MTL - Am I God-Chapter 25 dig a hole

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Zhao Yao came to Yuan Ying's office, looked at the fat woman sitting behind the desk, frowned and said, "Mr. Yuan, HR said I was absent from work, and said you didn't receive my leave email?"

Yuan Ying raised her head and glanced at him, then said lightly, "Well, I didn't receive your leave request email. If you don't send emails or ask for instructions from leaders, you will be absent from work for no reason. The company can only unilaterally terminate the contract. You are also an old employee. Why don't you pay attention to this?"

Zhao Yao frowned: "But you said last time that you would approve my leave email."

"Really? I don't remember." After speaking, she shrugged and said, "Because the contract was terminated before, all your bonuses for this month will be deducted, and your salary will be paid according to the working days of this month. I am also very sorry."

Saying that, she looked at Zhao Yao with a slightly raised corner of her mouth, but she didn't see the anger she should have imagined.

Zhao Yao looked at her and said, "To be honest, I don't care about the thousands of dollars, but I don't plan to just let it go."

After he said that, he closed the door and left, leaving Yuan Ying with a sneer: "Hmph, your mouth is tough."

She knew very well that Zhao Yao's family was ordinary, he had no house or car, and most of his monthly salary had to be used to pay the rent. In her opinion, Zhao Yao's words were just a dead duck's mouth.

After Zhao Yao left Yuan Ying's office, he did not leave, but returned to his desk.

After waiting until after get off work, when Yuan Ying left the office, she gave Zhao Yao a surprised look, but she didn't worry about what the other party could do.

But just a few seconds after she left the office, Zhao Yao stood up, walked in the opposite direction of the other party's office, found an unoccupied corner, and started the time stop directly.

In the still world, Zhao Yao sprinted directly to Yuan Ying's office.

So in the sight of no one, Zhao Yao appeared in Yuan Ying's office in a flash.

Zhao Yao turned on the computer and smiled slightly when he saw the power-on password. He directly entered the initials of the project abbreviation. When he found that the password was wrong, he tried the initials of the company name again.

As Yuan Ying's subordinate, he knows that Yuan Ying is often used to using these two when setting passwords at work.

Even if these two failed, Zhao Yao also brought a USB flash drive for cracking the power-on password.

However, the second time the password was directly successful, it saved him a lot of effort. After entering the desktop through the password, Zhao Yao logged into the company's server familiarly, and deleted the project-related code, services and even the database. net.

He knew that even so, the backups in each employee's computer could restore the project, but the workload was enough for Yuan Ying to drink a pot. After thinking about it, he wiped the place where the fingerprints might have left.

The next moment his ability was activated again, his whole person flashed slightly, and he returned to the no-man's corner before, as if nothing had happened.

With a slight smile, Zhao Yao glanced at the colleagues in the office who were still working overtime, and went straight to the elevator.

In this way, no one can find out that he deleted the relevant data of the project. The only thing that can be found is that someone used Yuan Ying's computer to do this. Zhao Yao can already imagine Yuan Ying's wreckage next time. looks like it.

While he was waiting for the elevator, Song Jiayue, who also got off work, also walked to the elevator entrance.

But Song Jiayue just glanced at him, frowned slightly, and then looked at her phone.

Zhao Yao looked at her suitcase and asked, "On a business trip?"

Song Jiayue looked up at him, but didn't answer. Instead, she took a taxi on the app, but unfortunately she had been taxiing for almost 20 minutes, and still no driver took the order.

The two walked into the elevator at the same time, Song Jiayue still looked down at her mobile phone, Zhao Yao glanced slightly, and found that the other party was taking a taxi in the mobile app.

However, Song Jiayue's luck was obviously not very good. As the elevator went down one floor at a time, she still did not get into the car, and her face gradually showed anxiety.

Zhao Yao couldn't help but reminded: "It's rush hour, and there are too many people taking taxis in the office building here. If you think about the more than ten office buildings here, and there is a large shopping mall, you can't get a taxi directly at this time. "

Song Jiayue raised her head and glanced, but did not speak, but her eyes became more anxious.

However, when the elevator reached the first floor, she found that Zhao Yao had no intention of coming out. After a closer look, she found that the other party had pressed the floor of B2.

B2 is an underground garage. If you want to go to B2, it means that the other party is driving.

Song Jiayue, who saw this scene, showed hesitation in her eyes. She looked at the time on her phone, but she didn't go out of the elevator on the first floor.

Zhao Yao on the side looked at Song Jiayue strangely and said, "What's wrong?"

A flash of embarrassment flashed in Song Jiayue's eyes, but after looking at the time on her phone, she finally summoned up her courage and said, "I have to catch a seven-thirty flight, can you please take me there? I can pay the price of a taxi. give you money."

However, Zhao Yao looked at the time on his mobile phone, but was a little hesitant. After all, it was still far from the airport.

Song Jiayue on the other side folded her hands together and said, "I'm sorry, I was a little rude to you before, but there are still things over there. I really can't be late. Please send me off."

Looking at the other party's fair and delicate cheeks, and a pair of big eyes looking at him expectantly, and the sincere apology, Zhao Yao admitted that he was tempted by the other party's beauty, and his heart was also refreshed. .

He said silently in his heart, "Because of how beautiful you are."

I saw him nodded and said, "Okay, come with me."

Song Jiayue showed a relieved expression, looked at Zhao Yao gratefully and said, "Thank you very much, I usually take the subway, I didn't expect it to be so difficult to get a taxi from get off work here, I will follow The price of the taxi will make up for you."

Waving his hand, Zhao Yao said, "It's okay."

Next, Song Jiayue followed Zhao Yao to the front of the car, and she was slightly stunned when she saw the unique shape of the Porsche Panamera.

The next moment, seeing Zhao Yao sitting in the driver's seat, her face showed surprise.

"What's wrong? Get in the car." Zhao Yao turned his head and looked at Song Jiayue, who was stunned.

"Oh...oh." Song Jiayue hurriedly got into the car and sat in the co-pilot seat. At this moment, Zhao Yao had become much more mysterious in her eyes.

Watching Panamera start up, Song Jiayue couldn't help but ask, "Is this car expensive?"

"It's okay, about one million." Zhao Yao said: "Although it is also a sports car, it is definitely not comparable to Lamborghini and Ferrari."

Hearing the price of more than one million, Song Jiayue said, "That's not bad."

In her eyes, Zhao Yao was an absentee employee who did not seek to make progress and had no sense of responsibility, but at this moment, under the background of Panamera, the man in front of her seemed to suddenly become very difficult.

On the other side, next to the shuttle bus stop far away from the office building, Yuan Ying was chatting and laughing with a few female colleagues in the HR department of the company's administrative department.

Although Zhao Yao would still leave, which slowed down her project time, but after arranging the other party today, she was in a good mood. Thousands of salaries and bonuses are enough to hurt the other party for half a month.

But seeing the bus coming, Yuan Ying didn't get on the bus.

The female colleague on the side reminded: "Mary, the car is coming, won't you get in?" Mary is Yuan Ying's English name.

Yuan Ying shook her head and said, "No, my husband is here to pick me up today."