MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 125

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"I'm Huaxia Shenqing, the horror amusement park, waiting for you to play."

A very simple short message broadcast in seven languages ​​suddenly became popular on the Internet at an incredible speed.

The beauty of the sea.

An advertisement has dominated the hot search for more than a week, and even the news of the actor's derailment has been pressed down. A group of big Vs are calling crazy and virally forwarding as if the group has been hacked.

The melons of the people who eat melons are all gone.

And the nobility of the Middle East tyrants even replied to charter a plane to go there to play.

So what kind of big man is this Huaxia Shen Qing? What magical place is that horror-themed amusement park?

"Long time no see, Laura."

"Qing, I miss you so much~~~" Under the sunset, a girl with pink curly hair ran over and wanted to give Qingchuan a big hug, who was waiting for them at the port, but was caught by someone A jealous three-meter giant stretched out his hand to block it.

"Miss, please restrain your emotions." Don't hug someone else's boyfriend casually.

"Eh? Who is this?" The snake tail shape startled her, and the powerful demon's aura was not concealed. The daughter of the shipping boss took a few steps back and turned back to ask the fellow who came , "Have any of you met?"

The players who came together were all those who had stayed in that world and played games with Qingchuan at least once. I don't know how the eldest lady collected them, even the mercenary who should be elusive.

Everyone greets Qingchuan one by one.

Huaxia Shen Qing, as long as she has lived in that world, it is impossible not to know the name.

The one who ended that world and rescued them from the day-to-day cycle of reincarnation.

"Introduce me, my love." Qing Chuan said with a smile.

The pink-haired girl's eyes widened, she looked carefully at Wei Ge's snake tail, and at Qingchuan, who had returned to his male attire, she didn't know what to think in her mind, rubbed her hands, and moved towards Qingchuan Winking, "This... can you bear it?"

Although there is no evidence, Qingchuan suspects that the girl is racing at high speed.

There are people who have married paper people these days. Anyway, this monster is alive, and it looks good and has a good figure.

"A Qing—" Another strange voice shouted from far to near.

This is another huge ship, it is a cruise ship of the only son of a European mine owner, it is said that there are several gold mines, diamond mines and various gemstone mines in South Africa, the real supply of high-end luxury jewelry raw materials business.

A young man in a suit got off the giant ship. He was a player from an escape game team and was later sent out by Qingchuan.


The local specialty of the mine owner…

Qing Chuan raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you going to tell me you're going to give me a bunch of gems?"


The pink-haired girl took a look and found that they were all good grades.

The rest of the boxes were opened one by one, all kinds of gems, diamonds are a box, and some emeralds, this place suddenly gave birth to a lot of brilliance.

This pure and unpretentious local tyrant's style is absolutely stunning, "It's too precious."

"No more expensive than the ticket you gave."

The pink-haired girl is not to be outdone, "Qing, I only represent my family to present a cruise ship with a value of 100 million and a lifetime maintenance after that as a thank you."

The brown beauty who came alone grabbed her **** hair with her hand. She was Sophia, a gem hunter, and this time she also brought her own gift, a slap-sized and high-quality sheep Zhibaiyu, "I heard that you Chinese people like jade, especially this kind of Xinjiang Hetian jade."

As a gem hunter, you can find this rare and exquisite jade.

"I don't have gems and cruise ships. But you seem to like cold weapons a lot last time, so..." The mercenaries in the crowd pushed out two huge boxes, opened them, wow—

Tang swords, Miao swords, Japanese swords, Damascus scimitars, lancets...Western style swords, Warring States bronze swords, Longquan swords... There are also format short swords, short swords and daggers.

"It's all good quality modern products, hope you like it. Congrats on opening your amusement park... oh, are all these 'staff' from there?"

"Not all of them, but most of you may know them. Let's go, the first group of guests should be anxious." Qingchuan greeted the new guests.

"What? There is someone earlier than me? I applied for entry into China and immediately set off by boat." The pink-haired girl took a closer look and found that there was a white guardrail not far away. The place has parked two boats, just without her swim**.

Everyone deliberately avoided Wei Ge's topic, Wei Ge didn't care either, he had been silently following Qingchuan. On the contrary, Qing Chuan would naturally reach out and hook his hand, with two red bean chains hanging on their respective hands.

A group of more than a dozen people walked all the way to the Rose Hotel. On the way, I also met working demons. A few months ago, they were hunters and prey, but now they meet again, but it is a different scene - staff and tourists.

A girl with a heart as big as a pink-haired girl can’t help but be filled with emotion.

These monsters are powerful, and they can only survive inside. Now I can stand in the sun like this, breathe the air of freedom, and meet the enemies of the past in such a dramatic way...

All of this is not because they are powerful or rich, just a kindness of someone.

