MTL - Ask Sword-Chapter 511 lo mei

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  Chapter 511 Lo-mei

"I will go with you."

  He Siping put down the bowl and chopsticks, and said with a smile: "It just so happens that I've eaten enough."

  The two of them walked out of the inn and came to the street. Tongluo City was always windy, and the rammed-earth road was blown up by the wind, with a shallow layer of sand floating on it.

  The doors of about 20% of the shops on both sides of the street were closed, and some shops even nailed the doors and windows with wooden boards. It looks like a closed door.

   "These stores should be opened by people from Yu State."

  He Siping noticed Li Ang's gaze, and said: "The news that the old Khan is seriously ill has spread, and many people of Yu State who are doing business and living in Turkic have already found a way to leave the grassland.

  Even though they may have lived in Turkic for decades, and even got married and had children here,

   But once a war breaks out, they will still be arrested by Turkic soldiers, their property will be confiscated, and they will even become slaves. "

   Li Ang was stunned when he heard the words. An emergency sale of the property would definitely cause heavy losses, but for those Yu people living in foreign countries, there is no better way.

  He sighed: "Weeping in the wild, thousands of families hear about the war."

   "There are fishermen and woodcutters in several places in Yige."

He Siping added the second half of the sentence, and said with a smile: "Risheng doesn't like war either? I thought you young people would chant something like 'If you want to chase Qingqi away, the snow will be full of bows and knives', 'Who knows you don't want to suffer in front of the court? , Even if you die, you will still hear poems like 'The Fragrance of Heroic Bones'."

  In the city of Chang’an, the occasion where new poems and essays appear most often is not the imperial examination room, but the private banquet of scholars.

  Since the State of Jing and State of Zhou published their denunciations, there have been a large number of Conquest Poems and Frontier Fortress Poems in Shilin.

  The literati wrote poems and lyrics one after another to express their feelings of serving the country. They wished to wear a sword now, go out with the army, and kill the enemy.

   Li Ang shook his head without commenting.

  He has no objection to the patriotism of the literati, but war will turn people into beasts, and wars will be like a millstone, consuming lives one by one until a tragic peace is achieved.

   "I still can't figure out why Mount Taihao suddenly instructed all countries to issue a call to action against us."

  Li Ang said: "Obviously, during the previous academic exchanges, there was no sign of it."

"no one knows."

  He Siping shrugged, "The prime minister and His Majesty have been thinking about it for three days and three nights, but they didn't understand the reason.

   It can only be blamed on Tai Haoshan's own whim.

   It may be that Cardinal Ju Yu got some kind of apocalypse, and it may be that the Neo-Confucianism of the Academy has spread too widely, which made Tai Haoshan feel threatened."

  ‘It’s also possible, it’s the lifespan of Shan Chang. '

   Li Ang said silently in his heart.

  A monk like the head of the mountain can completely determine the outcome of a war.

  Perhaps Tai Haoshan wanted to start this war a long time ago, but because of the existence of the head of the mountain, he has endured until now.

  The five declines of heaven and man, is there really no way to overcome them?

  The two of them were walking along the street. At this time, it was in the evening, and every household started to light a fire to cook, and a strange smell of stewed meat wafted over.

  He Siping sniffed it, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "It's delicious meat, which store made this?"

  Li Ang subconsciously sensed the moss in his body. Since absorbing part of the brown mud that day, the moss has evolved a little.

   Not only the number of clones that can be controlled has increased, but the sensing ability of each clone is also more sensitive, with hearing, smell and even touch beyond ordinary people.

  For example, now, a fly controlled by Mosi slowly flew over a house in search of the smell of stewed meat.

  This mansion should be the residence of a Turkic nobleman, with a vast area and many pavilions.

   However, there was no sound in the yard, and no servants or guards could be seen.


  The flies hovered over the courtyard for a while, and finally locked on the direction where the steam from the stewed meat came—the kitchen.

  The kitchen door and window were closed tightly, and the fly compressed its body and burrowed into it along the crack of the door.

  Boom boom boom!

  The sound of chopping bones with a machete sounded at the end of the room. Flies crawled across the shelves full of fruits and vegetables, only to see a huge figure waving a rusty kitchen knife in front of the stove.

  Boom boom boom!

  The figure slashed hard, and the four-finger-thick solid wood cutting board trembled slightly due to the huge force.

  He threw a large piece of meat into the boiling iron pot on his left—the aroma of stewed meat came out of the pot,

  The remaining meat is hung on the hook shelf on the right.

  The flies that were rubbing their palms stopped suddenly.

  The iron hooks are hanging with a variety of pieces of meat.

   Hands, feet, heart, lungs, head.

   It turned out that they were all people who originally lived in the house.

  The sound of chopping meat stopped abruptly, the figure turned around abruptly, and the machete in his hand flew out instantly like an arrow from the string, nailing the fly heavily to the wall.

  The fly, which was still alive, finally saw the appearance of the figure clearly.

  It was a butcher with big arms, round face, curly beard and messy beard, wearing a blood-stained coat.

   Zhaoming, cannibal, ghost shovel.

  Li Ang, who was walking three streets away, suddenly stopped, and grabbed He Siping who was about to walk forward.

   At the intersection in front of the two,

  A thin figure walked slowly to the middle of the road.

  It was a sharp-billed monkey-cheeked old man who looked like an ape.

  He was wearing a headband, a shirt, and a wooden scabbard hanging from his right waist. He was resting his palm on the hilt, smiling and looking at Li Ang and the two from afar.


  A group of Turkic aristocratic teenagers came riding from a distance.

  On both sides of their saddles, hung foxes, rabbits and other wild animals with ropes, apparently just returned from hunting. It's time to be elated and ready to show off today's results to your family.

  The young nobleman led by him saw an old man standing in the middle of the road, so he couldn't help but raise his whip, ready to whip it off.

  With the sound of breaking through the air, the horsewhip seemed to be thrown slowly towards Yuansou.

  The latter did not dodge or evade, as if unaware of the danger.



  Only heard a small sound like the chirping of cicadas,

  The figure of the boy riding a horse froze suddenly, and the whip in his hand suddenly dropped and fell to the ground about three feet away from Yuansou.

  The ape old man remained motionless, smiling and watching Li Ang and the two, but the palm on the hilt of the sword seemed to have changed its position.


  The left forehead of the young man on horseback slipped off, and then the right forehead—straight lines of blood appeared all over his body, cutting his body into countless pieces.

  The companions around him also failed to escape the bad luck,

  The seven teenagers all shattered from their horses and fell to the ground, together with the high-grade soft armor they were wearing.

  The hot blood seems to be poured on the horse's back as if it does not require money,

  The unscathed war horses raised their front hooves in fright, neighing in horror.

  The screams of pedestrians on the street went straight to the sky, and everyone was running away in a hurry. Only the unidentified Tongluo city guards in the distance were still looking over here.

  The old man drew out the long sword at his waist, and gave the most orthodox Zhou Guojian salute to Li Ang and Shi Shiran, and said with a smile: "It's the first time we meet, my servant, Zhaoming, Yuansou."

  (end of this chapter)