MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 683 Blood Mist (Additional update for the leader of the Wind Chocolate)

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Chapter 683 Blood Mist (Added update for the leader of the alliance, Wind Chocolate~)

 The undercurrent at the Qianxue state boundary is flowing faster.

 As the "mastermind behind the scenes", Mo Hua doesn't know anything about it.

 He is "hungry" now and just wants to catch a fish and get some divine bones to "satisfy his hunger".

 A few days later, the fish finally took the bait.

After finishing the ink painting class, I was having dinner in the disciples’ residence when I received a letter from Gu Changhuai:

 “The dragon crossing the river is dead.”

Mo Hua said: "Real death, fake death?"

 “Fake death.”

 “Did you catch the mole?”

Gu Changhuai was silent for a moment and said apologetically: "No..."

Mo Hua’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Is it rotten?”

 “By the Yanshui River.”

 All this was exactly the same as what he heard from Mr. Jin.

Mo Hua nodded.

 “No, he didn’t know.” Gu Changhuai said.

Gu Changhuai continued: "Sudden illness, covered in sores, and died in prison. The basic characteristics are the same. Daotingsi closed the case and sealed Guojiang Long's file."

"But at midnight yesterday, the man who was watching suddenly felt that his whole body was cold, as if something had entered the prison. At the same time, he also felt dizzy and sleepy. When he woke up again, the dragon crossing the river was dead and his body was It’s all rotten…”

I don’t know who this scapegoat is or where he got it.

 Uncle Gu is a person that Mo Hua knows well.

 “Is there something wrong with this executive?”

Mo Hua asked: "Can the identity still be identified?"

It really took a lot of effort.

"Outside of the Daoting Division, I also secretly sent people to keep an eye on it. The next day, a corpse transporter took several corpses of those who had been sentenced to death and transported them out of the Daoting Division for incineration. The Dragon Crossing the River came inside…"

Mo Hua nodded slightly.

 “Nothing more.” Gu Changhuai said.

Although he is very good at spiritual knowledge and formations, he is a real "experienced" in the Daoting Division, especially in criminal investigation. How could it really be that simple and let the Dragon Crossing the River escape?

Gu Changhuai shook his head, "He was dropped halfway..."

Gu Changhuai was startled, his eyes complicated, and then he sighed deeply.

Gu Changhuai said: "As always, the flesh and blood were eroded by the demonic energy, the face was rotten, the meridians were destroyed, and the spiritual power was polluted, but this time the demonic energy was not heavy, and most of the body remained..."

 “Then what?” Mo Hua asked again.

 “Then…the dragon crossing the river was incinerated?”

“Then the chief executive carried the body to the incinerator, and the funeral procession took away the coffin of Dragon Crossing the River and buried it…”

Gu Changhuai was seen through and said silently: "It's useless to tell you."

 He always felt that Mo Hua was like a "little magic stick", he could pinch and calculate, and he couldn't hide anything from him...

“A funeral procession passed by the carriages and horses carrying corpses. Someone took advantage of the bailiff’s inattention and swapped two identical coffins.”

Gu Changhuai sighed, "It can be seen that the dead man was as tall and built as a dragon crossing the river. He also had water spiritual roots, and he still smelled fishy..."

“Where is the coffin buried?” Mo Hua asked.

"Yeah." Gu Changhuai said, "He has malignant sores on his body, which are rotten and smelly. No one in the prison dares to approach him."

Mo Hua was startled, "So, the dragon that crossed the river returned to the Yanshui River?"

This is to find a "scapegoat" and use demonic energy to destroy the different characteristics, leaving only the height, body shape, spiritual root attributes, and the same characteristics as the Dragon Crossing the River.

 In this case, Gu Changhuai would not hide it from him.

 Ink painting has a mastery in mind.

 Later, Gu Changhuai explained the whole story:

"My time is limited and I can't keep an eye on him all the time, so I sent people from the Gu family to disguise themselves as prisoners and sneak into the Taoist prison, and secretly keep an eye on him next door to the Dragon Crossing the River."

"Uncle Gu, you must have a backup plan and hide something from me."

Mo Hua was a little surprised.

“After burying it, I secretly asked people to dig up the coffin and found that it was empty and the dragon crossing the river was gone…”

This method of "stealing a beam and replacing it with a pillar" is indeed somewhat clever.

