MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 741 : Time Comes, Heaven and Earth Are Together (Part 1) [Seeking Monthly Pass

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  Chapter 741 Chapter 741: Time comes, the world is the same force (Part 1) [asking for a monthly ticket]

  The night is dark and the wind is high, and the wind and rain are dark.

  The Miaojiang River under the temporary plank road has become extremely turbulent in a very short period of time. Its momentum is like the sea boiling and the river turning over. It also seems that there are countless terrifying beasts lurking under the dark river surface, roaring and rushing. The strong wind blows the rain, and the water on the river is foggy.

  A little rain drops between the eyebrows.

  Shen Tang stretched out his palm.

  The coolness of the raindrops soaks into the skin along the palm.

"My lord, it's raining." Xun Ding frowned, his handsome and resolute face was filled with irritability and worry, and he complained in a low voice, "God, what kind of bad weather is this? It doesn't rain sooner or later, but it rains at this hour .”

  Bad weather not only makes it more difficult for them to march, but also affects the mood and morale of the soldiers, which is not conducive to future combat plans. Shen Tang raised his hand to wipe off the rain on his face, and said calmly: "It's a blessing, not a disaster. A disaster can't be avoided. Yong'an, you are worse than Hanzhang in terms of mentality. Whether this rain is good or not depends on how we use it. Order, Speed ​​up!"

   This rain not only affects them but also the enemy.

  Heavy rain will make the enemy relax their guard and surveillance.

   It is expected that the enemy will break his head and never think that his side will land in this way in such bad weather. The more difficult it is for the enemy scouts to monitor, the more freedom they have as a surprise soldier, and the marching speed can also be increased!

   "Wei!" Xun Ding responded, waved to Lu Ji who was behind, and said, "Send the order, speed up!"

Although they were marching while building plank roads, relying on the physique and quality of brave fighters, Shen Tang and others were not slow to move, and the river bank line did not need to go over mountains and mountains to detour, and this amazing army arrived at the destination The time was nearly six hours earlier than expected. With plenty of time, Shen Tang asked people to eat dry food to replenish their physical strength, and then closed their eyes to recharge their batteries.

   This time, we will do a big job!

   After pinching the enemy in front of you, stab Okuyama Gun in the waist!

  The heavy rain was extremely fierce, with strong wind mixed with torrential rain, and it didn't stop after a day and a night.

   Zheng Qiao’s generals went out for a tour, and when they came back, they complained the same as Xun Ding: “Damn, what’s wrong with the weather?”

  Take off the coir raincoat, the clothes are already wet.

  The cold rainwater flowed into the inner shirt along the gap, and it was tightly attached to the skin. It felt like countless bugs were wriggling when it moved a little, not to mention how uncomfortable it was. The general circulated his martial energy, and after a while, his whole body was filled with steam, and he barely felt a little dry.

   There are also those who are not stingy with martial energy, and directly condense the energy into a gang, condensing an invisible cover outside the body to isolate the rain.

  As soon as the general sat down, his own soldiers brought hot food and a jug of hot wine. He filled a cup for himself and sat down in one mouthful. As the wine passed through the throat, the heat was released from the inside out. He sighed contentedly, and took a big mouthful of food comfortably.

He laughed and said: "The skyrocketing Miaojiang River came at the right time, and I don't know if the Shen thief and his party who are watching are dumbfounded... Sigh, I can breathe a sigh of relief. I really can't sleep well these days, I'm afraid they will suddenly Crazy call."

  The subordinate officers who patrolled together also breathed a sigh of relief.

   "They will not dare to come in such bad weather."

  Should be able to sleep well tonight.

The general chewed on the bean beans as a side dish, snorted and mocked: "Everything should not be taken lightly! This general looked at it coldly. This thief surnamed Shen is just a stupid young man who doesn't know anything about marching and fighting. The more he is like this, the harder it is to guess." , who knows what stupid tricks will come out next? If people insist on coming here to seek death in this weather, it is not impossible..."

