MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 34 0: Regaining old business (Part 1)

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  Chapter 34 034: Regaining old business (Part 1)

  Qi Shan has a certain understanding of Shen Tang, and when she sees her eyes flickering, she knows that something bad is brewing in her stomach: "It's all old history, and I may tell you if I have a chance in the future."

   He can tell the meaning behind the words, but Shen Tang can't inquire.

  Shen Tang snorted, and took down the fork pole supporting the window, and the vertically opened window snapped shut.

  Can vaguely hear Shen Xiaolang muttering, "If you don't say it, don't say it, who is curious about your crap", Qi Shan could only shake his head with a smile.

   "Mr. still a child at heart."

   Qishan sighed with emotion, and opened the bag with his hands.

   Just halfway through packing, the figure of an old woman was printed on the door.

  She raised her hand and tapped three times, praying for goodness: "Come in."

The old woman opened the door, and sent a low-legged food table with dinner and lamp oil for the evening. Seeing this, Qi Shan hurriedly got up and went forward: "How can I let you do these things? Leave it to me. "

  The old woman smiled and turned sideways to avoid: "You can just sit down, the old lady is still dexterous, what can I do?"

  She put down the food table and made the bed.

  After she finished her work, Qishan took out a few pieces of large pieces of silver from the purse and handed them to the old lady, saying: "These are for the two of us to borrow from your residence, please take it from the old lady."

   "This can't make—"

  The old woman pushed the silver back without thinking.

  If there is no young man in front of him, the bones of their old couple have been cold for four or five years, how can they live here peacefully?

not only that-

  The future of this gentleman is also ruined.

  She said: "This money must never be accepted."

Unexpectedly, Qi Shan's attitude was firm, and he pushed the money back, saying: "One yard is worth one yard. If the old lady doesn't accept it, we two will feel embarrassed to continue to live with peace of mind." As he spoke, he was about to put the scattered luggage back pack it back.

  It was not until the old woman accepted the money that she talked about it.

  She looked at the young figure printed on the wooden door, and sighed.

  Tired from traveling during the day, Shen Tang fell into a deep sleep with the wooden pillow on his hands. He had no dreams all night, not knowing that the oil lamp next door had been lit all night.

   On the second day, Ting Tong rose to the east.

  Shen Tang opened his eyes on time under the call of the biological clock.

   Pulled out the homemade bamboo tube, fetched clean water from the courtyard, sat down on the porch and began to clean up personal hygiene. As soon as Qishan came back, he saw Mr. Shen Xiaolang sitting in a heroic posture, bending over to wipe his teeth and rinse his mouth.

  He handed over a package.

   "Here, breakfast. Eat it while it's still hot."

"Thank you." Shen Tang splashed cold water on the noodles, and the remaining drowsiness disappeared in the excitement. She picked up a piece of steaming bread, and from the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Qishan sitting down beside her. She opened her mouth and asked, "Yuanliang, do you know where Xiaocheng's teaching workshop is?"

  Qi Shan who was about to speak: "...???"

   Almost broke in one breath.

  He asked with a dark face: "Shen Xiaolang is only so old that he wants to go to the teaching workshop to have fun? That's not what you should go to."

   It is not advisable to play with things and lose one's ambition!

"What is Yuanliang thinking about? I just want to go to Jiaofang to find someone and see her recent situation." Shen Tang said with a smile, "After all, without her, I probably wouldn't have risked escape so early. But it's a loss Only she can meet Yuanliang."

  Qi Shan knew what Shen Tang meant after thinking for a while.

   "Are you going to find someone bad luck?"

  Mostly it is the bad luck of those exiled Gong family members.

He reminded Shen Tang to prevent Shen Tang from recklessly rushing into the gutter and overturning the boat: "As far as I know, there is still a fifth doctor in the Gong family who has escaped. If he is not arrested, the exiled Gong family prisoner will be watched by eyeliners for a day. Hastily Come close, are you not afraid of getting into trouble?"