 “If you don’t tell me, you won’t be able to catch the dragon crossing the river.”

 “At first everything was calm, nothing happened.”

 He remembered it silently, maybe he could use it in the future.

Mo Hua obviously didn’t believe it and said firmly:

"should be…"

“Can we still find it?” Mo Hua asked.

Gu Changhuai sighed, "When a water monk like him enters the river, he is like a fish entering the water and letting the birds return to the forest. The forest is deep and the water is wide, and there is no trace left."

“And he must have changed his face so that no one can recognize him.”

“There are more or less water monks in the Yanshui River. I can investigate them one by one, but doing so will inevitably alert the snake, and I will not be able to catch big fish in the long run..."

 “Oh…” Mo Hua nodded.

He didn't write ink either, so he said diligently: "Uncle Gu, let me find him for you!"

Gu Changhuai narrowed his eyes and noticed something was wrong, "Do you have any conditions waiting for me?"

Mo Hua pretended to be sad: "Uncle Gu, am I such a person? Punishing evil and promoting good is the duty of a righteous monk. As a dignified Taixu Sect..."

 “Just don’t say it, forget it.”

"I'll say it!" Mo Hua said immediately, and then sent out a lot of words that he had prepared:

“Just three small conditions: tell me the clues about the traffickers; support me when I need help;”

“...Finally, next time, can I finish the reward first, and then you can give me a reward according to the task content. This way, the process at Daotingsi will go faster, and the merits will not be owed..."

 The merits of the Fire Buddha have not yet been revealed!

 Daotingsi has a bloated organization, redundant processes, and deep resentment in Mo Hua.

Gu Changhuai took a slight breath.

 Are these three small conditions for you?

Which condition is smaller?

  The person is not big, but his tone is not small.

 “No!” Gu Changhuai refused.

"No, I didn't say you can't bargain..." Mo Hua said weakly.

 Gu Changhuai's forehead hurts a little.

Gu Changhuai: "I can only agree to one thing."

 “Two?” Mo Hua asked tentatively.

 “Just one, if it doesn’t work, forget it.”

 “Oh, just one.”

Mo Hua reluctantly accepted.

Gu Changhuai said: "The matter of the human traffickers is related to confidentiality, so I can't tell you; the matter of the reward is related to the Daotingsi system, and I can't agree to it. But if you are in danger or need support, I can help you. …”

Protecting the safety of the ink paintings was also my cousin's intention. In a sense, it was also for Yu'er's good.

Gu Changhuai found a reason for himself.

Gu Changhuai continued: "Next time during the ten-day break, you come to the Gu family, and I will give you a secret order from the Gu family. This secret order can order the monks from the Gu family in the Taoting Division of the surrounding second-grade Xiaoxian City..."

Mo Hua was dumbfounded.

 Gu family secret order?

  Order the Gu family monk in the second-grade Daotingsi?

Mo Hua was a little embarrassed, "Isn't this... a little too expensive..."

 “Forget it if you don’t want it.”

 “Yes!” Mo Hua said quickly.

 It is a fool not to take advantage of it.

 Just as he wanted to catch the evil **** by the tail, he also needed manpower.

 Although Cheng Mo and others will help, there are only four or five people, so there are not enough people.

Moreover, their cultivation level is really low and they need to practice more before they can be useful.

Gu Changhuai reminded again: "In my hand, this secret order of the Gu family is used to 'give orders', but in your hands, it is only used to 'save lives'. Don't use it indiscriminately, and don't think about using the secret order to boss around or blackmail the Gu family." Disciple, if I do something excessive for you, they will not agree..."

"If you let me know that you do anything wrong with this secret order, I will confiscate it at that time!"

Gu Changhuai looked serious.

“Yeah! Don’t worry!” Mo Hua promised, “I will never do anything excessive!”

Gu Changhuai breathed a sigh of relief after receiving Mo Hua's assurance.

"I will tell you other clues about the dragon crossing the river. It would be best if you can find him. If you can't find him, don't force it."

 “Okay!” Mo Hua nodded.

Afterwards, Gu Changhuai told Mo Hua about the location where the Dragon Crossing the River buried its body and then disappeared, including the clues that Daotingsi later investigated in the Yanshui River.

During the ten-day break, Mo Hua couldn't wait and ran to Gu's house.

