MTL - Am I God-Chapter 15 Muppets

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It was a very cute and sweet-looking cat. Its body was bigger than matcha tea. The long white hair was covered like silk. Because the hair was too long and fluffy, it was like wearing a scarf. Same.

There are faint gray lines on the head, and the pink nose and mouth are connected together, giving people an incomparably pink and pleasant feeling, and a pair of blue eyes opened like gems, revealing a trace of panic.

Because the cat looks so special, Zhao Yao recognized it at a glance.

"It turned out to be a puppet cat..."

Ragdoll cat is a breed of cat that has been newly cultivated in recent decades. To sum up briefly, it is characterized by its large size, long hair, sweet appearance, and friendly personality. It is known as the dog among cats. Of course, the price is also quite high. Expensive, ranging from one or two thousand to hundreds of thousands.

Zhao Yao did not expect that this time it was such a ragdoll that awakened super powers.

He rushed out of the room in two seconds, down the stairs in three seconds, and came to the Ragdoll's side. In the remaining second, Zhao Yao only had time to take the climbing rope and go around the Ragdoll cat, and time flowed again. .

Almost at the moment when time flows, a piercing scream rang out, and the infiltrating cry like a baby's cry came from the ragdoll in front of him.

It turned out that the previous screams were all from the puppet cat in front of him.

At this moment, with this scream, Zhao Yao only felt that his body sank, and there was a tendency to lose control.

Then I saw the big blue eyes of the puppet cat staring at Zhao Yao with red light, and it seemed that a strange and powerful consciousness squeezed into Zhao Yao's head, controlling the body instead of him.

Seeing that his hands slowly loosened the rope, Zhao Yao tried his best but couldn't control it.

At this moment, the matcha cat came out with a meow, slapped the Ragdoll's head with a palm, and then hit the Ragdoll's cheek with several consecutive palms.

The amount of damage caused is unknown, but the puppet cat was blown up and looked at Matcha with murderous intent.

A crisp voice like a little girl rose in the minds of Matcha and Zhao Yao at the same time: "You dare to hit me in the face?"

Matcha let out a roar, jumped directly onto the Ragdoll's back, and said, "I'll **** you if I don't stop!"

This time, the puppet cat's face was full of anger, and the eyes of a pair of jewels shrank like the tip of a needle: "I'm going to bite you to death!"

The next moment, under her control, Zhao Yao kicked the matcha's part, and the matcha could only jump backwards to hide, Zhao Yao then chased after him and kicked towards the matcha's position several times in a row, but the matcha has gained weight recently. However, such a small-scale dodging and bursting still carried the dexterity of a cat, which made Zhao Yao miss a few feet.

Just when Ragdoll wanted to continue to control Zhao Yao to attack Matcha, the six-second cooling time finally passed, the time-stop ability was activated again, and the whole world stopped.

As soon as the time paused, Zhao Yao instantly found that he had returned to normal again and could control himself.

Obviously, in the state where time stopped, the other party's ability was also stopped.

He rushed up in an instant, pulled out the climbing rope and tied it frantically to the puppet cat, and in just six seconds, tied the puppet cat's head, neck, and limbs layer by layer.

Because he was worried that the other party would still use that weird ability anytime, anywhere, Zhao Yao didn't care whether the time was paused or not, so he kept wrapping the other party with climbing ropes like dumplings layer by layer.

"He looked at me before, did he use his eyes to display his abilities?"

"And that scream, did it control me through my voice?"

The more critical it is, the more calm Zhao Yao seems to be. The details of the previous battles kept popping up and reflected in his brain.

So the puppet cat's mouth was tied up, its eyes were blocked, and the whole person was pressed to the ground frontally and couldn't move.

It wasn't until the climbing ropes were used up that Zhao Yao realized that time had stopped for many seconds.

Looking at the puppet cat tied into a mummy on the ground, Zhao Yao let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the opponent's ability can't be activated recklessly, and it seems that he can't manipulate multiple targets at the same time. Although he doesn't know what the restrictions are, at least the current measures It seems to have been able to prevent the opponent from activating the ability.

"let me go!"

"How dare you tie me up?"

"When I come out, I will bite you all to death!"

The crisp little girl's voice kept ringing in the minds of Zhao Yao and Matcha, and Matcha went straight up, moved her nose toward the **** of the puppet cat, and kept smelling it.

"You! What are you! How dare you do such a thing!"

The Ragdoll became more and more excited when he found that his ** was smelled.

The cat is actually a very unique creature, and the level and territory of each other will be very clear.

And things like smelling ** are usually only done by the superior cat to the inferior cat. The matcha method obviously made the puppet cat feel that he was offended.

Matcha licked her lips and shouted, "I'm still a girl, say, what are your abilities."

The Ragdoll said nothing, and the blindfolded eyes were full of anger.

Zhao Yao looked at the task panel and found that the task was not yet completed.

At this moment, Jin Jiajia and Xiao Ming had also chased down. The two of them looked at Zhao Yao in surprise, with expressions of shock, admiration, and fear in their eyes.

Even if Xiao Ming was kicked several times by Zhao Yao just now, he looked at Zhao Yao with awe, and could not see the slightest resentment.

He looked at Zhao Yao gratefully and said, "Master, thank you for saving me just now. I just felt like I was possessed by a ghost."

Jin Jiajia asked curiously, "Master, where did that thing escape to? Did you catch it? Can you show it to us?" As she spoke, she turned her gaze to the pool of tied white hairs on the ground.

Zhao Yao silently raised the Ragdoll behind him: "Don't worry, that thing has been caught by me, it's safe here, I have to go too."

After speaking, he turned and left. Seeing Zhao Yao leave the villa, Jin Jiajia and Xiao Ming quickly chased after him, but just after crossing the gate, they saw Zhao Yao's shadow in the garden.

Zhao Yao had already paused for a while and left the villa directly.

Xiao Ming looked at the empty garden and sighed, "Let's go as soon as you say it, you are indeed a master from the world." At this moment, he has no intention of putting it on Jin Jiajia, and his mind is full of the fantasy experience just now.

Jin Jiajia looked at the camera excitedly and said, "Everyone, you saw what you just saw..."

"Huh? Why is my camera upside down?"

"Didn't you see the footage just now?"

Until now, when Jin Jiajia calmed down, she realized that her camera had been held backwards. All she saw in the live broadcast room was her face from beginning to end, and she didn't see the battle between Zhao Yao and Ragdoll at all.

"I thought it was going to be popular all over the Internet this time, how could it not be photographed."

Her face was full of annoyance.