MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 736 : There are so many spare machines [seeking a monthly ticket]

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  Chapter 736 Chapter 736: So many spare machines [seeking a monthly ticket]

  Yan An's broken sword is currently in Bai Su's hands.

  Looking at the two identical twin swords except for the different materials of the scabbards, Shen Tang carefully perceived them under the eyes of everyone. After a long time, she shook her head and said, "No, Xing Ning's broken sword is normal, Zheng Qiao's is 'alive'."

  Ning Yan judged gloomyly, gnashed her teeth and said: "So, Zheng Qiao must have done something to Broken Sword."

   There is no reason why the two swords produced in one furnace will be different.

  Shen Tang had a different intuition.

  She said: "It doesn't seem to be something harmful."

  The "living creature" in the broken sword not only did not make her feel threatened, but even had the urge to be close and happy.

   After a lot of discussion, everyone couldn't figure out why, and the thank you tool that came with the broken sword became the focus.

He pondered for a while, and took the initiative to explain the details of when Zheng Qiao entrusted the Broken Sword: "...When the court meeting ended, Zheng Qiao sent a servant to tell me to stay. When I saw him, he was fishing by the lake. His current state seems to be... Not very good."

  Xie Qi looked at Ning Yan worriedly, and said: "...his madness is getting worse, and he doesn't seem to remember Xing Ning's death."

  Ning Yan's breathing became disordered for a moment.

   Only by clenching your fists can you suppress the gushing hatred.

  Xie Qi still clearly remembered the details of that day. When Zheng Qiao wanted to let him go, he thought the other party was testing him, but when Zheng Qiao beckoned for the waiter to bring something, he was not sure. The other party entrusted the Broken Sword to him: 【This Broken Sword is of the same origin as Senior Brother's. If you have a chance to meet Senior Sister Ning, please pass it on to her. Whether she accepts it or not is entirely up to her. 】

   Xie Qi curled his lips to the back of his ears.

   It is strange that Ning Yan would kill the broken sword of her husband and enemy.

  Even if you are willing to accept it, you will throw it into the stove to melt it down to vent your anger.

"I don't want this thing. If my lord is interested, I can take it. But after all, it is something that Zheng Qiao has touched before. Before I figure it out, please be careful, so as not to fall into the evil tricks." Ning Yan said emotionally Ups and downs, mental energy consumption is huge, and I don't care about other things. But he didn't forget to remind Shen Tang that he couldn't slack off Zheng Qiao, a poisonous snake.

  According to what Xie Qi described, there was nothing wrong with the whole process, even Zheng Qiao in his mouth sounded too normal.

   But, normal Zheng Qiao, can that be normal?

   Shen Tang nodded and put away the sword box.

  Holding the sword box, he said, "I feel a sense of peace of mind."

  It was as if a missing piece of the puzzle came back to her.

   When Chu Yao heard about this, it was already very late. He returned from outside the city and went to the government office without stopping.

  The government office was brightly lit, and Shen Tang stared at the brush in a daze, muttering something like "You are already a mature brush, do you understand when you get up and do it yourself?"

  Chu Yao heard the words and smiled: "Yao has seen the Lord."

  Shen Tang had no choice but to let go of the useless writing brush, and raised his head with a bright smile: "It's so late and Wuhui doesn't want to go to rest, but what's important? Is it for the broken sword?"

   Zheng Qiao’s soldiers and horses didn’t move at all. After thinking about it, the only thing that could alarm Chu Yao’s visit at night was the broken sword.

  Chu Yao asked: "My lord, can you penetrate the secret of Broken Sword?"

   "Not yet, that sword is really weird." Shen Tang shook his head truthfully, "I'm going to discuss it after you all come back."

   One person counts short, two counts long.

  Chu Yao is well-informed and may bring some inspiration. Shen Tang took the sword box and handed it to him for careful observation.

   "My lord, can you tell me about your feelings in detail?"

  Chu Yao lowered his eyes for a while, and seemed to have some clues, but he was not sure yet, and he needed further verification. Shen Tang did not doubt that he was there, and explained in detail how he felt when he saw Broken Sword. With a dry mouth, he took a sip of tea to moisten his lips.

  She didn't interrupt Chu Yao's thoughts.

   Quietly waiting for Chu Yao to take the initiative to speak, not to mention, Chu Yao really had a very bold idea here, and asked Shen Tang: "My lord, do you know what is the biggest difference between you and us?"

  Shen Tang tentatively asked: "I have both civil and martial arts?"

  Chu Yao shook his head slowly: "No."

  Shen Tang urged him: "If it's not this one, which one could it be? When will Wu Hui like Wang Chao's love of whetting people's appetite?"

  Chu Yao: "The biggest difference is that you are the master."

  Shen Tang showed a confused face instantly: "Huh?"

   Which is the biggest difference? There is an artificial intelligence living in Broken Sword, who can actually distinguish the social identities of different people? When she was wondering, Chu Yao reminded: "My lord, have you ever thought that the 'goods' in the broken sword are the national seal?"