The subordinate officer flattered him and said flatteringly: "The general uses soldiers like gods, no matter what tricks that group of thieves use, we can adapt to all changes without changing! Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover! If we can capture the surname alive Seriously, why do you worry about Qingyun Road, General?"

  Although the general was very pleased with these words, he still felt a bit of contempt in his heart. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Zheng Qiao's rule is crumbling. Today's Geng Kingdom is like a candle in the wind. It doesn't know how many days it will last. How can there be Qingyun Road?

  He wants to take a piece of the national seal, support the army and stand on his own.

   But he knew very well that he weighed a lot, so he could only think about it.

  If he takes this hot potato, he is afraid that he will die without a place to bury him in the end. He will spend his whole life working for others. Thinking of this, I can't help but feel a little depressed and irritable. After several cups of hot wine in a row, the pot of wine bottomed out, and the warmth spread from the internal organs to the limbs and bones. The subordinate officials who flattered him also had sharp eyesight, and when they saw this, they knew that the general was not in a good mood at the moment.

  Just because he has eyesight doesn't mean that other people have it too. Only one person laughed, and Zhang Yang declared: "I would like to guarantee the head of the item. With the general in charge, how dare the Shen thief come?"

  So arrogant, some people feel that it sounds unlucky. In this era where words can be spoken freely, words cannot be spoken indiscriminately.

  Just as I was about to remind him, the sound of footsteps stepping on a puddle came from outside the tent, followed by a panicked shout: "Report—General, it's an enemy attack! The enemy is coming!"

  The main tent fell into a moment of silence.

  The valiant warrior who uttered wild words had an ashen complexion.

   Really say whatever you want?

  The general kicked away the food table in front of him, and let the flagons and dishes on the food table jingle and scatter all over the ground. In an instant, it covered the whole body, transforming into a majestic martial armor.

  He raised his hand and swiped in front of him, covered with a black gold mask.

A thick voice came from under the visor: "When the enemy comes, he will come. Are you afraid of him? Remember, this is Qianzhou! When the twenty-year-old Chehou comes, he will forcefully suppress a realm! What strength is the opponent? Everyone is as cowardly as a mouse, shame on you!"

   "Follow the future!"

  Raising his hand, he released a corner gun.

  Before leaving the camp, the generals were still full of pride and did not feel a strong sense of crisis. Because in his opinion, the scouts must have found the enemy's traces outside the military defense line. From the outermost line of defense to the tent, the distance is not close, and he still has plenty of time to mobilize troops.

  In addition to this self-confidence, he did not notice the enemy's martial and murderous aura, which is also one of the important evidences for his judgment.

   Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped out of the tent, he felt the ground tremble under his feet.

  The general was terrified and raised his head abruptly. At the end of the line of sight, densely packed enemies formed an iron wall made of icy armor, and the horses under their crotches galloped furiously, defending the ground with iron hooves, and the thunder rolled like a torrent breaking through the dense rain.

  The line of defense was overwhelmed by the violence of the fish scale array.


  In the blink of an eye, the general had an idea—

How can it be?

how did you do that?

  Why didn't so many scouts find the enemy's traces earlier?

  Although it was raining today, the severe weather would at most affect the vision of the well-trained scout Wudan Totem. The size of the enemy is more than 3,000. Such a large target should be found as soon as it appears in the line of sight. Why did the messenger soldiers come to report the news when the enemy rushed to the outside of the camp?

  As for this, I naturally have to ask Luan Xin.

   Wei Shou led his troops out of the city and went straight to the enemy's lair. Halfway through the journey, he frowned and found that the rain was not going to decrease, and he couldn't help feeling ominous. Heavy rain will not only seriously affect the combat status of soldiers, but also hinder the speed of marching.

  Like this—

   Even a very high morale will be extinguished by three points.

  How did you know that Luan Xin rode a horse and stood in the rain, raised his head and opened his eyes, opened his arms to catch it, looked at the rain curtain and smiled and said, "Wonderful, hahahaha—this rain is neither early nor late, it's wonderful."

