MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 712 : Difficult to recite scriptures [ask for a monthly ticket]

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   Zhao Feng's expression was unprecedentedly dignified.

He told the friend in front of him in a firm tone that cannot be questioned: "What you said today, I just pretend that you haven't said it and I haven't heard it. When you leave my camp, don't mention it to anyone else. This is absolutely impossible!"

  The scribe lowered his eyes: "We didn't come to spy on you."

Zhao Feng then said: "I have never suspected that you are here to sniff out! It is because of this that I am willing to help you hide your thoughts. When did you have such an idea? Although the lord does have some criticisms, it is far from up to this point."

  He has been suffocated a lot in the past two years. As an outsider, he has never been accepted by the Tianhai indigenous faction, but it is an indisputable fact that Wu Xian treats him favorably. Zhao Fengping didn't like ungrateful people the most in his life, so how could he betray Wu Xian for this reason? If he could do it, he would not have tried his best to save Wu Xian back then.

  Scribe said: "It has been there for a long time."

   "A long time ago..."

   Zhao Feng couldn't help but choked.

  Can't help but reflect on himself, could it be that he was too careless and didn't notice the situation of his old friend, so that he developed such strong dissatisfaction with the protagonist Wu Xian? Of course, this is also related to the character of the old friend. The other party never conceals the principle of "people go to high places, water flows to low places". If he can't see satisfactory value in Wu Xian, he will really quit.

  Zhao Feng: "Where does my lord displease you?"

   It's just that the scribe didn't want to say much, and said: "I don't like it."

   Zhao Feng: "..."

The scribe knocked on the table with a knife and fan, drawing Zhao Feng's attention back, and said: "You and Gong Su both have a temper that can be tolerated. I hope that the master will get better someday, and give him trust and reuse. But" trust And reuse', where do we need to wait? Can’t you find someone who can cash in immediately? Wait, wait, when will it be a head? What if the protagonist becomes more and more suspicious?”

   Zhao Feng's face suddenly sank: "You've said that!"

The scribe was not afraid, and said calmly: "If this is the case, you and Gong Su will only give in again and again, endure and endure, and indulge again. The lord is just the lord and not the husband, why bother to compromise again and again like a woman? Ordinary women, because they don’t have the skills to make a living, and because they are immature, have difficulty breaking up with their husbands, so they can only swallow their anger, but why are you and Gong Su doing this?”

The seriousness on Zhao Feng's face couldn't hold back anymore, and he couldn't help yelling: "You old **** is getting more and more stupid! Can I be that kind of person? My lord, he has many shortcomings, but he also has merits. As a courtier, I should be my assistant to assist the lord to correct me, not like you, thinking about leaving all day long to settle the matter."

  Scribe said: "My lord, he won't change it."

  Zhao Fengqi said: "How do you know he won't change?"

The scribe snorted coldly and said: "If it is changed, why would you be so wary of you? Do you think the lord really doesn't know about those villains provoking you? He knows, and he still knows. He just watched coldly. You and Shen He has long been dissatisfied with the fact that Jun is getting close. Isn’t a typical example like Xu Jie a living example? Think about it carefully, how long has it been since the lord mentioned Xu Wenzhu? If there is no conflict between the two, Xu Wenzhu will Stuck with military rations?"

   Zhao Feng was speechless.

   But he was not persuaded by the scribes either.

  He never thought of kicking Wu Xian to find another place.

  Acquiescently allowing his daughter to follow Shen Tang, it was only because he assured Shen Tang that her place was the best and safest destination for his daughter.

  The scribe came to the conclusion quietly: "Xu Wenzhu spent all his wealth to help the lord these years, but he still got a estranged ending. How long will your life-saving grace to the lord be consumed?"

  Zhao Fengnong frowned: "Gong Su knows what you're thinking?"

The scribe laughed and said: "Gong Su is not you. It's okay for you to know our thoughts. If he knows, you still want to have good fruit to eat? My lord has been using him all these years, and I have treated him kindly. How can I tolerate others' treatment of me?" The lord’s unfavorable words? Naturally, he was kept a secret from him, and only you have been told so far.”

  Zhao Feng breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

  He was really worried that Qin Li would know, another thought came to Zhao Feng's mind: "Could it be that you have already defected to Shen Jun in secret? Did you come here today to lobby me?"

The scribe patted his knife and fan and smiled: "Dayi is more thoughtful than before, but you still think too much this time, we didn't do such a stupid thing. Those who take the initiative to deliver to the door will be looked down upon. Then Although Mr. Shen is somewhat different from the outside rumors, it is unlikely that he would value someone who betrayed his old master."

  He really intends to change jobs, but he will not take the initiative to do so.

   At least in the eyes of the new master, he is not the one who takes the initiative.

   Zhao Feng: "..."

  He really thought that his old friend was sent by Shen Tang.

  He asked curiously: "Why does it have to be Shen Jun?"