Gu Changhuai looked at Mo Hua's piercing eyes and felt a little regretful in his heart. However, thinking that he had already agreed to Mo Hua, he could not break his promise, so he gritted his teeth and handed over an emerald secret order with the word "Gu" engraved on it. Ink painting.

 “It’s only for asking for help and support, don’t act recklessly!”

Gu Changhuai warned again. "Uh-huh!"

 The ink painting is full of promise.

Gu Changhuai breathed a sigh of relief and then gave the secret order to Mo Hua.

Mo Hua took the "Gu Family Secret Order" and felt that it was shiny, cold and heavy. It was very precious at first sight.

 Uncle Gu is a good man!

 Ink painting of the mind.

He then put the secret order into the storage bag, but felt it was not respectful enough, so he put it into his own ring instead.

With the Gu family's secret order in hand, he will be able to hang out in the second-grade small states near the sect in the future. It is equivalent to having a "backer", and it will be more convenient and more confident for him to act on his own.

Mo Hua felt that his waist had become much stiffer.

But after getting the benefits, you can’t be careless in doing things.

 He wanted to help Uncle Gu...which could be considered as helping himself, to catch the dragon crossing the river who "cheated to death".

 You cannot be ashamed of your trust in Uncle Gu.

Especially not to be ashamed of this precious secret order of the Gu family!

Mo Hua looked solemn and nodded.

Farewell to Gu Changhuai, went to see Aunt Wan again, had a meal with Yu'er, and then Mo Hua set off for the lower reaches of the Yanshui River.

 He was the only one in this operation.

 Because they were keeping a close eye on them and there were no merit points yet, so they didn’t take Cheng Mo and the others with them.

 Arrived at Yanshui River, Mo Hua found the grave where Long Guojiang had faked his death and buried his body.

The tomb has no monument, it is just an earthen slope, with some Feng Shui formations symbolically placed around it to protect the tomb.

 Near the river, the soil is semi-moist.

There is no need to dig out the ink painting. Once the consciousness is scanned, you will know that the coffin is empty.

However, some of the remaining breath in the coffin can still be clearly distinguished in the ink painting, which is that of the dragon crossing the river.

His eyes are deep and secrets emerge.

A trace of cause and effect extended from the coffin and floated into the river. After that, the river was so vast that there was no trace of it.

Mo Hua remembered other clues that Uncle Gu had said, and went into hiding along the Yanshui River to check them one by one.

There are indeed traces of dragons crossing the river in the river, and there are also some light white dotted lines of cause and effect, but they are all very thin.

Although it is weak, it also means that the Dragon Crossing the River is still active nearby.

The Dragon Crossing the River cultivates water-based skills and lives by water. The river is his second life, and the waterway in it is his way of survival. He cannot go far.

What’s more, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Mo Hua calmed down, found a place with the deepest causal line, and sat invisibly, ready to wait.

 At the same time, he took out the few secret books of martial arts he had obtained from Crossing the River Dragon and silently read through them.

 The first is the "Bailang Jue" exercise.

 This exercise cannot be learned in ink painting, and there is no need to learn it. However, the routes of movement, meridians and connections, and the disadvantages and shortcomings must be carefully studied.

Know yourself and your enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

 Once you know the skills of Crossing the River Dragon, you can better restrain him.

 The second is Bailang Jue Shenfa.

This is a water-based body technique, but it is completely different from the water-passing step in ink painting, which focuses on dodging to save one's life.

The Bailang Body Technique emphasizes that human and water are one, and it is performed in the water. Humans are like fishes, swimming freely without restrictions.

Mo Hua thought this might be useful in the future, so he learned it.

 Time is limited, and you don’t need to be too proficient in it. Just make do with it.

 There is also a secret technique for avoiding monsters in water, called water-driving monsters, which allows monks to avoid aquatic monsters in the water, as well as poisonous weeds, whirlpools and other unknown dangers.

 In a sense, it is more like the experience and skills of a "monster hunter".

It's just that this kind of monster hunter doesn't come from the mountains, but from the water.

 Hunter stuff, Mo Hua is instinctively interested in it.

 So you need to learn this too.

 The world of cultivation is vast and there is no end to learning.

The ink painting is like this, while flipping through these exercises and Taoist techniques, he is distracted and paying attention to the movement in the water.