  Wei Shou asked: "How do you say this?"

  Luan Xin's brows and eyes were full of high spirits, and he said confidently: "General, just lead people to charge, this time, the time is mine!"

   Wei Shou was skeptical about this, and his eyes wandered to Chu Yao, who blinked at him and nodded slightly. Following his heart, he swiped the rose-gold pink giant ax in the air, and the martial arts amulet on his waist turned into hundreds of martial qi and merged into the vanguard soldier's body, shouting: "Send the order, get on the horse!"

  The rest of the generals did the same.

   After a while, the soldiers and horses, which were originally equipped with some backward equipment, completed the evolution of shotguns for cannons in an instant. The equipment could barely be called excellent, and each man had a war horse. The difference is that some war horses run naked, and some war horses wear full horse armor.

  The strongest defense and best equipment go first.

  Luan Xin sacrificed the Wenxin monogram and urged it to move.

  【Moisturize things silently】

  The majestic literary energy is pouring from the Dan Mansion, and the way of scholars is launched!

  With Luan Xin as the center, his cultural energy turned into countless smoke particles, spreading in all directions, a small part of which silently merged into every drop of rainwater. After the rain fell, the cultural energy transpired from the ground, hung upside down in the sky, and most of it merged into the clouds.

   Wei Shou looked nervously at Luan Xin.

  After more than ten breaths, Luan Xin responded.

  He said slowly: "Okay."

  Luan Xin's literary spirit will become a natural barrier, interfering with the judgment of all speech-spirit creations. The scout's warrior totem will not be able to see their traces, and at the same time, it can hide his own breath. A certain sense of invisibility can only be deciphered by the naked eye.

   It's just that, according to the speed at which the cavalry sprints with all their strength after bursting out of martial energy, and the target that can be seen with the naked eye, this distance will not take a few breaths at all. The sky was gloomy, the heavy rain was majestic, and the naked eye vision was obstructed. No wonder Luan Xin said "the timing is with me"!

   Wei Shou couldn't help grinning when he saw this.

  Who doesn’t love such a literary scholar!

   "Fight with me! Kill them!"

   With the help of the rain curtain that integrated Luan Xin's literary style, Wei Shou led his troops to sprint without any worries. The enemy soldiers on the outermost layer of defense found their tracks and were sent away by Wei Shou with an axe before they could send out a signal. Rows of horse-rejection posts were smashed to pieces by the mighty force, and the wreckage was crushed by iron hooves. As for the pitfalls along the way?

   This is the task of the military scribe. Wei Shou is only responsible for leading people to rush, no matter how many traps and pits there are, Wen Qi will temporarily fill them up.

  With so many scribes in my family, I still can’t handle this?

   This operation successfully sent a surprise to the enemy camp!

  Wei Shou took the lead, pink martial aura erupted from his whole body, the giant ax was as light as nothing in his hand, and with a casual swing, it was a pink light blade tens of feet long. He shouted loudly: "Turtle with a shrunken head, come out and say hello to your grandpa!"

  The sound wave hit, and the enemy general who was about to intercept it flew backwards. Small red snakes flowed out of the seven orifices, and the head buzzed even more, as if someone had hit the Tianling Gai with all their strength with a hammer, and his eyes were spinning.

   There are also people who only have a turbulent breath, but their feet are still stable, and they can recognize the identity of the person through the color of their martial aura.

   "Wei! Yuan! Yuan!"

   "You barbarian traitor!"

   "—to have the face to come here!"

Wei Shou, whose strength was suppressed, didn't like this kind of feeling very much. He swung the ax down and forced the brave fighters back. He said impatiently: "You are still such useless people, your hands and feet are soft and your mouth is hard. I really think your grandfather's strength is Just to watch?"

   After finishing speaking, he didn't call back to Chu Yao.

   "Chu Liangliang, let's go together!"

  Bring Chu Yao's [General's Five Virtues] to kill the Quartet!

