MTL - Am I God-Chapter 92 Xiao Ming arrives

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On the other side of the table, Elizabeth sat proudly like an empress, surrounded by Sun Keke, Zhao Lei, and another girl they brought, constantly making various shameful voices towards her.

"Elizabeth, you are so cute."

"Little baby, don't move, I'll take a picture of you."

"Xiaowei, look, the hair on Elizabeth's chest feels so comfortable."

"Her eyes are so beautiful, like sapphires."

In front of Elizabeth, there were four cans, two dried fish, two cat treats, and one freeze-dried cat.

Elizabeth was lowering her head and eating the food in front of her, but when she was enjoying herself, she suddenly raised her head and made a strange sound like a jam in her throat.

"Ouch." She spit out a mouthful directly into the can.

The girls on the side immediately panicked.

"What happened to Elizabeth?"

"Is it the quality of the canned food?"

"Boss! Elizabeth vomited!"

"Don't be nervous, everyone." Zhao Yao didn't know when he appeared beside the three female students, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "She's just a little tired, but a puppet like Elizabeth has a natural stomach. Fragile, it has a nickname called the glass stomach, and sometimes if you eat too much without digesting it, you will vomit it back."

"It's so pitiful! I can't even eat it if I want to."

"Poor Elizabeth!"

"Manager, Elizabeth is so pitiful, is there nothing I can do?"

Zhao Yao sighed helplessly: "It's all my fault, if I knew that all the canned food you bought was intended to feed Elizabeth to a cat, I shouldn't have sold you so many canned food, Elizabeth's stomach is not good, she can't eat too much. If you eat a lot of cat food, even if you eat it, it’s best to eat cat food that helps digestion.”

When Sun Keke heard these words, an expression of distress and guilt immediately appeared on his face, while Zhao Lei on the side was suspicious.

Sun Keke said, "Boss, do you have any purchases here?"

Another girl named Xiaowei shouted: "The boss doesn't blame you, it's all about us. We fed her too much. We want to buy the cat food you mentioned for Elizabeth!"

Sun Keke grabbed Zhao Yao's sleeve and said, "Boss, sell it to us!"

Zhao Yao laughed in his heart: "These women's money is really good." He glanced at the brand-name clothes on the three girls, and only Bai Fumei, who was not bad for money, would always recommend each other. Snacks and canned food.

If it was an ordinary college student like Yan Xiaoqing, he certainly wouldn't recommend them to buy cat food to feed the cat.

In the next few days, relying on the high intelligence of the super cats and the powerful effects of the soundless field, the number of guests who came to the cat cafe also continued to increase, and Zhao Yao made more than 10,000 profits all at once.

The name of the Cat God Cafe has gradually spread by word of mouth through these customers.

It was on this day that the coffee house welcomed an unexpected guest.

Xiao Ming came to the door of the cat cafe, looked at the customers enjoying the cat cafe, Bai Quan and Xiao Shiyu who were busy, and finally focused on Zhao Yao, who was hiding in the corner and playing with the computer.

During this period of time, he used the resources in his hands, through the surveillance screen of shopping malls and zoos, to constantly look for traces of experts.

Although Zhao Yao has tried his best to avoid the camera, he is not a professional after all, especially when he is fighting with people, he will inevitably be captured by the camera.

And these camera records, including those from the zoo and shopping malls, except for those sent by Lao He and the others, Xiao Ming also had someone secretly keep a copy in his own hands.

Through repeated comparisons and browsing, Xiao Ming quickly confirmed that the masters in the villa, shopping mall, and zoo were all the same person, and then confirmed the appearance of the other party through Jin Jiajia's live broadcast on Douyu.

Even if this is the case, there are only pictures of the other party's appearance. If you want to find someone in a city with a population of tens of millions, even Xiao Ming is not too sure.

until he saw that...

So Xiao Ming came to the Cat God Cafe specially today to confirm whether the man he saw inside was the Zhao Yao he had been looking for.

Seeing Zhao Yao hiding in the corner playing with the computer, he finally showed a happy smile. At this moment, he was more than 80% sure that he did not find the wrong person.

"Is the so-called big secret hidden in the city? He clearly has a superb skill and extraordinary power, but he is willing to hide among the commoners and open an ordinary cat cafe." At this moment, Zhao Yao became even more mysterious in Xiao Ming's eyes. stand up.

After thinking about what he wanted for this trip, Xiao Ming tried his best to make his expression seem sincere enough, and opened the door of the cat cafe and walked in.

"Welcome." Bai Quan greeted him and began to introduce the charges and gameplay of the coffee house.

Xiao Ming was already immersed in the coverage of the soundless domain, and his whole body felt a kind of cheering.

"As expected of the one who opened the store, even a cat cafe is not so simple."

Feeling the magical effect brought by Otonashi Domain, Xiao Ming, who has seen Zhao Yao's methods for a long time, UU reading www.uukanshu. Naturally, com would not believe what was written on the board. He knew that Zhao Yao must have used some spell to do it.

After ordering a latte, he slowly walked to Zhao Yao.

Zhao Yao seemed to sense that someone was coming, and when he raised his head, he saw Xiao Ming's face.

"Master." Xiao Ming immediately put on the most sincere expression he could, but saw Zhao Yao frown: "Who are you looking for, I don't know you."

Zhao Yao said helplessly in his heart: "How did this guy come here? Trouble, if he recognizes it, if others know it again, it may link me to the mask man."

Xiao Ming said: "Master, it's me, don't you remember? We are in the villa, and that..."

"It's alright, alright." Zhao Yaoyan shook his head helplessly, seeing that he couldn't pretend, "Sit down and talk, be quiet, and don't disturb others."

Xiao Ming sat down cautiously and looked at Zhao Yao, as if he didn't know where to start.

Zhao Yao pouted and said, "How did you find me?"

Hearing Zhao Yao's question, Xiao Ming had expected it early, took out his mobile phone, and flipped to a webpage.

The above is a post from a certain forum, the title is called - the most amazing cat cafe in Jianghai.

Zhao Yao flipped through it and found that it was his Cat God Cafe that was introduced above, and he also took a photo of the store and uploaded it, and even he appeared in the background of a photo.

Seeing this post, Zhao Yao really didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Sighing helplessly, he glanced at Xiao Ming and said, "Who else knows besides you?"

"No, I'm the only one who knows." Xiao Ming said immediately: "Don't worry, I know you don't want to expose yourself, so I will never disclose this matter to anyone."