MTL - Am I God-Chapter 54 scuffle

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In a still world, a small figure was lying under a hanger.

Matcha also thoroughly saw the other party's appearance.

It was a small black cat the size of a palm. It looked like it was just two or three months old. Because it was a black cat, it was mixed with the shadows, and almost only the eyes could be seen clearly.

Seeing the kitten in front of her, and remembering her stolen mobile phone, Matcha bared her teeth and rushed to the other person's face, raised her claws, and slapped the kitten's cheek.

"I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm!"

During the paused time, I don't know how many cats punched each other in the face. When the time resumed, the kitten screamed and fell to the ground.

"Hmph, you're a piece of crap, still want to fight with me?" Matcha stepped on the other's face: "Where's my phone? Give it back to me quickly!"

But in the next moment, the kitten's eyes opened, and vigorous anger rose from it.


As he opened his mouth and screamed, the surrounding cement floor began to disappear. If you look closely, you will see that these things have turned into tiny curves, pouring directly into the kitten's mouth. .

The super cat in front of him, his mouth seems to be connected to a different dimension of time and space, which can arbitrarily absorb substances in a certain space.

Seeing that the floor was missing the size of a cube out of thin air, Matcha looked at the kitten in surprise and said, "Damn it, you can't even get back what you ate, what about my phone?"

He grabbed the other person's body and said, "Hurry up and return my phone!"

But the kitten didn't seem to want to communicate with him at all, just opened his mouth more forcefully and madly devoured all the substances around him. It seemed that he could devour other substances in this world except life.

Soon the ground under his feet was shaved off layer by layer, not broken down, not broken, but disappeared directly into the kitten's stomach.

But because he couldn't absorb his life, Matcha still hugged his body. The two cats scuffled together. You punch me, I give you a palm, you kick my stomach, and I bite your hair.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom !

Following the scuffle between the two cats, the kitten's ability continued to activate, and the surrounding matter began to disappear directly in large quantities, and was sucked into his mouth.

With the disappearance of various floors, columns, cement, and steel bars, the entire building seemed to vibrate slightly, and various debris fell on the ground, making a crackling sound.

The two cats scuffled together, tumbling downstairs.

But just as they landed in the air, a pair of hands stretched out, pinching the two cats around their necks and grabbing them in their hands.

"It's a good harvest this time, there are actually two super cats." The man who spoke, or the man who was holding the matcha and the kitten from left to right, laughed. This was a shaved head and a strong body. Like a bodybuilder, or a man like a wrestler.

Looking at the kitten and matcha constantly struggling in his hands, the corners of his mouth were full of smiles.

In fact, when he saw two cats fighting, he hid and waited for an opportunity,

He thought in his mind: "One is some kind of space bag-like ability? The other seems to be teleportation. I'm really lucky. They're all powerful abilities."

But the caught kitten and matcha soon began to resist, and they saw the kitten grow up and start to swallow, and soon ate the floor under the man's feet layer by layer, all the clothes, mobile phone, wallet on the man's body All non-living matter was stripped away immediately.

"Damn it!" The man exclaimed, and the next moment, a silver light lit up all over his body. His whole body was covered with a layer of metal. The sturdy body and the metallic skin made him look like a It's like a robot from a sci-fi movie.

This is the ability that this apostle was given, the metal skin.

The activation of the metal skin not only covered up the embarrassment of his clothes being peeled off, but also made Matcha's next attack useless.

In a still space, Matcha was still firmly stuck in his body, and a pair of claws were futilely grabbing at each other's hands, but to no avail.

And the devouring of the kitten finally stopped after the floor under his feet was almost dug through.

He hiccupped and looked angrily at the big metal man clutching him.

The big man let out a sigh of relief: "It's finally over? Sure enough, things like ability have limits."

Jumping out of the small pit, looking at the pitted floors, walls, and various counters and goods in the shopping mall, the big man smacked his lips and said, "What a powerful destructive force, but unfortunately it seems useless to life? But if it is useful, you will be invincible. already?"

He turned his head and looked at the matcha in his hand again: "Huh? Why didn't your teleportation start? Could it be that you can't move if you were caught?"

Carrying the two cats as he spoke, he walked towards the exit of the mall with a smug look on his face.

"Haha, one space bag, one teleportation, the boss must be very happy to see these two cats."

On the other side, when the building was shaking slightly, Zhao Yao and the three of them had already run over in the direction of the shaking.

"What happened?" Jin Jiajia shouted.

"Is there another earthquake?" Xiao Ming was also very puzzled.

But Zhao Yao already had guesses in his heart, and when the whole world stopped, he also confirmed the guesses in his heart.

"Matcha is fighting with others."

"Is it the super cat you're looking for this time?"

So he turned back to Jin Jiajia and Xiao Ming and said, "I went over first, be careful yourself, don't get too close."

As he said that, he disappeared in an instant, then appeared at the corner of the shopping mall in the distance, and then stepped into the corner in one step, completely disappearing from the eyes of the two of them.

Xiao Ming's eyes lit up and said: "What a fast speed!"

Jin Jiajia on the side exclaimed: "Damn, Shunbu?!"

She immediately said to the mobile phone: "Everyone in the audience, have you seen it? Shunbu, he ran more than 100 meters all at once!"

But this time, she found that her camera turned back.

"Damn it, but I didn't take it? Did I make a mistake?!"

The barrage popped up, expressing all kinds of disbelief.

Jin Jiajia's brows and noses were all wrinkled, and she said angrily, "If I lied, I would eat Auntie's towel live."

"Damn." While aiming at the camera, she ran towards the place where Zhao Yao disappeared: "Quick, quick, I must take a picture this time for you to see."