 The more he sees, the better Mo Hua understands Yanshui River.

Just like when he first entered the Dahei Mountains, he went from unfamiliar to familiar, and then to knowing every plant and tree in the mountains like the back of his hand.

 The Yanshui River today has gradually become clearer in the eyes of Mo Hua.

 The flow of the river, the floating aquatic plants, the swimming spiritual fish, and the dangerous water monsters lurking in the muddy mud, waiting for opportunities...

 Suddenly, Mo Hua felt that he had a subtle connection with Yanshui River.

This section of the river seems to be communicating with the spiritual consciousness of the ink painting bit by bit.

The Yanshui River, which was originally rippling with dangerous waves, gradually became "friendly" and familiar, just like the pond at his home...

This feeling is very mysterious.

 At this moment, the ink painting's consciousness moved slightly.

 In the familiar river, a river suddenly swam from a distance with a more familiar scent.

Martial Law!

 You don’t even need to look at the ink painting, you can feel it instantly.

 The smoke and water are vast and sparkling.

The Dragon Crossing the River lurks in the Yanshui River, swimming along the current like a big fish.

 This gives the ink painting an illusion.

Just like the fish he released, leisurely and leisurely, they swam back into his own "pond"...

Mo Hua’s eyes are slightly bright.

 In the Yanshui River, the Dragon Crossing the River swam forward along the current.

The ink painting continues to hide its figure, following the dragon crossing the river in the water, walking forward along the riverside.

After walking like this for a long time, the Dragon Crossing the River still stayed in the river, swimming along the current without ever coming ashore.

Mo Hua followed patiently.

I don’t know how long it took, until night fell and there was no light on the water, the dragon crossing the river turned its head in the water and swam towards the shore.

As we approached the shore, the Dragon Crossing the River floated on the river bank first. It paused for a while until it was sure that there was no one around, and then it jumped ashore with peace of mind.

With the faint moonlight, Mo Hua could see his figure clearly.

 The previous Dragon Crossing the River had a beardless face and was all white, like a white fish.

Now he looks like a man, with a dark and rugged face and a long beard. He is also bare-chested, but his hair is very dark, and his muscles are knotted and dark, like a **** fish.

On the surface, he looks like he is not the same person as before.

Mo Hua snorted in his heart:

“Young man, you changed your ‘waistcoat’, you think I can’t recognize you?”

 A person’s appearance may change, but the essence of his spiritual power remains the same.

Such superficial changes in skin and flesh cannot be concealed from Mo Hua’s spiritual consciousness.

“However, the big fish finally showed up…”

 The ink paintings are slightly joyful.

After crossing the river dragon came ashore, he looked around cautiously, then took out a few dead fish from the storage bag, found a fish basket and released them.

 Then he carried the fish basket and the dead fish and walked to the shore.

Mo Hua followed quietly behind him.

 When we reached the shore, the moonlight became a little brighter, and its clear light shone on the path.

The rough-faced Dragon Crossing the River kept walking forward, completely unaware that since he left the river, an invisible little monk who looked like a "water ghost" was already following behind him.

 After walking for a long time, the road gradually widened, and a small fishing village appeared in front of us.

 The fishing village is dilapidated, with old fishing nets and fish baskets everywhere.

 There is a faint fishy smell in the air.

 It was already dark at this time, and there were only a few flickering dim lights in the quiet fishing village.

Mo Hua was startled, and based on the direction in his mind, he suddenly discovered that this small fishing village was the place pointed out by the fishing cultivators he had met before, when they invited him home as a guest.

 The Dragon Crossing the River walked straight into the small fishing village.

Mo Hua thought for a while and then walked in.

 The small fishing village is poor, quiet but peaceful.

The dragon crossing the river is still walking in front, and the ink painting follows suit.

While walking, Crossing the River Dragon turned into a cramped and remote hut and disappeared.

Mo Hua frowned, let go of his consciousness and scanned the surroundings, but found nothing.

 “Where have you gone?”

Mo Hua looked confused, so he wanted to use heaven's calculations to see the cause and effect.

His pupils were deep, and the texture of heaven appeared in his eyes, and he looked around.

 A cold and evil Qi suddenly emerged.

The originally quiet and brightly lit small fishing village was suddenly enveloped in a layer of faint scarlet blood mist.

 (End of this chapter)