MTL - Am I God-Chapter 73 choose

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Zhao Yao was hesitant about the choice in front of him.

If you choose to upgrade the cat, whether it is Matcha or Elizabeth, it can help him increase a lot of combat power again.

But if BOOK is upgraded, he can have the third super ability, Yuanyuan, his stealth ability can basically be completely functionally covered by Elizabeth's illusion.

The ability of briquettes is extremely useful, and it is also the ability that Zhao Yao has always wanted to share.

And after the BOOK upgrade, Zhao Yao will have the power of two cats, which will greatly enhance his physical fitness, reaction, and sensitivity.

What's more, Elizabeth, as the second cat, has a full weight of fifteen pounds. Her body is stronger than matcha, and the power of the two cats will be stronger.

But in this case, the combat power may not directly improve the matcha.

However, when Zhao Yao looked at the contents on the task panel, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"By the way, there is still the main quest. My current main quest is to upgrade to level 3 and conquer the third super cat. The quest reward is 500 experience points. If you add double the experience card, you can suddenly Get 1000 experience points."

"That is to say, as long as I upgrade BOOK first, I will have enough experience to upgrade matcha."

Thinking of this, Zhao Yao immediately decided to upgrade BOOK today.

So Zhao Yao clicked to upgrade, and the next moment, he felt his consciousness suddenly boil, and there was a familiar breath in the void, that was Elizabeth's breath being injected into his body.

boom! Every cell seemed to explode in an instant, gaining varying degrees of change.

The next moment, when Zhao Yao came back to his senses, he was half-knelt on the ground covered in sweat, and several cats in the distance were looking at him curiously.

Matcha asked curiously, "Zhao Yao, are you menstruating?"

The briquettes rushed up: "While you are sick, I will kill you!"

"Go away." Zhao Yao slapped the briquettes that rushed up, and the latter slammed into the matcha and became a gourd that fell to the ground.

Zhao Yao let out a breath and stood up slowly. When he looked up at the whole room, he only felt that the whole world seemed to be much clearer.

The blessing of the power of the two cats is not only pure strength and speed, but Zhao Yao's own insight, combined with the insight of Matcha and Elizabeth, has become formidable to an inhuman level.

When a fly flew past his eyes, Zhao Yao's powerful dynamic vision allowed Zhao Yao to clearly see the complete trajectory of the fly's flight, as clear as a pattern on his palm. His hand moved slightly, like a breeze swept across. , has already held the fly empty in his hand.

When he opened his palm, flies buzzed out from his palm.

Zhao Yao sniffed his nose slightly, and seemed to be able to clearly distinguish the smells of matcha, Elizabeth, briquettes, Yuanyuan and mango in the air.

He suddenly did a somersault on the spot, then stepped out a few steps and stepped directly on the wall, followed by a 360-degree flip and then stood back on the ground.

"The speed of strength is only a small part... The key is the body's insight, agility, dexterity, flexibility, and that kind of body has greatly improved me."

Zhao Yao tested his power of two cats with satisfaction. Although his speed and strength are still only a little higher than ordinary people, his flexibility, agility, dexterity, reaction and insight have been greatly enhanced, allowing him to perform gymnastics. Movement like an athlete or acrobat.

At this moment, the experience of BOOK has also become BOOK: Lv3 (66/2000)

Zhao Yao breathed a sigh of relief: 'Fortunately, I didn't multiply it by ten again. 2000 experience points is not too much. ’

"And then..." Zhao Yao turned his head and looked at the briquettes.

The palm-sized, round-headed little black cat seemed to immediately catch Zhao Yao's gaze, stood up, and was about to run away when Zhao Yao, who appeared in a flash, pinched it in his hand.

"Smelly Zhao Yao! Let me go!"

Zhao Yao touched the head of the briquettes, the washed hair was smooth and shiny, and it felt like black silk to the touch.

"Isn't it comfortable to wash it off?" He put his fingers in front of the briquettes and said, "Come on, bite me."

The briquettes stopped struggling, looked at Zhao Yao suspiciously, and said, "What conspiracy do you have?"

"There is no conspiracy." Zhao Yao coaxed: "Bite me, didn't you always want to bite me?"

Seeing Zhao Yao's pattern, the briquettes became more and more suspicious and kept his mouth shut. Even if Zhao Yao stretched out his fingers and pressed her mouth continuously, he did not open his mouth at all.

In the end, Zhao Yao was helpless, so he activated Elizabeth's ability and controlled the briquettes to bite on his index finger.

Along with two tooth marks and bloodstains, the briquettes were officially registered on BOOK, becoming Zhao Yao's third super cat.

In an instant, he also gained 500*2 experience from the main quest.

BOOK: Lv3 (1066/2000)

Pet (3/3): briquettes

Level: Lv1 (0/10)

Loyalty: 30

Ability: Dimensional stomach bag, capable of inhaling any non-living matter within a radius of five meters into a different-dimensional space through the mouth. It absorbs up to 1.5 tons of substances per day, and life can actively enter it when the dimensional stomach bag is opened.

"Dimensional stomach? It's a really good ability." Zhao Yao smiled when he saw the introduction of this ability.

Immediately after that, I tested it with the water cup at home, and finally succeeded after failing three times in a row.

Everything is as described in the introduction, UU reading he opened his mouth slightly, thinking about activating the ability in his mind, what he wants to swallow within five meters will be sucked into his mouth in an instant and enter the dimensional stomach. .

And it seems that because of the shared ability, he and the briquettes still share a space.

That is to say, what he eats, he can spit out the briquettes, and he can spit out what the briquettes eat.

After the main quest provides 500*2 experience, it changes again, requiring Zhao Yao to upgrade to level 4 and subdue the fourth super cat. The quest reward is still 500 experience points.

Looking at the 1066 experience points in the book, Zhao Yao thought, first added 10 points to the briquettes, upgraded him to level 2, and then chose to double the capacity in the skill tree, so that the briquettes could swallow 3 tons of substances every day .

BOOK's experience at the moment is Lv3 (1056/2000).

Matcha and Elizabeth experienced the same injection of BOOK experience last time and upgraded to LV3, the experience is both Lv3 (168/1000).

The experience of briquettes is Lv2 (0/100).

After thinking about it, Zhao Yao slid the 100 points of experience in the book to the briquettes, and raised him to Lv3. From the two new skill trees, Zhao Yao chose to expand the range and expand the swallowing range of five meters. to eight meters.

With this operation, the briquettes instantly increased from level 1 to level 3, and Zhao Yao's remaining BOOK experience was enough for Matcha or Elizabeth to level up.

Looking at the panel in front of him, Zhao Yao did not hesitate to point out the experience points on Matcha.

Instantly, the experience value of BOOK becomes BOOK: Lv3 (124/2000), and the matcha also becomes Level: Lv4 (0/2000).