MTL - Ask Sword-Chapter 545 nightmare

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  Chapter 545 Nightmare Tapir


   Bian Chenpei lowered his head silently, looking at the velvet quilt embroidered with gold thread, his fists were clenched unconsciously, and his nails were deeply embedded in the flesh.

  He wanted to resist, wanted to yell loudly at the so-called senior brother in front of him, telling him to call his father.

   But he dared not.

  As long as you think of that majestic and tall mountain-like back, think of the cold man who tortured and killed demons with torture tools in the prison with no expression on his face, and asked him to watch forcibly at the age of six,

  The anger, resentment, and all the courage accumulated in his heart were evaporated.

".I see."

   Bian Chenpei said hoarsely, his own voice could hardly be heard, "I will do as I do."

   If you can’t resist, you can only accept it.

  Duan Buqun glanced at him, not surprised by this answer, and added: "The cardinal also said that you lost your pride and confidence with Li Ang, and your dignity and courage with Ghost Spade.

   What is lost, you must regain it yourself. "

  Bian Chenpei raised his head in a daze. Now his legs are broken, and he has to lift up with force even to move, or take a wheelchair. How can I get back what belongs to me?

   "Li Ang has now returned to Yu State, under the strict protection of the Academy,

  Ghost Spade is dead or alive, and even Zhao Ming has disappeared, making it difficult to find.

   Just right, there is still at least one or two years of buffer time for the all-out war against Yu State,

  He wants you to go to a hundred thousand barren mountains to hunt down monsters and practice. "

  Duan Buqun said: "One day, the army loyal to Haotian will break through the gate of Chang'an, and you should be the one bathed in the morning light.

  At that time, he will hand over the blade that beheaded Li Ang and Zhao Ming to your hands.

  I hope you will not disappoint his expectations. "

   beheading, blade,

   These **** words really shouldn’t be a normal father’s instructions and blessings to his son.

  However, after listening to these words, Bian Chenpei's absent-minded eyes gradually became clear, and the expression on his ashen-like face reappeared.

  He took a deep breath and murmured, "I won't let him down."


Seeing that Bian Chenpei finally cheered up, Duan Buqun nodded, and raised a roll of paper mixed with words and lines in his hand, "If there is nothing else, I will leave first, and I have to pass on the oracle's instructions. "


   Bian Chenpei was taken aback when he heard the words, "A prophecy issued by Cardinal Juyu himself? About what?"

   "A dream in Nanke, it's hard to get rid of grievances and grievances. It's all because of the reason."

  Duan Buqun glanced at the note, and casually read the first two sentences, "It's about a first-class monster that is about to wake up."

   "Level 1?"

  Bian Chenpei was even more surprised. The monsters that can be included in the first level must either have unique functions like Xixian, and must be properly preserved for my use.

  Either it has earth-shattering destructive power, and must be contained, imprisoned, or even eliminated immediately.


  Duan Buqun said: "Cardinal Juyu predicted that the monster is extremely important to Taihao Mountain, so it must be discovered and captured immediately.

  If it cannot be captured, it must be eliminated immediately to prevent others, even Zhou Guo and Jing Guo from getting it. "

  So decisive?

   Bian Chenpei hesitated and said, "Does this monster have a name?"


  Duan Buqun nodded and said, "Its name is Nightmare Tapir."


  At this moment, Li Ang still doesn't know that on the distant Taihao Mountain, a father and son who "love each other" are planning how to break through Chang'an City and cut off their own heads.

  Of course, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't take it to heart.

  Now that I have offended Zhaoming to death, and more than a dozen wanted cultivators in the Candle Sky Realm are after me, why worry about Bian Chenpei anymore.

  He lived a rare and settled life on his own. He went to the academy to attend classes during the day, went home to eat and read with Chai Chai at night, and used Mosi to communicate with Jia Luo and Lu Yunan remotely at night.

   Jia Luo still has some resentment about this. Li Ang has such an efficient communication tool, but has been hiding it all the time, which made her write so many letters in vain before and had to endure the delay in communication.

  Li Ang had no choice but to apologize, and made an appointment to meet next time, cook himself, and greet the other party with a sumptuous meal.

  As for him and Lu Yunan, there are even more things to talk about, and the conversation lasted until midnight, and the topics were varied,

  From when ceramic flush toilets will be popular among the people, to when will there be a Magellan traveling around the world in this world.

  From who is more representative of young people in the new era between Thimble and He, to whether the ceiling of superhero movies is Watchmen or Batman.

  When it was time to go to bed, the two who had stayed up too late would still say something silly, "You hang up first."

   "You hang up first."

   "No, you hang up first."

   "Then hang together. Three two one."


   "Hello? Is there anyone? Smelly brother, I told you to hang up and you really hung up."

   "Didn't you let them hang together?"

   It's just like chatting on QQ in the previous life.

   Li Leling, who occasionally came to Li Ang's house for dinner, inexplicably felt that his hair sometimes felt cold.

  However, Li Ang and Lu Yunan were not chatting all the time, the threat brought by Zhao Ming was like a black cloud slowly descending from the sky, extremely oppressive. Not to mention Mosi, who doesn't know when it will get out of control again, and the upcoming war.

  Lu Yunan was on the snowy field in the north, leading his people to dig for something that the Zhaoming organization asked them to find, secretly trying to tame the gluttonous fragments seized from Ghost Spade.

  Li Ang is also trying his best to familiarize himself with how to use the Dragon Meteor spear. Both are preparing for the future.

  Really hung up Mosi's communication. He returned to the bedroom and lay on the bed, but he was tossing and turning hard to fall asleep.

  He still remembered what the head of the mountain said last time, monks with sensitive spiritual sense and superior talent are prone to see some illusions, and regard the illusions as some kind of practical revelation.

  Throughout the ages, many monks have been trapped deeper and deeper because of this so-called "enlightenment", and eventually inevitably set foot on the road of demons.

  There are countless Mosi in my body, if I regard Mosi as my spiritual vein, then I am definitely a so-called genius with "sensitivity in spiritual sense and superior talent". Also more prone to hallucinations.

  ‘Perhaps the sword fairy himself in history became crazy because of this’

  Li Ang thought about it nervously, first glanced at Chai Chai who was sleeping soundly on the next bed, and then stretched out moss silk from his fingertips, constructed it into a bell tied with a rope, and hung it on his bedside.

  The other end of the rope is connected to his fingers.

  In this way, if you encounter a nightmare in your sleep and your body moves around, you will pull the rope, ring the bell, and wake yourself up.

   After getting ready, Li Ang heaved a sigh of relief, closed his eyes and fell asleep.


  A strong vibration spread throughout his body, and Li Ang opened his eyes suddenly, but what he saw was not the familiar bedroom ceiling, but the blue-black sky.

  He got up from the ground in a daze, and looked around.

   This is a small courtyard. There is a row of flower pots by the wall. Because they have not been taken care of for too long, the plants in the flower pots have all died.

  The grapes clinging to the bamboo roof above the flower pots also withered for a long time.

   The scene in front of me is all too familiar. This is the backyard of the Weizhou Baoantang. Leon's house.

  (end of this chapter)