In the hotel, Middle Eastern local tyrants dressed in traditional Arabian men are playing cards with mixed-race teenagers, bow-tie guys and curly-haired rich second generation. On the other side, there is an old man dressed as a British gentleman, a science tyrant girl wearing glasses, a high-IQ primary school student, etc. They are playing werewolf killing.

There are several others, hip-hop black youth, non-mainstream Eastern Ying youth, etc. are eating side dishes from the kitchen around the table, drinking fine wine and beverages. Although their native languages ​​are different, they are miraculously able to communicate in half-baked English, Chinese and gestures.

The monsters of the hotel entertained them with their original shapes, and brought out the best hospitality wine and snacks. There are also little demons who know musical instruments playing and performing on the stage.

It is a scene of singing and dancing.

"When did you come?"

Laura, the daughter of the shipping boss, didn't know them at first, but she has contacted many people who have been in the game world in the past few months. Through the Internet, they have been in contact for a long time, and they are the first For a while, I learned that Qingchuan opened an amusement park.

The state protects him very well. No one found him until Qingchuan advertised himself. But everyone was looking for him.

Hua Xia Shen Qing is too special for gamers, and too special for those who try to reach out to another world.

"I came here on a private jet." The local tyrant in the Middle East was very calm, and reached out to the little monster beside him to ask for a glass of wine again, "I like this wine, with the richness of midsummer. The aroma of the fruit, and the smell of the ripe fruits of the autumn harvest."

"This is monkey wine. Legend has it that there is a monkey that is born to make wine, they can distinguish between good and bad fruit, and always make the most delicious fruit mixed wine. And this wine has a nourishing It is very good for the human body." Qingchuan explained.

"Oh, it's a natural taste from the finest fruit carefully selected. It should enter the king's banquet, yes, it deserves it." He sniffed the wine , very intoxicated.

"I came from Dongying, so it's very fast." The speaker was a young man with colorful hair, washing, cutting, and blowing. Don't look at the non-mainstream dress, this young man is the heir of a certain family in Dongying, and he also gave a valuable gift when he came.

In fact, he still has some tasks on his body, but the youth has always been willful, and he is not ready to add any political color to the friendship between the two.

If human desires are too large, it will bring huge disasters - after escaping from the dead in the game world, the young people have a more profound sense of life.

Bow tie Dahan changed the color of the bow tie. It used to be red, but now it is peach pink, which is more spicy.

He was drinking ale, and he was very forthright, "I was originally in Huaxia, this is a really good place, there are many, many delicious food, I have decided to apply for a permanent residence permit. Bless me. mates."

"Come on, it's not easy, maybe you need to get a Nobel Prize first. I heard it's more difficult than my Harvard exam."

The shipper's daughter sat on the sofa and took the wine from the tray next to her, "After I came back this time, they never forced me to be a lady again. However, I suddenly felt That rambunctious life was boring, so I gave up and is now studying hard to get into college."

It is too weak and must study hard.

"Back from that world, it's hard to feel those racing carnivals, right? It's better to calm down and cherish the current life." The non-mainstream used his fingers to curl his straw-like hair, " Recently, I have also been studying my family’s business well. The elders have aged a lot overnight, so I can’t let them worry anymore.”

The sudden unconsciousness of the family heir can cause many things. In this turmoil, one can see the hearts of the people.

Qing Chuan and Wei Ge sat together, they listened quietly. I haven't seen each other for half a year, everyone has gained something, and they haven't been able to withstand the pressure and collapse, Qingchuan is still in a good mood.

"Qing, why would you want to open a horror amusement park?"

"I set up a 'Legacy Foundation', and the funds are used to help the families of players who lost their lives in that world, especially some poor families. All the income of this playground will be invested. " Qingchuan said with a smile.

Everyone was stunned for a few seconds, it was the first time they knew this inside information. In fact, many relatively developed countries have financial compensation for the victims of this incident, so no one has thought about making compensation.

But in fact, those compensations are only a drop in the bucket, not to mention that some countries have no compensation.

"You are a hero." The bow-tie man couldn't help but say.

"There will always be someone who will do it, I just do it earlier." Qing Chuan didn't take it to heart, his material desire was very low, and too much money meant nothing to him, so he might as well go out.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Xueba raised her glasses, "Actually, I have learned all kinds of programming well, do you accept volunteers? pick."

"And me, I don't have any family, why don't you take me in as the team leader. Don't look at my big size, I'm very easy to support." The big man with a bow also recommended himself.

"It's not needed yet... Everyone is here today to have a good time. If you like it, you can introduce it to others. There are already thirteen themed pavilions, among which you may have encountered. I’m still a little excited and can’t calm down. You can go to a completely unfamiliar theme hall to play. Now there is no pressure to survive, everyone can let go and play.”

