MTL - Am I God-Chapter 56 arrest

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Zhao Yao laughed: "So I can't let you go casually."

"Really?" The big man also grinned: "Want to kill me? Then give it a try!"

At the same time, just behind the big metal man, out of Zhao Yao's line of sight, a palm slowly stretched out and grabbed the back of the big man.

It turned out that some of his rhetoric was to cover up the actions of his companions.

The next moment, as the palms grabbed the big man's shoulders, the floor around the two shook, as if it had turned into muddy water, and the big metal man sank toward the ground at an extreme speed.

If the two of them went underground this time, even Zhao Yao would have no choice.

But just when the two were about to sink into the ground, Zhao Yao had already started the time stop again. Not only is the big man delaying time, but Zhao Yao is not delaying time, waiting to stop cooling down.

In a still world, Zhao Yao walked directly behind the big man, and clearly saw the palm holding the big man's shoulder.

So he switched his abilities to Elizabeth again, and as time resumed the flow, a red light flashed in his eyes.

But this time, he failed to control the owner of the palm, and the ability to activate failed!

"What?" Zhao Yao was stunned for a moment, the palm of his hand had already submerged into the ground, and at the same time, most of the metal man's body had also drilled into the ground.

Since solving the murder cat, Elizabeth's loyalty has increased to 95 points, which means that the success rate of using Elizabeth's superpower has reached 95%. Zhao Yao has rarely encountered the failure of ability activation.

But at this moment, the ability to activate failed.

It was too late to think about it. Since one failed, Zhao Yao aimed at the big metal man again. The opponent's body froze immediately, and he was already forcibly crawling towards the ground.

However, with the ability of the man underground, the ground around them became like water. Although the big metal man was controlled to struggle upward, he was forcibly dragged down by the other party and gradually disappeared from Zhao Yao's field of vision. .

Before disappearing, the big man gave Zhao Yao a deep look and seemed to be talking.

"We will find you."

But at this moment, the metal on the big man's skin began to fade, and Zhao Yao was controlling him to stop activating his abilities.

With the disappearance of the metal, the weight of the big man suddenly decreased greatly, and the speed of the sinking also slowed down slightly.

Then under Zhao Yao's control, his right hand suddenly grabbed the palm on his shoulder. Without the burden of the metal skin, the giant man's strength could be fully exerted. At this moment, suddenly grasping the palm on his shoulder was a sudden shock. Pull and drag.

The surrounding earth was as soft as water, so that the people below had no place to take advantage of it. As the big man dragged and dragged, the big man's body sank, and the body of the burrower suddenly floated up.

It was a fat man with a pale face. Seeing that he was thrown out by the big man, his face showed consternation, and the next moment he lost control of his body.

At the moment when he surfaced on the ground, Zhao Yao had given up on the big man and turned to control the fat man.

"What!" Fatty only felt his body stiffen, and the next moment he stopped on the ground.

When the big man raised his head from the ground again, the situation in front of him had been completely grasped by Zhao Yao.

Fatty's ability to soften the ground seems to be only one meter away. The ground that is more than one meter away from his body is still as solid as before. At this moment, the two of them are like soaking in a pool with a radius of one meter.

The big man roared unwillingly and swam to the side of the hard ground, and wanted to rush out to attack Zhao Yao, but Zhao Yao controlled the fat man to stop the ability to soften the ground, and his lower body was wrapped in the ground and could not move.

After the fat man on the other side finished all this, he slowly climbed out of the softened ground, and then dragged the big man on the side.

The last eruption just now had consumed all of Dahan's physical strength. In fact, he suffered a comminuted fracture of the knee joint and was already in unbearable pain. If it wasn't for his physical fitness, he would have been unable to move.

And now, after experiencing the outbreak just now, he has reached the limit, and he was dragged to the ground by the fat man without any resistance.

Looking at the unwilling eyes of the big man, Zhao Yao said: "Okay, let's go, you can tell me who your boss is along the way."

Although the big man looked at Zhao Yao with unwilling eyes, he was secretly shocked in his heart.

"Controlling the human body, moving instantaneously, and it seems to have the ability to move like psychic power." The big man thought silently in his heart: "This guy has so many abilities, in terms of strength, he is almost comparable to the boss, especially he still has Multiple abilities... how did he do it?"

What the big man cared more about was the calmness and calmness of the opponent in the battle, as well as the incomparably quick responses.

Zhao Yao controlled the fat man and dragged the big Han outside. As for Xiao Ming, although he also wanted to have a good relationship with this super rich second-generation, now is obviously not the time.

Matcha sat in Zhao Yao's arms, meowing: "Zhao Yao Zhao Yao, what are you going to do with these two guys? Are you going to kill them? We can send them to the a fire , then chopped up and fed it to the dogs."

Zhao Yao patted Matcha's head hard and said, "What nonsense are you talking about, who said I would kill people? After all, it's just stealing cats. Do you need to kill people?"

At this moment, a voice entered the consciousness of one person and one cat: "What are you going to do to me?"

Feeling the kitten trembling behind him, Zhao Yao said with a smile, "Don't worry, we won't do anything to you, it's just that you use your abilities indiscriminately, sooner or later you will be caught, come to my house first. For a while."

When he came to the outside of the mall, the next moment, a sense of crisis rose from Zhao Yao's heart, with the blessing of the power of a cat, he had always trusted the sense of crisis and instinct in his heart, and disappeared almost instantly. .

At the same time as he disappeared, there was a whizzing sound, the fat man and the big man had fallen to the ground at the same time, and then the siren suddenly sounded, and a pile of armed police appeared.

At the moment when the anesthesia projectile was fired, Zhao Yao disappeared and appeared in the shadow of a street corner.

Looking at the sudden change in the situation, he looked surprised: "What's going on? Such a big battle all of a sudden?"

It was a pity to look at the fat man and the big man on the ground, Zhao Yao didn't intend to rob people at this time, and after waiting for a while, he activated his ability again and left.

However, this cat-stealing organization has already caught his attention. Because a new quest has been uploaded to his quest panel.

Side quest: How can I let the cat thief go?

Mission objective: Dismantle the cat-stealing organization in Jianghai within three months.

Mission reward: 300 experience points

Mission penalty: deduct 300 experience points