  Even Zhao Feng thinks Shen Tang is very good, he has a youthful drive and a chivalrous spirit that Wu Xian has abandoned long ago, but Shen Tang's obvious conditions are not top-notch in the coalition. It is clear that Huang Lie, the leader of the alliance, is more likely to win the favor of friends.

  Just because there may be a national seal on Shen Jun?

  The scribe took a sip of tea, narrowed his eyes slightly as if enjoying himself, and covered the dark color flowing under his eyes: "Don't say it."

  Zhao Feng sneered: "Again."

   Zhao Feng is still very supportive of his old friend’s desire to find another way out, and he can’t bear to watch him waste time and bury his talents. For some unknown reason, the protagonist didn't like his old friend very much, so naturally he couldn't talk about reuse, but just gave him an unremarkable idle position. Qin Li recommended it several times, but Wu Xian only agreed with his lips, but he didn't take action for a long time.

   After going back and forth, Qin Li also knew that Wu Xian did it on purpose, and the scribe's temper couldn't do the thing of sticking a hot face to a cold butt, so he put it on the spot. Zhao Feng felt sorry for this, but there was nothing wrong.

  The scribe didn't speak, but there seemed to be laugh lines at the corners of his eyes.

  He took the initiative to stir up another topic.

   "Before we came, we met the eldest son."


  The "eldest son" in the two populations is naturally Wu Xian's eldest son. Wu Xian only allowed other concubines to have children after his wife gave birth to two sons in a row. The original intention was to put an end to the conflict between the aunt and concubine, who knew that the two aunts would quarrel endlessly.

  Scribe said: "He seems to want to come to you."

   Just wandered around for a long time but did not come.

  Zhao Feng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, his serious face looked even more serious, and he said after a long while: "Do you know the purpose of the eldest son?"

  The scribe said casually: "I don't know, but I know without asking. I must have come to ask you for advice, and to get close to you."

   Zhao Fengwen said that the brains are big.

  People in this world start a family early.

  Wu Xian was still in his prime, and the two eldest sons were not young. Although the two are brothers of the same mother, their temperaments are very different. The older ones tend to be introverted and don't like to make a sound, while the younger ones look like a copy of Wu Xian when he was young.

  The second son has some talents in cultivation. He practices Sanjiu in winter and Sanfu in summer. He and the people around him, no matter how high or low, can easily get along with each other. One time, when he heard that bandits were disturbing the people in a certain place, he lifted a sword, greeted a few friends, and went straight to his lair to eliminate the harm for the people.

  Finally, he came back with the bandit leader's head and injuries all over his body. When Wu Xian heard about this, not only did he not get angry, but he laughed loudly, joking to the people around him that this son was like him when he was young.

   On the other hand, the eldest son is not so outstanding.

  He doesn't have much comprehension in Wen Dao, he can't cultivate Wen Qi, his physique is weak, and he can only gather courage after many years of practice. At the age when his brothers could kill the bandits and cry for their father and mother, he was a second-class master. In terms of strength, even the **** who is younger than him can't beat him. In terms of character, he is not outstanding, except for being the eldest son, he is not as good as his younger brother anywhere.

  The eldest son's reaction is also a little slow.

  By the time he realized that everyone around him liked his brother and was dissatisfied with him, his brother had already become the favorite of the group. Most of the Tianhai faction was gathered by Wu Xian when he was young. Looking at the second son is like seeing the lord when he was young, so he naturally prefers it.

  When most people are optimistic about the Second Young Master, Zhao Feng and the others are more optimistic about the First Young Master. There is no other reason, just a very simple idea, the family fortune of the common people who have struggled for a lifetime will be given to the eldest son. Zhao Feng was born in the lower class, and everything he saw was like this, so naturally his choice was also like this. Even if other sons are more likable, not following the rules can easily lead to discord between brothers.

   It's just that Qin Li and the others don't like to intervene in the lord's family affairs, and have never stood in line. Zhao Feng also knew the advantages and disadvantages of it, but he was not easy to avoid it, because he was the eldest son's martial arts teacher in name. It is only natural for students to be close to teachers.

  Thinking of this cheap apprentice, Zhao Feng also felt distressed.

  He once hinted that the eldest son should not be in the wind and attitude of the unexpected world. He occupies both the heir and the elder, and has the advantages of etiquette. Why panic? As for Wu Xian's preference for the second son, which parent doesn't like a child who looks like their own? Some eccentricity is also normal.

  But this child didn't know what was wrong, and he couldn't listen to Zhao Feng's words at all. Instead, he became jealous of his younger brother day by day, and as he got older, he made more petty moves. These small actions are hidden in the eyes of the eldest son, but they are transparent in the eyes of Wu Xian. He hoped that his sons could be brothers and sisters, unite and help each other. The eldest son's behavior can be called "narrow-minded".

  As such, I naturally dislike it even more.