"When the game is over, I'll have a big meal when I come back~"

He smiled mysteriously.

For players who have been to that world, this is a revisit. Naturally, the mood is completely different from that of ordinary tourists, and it is more complicated.

Can't you? Don't you like to play humans to the point of collapse? How is it now? Isn't it in the hands of us humans?

Although Qingchuan also said that the culprit has been completely left in the world of demons.

Many of these demons are deceived and victims, but the hatred will not be reduced because of the murderer's unspoken concealment.

They were lucky enough to come out alive, what about those who died inside? What about their grievances?

"Also, watching them all reluctantly but have to work... Ha, it's really much better than killing them. I just like to see them want to eat me, and have to Putting up a smile and saying, "Welcome to come again next time."

So, Qingchuan was worried about evoking their sad past, and deliberately asked everyone to avoid the monsters they had encountered by chance, but almost all players chose the opposite direction-they just wanted to find those who were once A monster that has shown its might in front of him.

Although according to the rules of this playground, they can't ask monsters to do anything, so what? Now they can visit and play those games at will. And those monsters coveted them but there was nothing they could do.

The high-risk games that used to be dead or injured have become fun and exciting but not really fatal games. The mood of these former players playing again is completely different.

The former is terrible, the latter is just for money.

"I now know how Qing used to play games. It's not dangerous, and it's a little exciting. It's as refreshing as eating spicy food." In front of the candy stand.

This is a mobile NPC in an amusement park. He used to be a murderous clown who likes to make candy from various human parts. Now it has to make a 'real' candy with a bitter face, although it is still habitually made into a variety of unpalatable looks.

There are many such mobile NPCs, such as the white pink woman who sells all kinds of pure natural plant cosmetics, the scary Santa who sells 'surprise specialty gift boxes', the wolf grandma who sells cakes, the faceless man who sells hand-painted masks, The hag who sells broth and more.

There is also a specialty shop in the playground, which has everything in it, all of which are exquisite in workmanship and high quality, except for the high price. Of course, the clerk here will not be any normal person, any paper figurines, puppets, antique dolls, don't be surprised to see anything.

For some reason, a few people with good money bought a lot of special products here, and most of them were related to the games they had played.

"Speaking of which, it's really a pity, that prop umbrella can't be brought out." The pink-haired girl regrets, "With that umbrella, you can experience the feeling of flying, floating in the sky. Going, it's a completely different feeling than flying."

Her words also brought back the memories of several players who came with her.

Those props are the few good memories left in that world, and everyone has one or several props that are deeply remembered and cherished. But as the pink-haired girl said, these props were left in that world.

"Can't we, nor can Ao? He can even bring these monsters here." Another person spoke.

This time, no one opened their mouths, a kind of envy and doubt passed through each other's eyes.

No one doubts Qingchuan's ability, they are sure that Qingchuan can bring out and even make those magical props by themselves.

Human nature always has two sides, not everyone can restrain their 'evil' very well.

They have been deliberately not talking about certain topics, such as who is Qing? Why does he have this power? What did he get in that world? What is his position? What does he mean to the world?

Too many questions.

Humans are greedy creatures. When there is no security, they only want security. With security, they want more, such as this kind of power. Especially those who once had and enjoyed this very human happiness, but are now beaten back to their original shape.

Are they really not unwilling?

How many people are ready to move?

In reality, there are more rich and powerful high-level people who are more greedy, more eager to be strong and longevity. They habitually use their power in the world to get everything.

There are people like this in every country, including China.

They want to get the secret of keeping youth or even immortality from Qingchuan, wanting to get the secret of limb recovery and even overcoming congenital defects, wanting to get the secret of being more beautiful and powerful, and the mysterious and unpredictable The secret of the world of monsters.

I think too much, every cell in my body is eager.

If Qing Chuan was weaker, he might have become some kind of victim at this moment.

But Qingchuan's own strength, coupled with the strength of the national power behind him, made everyone dare not attack blatantly.

And all the means in private, either tentative, or coercive, or tempted by interests, none of them succeeded, and they were all retaliated. Qing Chuan did not hide his strength, nor did he hide his ruthlessness.

It’s not hard, it’s soft.

It is said that a person offered an unimaginable preferential condition, land, wealth, status, beauty...all the material desires that make mankind sink.

Qing Chuan's answer was refusal, and wrote the word on the mirror of the other party's house, using a tube of lipstick left by an unknown beauty, red as blood.

A spellcaster who does not eat bait and coercion, and has a strong sense of nationality - they call Qingchuan.

The pink-haired girl raised her eyebrows and looked at the person who just spoke, "Qing has a life-saving grace for us, and any interests should not override the life-saving grace. I thought you and I have the same mind, so I'm willing to take a ride, don't make me angry."

