MTL - Allure of the World-Chapter 256 Gorgeous Feather Dress

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Huo Jingyun looked at her quietly and said softly, "There is also a reason."

Qing Yun looked away and stopped looking at him.

Huo Jingyun said: "You should know, I have always liked you, when you were still Lan Ling. You know when you came to me and told me that you were Lan Ling, How happy I am! I never wanted Ling Chen to recognize you! So, this time, I won't let you go."

Qingyun sighed: "Senior brother, I want to know what happened to Moshan and Lixia. You tell the truth, and I will consider whether to marry you."

Huo Jingyun nodded: "The current owner of Tsing Yi Hall is your uncle Chen Wen, and your younger uncle's whereabouts are unknown. After your grandfather quit Tsing Yi Hall, he lived in seclusion in Qinglong Mountain to take care of his youth. As for Lixia , Chen Chao married her, and later Chen Chao married a confidante, Li Xia disagreed and left by herself..."

"Cousin married someone else?"

"Yes. Isn't it normal for a man to have several wives? Lixia has a very strong temper..."

Qing Yun sighed, "It hurt her after all." Qing Yun was sad, Li Xia followed her for many years, and some ideas were deeply influenced by her.

Few men are willing to give you a lifetime of love. The only people she knows are Bai Shaoting and Yu Rong. If she wants to win the hearts of one person, Bai Shou will not be separated from each other. That needs to be supported by enough love.

In today's world, every man with a little background has several wives and concubines. It is the society and the nature of men.

"Where are Guan Yue and Concubine Jing? Where do you keep them?" Qingyun asked.

"They are still in their palace. They have no influence on me, they are just Ling Chen's unloved wife."

Qing Yun looked at Huo Jingyun, can he be trusted? Is grandpa really all right? Li Xia just ran away from home? The person Qingyun believed most in the past was Huo Jingyun, but now Qingyun doubts every word he says.

A day later, Huo Jingyun married Yu Hua, the woman he was engaged to.

It is said to be the life of the parents. Huo Zhan and Jiang Mi, who raised Huo Jingyun, did not accept any reward from Huo Jingyun, and they temporarily lived in the palace. Huo Jingyun changed the national letter, and the Queen Mother was still Bai Lan.

It's just the girl Yu Hua brought by Huo Zhan and Jiang Mi, Huo Jingyun must marry, because they have already arranged a marriage in Liuhezhuang.

Knowing that when Huo Jingyun got married, Qingyun and Xiaojing were in the plum garden. If it wasn't for the sound of silk and bamboo, Qingyun wouldn't even know that there was a wedding in the palace.

The harem today is very deserted, and the cheerful sounds of gongs and drums and silk and bamboo are a bit abrupt.

"Is there anything in the palace today?" Qingyun asked.

Xiaojing shook his head: "I haven't heard of it."

Then the gongs and drums stopped abruptly, without warning. It makes people feel that the sound just now is an illusion.

Qingyun was wearing a dark purple cloak embroidered with yellow plums, standing in front of a blooming red plum, looking up.

Where is Ling Chen at this time? It's been almost a month. He must still be alive, the two masked people he saw that day were Ling Chen's people. When will he come to save himself?

Qingyun thought about her current situation, Huo Jingyun knew her very well and knew what she cared about. He threatened her with the lives of King Rui and Han Zhitao's family, and really tied her hands and feet.

Qing Yun found that she didn't know Huo Jingyun at all.

She knew Ling Chen's temperament, Ling Chen was ruthless towards his enemies, but he was very soft-hearted towards his relatives, and even protected them without any bottom line. Wen Heng committed serious crimes several times, but he did not Killed her, and himself, offended him several times, and he tolerated her.

And Huo Jingyun, looking at his means to Xiao Guizi, he can do anything.

The only thing Qingyun doesn't know about Jiang Rui's meaning now is that he should also support Huo Jingyun. What Qingyun cares about is whether Jiang Rui knew about Huo Jingyun's plan before and whether he participated in Huo Jingyun's plan. Shocking plan.

Qingyun wants to find an ally to help her. If she wants to leave Huo Jingyun, she must first rescue Yu Rong and Zhuzhu.

On the way back from the plum garden, I saw a palace maid carefully holding a beautiful box, and a maid behind her walked and instructed, "Be careful, don't fall, This feather dress is a treasure, it was brought by Beiyi to congratulate the emperor, so be careful!"

Qingyun couldn't help but feel sad, Beiyi also came to curry favor with the new emperor. But she also understands that this is human nature.

Returning to Klai Kangwon Palace, I saw the little maid Bai Ci holding a bag of sugar and snacks and sharing it with other maids.

"Anything good?" Qingyun asked.

Bai Ci immediately handed the candy in her hand to Qing Yun, "Princess, the emperor married a concubine today, and I heard that Concubine Shu was sealed."

"Yes, the Hof people came back from Liuhe Mountain a few days ago and brought a girl back. It is said that she had made a marriage with the emperor. But the wedding was very simple, and the emperor was too noisy. Let them stop their joy. It's not lively at all." Bai Ci whispered.

Qingyun took a piece of maltose and put it in his mouth, "Okay, it's good to be married." Qingyun thought that Huo Jingyun was finally married, so he might let himself go.

Bai Ci saw Qingyun's slightly stunned look, thinking she was sad, she leaned towards Qingyun and whispered: "Princess, the emperor only concubine her, the wedding is very simple, the emperor said that it is an extraordinary time. , it should not be handled. Also, that concubine, I saw her appearance the day before yesterday, and she is far worse than the princess!"

Bai Ci didn't know the story between Qingyun and the emperor, she only knew that the princess she was serving was going to marry the emperor.

Qingyun looked at her: "Don't talk nonsense! If people know this, your life will be lost!"

White porcelain stuck out her tongue.

Qing Yun put the handful of winter plums she brought back into the bottle. His hands fiddled with the branches above, and the fragrance lingered.

Qingyun couldn't tell whether she was happy or sad. She used to think about what kind of woman would be worthy of a senior brother, but now that the dust has settled, she realized that the love between men and women is actually in Huo Jing In the eyes of people like Yun, it is actually dispensable. There are too many things in their hearts, and there is not much room for those uncertain and empty loves.

In the relationship between men and women, women always pay more than men, so they will suffer a lot more damage.

At noon, Yang Qing brought a beautiful and luxurious feather dress, "Princess, this is the feather dress paid by the patriarch of Beiyi Luka. The emperor asked her to send it to the princess."

Qing Yun took the box and thanked her. She lowered her head and fiddled with it.

The magnificent feather dress in the box is like the flowing clouds in the sky. On the skirt is a rouge embroidered picture of Begonia sleeping in spring. Each petal and each leaf is made of peacock feathers. The center is inlaid with red treasures, emeralds, and gold and silver threads.

Qingyun stared at this gorgeous feather dress, groping with her hands, how much effort and how many threads criss-cross to weave this gorgeous beauty.

It's just a pity that such a treasure on earth will be buried with her.