   It’s just that it sounded like greeting a pet, Chu Yao was far away, and gave him a pair of eyes in his heart.

  【Five virtues of the general】?

   Ask others to go.

  Chu Yao raised his hand and gave [The General's Five Virtues] to Xu Quan and Yun Ce, because the five virtues cost a lot of literary energy, even if he is rich in literary energy, he can't make it for the third time in a short time.

   This scene made Wei Shou angry.

   Cursing inwardly, he turned Chu Yao over and over to greet him.

  However, it is still useful to have many literary scholars. He finally got the [Five Virtues of Generals], even though it was given by Ning Yan.

   "My colleagues for dozens of days are more reliable than you, Chu Liang!"

  Wei Shou and the others were vicious and powerful, and rushed into the enemy's base camp before the enemy could react. Even though the number is only 3,500 and their strength is uneven, the cavalry crossing the border in formation is still like a torrent of giant beasts, and there is no disadvantage.


  The advantage of the large number of enemies soon became apparent.

   Before Wei Shou's soldiers and horses were half killed, shield walls rose from the ground, and the enemy soldiers formed shields with morale, blocking the cavalry's charge path. The camp is not a wilderness. It is impossible to avoid such a short distance and crowded surroundings.

  The war horse turned into martial energy collided with the heavy shield.

  The two erupted with a tooth-piercing roar.

  The weaker war horse let out a wail, and turned into martial energy and dissipated. Before the soldiers on the horses could react, they faced several sharp spears. The spear targets the soldiers' eyes, throat, chest and other deadly places. But because of the protection of the military armor, he was only stabbed a little bit. If he was lucky, he saved his life. If he was unlucky, the enemy rolled on the ground with a knife and cut off his feet.

   And the fully armed horses are another sight.

   Without avoiding or giving way, the horse's hoof was raised high, and one hoof crushed the heavy shield transformed from morale. Before the enemy soldier behind the shield could scream, his chest was trampled by an iron hoof. After a fierce battle, hundreds of corpses were thrown on the ground, and blood stained the puddles under their feet.

  The torrential rain continued.

   Covered up the killing cries and washed away the smell of blood.

   Zheng Qiao's generals were furious when they saw this, and their eyes were about to split. However, his enemy is Wei Shou, and he is not allowed to be distracted at all. After the hundred and ten strokes, many wounds were left on his body, and the rain washed the deep red that dripped out into a light powder.

   "The barbarian surnamed Wei, die for me!"

  Wei Shou snorted coldly: "The tone is not small."

  If you only have three words on your body, don't mess with him.

  The general took a mouthful of **** saliva.

   "How many people do you think I have here?" He smiled sinisterly, even if the people here were wiped out, he couldn't let the soldiers and horses brought by Wei Shou go back alive, so—


  The soldiers and horses here are five times that of Wei Shou's side!

   Wei Shouchu's complexion was not good at the beginning, but when he saw the movement behind the camp at the end of his line of sight, he quickly raised his brows.

   "Still dead? Your eyes are on fire, silly grandson!"


   Friends, it will be put on the shelves today.

   Recommend YTT Taotao's ancient sayings about farming "My Live Broadcast Room Knows the Past and the Present"

   Introduction: The grandma takes her granddaughter through the ancient times, and how to survive becomes the primary problem for the old and the young.

   Fortunately, I brought a modern live broadcast room.

   At the beginning, the grandparents and grandchildren live broadcast live without enough food and clothing to keep warm, dripping with sweat, and tightening their belts, cursing and fighting in the street, just to have an extra bite of food.

   Later, it became very powerful. The grandparents and grandsons also broadcast live broadcasts of ancient floods, soldiers, disasters and bandits, and built high walls and accumulated grain to build their own beautiful homes.

   They practiced with practical actions, suffered hardships, and more hardships.

   One-sentence introduction: In ancient times, natural disasters left me hungry, and I had a live broadcast to earn supplies.



  (end of this chapter)