After saying that, she took a finger-shaped lollipop and turned away.

About that, all the big guys should be concerned about, she'd better be a simple friend happily. Qingchuan is kind to her, but has no direct interest in her family, so this friendship can be made as pure as possible.

The pink-haired girl thinks so and does the same.

She frantically played all kinds of exciting games, and even ran to the pyramid tomb, hugging the thighs of the painted wooden figurines of the wolf head and trying to take the mummy back. Others don't know she doesn't know? This is a real mummy!

"Just take it back and enjoy it for two days, big brother, I am your boss and a fat friend~~~" The pink-haired girl repeated this three times in Chinese, English and Egyptian, " You must be able to understand, I don't believe you can only understand ancient Egyptian."

Wolf Head and Human Body Painted Wooden Figures:…

It couldn't help but look at the mummy, wondering what the aesthetics of human beings are. What is the value of this mummy covered with shroud and coated with thick resin? Can't she see the golden gems all over the ground? Still blind?

The mummy sitting in the coffin innocently spreads her hands.

The charm is too great, blame me?

There are many things to do in this playground, some are thrilling, some are pure appreciation, until the sun goes down, players come back one after another, and there are still some unfinished. At that time, they were completely in the mood to survive. They were not playing games, but being played by games.

Today is the real game!

So cool~

"Qing, I want to become a lifetime member!" The rich and powerful Middle Eastern boss directly handed over a card, "Would you like to consider building an apron here? It will be convenient for me to come here in the future. Here it is, deduct it directly."

"Well, is there a group ticket? It's very interesting, and I also want to play the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk in the evening, it will be very interesting if there are many people? There are many horror lovers in our country, I think it can be Launch some group tickets." Non-mainstream said embarrassedly.

"Ah, if it's a night show, I also want to attend that blood race ball. Qing, are those blood races really as beautiful and beautiful as in the movie? There is such a type in the game world? You can have a one-night stand Mode? It's okay to be adults, right?"

"I think it's a little less exciting to shoot, isn't there a game that is completely PUBG Mobile? Why didn't you put it in? Is it because the sense of realism is too strong? If there is such shooting Battle games are even better. Seriously, I can provide equipment, 100% simulation, all the latest and greatest.”

"Yes, I have played a game similar to the real werewolf before, it's really a human nature showdown, do you want to try to add it? At that time, it was completely lucky to the end, and now think about it, it's really a A good game that tests IQ and EQ, logical reasoning and acting skills. It will definitely attract a group of high-end players.”

Every player has questions and suggestions, they are in high spirits, and there are no after-effects left by the horror game world. Perhaps the willingness to come here means that they have let go of this matter and can let go of their arms to welcome the new world.

"Okay, okay, I see. If conditions permit, I will consider adding one or two scenes. There are still many places waiting to be built, and will be more and more perfect in the future. However, after playing for an afternoon, Don't you feel hungry?"

Qing Chuan stepped aside to let everyone see a table full of banquets behind him.

"Probably the first and last delicious meal."

The first thing they saw was the dragon-shaped sashimi in the center of the table, like a crystal ice flower, and presented an S-shaped plate on the table, which could take care of all directions. The head is a faucet carved from ice crystals. If you look closely, there are transparent fish fillets attached to it, and even the tails are sashimi in a fan-shaped arrangement.

The position of the four claws are golden yellow fried fish bones, carefully placed in the shape of dragon claws.

The surface of these sashimi still glows with golden current, and if you don't look closely, you think it's glittering gold foil.

Other people don't know yet, so I wonder why I added a flash effect to a stack of sashimi. After eating it once, the eyes of local tyrants and hip-hop youths in the Middle East who have never forgotten it to this day lit up. It was like finding an oasis in the desert. They flew to the table at the fastest speed, and stretched out their paws almost regardless of table manners. .

"Ah! It's it! Wings of the sky!"

"My God, I didn't expect it to be - lightning fish!"



What the **** is Skywing? Not at all straightforward.

Is the lightning fish too rustic? How can we reflect the extraordinary and rare nature of this fish?

Middle East local tyrants and hip-hop youths saw contempt in each other's eyes at the same time, and they all felt that the other's name was completely unworthy of the nobleness and deliciousness of this fish.

"Lightning fish? No no no, the name doesn't match at all, it's like we're eating an electric eel in the sea. It's a fish that can fly in the air, a magical, wonderful incredible creatures."

"Aha, Wings of the Sky is a strange name, you seem to be talking about a bird, a cute bird's roasted wings."

The two quarreled and almost started. They all looked at Qing Chuan and asked him to be fair: "Qing, which name is better?"

Qingchuan hesitated for a moment, his eyes drifted to the other side, "Flying, flying fish, right?"

I'm quite confident even today.