  Shen Tang pinched off the handles, with a horrified expression.

  Chu Yao guessed that she never thought of it in her dreams.

  Zheng Qiao is her enemy, and the Imperial Seal is the most coveted treasure of all forces in the world. Her enemy...give her this thing?

   I have to say that even Gu Chi would be willing to bow down to Chu Yao's brain hole: "Wu Hui, your guess is a bit scary."

  Chu Yao didn't think so, he said: "How can the behavior of a crazy person be judged by common sense? However, the method of verifying whether the broken sword is the national seal or not is quite simple."

  Shen Tang asked: "What way?"

  She thought that Chu Yao had some unknown secret, but he brought herself a jug of wine, and motioned her to drink with his eyes.

  Shen Tang: "..."

  Three question marks popped out of his head.

   This is how he verified it?

Chu Yao was full of confidence. He said: "My lord followed the breath of the national seal for half a step when he was drunk, and bluntly said that he was a shameless thief. If there is really a national seal for the broken sword that Zheng Qiao gave to Tunan, it should be possible to use the same method. distinguish..."

  Verification costs are not high, and a glass of wine is enough.

  Shen Tang was a little dazed, but still picked up the wine cup and drank it down in one gulp.

  After many years, her drinking capacity has not improved, and she is drunk immediately after drinking. After seeing the change in her eyes, Chu Yao knew that she was drunk. He pointed to the broken sword and asked, "Can my lord recognize this thing?"

  Shen Tang bent his elbow and supported his chin: "Naturally I recognize it."

  The simple four words made Chu Yao's heart tremble violently. He restrained himself and asked, "Is this the treasure stolen by the lord?"

  Shen Tang raised his eyebrows in displeasure: "It's really rude to name other people without authorization, and even choose such an ugly name."

  Although it is not a positive answer, it is considered an admission.

  Chu Yao asked again: "Can the lord take it back?"

  Shen Tang said coldly and indifferently: "Now? No."

   "Why not?"

   "Because the way of heaven is permanent."

  Chu Yao pondered these six words carefully.

  When Shen Tang woke up, he found that it was already midnight. She got up from the table, and when she looked up, she saw Chu Yao standing by the side. The latter's concerned eyes kept falling on her body, she wiped her face, stared dazedly at the scene before she fell asleep, rubbed her swollen temples and asked, "Wu Hui can ask what? What exactly is the thing?"

  Chu Yao said: "National seal."

  Short two words exploded in Shen Tang's ears like a thunderbolt on the ground, she was in high spirits, and she almost uttered a Chinese quintessence: "Wow, it's really the Imperial Seal?"

  Is the truth so outrageous?

Shen Tang sat up straight, with countless questions in his heart, the biggest one of which was: "No, why did Zheng Qiao do this? He is sick, so send the imperial seal to Tunan... yes, to Tunan Yes, it wasn't for me..."

  Her expression was so tangled that she swallowed a fly.

"Could it be that Zheng Qiao regretted killing Yan Xingning... so he wanted to make up for it in this way? No, if Zheng Qiao had this conscience, he wouldn't have brought the country into such a horrible state... There must be some kind of conspiracy here. Inside Broken Sword The national seal, before Zheng Qiao died, the ownership should still be in his hands... Is this **** trying to target us through the national seal?"

  Shen Tang couldn't help thinking in the direction of conspiracy theories.

  Chu Yao: "I'm afraid he's plotting more than that."

  Shen Tang held his breath and concentrated: "More than that?"

  Chu Yao vaguely had some clues, but he wasn't sure, because that would be too crazy, but Zheng Qiao could do it on Zheng Qiao's body. He said softly: "My lord, have you ever thought about why the half-step gave you only one imperial seal?"

  Shen Tang: "...???"

  Chu Yao was completely unable to ask this question.

  The imperial seal obtained by Gong Shuwu was from Tuogu, the old ruler of the state of Xin. Isn’t the imperial seal of the state of Xin one piece?

  Hey, it’s really a lot.

   You must know that before the fall of the Xin Kingdom, it had the momentum to sweep across the Northwest Continent, successively destroying the nearby small countries, including Gu Chi and Chu Yao's homeland. These small countries also have national seals. After the country is destroyed, the national seal will be absorbed by the national seal of the victorious country, but it will take time to truly integrate. However, the regime has changed frequently in the past two hundred years, and they often separate before the fusion of several pieces of the national seal. Xin Guo is no exception.

  What Shen Tang got in his hand was the original imperial seal of Xin Guo, but the imperial seals of those countries that were destroyed by Xin Guo were not there.

   She asked, "Where did they go?"

Chu Yao said: "It's all in the hands of Zheng Qiao. Back then, the Lord of the Kingdom of Xin lost to Zheng Qiao's army. In order to keep the throne, he not only cede land for peace, but also bought Zheng Qiao with the seal of the small country. But Zheng Qiao is Someone who will keep his oath?"

