MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 1890 wrong angle

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As long as the hand holding the joystick shakes a little bit, Ning No. 1 will hit the ice cube, and then the fun will be great!

Lin Yi stared at the screen and waved his hand confidently: "Don't worry, can you still know my skills?"

Wang Yang's eyes were dull and sluggish: "I just don't worry if I know it!"

Lin Yi grinned: "It's sharp to complain, but I forgive you!"

"No, if I have the opportunity to go back in the future, I will apply for a transfer immediately!" Wang Yang was extremely sad and angry, "You are a lunatic!"

The battle is over, and the Ningwu Pass has also entered. At this time, it is meaningless to detect the comet or not.

Wang Yang felt that Lin Yi's behavior was not so much a reconnaissance as it was to satisfy his personal curiosity! If he had known that Lin Yi was such a person, he would not have stayed behind when he abandoned the ship.

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows in surprise, but never looked away from the ice cube: "I'm not crazy, but the world is crazy, isn't it?"

He doesn't think his decision is crazy at all. The alien fleet is hidden inside the comet, just stuff it casually?

Of course not, the alien battleship must have a mature arrangement inside the comet, arranged in an orderly manner with certain rules or laws, which is the main reason why he wants to see the inside of the comet.

Mastering the first-hand information can serve as a reference for similar situations in the future, and may even affect the war situation!

If he didn't even have this strategic vision, he wouldn't have to go on as a captain.

Wang Yang sighed resignedly: "Even if the lifeboat is fine, the camouflage is definitely over. Are you sure you must do this?"

"Do you have any other way?" Lin Yi asked.

If there are reconnaissance missiles, he will definitely shoot into the hole without hesitation, but there are only two sets of individual equipment on the lifeboat, not to mention reconnaissance missiles, not even a drone.

"No!" Wang Yang shook his head without hesitation.

Don't say it's really not there, looking at Lin Yi's enthusiasm, he wouldn't dare to say it even if he had it, otherwise Lin Yi might have come up with some monsters!

"Then it's over!" Lin Yi squinted at Wang Yang while he was busy, "Then look at me... don't talk, it'll be fine right away!"

At this time, Ning No. 1 was already close to the ice, and the lifeboat slowly slowed down and approached the ice at a very slow relative speed. When the distance was still more than ten meters, the lifeboat slowly turned and aimed at the ice with the bottom of the boat.

With a soft sound, a slender high-strength cable popped out from the bottom of the boat, and the alloy cable head was easily nailed into the ice. Slowly retract the cable, the lifeboat is pulled by the cable little by little towards the ice, and finally sticks tightly to the ice.

Lin Yi let out a long breath and controlled the lifeboat to slowly descend, driving the ice cubes to sink slowly.

The ice cube is not real water ice, but a mixture of water ice and gas ice. Although its volume is large, its mass is completely different from that of ice on the earth. The suppression effect of the lifeboat is very obvious, and the track of the ice cube is very fast. There was a marked decline.

Wang Yang reminded in time: "Be careful, don't be too fast!"

"Don't worry, I won't." Lin Yi's hand holding the joystick was as steady as a rock.

Wang Yang glanced at the time: "I'll go out and make some preparations!" After saying that, he unfastened his seat belt, brought a complete set of individual equipment and floated into the secret cabin.

The hissing sound changed from loud to quiet, and finally became inaudible.

Wang Yang buckled the safety cable and watched the pointer of the barometer return to zero, the airtight door opened above his head, and the quiet space was full of stars.

He jumped lightly and floated out of the boat, dragging the safety line.

Wang Yang knew that the gravity here was too low to be ignored, so he used very little force, but he used too much force. The whole person flew out of the lifeboat in a straight line. The lifeboat on the board was shaken by him.

The stretched cable bounced back and pulled Wang Yang back again. The whole person swayed back and forth, like a yo-yo thrown by a urchin.

He hurriedly activated the thrusters, finally stabilizing his posture before hitting the airlock, and then carefully maneuvered the thrusters and slowly approached the ice outside the lifeboat.

Wang Yang started the fixing device, and with a bang, a cable pierced deeply into the surface of the ice block. Wang Yang, who was suspended in the air, was bounced upside down by the reaction force, and the cable straightened and rebounded again, bringing him to the On the surface of the ice cube, he took the opportunity to retrieve the cable and pulled himself towards the ice cube.

More than ten seconds later, Wang Yang successfully stood on the ice.

The ice surface was not smooth, but rather rough, like an accumulation of snow.

Wang Yang took out the signal flare from his waist, found a suitable location to punch a hole with a laser gun, and firmly fixed the flare on the ice.

The signal bomb on the lifeboat is actually a powerful flare with its own oxidant. After launching, it can continue to burn in the universe for more than ten minutes, and use the bright light to guide the rescuers.

With this light on, the lifeboats can see what's going on inside the comet.

After doing all this, Wang Yang retracted the cable and slowly floated back to the lifeboat.

The hatch closed over his head, the air was refilled with air, and Wang Yang returned to the cockpit: "Okay, how long?"

"Soon." Lin Yi said without looking back.

Wang Yang rolled over and landed on the seat, immediately buckled his seat belt, and the armor automatically connected to the lifeboat's optical system, sending images of the outside world to his eyes.

But he could only see the stars of space, and part of the surface of the ice.

Wang Yang looked at Lin Yi in surprise: "Do you know where we are?"

"Of course I do." Lin Yi said, "I know what you suspect, don't worry, I remember our speed and direction, I can't go wrong!"

"So confident?"

Lin Yi smiled: "It's alright...don't bother me, or it'll be yours!"

Wang Yang immediately fell silent and waited quietly to see the result.

Half an hour later, Lin Yi judged based on the data that the time had come, cut off the fixed cable decisively, and the lifeboat leaped away from the ice block lightly. As the height increased, the comet gradually appeared under the ice block.

Lin Yi quickly calculated the direction and speed of the ice cube, and then substituted the rotation direction and speed of the comet itself into it. After careful calculation, he breathed a long sigh of relief: "It should be fine!"

Wang Yang blinked: "Can I speak?"

Lin Yi laughed: "It's just your skin!"

"Generally in the long will it take?"

"Fourteen and a half!" Lin Yi knew the calculation results.

Wang Yang showed a relieved expression: "Then I'll sleep for a while!"

"Fuck off!"

The two of you came and went laughing and laughing for a while, the ice cubes got closer and closer to the hole, and the height dropped rapidly.

Lin Yi was a little worried, and recalculated the data again, and found that there was no abnormality, so he put his heart back in his stomach.

But Wang Yang suddenly exclaimed: "Not good!"

Lin Yi was startled: "What's wrong?"

Wang Yang stared at Lin Yi with wide eyes: "The angle, the angle is wrong!"

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