very distressed."

He nodded heavily.

Back to the ethnic group, Barbana and the three younger siblings looked at the wounds on the cockroaches and felt bad.

Barbana even cried and said, "Hey, hemp grows up slowly, he will not get hurt when he grows up slowly, and the ethnic group and ramie will protect you."

Because Barbana also knows that he is going to be the leader of the Triceratops. When the Triceratops leader must fight with many, many carnivorous dragons.

He comforted Barbana. "I don't hurt at all. Really, you don't know that I killed a dwarf dragon. How happy I am, super happy."

Barbana groaned and thought, he was exactly the same as Pado. He liked to fight and fight, and he blamed Pado, but Barbana also knew that only such a Dracula can become the most powerful leader.

Then Mongo smashed all the dwarf dragons in the territory, and even the dwarf dragons outside the territory. This **** hurricane didn't stop until all the tyrannosaurus he saw.

The biting dragons are not finished, Mongo will tear their bodies and throw their meat residue on the edge of the territory. This is all the tyrannosaurus outside the warning, dare to step into his territory. Just like these dwarf tyrannosaurus, they are bitten into slag.

After half a month, the wounds of the cockroaches are basically good, and the cockroaches and cockroaches can recover almost a little less than half a month.

On this day, when I was just asleep, I was brought out of the ethnic group by Pado.

I don’t know where Pado wants to take him. He is asking "Daddy, where are we going?"

When Pado only said it, you will know.

In a short while, they came to a lush fern plantation by the river. It was very cool and beautiful. There were various flowers in the fern plants. Flowers are very common.

When I saw Mengo coming over with a dwarf dragon, the dwarf dragon was weak in front of Mongo, just like a tiger rushing a big wolf dog.

The dwarf tyrannosaurus is trembling all the time, and walking is not very stable.

This can't blame the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus. Any carnivorous dragon, when faced with the Tyrannosaurus Rex, will be "scared". Tyrannosaurus Rex can easily drop all the carnivorous dragons, especially in the face of a powerful overlord like Mongo. Dragon,

Tyrannosaurus rex in other carnivorous dragons, like tigers in other carnivores, it is **** suppression, no matter how fierce the wolf leopard sees the tiger is not a second.

He probably guessed that Pado and Mongo should be training his skills with the carnivorous dragon. The Dwarf Tyrannosaurus is indeed a good choice. He is currently comparable to the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus. The Dwarf Tyrannosaurus is very agile and very good. Exercise objects.

Meng Ge rushed the dwarf tyrannosaurus to the front of the donkey and Pado. "Hey, from today, I will bring a dwarf dragon to come back to practice every day, and wait for you to easily fight the dwarf dragon and fight with me." ""

He is very excited. He also wants to be a triceratops that can easily defeat Tyrannosaurus Rex. Like Pato, he runs back and forth and says, "Okay, okay, let's start now."

But this dwarf dragon saw Pando's fear of being completely wilted. He was motionless on the ground, and he was unwilling to fight with shackles. His eyes were full of fear and despair.

You can hear the voice of this dwarf dragon. You are not bullying the dragon. Tyrannosaurus is the most powerful carnivorous dragon. The Triceratops is the most powerful herbivorous dragon. Mongo and Pardo are the most tyrannosaurus and Triceratops. The powerful leader, let me fight with your "son" in front of your two big sisters. Is this really fair to me? It is better to kill me directly and trample on me.

Meng Ge slammed the dwarf dragon, who was unwilling to fight, with his strong hind legs. "You fight with all your strength. If you win, I will let you go. If you lose, you will be smashed." Dead, if you don’t fight with you, I will tear you away now. I can bite your flesh bit by bit and make you die very painful. You can try it.”

I think Meng Ge is really the same as the tyrant. It is not reasonable at all.

Although the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus does not believe that he can survive if he wins, he knows that no matter whether he can win or not, he is dead, but it is better to be killed by Mongo.

Then the dwarf tyrannosaurus revived.

Pado said to him, "I and Mongo will not help you, unless you are going to be killed soon, we will come out to help you. If you help you, you will call it. Hey, you remember, when you really fight, No dragon can help you, and if you make a mistake, you will lose your life."

Looking at Pado and Mongo, he said, "I know, Pado, Mongo."

This dwarf dragon is less than 3 tons, not as strong as the dwarf dragon that died in the dome that day, but the brothers of Tyrannosaurus helped him that day, and he must fight alone today.

Mongo and Pardo are not far behind, which guarantees that the dragon and the dwarf dragon can be fully free to play, and that they can save in time if there is danger.

This dwarf dragon has a very rich combat experience. For the hope that he might survive, he tried his best to fight and smashed.

In order to end the battle as soon as possible, 咕噜 咕噜 直接 直接 直接 直接 直接 直接 直接 直接 直接 矮 矮 矮 矮 矮 矮 矮 矮 矮 矮 矮 矮 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Half a head.

Mengo and Pado ran at the same time, their cooperation was very tacit, and Mongo bit the back of the dwarf tyrannosaurus, and used the strong hind legs to step on the ground.

Pado will be behind him in an instant.

Both Mongo and Pardo were very angry, and they rushed out from behind Pado and bowed their heads and said, "Mengo, Pado, I am sorry, I am wrong, I should not have been"

Pado looked at the **** marks of the scorpion that had been caught by the dwarf dragon. He lifted his tail and finally did not want to fight. He just screamed, "You will fight with other carnivores in the future. I and Mongo can always be by your side." No, you are dead just now."

The intimidating snoring on the floor whispered, "I know it is wrong, Dad."

Mongo "Hey, when we fight the meat dragon and the triceratops, especially when we encounter a very powerful triceratops, we will definitely bite his long horns first. The ternary dragons without long horns can easily be killed. ”

Pado, "Oh, the best way for our Triceratops to protect the longhorns is to avoid the big mouths of these carnivorous dragons with fangs. No matter how much you think about it, you must kill these carnivorous dragons. You must ensure that you are absolutely safe. Only then, there must be no luck."

I listened to the teachings of the two fathers and nodded frequently.

The dwarf tyrannosaur, which was stepped under the foot of Mengge, showed his incomprehensible eyes, as if to say that Mongo, you are the traitor of our carnivorous dragon, how do you teach the herbivorous dragon how to defeat our carnivorous dragon, one day you will be This smashed to death, you deserve it, deserve it.

Under the teaching of Mongo and Pado, the dwarf dragon was quickly killed to the ground, and the blood sprayed him all over.

He stood on the body of the dwarf tyrannosaurus and made a scream of victory. He never felt so happy, and his blood was boiling.

After a few days, I could easily kill a dwarf tyrannosaurus. Of course, I couldn’t avoid being punished by Pado and Mongo. He complained in the heart that he was staring at training by two such powerful dads. It’s not a good thing, two tyrants, I know that I am being fined, I hate it.

However, his progress has been so fast, and he is very happy.

Mongo and Pado have new training programs.

This day, another tyrannosaur was killed, and the excitement ran around the trophy to make a burst of roar, and Mongo and Pardo looked at him with relief.

Running and stunned, he looked behind Mongo and couldn’t believe his eyes.