MTL - All Things Wrong (Retrograde Gaming)-Chapter 3192 Cutting

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Of course, Li Huailin let the protoss go to death inexplicably. The surrounding protoss are of course still more loyal to Li Huailin. I feel that this boss is really good for them. It is too worthwhile to let them go to death at the crucial time. Selling for him. However, what Li Huailin is going to study now is not the loyalty of this group of people, but what to do with this situation.

The ability of the glory is obviously stronger than before, and even the power of the gods can't stop this erosion, and it seems that the gates of the dead will take the initiative to pull those who enter his erosion. This is a bug, but the problem is It’s too strong for myself now. It may be that the door is too big. The speed of erosion is really fast. The surrounding ground is gradually becoming the kind of corrosive ground. As Blaines said, he can’t support it. 20 minutes.

The only way is to close the door by yourself, but when the door is closed, the king of God may rush in. This is a dilemma.

"Is there a way?" Li Huailin asked directly to the next Brians and summoned the Jade Emperor. Yes, Li Huailin couldn’t think of any good ideas for a while. After all, this faint skill is really beyond him. The expected range.

"Yes." Brians thought about it a little, then replied directly, "I thought of a way."

"Come on," Li Huailin said immediately. "Don't sell it at this time."

"We destroyed the temple ourselves," Blaines replied.

“Hey?” Li Huailin took a direct look.

"I mean, we took the initiative to ruin this shrine that has been eroded. After all, according to this situation, this eroded temple is useless, so we cut this piece directly." Said immediately.

"Oh, this way..." Li Huailin immediately understood what he meant. This is a way to study. The temple can of course be destroyed. It was not Li Huailin who had destroyed the shrine of the Protoss, and directly made the shrine of the Protoss. In two and a half, it now directly destroys its own temple, although it breaks a part, but the rest can be preserved.

"But look at this skill, it seems that it is not spread according to the ground." Summon Jade Emperor pointed to the side and said, "You see the air there seems to have been corroded, this may be corroded according to the space distance."

Yes, Li Huailin looked at the direction of the summoned Jade Emperor. On the other side, there was no place on the ground of the temple. Those things that seemed to be clouds in the air also turned into obvious purple cyan, as if they were moldy. Kind of situation, so this skill is not only spread along the ground, it is obviously centered on the door of the dead world, and then spread around the same, the situation is the same without the ground, but the ground performance is more obvious Just a little.

"So we will push the temple here to the side..." Blaines noticed the situation, so he immediately said.

"Hey... push the temple directly?" Li Huailin is bright, but can this be pushed?

"I have a way." Brians added. "Do you remember the tractor I used to do?"

"Tractor? What is that?" Li Huailin asked with a stern look.

"It's the thing you used to pull the temple out of the realm. Isn't the birdman called it artifact?" said Blaines. "Before it was a conveyor, but not after that dragon's trimming, Finally, it became a tractor? That thing I studied later, it is really interesting, so I made another test article..."

"Oh... this way." Li Huailin lifted the amount. He knew what Blaines was saying, wasn't it the thing they had pulled out the temple of the Protoss before? At that time, the **** king was still in the temple, and Blaines was certainly in the temple, so it is estimated that it was more fun to see Li Huailin, and he tried to do it himself.

"So we cut the temple directly into two, and then pull the temple from the other side?" Li Huailin asked.

"Probably this is the case." Brians said, "I am going to set up that thing, you have to cut off the temple, no problem."

"Ha?" Li Huailin said directly. "Hey, I can't solve such a big thing."

"Hey?" Brians had a slight glance, because cutting the temple is not a difficult thing. This thing is not very hard. Although I don’t know what Li Huailin is making, I thought about it and said, “That’s it, I’m expecting it now. According to this speed, it takes 3-4 minutes to set up the machine here. If this time, the pollution is basically here. It will spread to the entire square, and there will be several temples over there."

Li Huailin nodded. Yes, this is the case. Li Huailin didn’t care at all. Anyway, it was not bought by his own points. It was taken from the Protoss. It seems that there is nothing to be a pity. As for the square, the 10th-level square is of course lost. It’s a pity, but it’s not necessary. The important thing is the main hall.

