MTL - All The Male Leads Have Blackened-Chapter 68 After ex-boyfriend X female figure (seven)

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Rising wages and bonuses, Qin Zhongmo's boss repeatedly promised that he would lend him his brand-name coat. Support the scene, even if you can't talk, you can't lose the company's face.

Qin Zhongmo left the door early in the morning, his shoes were shiny, he got off the taxi and pushed into the restaurant. Sitting in a chair beside the lobby, glancing at the door from time to time.

Take the phone out of your pocket, unlock it, and get a black screen.

The boss sent another message.

He looked at the time. It's no wonder that this point can be reached. It's okay to invite someone to eat in the morning. After a few words, I opened the game and started to frown. I almost couldn't help but open my mouth and scold someone several times.

The end of the game is too early.

Sitting in a different position, leaning back against the chair, raising his chin slightly, reaching out to squeeze the frowning eyebrow.

There was impatience all over the body.

The staff in the restaurant looked at him, and then gathered together, whispering, and said everything. A waitress took a good look and walked with a little smile: "Sir, do you need any help?"

Qin Zhongmo looked up, stowed the phone at will, and sat with his legs crossed, a little bit idle: "Are the 506 guests here?"

The waiter looked a little surprised, then smiled sweeter and said softly: "Sir, are you 506's guest? If so, please come with me first ..."

As soon as he lowered his head, he reached behind and rubbed his neck. "No, I'll wait here."

The waiter paused and wanted to ask again, but saw that Qin Zhongmo didn't mean to talk, and twitched his lips and walked to the side.

The waiter at the front desk saw it, whispered a smile, winked her eyebrows, and lowered her pen until she came to her: "Don't you get to WeChat? Aren't you pretty capable, why didn't you move?

She stood upright, nodding her head slightly, glanced at the waiter, and snorted, "You do a lot of work at the front desk, do you want to mention it to the manager and get you promoted?"

Until noon.

Cen Simiao came out of the gate of the community and saw President Liu's car from afar. She wore a skirt with bare shoulders on a cold day, her body was well lined, and her fair skin was exposed.

The whole person was too cold.

Sit in the car, there was warm air, and it took a while to slow down.

Mr. Liu turned his head and looked: "I don't have to be afraid to freeze myself if I wear so little. If I am not there, I will wear nothing, and you can't talk about this role."

Cen Simao raised her eyebrows, hugged her arms, followed him and said, "Yeah, thanks to you. Otherwise, Feng Orange will really smile."

Speaking of which, her head was down, and her mood was particularly low.

General Liu's eyes showed satisfaction, and his tone became milder: "Rest assured, I will definitely not let you suffer if I am."

Cen Simiao absently answered.

After getting out of the car door, the two went into the restaurant together. President Liu first went to the front desk to ask. Cen Simiao stood by and waited, especially obedient.

In the restaurant, people started to crowd, and the automatic revolving door never stopped. Qin Zhongmo has been staring there, but as a result, he didn't see the boss Liu said for a long time.

Looking down at the phone, go to Liu's photo.

As soon as he opened it, before he could see it, he suddenly heard a familiar voice, and he frowned.

Special hook: "Did Song not come yet, will there be any delay?"

Then there was a man's voice.

Qin Zhongmo didn't look up and felt that something was wrong. He held the phone tightly, the screen was still on, and then the screen went black automatically.

"It's so cold. Would you like to call Song Dao again?" This sentence showed a hint of coquettishness.

He looked up sharply, and Cen Simiao's skirt was on her knees, tightly pressed against her body, her shoulders and clavicle were exposed, she was slender, but she was sexy.

His eyebrows were narrowed, his eyes were anxious, and his lips were slightly squinted.

Qin Zhongmo's jaw tightened, and she looked at her from top to bottom. There was a hint of sarcasm on her lips, and there was a man's echo next to him, suppressing the anger, glancing at it, and her brows frowned even deeper.

It looks exactly like the person in the photo.

His expression became cold, Cen Simiao whispered to General Liu, and General Liu answered the phone and went to the car first, let her wait here, hurriedly.

Cen Simiao became lethargic instantly, turned her head inadvertently, and instantly fell from her head to her feet, her heart fluttered, and she almost jumped out.


She bit her lower lip unconsciously, Qin Zhongmo was staring at her, the coldness in her eyes was not covered, and her brows were disgusted. Cen Simiao opened her mouth slightly and took a breath.

Bending his eyes, he walked forward. He recalled that Mr. Liu was just thinking about the image outside, and didn't say anything disgusting, as if the two of them were kind.

