MTL - Am I God-Chapter 19 kill

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As Elizabeth rushed into the room, a shrill scream came after a while.

Hearing the sound, Zhao Yao frowned and kicked the door violently.

The economic conditions of this family seem to be very ordinary. The door used is still an old-fashioned door lock, and there is no security door outside. Zhao Yao used a little force and kicked the door open with a few consecutive kicks.

As soon as the door was opened, a strong smell of blood rushed to the face. The first thing that caught my eye was a man and a woman who fell on the ground. The bodies of the two were soaked in bright red blood.

Zhao Yao's complexion changed immediately. Hearing Elizabeth's screams, he rushed into the room next to him, and he could see an old woman with gray hair lying on the bed covered in blood, with a scar on her neck. The huge wound seems to be cutting off the entire neck.

Elizabeth just stood beside the bed and let out a shrill meow.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yao's heart suddenly burst, and his eyes were full of shock: "She is..."

"She was killed." Elizabeth raised her head suddenly, looked at Zhao Yao and said, "It was another super cat, killed by another super cat!"

Zhao Yao raised his brows, and Elizabeth on the side continued: "Zhao Yao, help me find the murderer, find him. From now on, I will be your pet."

Zhao Yao nodded and said nothing.

At this moment, someone's voice sounded outside the door, Zhao Yao grabbed Elizabeth and said, "Let's get out of here first."

This kind of homicide happened in Jianghai, and it will definitely attract great attention from the police.

And Zhao Yao's reason for coming here is too nonsense, he is not willing to deal with the police, and even waste more than ten hours being interrogated.

So he grabbed Elizabeth, and Zhao Yao directly activated the time-stop ability.

Within six seconds of stillness, Zhao Yao rushed out of the room and came to the corridor on the next floor.

Moments after the ability ended, Zhao Yao could hear a scream from upstairs.

Neighbors apparently found blood and bodies in the room.

Zhao Yao's expression sank, he walked down a few floors, activated his ability again and left, and all the places with cameras along the way were skipped by his time-stop ability.

During the whole process, Elizabeth did not say a word, as if she didn't care about the strange sight that Zhao Yao brought her here.

After leaving the community and coming to the street, Zhao Yao stopped activating his abilities.

Zhao Yao looked at Elizabeth in his arms, sighed softly and said, "Don't think too much, we will find him."

Elizabeth just narrowed her eyes, and there seemed to be a sharp cold light flashing in them.

Zhao Yao asked, "How can you be sure that the super cat did it?"

"The smell," Elizabeth said. "The whole room has the smell of the cat mixed with the smell of blood. I have never encountered such a fierce smell."

Zhao Yao nodded. He knew that cats and dogs have similarities, and they often rely on smells to assist in communication, and smells not only contain information about cats, but also serve as warnings, demarcations, and so on.

"And grandma's fatal wound..." Elizabeth continued: "It was torn apart by claws, and it can tear people's necks with claws alone. What kind of cat is not a super cat? The possibility of other beasts in the city is that lower."

Saying that, she turned her head to look at Zhao Yao fixedly: "Zhao Yao, starting from today, I can be your pet. I only ask you one thing, find him and find the murderer to take revenge."

"I know, don't worry, I won't ignore this situation." Zhao Yao heard the sound of the completion of the mission in his ears, but he was not happy at all.

As early as when he learned that there was more than one super cat in the world based on the title of the task, Zhao Yao had anticipated the possible problem in front of him.

When cats really gain intelligence and awaken their abilities, will they live in peace with humans? Will human beings live in peace with them again?

Zhao Yao was reluctant to give the answer. He looked at Elizabeth in his arms and could only do what he could do.

So Zhao Yao took a taxi home, and Elizabeth told Zhao Yao the truth of her ability without reservation.

Elizabeth's hypnotic ability is mainly activated through voice and gaze. When she hears his cry, the visual and auditory hallucinations created by her will appear in her eyes, and her body will be completely controlled by his gaze.

However, only one person can be controlled at a time. If the controlled person is attacked, the control will be interrupted and Elizabeth herself will be injured.

After listening to Elizabeth's abilities, Zhao Yao looked at BOOK in his mind on the way.

The task of subduing the super cat has been completed, and Zhao Yao's panel has become

BOOK: Lv1 (50/100)

Pet (1/1): Matcha

Level: Lv2 (9/100)

Loyalty: 100

Ability: time pause, duration 6s, cooldown 6s

The experience value of BOOS has increased to 50 points, but Zhao Yao is not in a hurry to add these experience to matcha.

He looked at the new task on the task panel.

On the task panel at the moment, after he completed the task of subduing the super cat, three new tasks appeared at once.

1 Main quest: Really conquer Elizabeth

Goal: Raise the level of BOOK by one level, increase the maximum number of pets, truly conquer Elizabeth, and share superpowers with her.

Mission reward: 50 experience points

Mission Penalty: None

Zhao Yao carefully read this so-called main quest, and thought about it.

"It seems that the most important thing for my BOOK level is to increase the number of pets. Only by becoming my so-called pet can I be like matcha. UU Reading allows me to share abilities with them."

"This is called the main task, so the main line is to hope that I will continue to conquer the super cat and improve the level of the book? It is quite easy to understand."

2 Guiding tasks: How can I do with only a house and no car?

Mission goal: Super cat travel, how can there be no luxury car to pick up? Buy a luxury car over 1 million in a week.

Mission reward: 20 experience points

Mission penalty: deduct 20 experience points

Seeing this task, Zhao Yao raised his brows, his face showing flesh pain.

"This guidance task, and the **** cat food task, and the task of buying a house are all the same virtue... Is this time buying a car?"

"A million-dollar luxury car, this prodigal son!"

Zhao Yao couldn't help but sighed. Now he only has more than two million yuan in his hand. If he buys a car of one million yuan, the money in his hand will become more and more insufficient.

"According to the nature of this guided mission, the next money may not be enough to spend. We have to find a way to make some money."

Zhao Yao shook his head helplessly and looked at the third task again.

3Daily tasks, click to start.

"Daily tasks?" Zhao Yao was stunned for a moment, and then reacted after a while: "Are the daily tasks the same as the tasks that can be completed every day in online games? Repeatedly every day, each reward is very small, but do all of them. There are a lot of rewards, and tasks are refreshed every day?"

Thinking of this, Zhao Yao immediately understood: "From this perspective, this daily task may be the source of the book upgrade experience in the future."

However, although he was very curious about the content of the daily tasks, Zhao Yao still held back and planned to complete a task first and then go home.