MTL - Am I God-Chapter 6 00,000

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After several consecutive practice sessions, Zhao Yao already knew what he knew. At this time, he no longer fiddled with the ball by stopping once, but fiddling with the ball three times in a row.

This is also the trick that Zhao Yao found after continuous practice.

Zhao Yao's time stop lasted for a total of three seconds. He said it lasted for three seconds and cooled down for three seconds, but in his attempts, it actually lasted as long as it lasted, and it took as long to cool down, but the longest time was three seconds.

Now, after he divides the time-stop ability into one second and one second, he can cast it for one second and cool it down for one second.

In this case, he will be sure to decide the position of the ball with three stops in a row.

The first two slow down the speed and determine the direction of the ball, and the last time is a final call to determine the final position of the ball.

Next, he stood by the gaming table for more than half an hour. Zhao Yao's technique became more and more proficient, and he was almost 100% sure where the ball stopped before he started to bet.

At this time, only a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman were left on the roulette table.

The middle-aged man seemed to have lost a lot of money, his eyes were red and bloodshot, and he seemed to dislike everyone.

He glanced at Zhao Yao, who had been standing still, and said impatiently, "Boy, do you want to bet or not, it's a **** if you don't bet, it makes me upset."

Zhao Yao smiled and said, "Let's go, why not." After speaking, he had put all ten ten thousand chips on top of 15.

Seeing Zhao Yao's actions, the dealer and the middle-aged men and women showed a hint of surprise in their eyes, but it was only a hint of surprise. One hundred thousand yuan is above the Macau casino, not even a wave, but some people put it It is rare to have one number all on the roulette wheel.

The middle-aged man said: "Boy, are you crazy, pressing numbers? You don't even know how to die." As he spoke, he put down another five thousand chips: "I pressed 1~12."

The middle-aged woman on the other side also made a bet: "I'm betting on small orders."

After all three people placed their bets, the croupier placed the ivory ball on the side wall of the roulette wheel, and then shoved the ball sharply, and the ball spun along the side wall under the watchful eyes of the three people.

Seeing that the speed of the ball was getting slower and slower, Zhao Yao's eyes were fixed on the ball, and there was cold sweat on his back.

The next moment, he had already initiated the first time timeout, and suddenly reached out and pressed the ball.

The flow of time resumed, the speed of the ball dropped, and it hit the metal baffle and started to rebound. Zhao Yao stopped time again and fiddled with it again.

This time, the ball is shot directly in the direction of 15.

Seeing the ball bouncing back and forth above No. 14, 15, and 16, when the ball passed the top of No. 15, Zhao Yao had already started the third time stop. He would hold the ball in one breath and press it firmly. on the 15th.

Time passed again, and at this moment, Zhao Yao's palm was full of sweat. Looking at the small ball that stayed on No. 15, he exhaled suddenly.

On the other side, the middle-aged woman at the gaming table had already exclaimed.

The middle-aged man also had an unbelievable look on his face: "Damn it, I really won? I lose 35 to 1? Isn't that a direct win of 3.5 million?"

There was a hint of surprise in the dealer's eyes, but he didn't lose his temper. He had seen too many gamblers who got rich overnight in the casino.

I saw that the dealer looked at Zhao Yao politely and asked, "Sir, do you want to continue, or withdraw and leave?"

Zhao Yao smiled: "I won't gamble today, can you deposit the money into your bank card?"

"Yes sir."

Zhao Yao has checked the information before. If you want to bring money back in Macau, you can either bring cash or use bank transfer. You need to go through customs with cash. For bank transfers, major casinos have international transfer services, but you need to charge a handling fee. That's it.

So two bodyguards came to Zhao Yao's side. Under their protection, Zhao Yao and them went through the cash exchange and transfer with the chips. During the whole process, the staff of the casino was extremely skilled and calm, and it was obvious that they had already seen each other. I'm used to winning millions and have a mature process.

"Sir, do you transfer all the money?"

Zhao Yao said: "Leave me a million chips, and transfer the rest."

Because of the exchange rate and handling fees, when it arrived in Zhao Yao's bank card, 2.5 million Hong Kong dollars became 2.15 million yuan.

The manager on the side asked: "Hello sir, do you want to continue playing? If you continue to play, we can send you the VIP room upstairs and the members here for one night. If you want to go back, you can contact at any time. We, we also have a helicopter transfer service here, we can fly directly from Macau to Zhuhai, or we can take you directly to the airport.”

Zhao Yao was still a little nervous after winning the three million. He was still moving at full speed during the time-stop, just to ensure that his movements returned to the original after the time-stop was over, and he was afraid that others would slow down the camera to check him.

But he followed the staff of the casino all the way down the process. He has been infected by the other party's rationality and proficiency. In his opinion, the money is incomparably much, but in the eyes of these staff, it is too much. , the other party hesitated at all, or did not want to check his meaning. Perhaps in the eyes of these staff, this amount of money is not even a splash in Macau.

Zhao Yao smiled politely: "Just send me a VIP suite, I still want to go shopping."

After being sent into the suite, Zhao Yao jumped up abruptly when he looked at the luxurious and noble suite in front of him. At this time, the excitement in his heart broke out completely.

Thinking of the more than 2 million RMB in the bank, and looking at the ten hundred thousand chips in his hand, Zhao Yao's breathing became heavy again. UU reading

More than three million, he may not be able to save so much money after working for ten years, and now he has won more than three million in just a few hours.

However, Zhao Yao looked at the task on the task panel, but it still did not show that it was completed. He thought to himself: 'I have earned so much but I haven't completed it because I haven't bought cat food to feed matcha yet? ’

After completing the task, Zhao Yao could have left here, but when he came to Macau, is only three million really enough?

Looking at the one million chips in his hand, Zhao Yao's mouth showed a smile: "I won't play roulette next, but there are still two days, and it's enough for me to make a lot of money."

Although he was extremely excited, Zhao Yao still maintained some rationality. Although the roulette game doubled quickly, the betting limit was limited, and the odds were too low. If he kept winning, he would inevitably be high-profile.

On the contrary, it is a project like baccarat, which completely controls winning and losing, and is not so high-profile, especially now that he has a million chips, he can win a lot of money.

Although Macau's casinos are not afraid of him winning money, if the winning is too obvious, Zhao Yao does not want it to attract attention.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the suite, watching the night scene of Macau outside the window, Zhao Yao has never been so confident and excited.

For the next two days, Zhao Yao roamed the major casinos in Macau. With the ability to pause time, he won more and lost less. Every time he won a few hundred thousand, he would change the table, and if he won a few million, he would change the table. The casino, in the past two days, has earned more than 13 million yuan.

In the early morning of the third day, a tired Zhao Yao sat in the airport lobby, looking at the numbers in the bank balance on his mobile phone, with a happy smile on his face.