MTL - Am I God-Chapter 88 get up

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"Well." Hearing Xiao Shiyu's words, Chief He finally became serious and asked, "How is his condition today? Is he particularly irritable, or any other special behavior."

Xiao Shiyu said: "Zhao Yao doesn't have any special performance today. He spends most of his time in the cat cafe playing games online. Except for the super cat with a special breath, he has not discovered other super powers."

Chief He asked seriously: "Is it a special breath... I heard you say it before, what do you think this breath does?"

"What's the effect?" A strange expression flashed on Xiao Shiyu's face, and he said, "I don't know the specific effect. If you insist, it's very comfortable."

"Comfortable?" Chief He didn't care about this vague description, and then said, "Apart from being comfortable? What's the use?"

"It seems that my sleep has gotten better these days," Xiao Shiyu said.

"Oh." Chief He nodded in disappointment: "Then continue to observe, as long as Zhao Yao didn't kill and set fire, you don't have to stop him. If there is a situation out of control, then report it to me immediately."

"Understood." Xiao Shiyu added: "That breath is really very comfortable. With this ability, Zhao Yao's coffee shop has been getting better and better during this time."

However, Xiao Shiyu's report obviously could not attract the attention of Chief He. Lao He just said at last: "By the way, pay attention to your own safety." He said solemnly: "You have not undergone enough training, nor do you have supernatural powers, if you encounter a battle , run as far as you want, don't be a hero by yourself, you know."

"I know, old man, I'm so afraid of death, you're still worried about me rushing up." Xiao Shiyu said with a smile.

"It's good to be afraid of death, life is the hope." Lao He sighed, and there seemed to be a kind of vicissitudes in his tone.

After saying a few words, Lao He hung up the phone, leaving Xiao Shiyu to stare blankly at the phone screen: "This old a good leader."

She looked at the time and thought to herself, "It's only 11 o'clock."

"There are still 10 hours before going to work tomorrow."

Unconsciously, Xiao Shiyu began to look forward to the days of going to work.

"It's really comfortable."

Zhao Yao was woken up alive.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and saw the whole cat of Matcha lying on his face, almost suffocating him to death.

He grabbed Matcha by the neck and threw the latter out. The latter fell on the bed and rolled a few times, but did not wake up, and there was a grunting sound in his mouth.

"Damn it, it's louder than me."

Seeing that Matcha was sleeping like a dead cat, Zhao Yao rolled his eyes.

According to common sense, cats are very alert creatures. Most of the time of the day, they seem to be sleeping and just doze off. They will wake up after a little disturbance, and only have a deep sleep for a few hours.

But matcha is obviously different. As an intelligent cat, he is basically not alert when he is at home. And because I spend a lot of time on mobile phones every day and consume a lot of energy, I go to sleep in a deep sleep to quickly recover my energy.

He stepped on Matcha's head with his foot, and the latter hugged Zhao Yao's foot and licked it, causing Zhao Yao to kick the matcha away in disgust.

"Get up, ready to go to work."

Matcha stuck out her pink tongue, and didn't mean to wake up at all.

Zhao Yao simply started rubbing Matcha's head, back, and **** with his hands, but after rubbing for a few minutes, Matcha still didn't wake up, instead, the snoring became louder and louder.

Zhao Yao touched the fluffy white belly of the other party again and rolled the matcha table, but the other party still didn't wake up.

Even after the matcha turned over, it fell directly to the ground with a bang, but the whole process remained motionless, turned over and continued to sleep.

"Damn, how late did you sleep last night?"

Seeing the matcha sleeping with his belly turned upside down and his head resting on the foot of the bed, Zhao Yao had the urge to step on the other's big white belly and ravage it.

After thinking about it, he picked up Matcha's mobile phone, opened it, and clicked on the Honor of Kings above.


With the sound of the glory of the king being opened, the fluffy ears of the matcha tea in the distance shook.

The next moment I entered the start page, and the majestic background music rang.

"Den! Dengdengdeng! Dengdengdeng! Dengdengdeng! Dengdengdeng! Dengdengdeng! Dengdeng! Dengdeng! Deng! Dengdeng!"

With the sound of the music, Matcha shook her ears, and the next moment the whole cat sat up suddenly: "All troops attack!!"

"Are you awake?" Zhao Yao rubbed matcha's confused head and said, "Wash your face, ready to go to work."

Walking out of the bedroom, you can see Bai Quan mopping the floor with an apron and a mask. Seeing Zhao Yao getting up, he said, "Boss, I cooked porridge and put it in the kitchen, and the salted egg and mustard are in the refrigerator."

Zhao Yao nodded with satisfaction and walked to the kitchen, feeling more and more glad that he invited Bai Quan over. Since the other party came here, he has been bathing in the soundless realm every day, and he has become more and more adored for Zhao Yao, and has done all the housework with one hand.

'Well, this Bai Quan seems to be big and three rough, and he is unexpectedly good at doing housework. ’

Half an hour later, the super cats got up one by one, washed their faces, and ate their meals. Zhao Yao drove the cats to the coffee house in Panamera.

On the way, Elizabeth said with a sullen face: "Zhao Yao, why is there so little breakfast today? If I don't have enough breakfast, my blood sugar will be low, and I will be in a bad mood all day."

Zhao Yao greeted him with a smile and said, "Elizabeth, please bear with me~ I brought a batch of cat food and snacks to the store, and you can eat them later."

Elizabeth is now the big red card and pillar of the Cat God Cafe, and Zhao Yao's attitude towards her is much better.

Matcha raised her paw and said, "I want to eat cat rice. I drank less water yesterday, so I need to eat more wet..."


Seeing this scene, Yuanyuan complained in her heart, "Good power!"

"Have you completely turned your face when you see that matcha is not very welcoming?" Yuanyuan secretly said in her heart, "Before Miao Yanzu and the others came to rescue me again, I can only make compromises, bear the burden of humiliation, and betray my beauty."

Twenty minutes later, there was a screeching sound.

Panamera stopped steadily, but not in the underground parking lot, but in a dead corner without a camera.

Bai Quan stopped the car with some doubts and asked, "Boss, do you keep parking?"

"Stop the egg, the parking fee in the shopping mall here is too expensive, which increases my transportation cost, so I thought of another way." Then he saw Zhao Yao took out a small briquettes in his pocket, only the size of a palm. The briquettes slumped in his palm like a purse.

"Briquettes, eat this car."

Yuanyuan, Matcha, and Elizabeth cursed at the same time: "Stingy."

The briquettes also looked at Zhao Yao speechlessly, and said angrily after a second: "Are you going to kill me? Why should I eat this kind of thing! You won't go to the parking space by yourself." The crisp girl's voice was heard in Zhao Yaohe It sounded in the minds of the cats.

"Zhao Yao, don't go too far. It's okay to put wallets, mobile phones, clothes, etc., even the car now? What do you think of me?"