  Don’t find someone to be unlucky if you don’t succeed, you will be arrested instead.

   "But it's not my style to take revenge."

  Shen Tang frowned, and she asked herself, she is not a person who will take revenge, but she is not a silly elder sister who is pushed into the fire pit and still smiles and doesn't care—

   That's not open-minded, that's stupid!

  Qi Shan gave advice: "You can make a detour."

  Shen Tang asked: "For example?"

  Pray for kindness: "Think for yourself."

   It was Shen Tang's revenge and not his revenge, and even the revenge required others to make suggestions, even if the revenge could be reported, it would not be hearty.

  Shen Tang thought for a while, then shook his head and muttered.

   "No, no, no, this method won't work..."

   "What method won't work?" Qi Shanfan was aroused curiosity.

  He really wanted to know how this young Mr. Shen would take revenge on others.

  Shen Tang looked away in embarrassment, and refused to speak.

   It's not that the method is not poisonous enough, but that it is inappropriate.

Especially in today's world where the law does not exist, it is reasonable and reasonable to seek justice for oneself by using the other's way and returning it to the other. Means to fight back. Not legal, but a relief! However, the enemy is a woman and Shen Tang is also a woman, so it would be base to retaliate in the same way.

  What can I do?

   Naturally, it is to spend money to find someone to take care of that business.

   But there is still a problem with this operation—

  Shen Tang is a pauper.

   Jiaofang is also different from ordinary Goulan cottages, and the average price is not low.

  So, this idea was snuffed out by her as soon as it came up.

  She sighed: "Forget it—let her live for a few more days, and when the fifth doctor of the Gong family is arrested, I will come to ask her for advice."

  Qi Shan smiled and shook his head.

  The five doctors belong to the ninth class of Wudan.

  Where is it so easy to get caught?

   After the morning passed, Shen Tang had nothing to do. She memorized all the scrolls of prayers over and over again, and she couldn't see the flowers again. There is nothing to do, which is uncomfortable for her who has some ADHD. In fact, not only was she uncomfortable, but praying for charity was also uncomfortable.

   "If Mr. Shen Xiaolang is bored, he will go to the street to relax."

  Don't dangle in front of his eyes, he sighed, he was too disturbed to read a word all morning.

  Shen Tang immediately became energetic when he heard this.

  Yes, the whole Xiaocheng is still unfamiliar to her. She can always find something to do to pass the time, what's the point of being stuck in one place? She turned into the room and took out her small treasury—she also saved a small amount of money by selling green plums, pancakes, and caramel along the road.

  Qi Shan only had time to tell her to be careful not to get lost, but Mr. Shen Xiaolang had already disappeared like a gust of wind.

   "Tsk, I'm still a child at heart."

Qishan sat down again, thinking about the table again - on the table, there was a scroll full of notes, and the words "National Seal", "The Way of the Princes", and , the city defense layout around the entire Xiaocheng.

   At the same time, Shen Tang also took her motorcycle and ran into the street.

  The wasteland is thousands of miles away from one wall, but inside the wall is full of fireworks and full of vitality. There are vendors hawking every few steps along the street.

  Shen Tang was curious about everything, and bought a lot of odds and ends one after another, and before he knew it, his wallet was about to run out.

   "I still need to find a way to make some money..."

  Shen Tang wailed in his heart.

  Being so poor, she embarrasses the time-traveling girl.

  Ashamed ashamed_(:з」∠)_

  But after walking all the way, I really didn't make a good living.

   Pancakes, green plums, and caramel are all available in Xiaocheng. The pressure of competition is high, and business is not very good. Shen Tang led the motorcycle around, caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye, and fell back slowly.

   "Zhengguang Bookstore? Collecting manuscripts?"

  Hey, she suddenly had a good idea to make a lot of money.

   Let’s read it after I am finished.

   The state may not be very good these two days, sorry.



  (end of this chapter)