MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 1871 dash forward!

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In the blink of an eye, the four enemy troops were all covered by the blood curtain. Although the super cannon could penetrate the blood curtain, it could not accurately locate the enemy ship without seeing the enemy ship. In addition, the blood curtain weakened the beam, even if the super cannon penetrated the blood curtain. Even if the curtain falls, it can't do anything to the enemy ships behind it.

The enemy is getting closer and closer to Mercury, and it is not far from the critical point of withdrawal. It is meaningless to continue the stalemate. Ye Han gritted his teeth and ordered the battleship to return.

Yue Fei improved to retreat, driven by the super engine, the speed of the battleship quickly slowed down.

The distance between the enemy and the enemy is not far away. Using super shotguns should be able to destroy several enemy ships. The problem is that there are too few super shotguns on the ship. After thinking about it, Ye Han is still not willing to use it.

Only energy weapons are like a hand tied, and the only shells must be used in the most critical places!

Although there were not many alien warships destroyed by Yue Fei, they successfully delayed the time for the enemy ships to reach Mercury. After more than 40 minutes, the warship returned to the vicinity of Mercury and brought Beichenzhou into the range of the super cannon.

Ye Han deliberately got closer to Beichenzhou, so that the cannon **** on the ship could be fired in batches, like other super battleships, to increase the firing speed of the super cannons.

From another point of view, a human warship hangs alone above Mercury, like a general who sees death as a general, alone facing the pressing alien fleet.

At this moment, human satellites faithfully recorded this moment. Soon after, a news titled "Sneak Attack by Alien Fleet, Super Battleship 003 Single Ship Guards Mercury" flooded various media of human beings. On the Yue Fei, there are more than 700 alien fleets approaching in four directions.

No one knew what Ye Han's mood was at that time, and even he couldn't say it clearly afterward. He only remembered that there was only one thought in his heart, and that was to hold on!

The battleship is a comprehensive weapon platform. Its biggest role is to attack rather than defend. In order to protect the base, Yue Fei must stay in the sky over Beichenzhou and become a floating fort.

This is very dangerous, but below is Beichenzhou. It is not only the most important military base in Beidu, but Ye Han's wife, children, and children also live there. Even if they die, Ye Han cannot let Beichenzhou have an accident.

The enemy ships flew closer and closer, and every enemy army was covered with a blood curtain, which made everyone feel very difficult.

More than 700 enemy ships are no joke. Everyone has a question in their hearts: Can Yue Fei withstand it?

The enemy in front was the first to enter the range of Yue Fei. Ye Han couldn't care that the enemy ship was hidden behind the blood curtain, and immediately ordered to fire.

The lasers shot into the blood curtain one after another, but not a single enemy ship was destroyed by the beam of light.

As the distance decreases, the power of the super cannon is getting stronger and stronger. In order to block the beam of light, the enemy continues to release more blood curtains. The giant blood curtains in four directions are like four huge demon clouds. They all sweated.

At a critical moment, Ye Han received a communication from Zhe Zhipeng: "Ye Han, the base has entered a state of emergency. Everyone has withdrawn to the deepest underground bunker in the base. We can afford to lose the surface of the base, but the battleship must not be in trouble!"

Is it worth losing a super battleship to protect Beichenzhou?

Of course it's worth it, because Beichenzhou has the opportunity to manufacture more super battleships.

But at this juncture, every super battleship is the fleet's most valuable asset. If the Yue Fei is sunk by the alien fleet, not only will Beichenzhou be destroyed by the aliens, it will even be far outside the asteroid belt. confrontation may encounter unexpected events.

Reasonable, even Zhe Zhipeng couldn't tie the Yue Fei to the base. He had to loosen the tie of the battleship in order to exert the strongest combat power.

After hearing this, Ye Han was silent for a while, then frowned and said solemnly: "If aliens land, how long can the base last?"

"I don't know." Zhe Zhipeng said, "but everyone here who can fight is ready. If it doesn't work, I will blow up the surface of the base, how can it be blocked for a while!"

Ye Han pursed his lips and did not speak, Zhe Zhipeng said anxiously: "When is this all, why are you hesitating? If the base is destroyed, it can be rebuilt. If the battleship is gone, it will be completely over!"

Ye Han clenched his teeth fiercely: "Wait for me!" After speaking, he lifted the mask suddenly, ripped open his throat and snarled: "Rush up to me, full speed, and **** him!"

"Damn it!" All the bridge officers shouted in unison.

The former helmsman of the Red Sea and the current helmsman of Yue Fei, Ren Zhiwen, clicked his fingers, and suddenly a light blue tail flame of more than ten kilometers long spewed out from the stern. A disturbing tremor spread from the stern to the bow. The acceleration rushes towards the frontal enemy.

Yue Fei's attack hit the enemy's chest, and the frontal alien fleet immediately slowed down, while the flanks of the enemy troops quietly moved out a little bit, opening a little more distance.

The formation of the alien fleet is also being quietly adjusted. The only remaining blood-curtain ships rush to the front, and slowly distance themselves from the alien warships behind. The round-headed and round-brained enemy ships are in the middle, and the ordinary alien warships slowly lag behind. , as long as the Yue Fei rushed over, it was a three-stage battle of the blood curtain ship, the round-headed ship, and other battleships.

But how could Ye Han be stupid enough to directly attack the enemy's fleet?

The Yue Fei, which was accelerating at full speed, rushed halfway, and Ye Han opened his arms and drew an arc on the control interface. So the warship suddenly drifted in the void with a super arc, and inserted into the enemy's flank with a beautiful side slip.

The enemy immediately moved accordingly and continued to hide behind the blood curtain.

The distance between the two sides is often tens of thousands of kilometers. No matter how fast the Yue Fei moves, it will take a little time. A few tens of minutes is not enough. It is not surprising that an hour is not at all. Therefore, the alien fleet has enough responses. time.

While Yue Fei was fighting with the enemy, the enemy on the flank gradually approached Beichenzhou.

When the enemy was only 40,000 kilometers away from Beichenzhou, the missile positions near Beichenzhou suddenly opened fire, and the long-range missiles quickly lifted into the air at a frequency of every three seconds, attacking the incoming enemy ships at full speed.

Aliens have always attached great importance to missiles, and this time was no exception. The alien warships among the three enemy armies on the flank quietly flew into the blood curtain, preparing to intercept the missiles with fine light.

At this time, the Yue Fei, which was facing the frontal enemy, suddenly made a 180-degree back turn, switching its head and tail, with its **** facing the frontal enemy, but the bow of the ship was aimed at an enemy on the flank!

The position of Yue Fei had already passed this group of enemy troops, and this group of enemy troops was busy dealing with missiles. As soon as Yue Fei turned around, it saw the stern of a group of enemy ships!

The four enemy armies slowly opened up as they approached Mercury. At present, the distance between any two enemy armies was no less than 30,000 kilometers, and the distance between Yue Fei and the target was only a little over 10,000 kilometers.