After a smile, Qin Zhongmo stood up, his muscles were tense, his chin was lifted, his face was cold: "I haven't seen you for a few days, it's a shame. If you are busy with you, I won't be in the eye. "

Cen Simiao's eyelashes trembled. When he saw him turned and left, he quickly chased after him and dragged his clothes. Qin Zhongmo tried to push away, as if to fight.

The waiter next to him saw it and hurried over: "Madam, this gentleman just said that he is also a guest of 506. If the two know each other, they can go upstairs first."

Cen Simiao was shocked.

Coincidentally, Qin Zhongmo dropped a note in his ink pocket.

Her eyes became delicate.

The system looked at the goodness of the fall, just like the wailing: "Let's go, go back, this is all over."

Cen Simiao's lips trembled, and there was a moment of grievance between her eyebrows. She carefully dragged his hand: "You misunderstood."

Looked at the note again: "If you want to talk about business, I help you."

Qin Zhongmo had already exploded with anger, and his face was particularly ugly. He held Cen Simiao's chin: "How old are you, what can you do and what can't you do? You have no idea in your heart? Don't make me sick here."

After speaking, let go of her, and her feet moved, and she returned: "If you still have a face, follow me."

President Liu happened to come in, and frowned when he saw the scene.

Cen Simiao was relieved and turned to look for President Liu. She didn't believe Qin Zhongmo could go now.

President Liu didn't understand the situation and heard her lowering her voice: "This is my cousin. I saw you with me just now. He has a bad temper and is making trouble with me. He said you must be playing, how could you fancy me. Please help me, don't be ambiguous in front of him, and then stimulate him. "

Where did Mr. Liu suffer from this, he gave a snoring sound, and he didn't care, Cen Smiao's soft tones and the addiction at the bottom of his heart: "As soon as I am in a hurry, I say you are my boyfriend."

He paused, and was told by the young girl to be a boyfriend in front of the young man, and felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Cen Simiao bent her eyes and turned around. Qin Zhongmo grabbed her and left. Cen Simiao hugged his arm and looked especially dependent: "I told him, you are my boyfriend, why? There may still be ambiguity. "

Qin Zhongmo still looked cold, and the grievances on Cen Simiao's face became more and more obvious, with a vague cry: "You do not care about me, I don't care about it, why are you still angry?"

"If you do n’t believe me, go to dinner with me. This time, I ’m entertaining the director. President Liu also has a brand clothing company. I am his spokesperson. I want to come forward and let me play a role to promote the clothing brand."

Cen Simiao seemed angry, shook his hands, and turned to go upstairs with President Liu.

After a while, hearing the footsteps in the back, raised his brows, Qin Zhongmo stiff, his fists clenched tightly.

At the banquet, President Liu was comforted by Cen Simiao's words in advance, and Qin Zhongmo also sat down to eat. Although he was a little unhappy, his face was still happy.

Qin Zhongmo stared closely at Cen Simao, and then glanced at President Liu again, his face still gloomy.

As soon as Liu looked up, he bumped into his eyes and frowned.

Picking up the teapot on the table, Cen Simiao poured a cup for each of them, with a smile on the corners of their mouths, and a sweet voice: "Don't you look at each other, the boyfriend I am looking for is the most handsome."

In a word, they both eased a bit.

Song Dao was late, and as soon as he sat down, he was filled with a few glasses of wine, and Cen Simiao sat beside him with a smile. Song Dao looked at her for a few moments, with a good appearance, consistent with the characters, but Cen Simiao's acting skills made him suspicious.

All due to the controversy behind the film, most of her evaluation is by luck.

President Liu kept saying that she was fine.

Qin Zhongmo sat aside, still stern, Cen Simiao's face was timid, and under the tablecloth, he quietly held his trouser tube with his legs.

Moved closer and lowered his voice: "Don't be angry, I'm afraid of you like this."

Song Dao noticed that the overcoat he wore today was exactly the same as Qin Zhongmo's, and suddenly the topic was dragged on Qin Zhongmo's body. "Guide Song, who do you think is older with me?"

Qin Zhongmo hasn't responded yet.

Song Dao was a little confused and smiled: "I want you to be old."

Cen Simao frowned suddenly: "Ah, your eyes are really poisonous, do I look so old?"

Immediately before Qin Zhongmo's eyes, he took a bit of sweet coquettishness: "Come, brother, call her sister to listen to them."

Qin Zhongmo looked at her like this, smirking, and General Liu was still roaring next to him, and his hanging heart faintly let go.