"So you only need to cut off here, here, there, there, a total of three connecting channels will do, and this half will give up." Blanes pointed out three places. Yes, these three places are the places that link with the square. If you cut off, the temple on the right side will be separated. Of course, the left side will give up directly.

"Oh, this way, that can be." Li Huailin thought for a moment and nodded. Yes, if you want to use cutting, he has no corresponding skills, but if you break the bridge, Li Huailin said that he is doing it, but he is bombing, and even the nuclear bomb has been let go.

"But if this is the case, the gate of the temple is also given up." The next call to the jade emperor said.

If this is the case, they directly gave up the gate of the temple. Although the door is not so important, it cannot be transmitted if it is destroyed, so they cannot be transmitted to the observatory.

"Summon, you are now directly rushing over and passing through the gate to the observatory." Li Huailin thought about it, yes, the temple is still functioning normally, and when it breaks the link by itself, this part is out of the main hall to estimate the gate of the temple. Even if it is destroyed, it can't be used. It can still be used for a while. And summoning the Jade Emperor, of course, will not be afraid of this pollution, after all, but the holder of the Life Excalibur, how could it be sucked to death. Therefore, Li Huailin’s meaning is to summon the Jade Emperor to go first.

"What about you?" summoned the Jade Emperor immediately and asked, "Send it directly to me?"

"You don't have to wait for me, you go straight in." Li Huailin said, "Because I don't know what's going on there, I don't know if God has arranged for someone to be there, so I have trouble, so you can see the opportunity directly. I don't have it here. If you open a door, you can pass, and you don't have to worry about it."

"Know it." Summon the Jade Emperor nodded. "Then I will go first."

There was no time. The three men hurriedly acted to summon the Jade Emperor toward the gate. Li Huailin came to the nearest one of the three connection points, and then Brians went there to set up the machine. Li Huailin first arrived at the location. The first connection point to be destroyed was the connection point between the main hall and the square. This connection point is the largest, a particularly wide step. When Li Huailin was walking, he was already compressing the magic energy. However, the situation was not very good. Yes, Li Huailin found that the speed of enchanting magic energy in the temple was very, very slow.

"Probably because there is no magic power in this world, so the magic energy that I condense here is just the magic energy absorbed from the people around me." Li Huailin thought about it, probably also knew the reason, yes, this space is obviously not his own. In the space where I live, of course, it is slow to condense. After thinking about it, Li Huailin decided to open another door. Yes, he can open the door to the magical world anyway. Anyway, the temple on the other side is not needed. What love is being eroded by what the world is eroding.

As soon as he reached out, Li Huailin’s side appeared a blue crack again. Of course, the crack was much smaller than the previous one. There is no need to open it very big, but it is such a small crack, and a large amount of blue matter is from the inside. Gushing out, came directly to Li Huailin's hand, instantly condensed into a huge blue sphere, and these blue substances are still overflowing. It is obvious that the amount of magic energy in the world of magic energy is not the general level.

"Afterwards, avoid the point and pay attention to the explosion." Li Huailin looked up at the main hall and found that the programmers were also watching the situation here. After all, everyone knows that something is going to happen, so Also look at it. However, I heard Li Huailin’s shouting. Although the gang did not understand it, Zhang Youdong immediately responded and quickly organized the people to retreat.

"Boom", Li Huailin directly on the side of the magic ball in the hand in the middle of the connection point, it is obvious that the surrounding ground has shaken. Li Huailin waved a little and found that the power of the projected explosion was much smaller than he thought, because the ladder of this connection point was only blown up by a small mouth and was not completely destroyed.

"Hey, don't you say that it's hard?" Li Huailin was a bit speechless. Didn't Blaines say that it wasn't hard? But this magic ball can only blow up a little skin, what is the situation. Think about it, can you only use the method of compressing magic energy? But that method is more time consuming.

"Well... the way to dream before... can you do it?" Li Huailin saw the stone falling next to him and suddenly thought of this problem.