  Zhao Feng sighed and said: "No matter how close you are...that is also the master's family business, how can you get outsiders to point it out?"

   What's more, Zhao Feng has had a difficult time in the past two years.

   Being close to him will not benefit the eldest son.

  Scribe: "The inner house is unstable, the beginning of chaos."

  The protagonist's two sons are no longer ignorant and childish, but have reached the age of growing ambitions, but Wu Xian is not clear about this issue, and is he not afraid of chaos? The scribe had a vague premonition that Wu Xian might stumble on this issue!

   Zhao Feng muttered: "It's not that serious, is it?"

  The scribe just smiled and said nothing.

  The two of them sat and rested for a while, chatting, chattering, and relaxing. Until the scribe drank a cup of tea, Zhao Fenggang was about to lift the freshly boiled water from the small stove, but he saw the scribe turned his head to look in the direction of the curtain of the tent.

   Zhao Feng asked: "Is someone here?"

  The scribe set up a spirit in his camp, and he would not know what was going on outside unless he deliberately checked. The scribe inserted the handle of the knife fan to his waist and got up: "Yes, let's not bother."

   As he spoke, he raised his hand and removed Yan Ling.

He opened a corner of the curtain, walked out of the tent, and signaled the people who were waiting outside to come in: "Just chatting with Dayi, I almost forgot the time, and we still have some things to deal with. The eldest son has been waiting for a long time? Dayi is here inside."

  The boy's face was yellow and his mind was restless.

   Hearing what the scribe said, he suddenly came back to his senses.

  He hurriedly returned a salute to the scribe, and only after the scribe had left did he pluck up the courage to enter Zhao Feng's camp. Before Zhao Feng could speak, he called "Teacher" sadly and gave Zhao Feng a great gift. Zhao Feng was so frightened that he almost dropped the tea bowl in his hand.

   hurriedly said: "What is the eldest son doing?"

  The eldest son refused to get up, but he couldn't stand Zhao Feng's strength, and said with a sad face: "Teacher, save the students!"

  When Zhao Feng heard this, he immediately turned serious.

   "What kind of nonsense is the eldest son talking about?"

  The eldest son said: "Someone is trying to harm the students."

  Zhao Feng: "If there is a villain, you should tell the master."

  If you are in danger and don’t ask your parents to find him, what does the protagonist think?

The eldest son's dry eyes were about to burst into tears again, and he gritted his teeth and said, "The person who hurt the student is the second brother, how can the student tell my father? My father never listens to these things, and only scolds the student... The student really can't help it." , to find a teacher."

   Zhao Feng turned green when he heard this.

   I became more and more suspicious of how the eldest son's brain grew.

   Can you talk casually about this?

   "Does the eldest son have physical evidence?"

   Zhao Feng had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask.

The eldest son said: "...There is no physical evidence, but the last time I heard the second brother talking with someone... They wanted to take advantage of the chaos before the battle to harm the students. If they are destined to leave only the disabled, they will support the students for the rest of their lives. But if the student's life is not good and they die on the battlefield, they can sit back and relax..."

   Zhao Feng asked: "Is there any witness?"

The eldest son said: "It was there before, and the attendant around the student heard it too, but the student was afraid to tell the truth, Father didn't believe it... Who knows, the attendant went out yesterday and never came back. It must, must be The second brother and the others were silenced..."

   Zhao Feng: "..."

   How does this make him decide for the eldest son?

   This kind of thing shouldn't come to him.

   In desperation, Zhao Feng could only appease the eldest son, saying that he would send someone to investigate the whereabouts of the attendant. Failure to return overnight may not necessarily mean that they were silenced, maybe they just lost their way.

   Facts have proved that Zhao Feng said this too early.

  The entourage was indeed silenced by someone, but it was not the second son, but the elder brother of the two brothers—the master Wu Xian.

   Zhao Feng investigated and found out the boss.

  How could the boss not ask?

   In desperation, Zhao Feng could only tell the whole story.

  Even if he lowered his head, he could still feel Wu Xian's gaze from the top of his head, so he could only tactfully say: "The eldest son is still young, and he has been misled by villains, so it is possible to provoke brotherhood... Please don't blame the eldest son for this..."

   That baby was not courageous in the first place.

   If you get scared a few more times, you might be really stupid.

Wu Xian's expression was very dissatisfied: "Young? When I was his age, I knew what happened, so why would I be led by the nose? The attendant was sent by his uncle, and those few of him are useless How can my uncle feel good about it?"

   Zhao Feng: "..."

   There is another reason why Wu Xian hates the eldest son.

  The eldest son is too close to his maternal uncle and obeys his advice. Those who didn't know thought Wu Xian was the outsider.

  Hey, 96 finally opened a new book.

   is still an old saying she is good at, and those who like it can click on the title of the book to link to support and support (by the way, remind you to update). "Swallow Cigui" - Lin Yunyan's new life started with a bad hand.