Song Dao was amused by this scene, his eyes lingered on Cen Simiao, and he sometimes made ambiguous words. Qin Zhongmo was particularly sensitive, and his face was not immediately good-looking.

President Liu also felt particularly uncomfortable. Cen Simao was brought by him. What it meant was self-evident. It was the same, didn't he hit his face?

But he didn't come out very well. Qin Zhongmo no matter what, or what Song Dao said, he blocked everything. Mr. Liu showed appreciation in his eyes.

Before leaving, Dao Song only said that he would let Cen Simiao go to audition, but he didn't finalize it directly. President Liu snorted coldly and said to Cen Simiao: "Don't worry, he was in a bad mood. I was here, and sooner or later I won the role."

I patted Qin Zhongmo's shoulder again: "Good job, I heard her say your company wants to cooperate with me?"

Qin Zhongmo moved his lips and did not speak. President Liu only embarrassed him and said directly, "Go back and tell your boss, this is what happened."

Cen Simiao made an excuse and didn't go with President Liu. Staying in the lobby with Qin Zhongmo, she glared, unhappy: "Say, what should I do?"

He looked away, unnaturally: "What should I do?"

"What wrong do you plan to compensate me for?"

Qin Zhongmo had a gentle smile on her lips and looked down at her: "Let's go, it's not early, I'll take you back."

Cen Simao frowned, taking back her footsteps and pulling his arm: "You go first, I'll go to the bathroom, and I'll go somewhere else later."

As soon as Qin Zhongmo was about to speak, she turned around and went to the front desk to ask the waiter.

It seems to be asking where the bathroom is.

He raised his eyebrows, standing against the wall and waiting for Cen Simao.

Forty minutes have passed, and she has not been seen. Qin Zhongmo started to doubt, called her with her mobile phone, and never answered. Then hung up and texted him.

It looks like he didn't wait in the restaurant.

Qin Zhongmo's expression suddenly became dignified, and he was about to leave to look for it. The waiter at the front desk came up with a room card in his hand: "Sir, the lady just said that it was an hour or so, put this The card is handed to the person wearing the jh brand coat. It's just you, so please put it away, she said to wait for you in the room. "

This is a hotel restaurant.

Qin Zhongmo froze, but heard that the waiter turned to himself and said, "I also explained that he was a middle-aged man who thanked me. Isn't this handsome? He has a lot of hair."

Qin Zhongmo's face turned black, and his anger was about to be restrained.

In the room, Cen Simiao was spraying petals into the bathtub, holding water from time to time, and the bathroom door was open for quiet. The system does not know what it is to be frightened, but it feels that its data is almost garbled.

"Let's not toss, okay, keep calm, so I can't stand it."

Cen Simiao snorted, and suddenly heard the door rang outside, immediately got up to close the bathroom door, and the bathrobe slid over his calf and dropped to the ground.

Soak your body with warm water.

The door slammed. She looked up, panicked, and bit her lower lip. "You, why are you here?"

After speaking, I saw the clothes on him as if he understood them all at once.

Qin Zhongmo's whole body showed coldness, like cold frost, Cen Simiao couldn't help shrinking her body. He stared at Cen Simiao tightly, gritted his teeth, and his jaw tightened.

He didn't speak, the anger in his eyes gradually turned into disgust.

"You are shameless."

Cen Simao suddenly looked up, embarrassed on his face, subconsciously begged, but saw his expression, and became stubborn: "I haven't filmed for so many years, everyone said that I have luck behind the film, now my family No, what is it? It's because I'm too embarrassed. "

"Do you know, every time I go to the audition, I will be told that I am very good and fit, but in the end it will be like today's dining table. President Liu said today that he is there, nothing is wrong, but it ’s been a long time, what is his reason? Help me because I'm an endorser of a clothing brand? "

"If he really wants to promote the brand, he has no patience, and just change to a spokesperson who will accompany Mr. Song. What will I do then? I can't afford to eat any more."

She gradually reddened her eyes, and still opened her eyes to prevent tears from falling. Qin Zhongmo squeezed her palms, her eyes loosened, she opened her mouth, but she was still tight and refused to lean forward.

Cen Simiao choked and said, "How can we two be like today, I miss you so much."

She leaned forward, exposing a large area of ​​skin, struggling to grab his clothes, Qin Zhongmo's face was cold and motionless. The tears fell on the back of his hand, and his wrist trembled subconsciously.

Cen Simiao's eyes were hazy: "Let's make it up, I won't toss anymore, just stay with you, do you want me again?"