  When he got the national seal, he turned his face and denied anyone.

  Therefore, in addition to the most important seal of the Geng Kingdom, Zheng Qiao also has many seals of small countries. As for the national seal, one country is enough to own one piece, and the others are equivalent to spare machines. No matter how many there are, it is useless, and it is not even the icing on the cake.

  It is not necessary for a country leader to establish two countries at the same time, right?

Shen Tang looked at Broken Sword and said, "That is to say... the national seal in Broken Sword is the national seal of some small country? Zheng Qiao didn't give it to Tunan for the sake of repentance... So Zheng Qiao's real Is the target actually me?"

"If Yao is Zheng Qiao, seeing that the situation is over and unable to return to heaven, my lord thinks, what will Yao do to make the enemy be buried with him after his death?" Chu Yao pointed at the broken sword and said, "The key... I'm afraid it is right here."

  Shen Tang: "..."

  Chu Yao’s voice was terribly calm, and he said: “The allied army slays the dragon, either for fame or profit, but in the final analysis it is for a national seal. No one can resist the temptation it brings.”

   Let one party get all the national seals, and one family dominates?

   No, no, no, this is not what Zheng Qiao would like to see.

   Only when others are unhappy can he be truly happy.

  Shen Tang took a deep breath: "So——Zheng Qiao is going to play a 'rain and dew' drama?"

  Chu Yao said: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

   Their opponents are lunatics.

   Then use the craziest ideas to try to figure it out.

   When Chu Yao had this idea in his heart, he was taken aback by himself. After the shock, he felt that this plan was completely feasible.

  Shen Tang murmured: "Crazy! Does he think that he died when he died, and he didn't care about the flood behind him?"

  Passionate greetings to Zheng Qiao's ancestors for eighteen generations.

  This disaster is not on the scale of a torrential flood.

   It's a complete mess!

"But this is also an opportunity for us to show the 'National Seal' in our hands. I was worried that once the dragon was successfully slayed, the National Seal would be exposed. Now, the National Seal really needs a share , we can retreat with our bodies."

   This is the only good news.

  Shen Tang twitched the corners of his mouth, unable to smile.

  Chu Yao looked at Broken Sword: "All of this is based on the success of the dragon slaying. If it fails, this is our life-killing talisman."

  Shen Tang's brain buzzed wildly.

  Chu Yao's eyes were like water, holding Shen Tang's hand, and said firmly: "My lord, you must believe in yourself. Only you can completely free this world from the endless struggle."

  Shen Tang didn't know where Chu Yao's confidence came from.

  She herself only brags like this when she brags.

  Chu Yao asked with a gentle smile, "Did the lord not find out?"

   Shen Tang shook his head in confusion: "What did I find?"

Chu Yao said: "The seal of Xin Guo, which was entrusted in half a step, was completely absorbed by the original seal of the lord, and the two merged into one. In other words, it can no longer be split into two pieces. When there is only one country left in the mainland, the world will be the only country in the world. There is only one imperial seal left."

   "Looking forward to hundreds of years of Haiyan and Heqing will come." The country is stable and developing steadily, and hundreds of years of separatism and war will become history. So his destiny is the real destiny!

  Shen Tang twitched the corners of her mouth. At this moment, an invisible heavy burden was placed on her shoulders, but she still made a promise to Chu Yao with firm eyes: "The road is long and long... Wuhui, I will not let you down!"

I will search up and down.

  The secret of Broken Sword is only known by a few confidantes.

   Although Xie Qi is curious, he also knows that being curious about everything will only hurt him, and that some things can only be saved if he is confused. The most important thing is that he doesn't have the energy right now. His wife heard about Ning Yan's condensed cultural heart from somewhere, and she kept pestering him to send her daughter to Ning Yan as a student.

   Xie Qi was helpless: "I still don't know how Tunan can condense his literary heart. Even if he sends his daughter there... her method may not be able to be done by our family. Why are you so anxious?"

  The lady who has always listened to Xie Qi's words, but now she doesn't.

"The Lord has a great kindness for Tu Nan. For the sake of this kindness, she will do her best... How will you know if you don't try it? Didn't the Lord also say that there is only a woman named Tu Nan under Shen Jun's account?" Scholar, there is also a warrior woman surnamed Zhao? The master may as well say bluntly where the concubine’s body has offended you and affected her daughter, so why bother to make so many excuses?” Madam said angrily.

   Xie Qi was in a dilemma: "This is a plan to repay your kindness."

   "When will this kindness be repaid?" Instead of repaying the kindness unsatisfactorily, it is better to follow her mind.

   Isn't it beautiful to have the best of both worlds?

   (* ̄︶ ̄)

   Originally, I wanted to go directly to the title of Zheng Qiao's death, but after thinking about it, it will take two days. Try to let him have lunch on May Day.



  (end of this chapter)