MTL - All The Male Leads Have Blackened-Chapter 33 Successful male X provoked female (two)

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The sky is blue and the wind is cold. Many people wrapped their tight coats and stopped under the commercial building, looking at the twelfth floor.

The employees' faces were hurried, pacing back and forth, like a headless fly. There was a loud noise outside the door, a crying voice, and a sharp voice.

There was a little girl at the front desk, scared by a group of five big and three big old men. They held the statue in their hands and stared at her. The volume seemed to be arguing: "Where is your boss? He cares!"

Then he dried up again.

The two legs at the front desk were weak, and he spoke calmly and calmly: "Sir, please sit down and wait for a while, our boss is on a business trip now ..."

The man slammed the table in a hurry, two eyebrows fastened together, and the irritability in his eyes came out: "I don't care if he can go on a business trip, and my brother gave your company a job and fell to death, you have to lose money!"

The front desk was trembling with fright, and the man's tone became more and more excited. The male employee next to him walked over, guarded the front desk behind him, and before speaking, he saw the man suddenly kneel down and mourn loudly not to hit him.

Qiu Xiejie just woke up, and his eyelids were still sticking together. He put cold water in the sink, pounced on his face, and took a toothbrush and mouthwash. Wipe off the drops of water with a towel.

Unscrew the gas stove, a slight "bang" flame ignited, and put the kettle up.

Turn back and tear off the instant noodle packaging, squeeze the spices in, and the water is still not boiling. The air conditioner was warm in the room, and he had a naked upper body, strong muscles and wheat-colored skin.

There is still water on the chest when you get water. Take off your pajamas and wipe clean.

Take the shirt out of the closet and put it on. Wear the watch on the bed carefully.

The water was boiling, walking barefoot to the kitchen, and suddenly heard the door was smashed.

He turned his head, knocking on the door more and more quickly, and thought: "Who?"

The people outside the door were sweating a lot: "The boss is bad, then those people will come to our company to make trouble!"

Previously, when an employee was working, he accidentally fell downstairs and fell to death, because during work hours, Qiu Qiejie paid compensation in accordance with the labor law and paid it in one lump, without any sloppy water.

But the other's family got money and wondered what was wrong.

Whatever happened to the employees of the company, the boss was afraid of taking responsibility, and he hurriedly spent a lot of money to appease him. How to get here is to spend the flowers, there is no extra.

Feeling disadvantaged.

Just come to trouble.

But all were stopped outside and never went in once. Qiu Xiejie drove his car, his eyes were dark, and his eyebrows were thinking about something. Unbutton the shirt neckline with one hand, loosen the tie, and suddenly opened.

"Are the media waiting at the company?"

The co-pilot's staff quickly responded, "No, I have been venting there for a while."

Slammed the brakes and leaned forward, but fortunately there was a seat belt and he didn't hit the glass.

red light.

He leaned back, frowned, and stared at the vehicle in front: "Call and ask them all over."

Then he called Ji Wen, only to find that his cell phone was dead. I took the employee's cell phone again and no one answered. Ji Wen was having breakfast at home, and her cell phone was on the dining table, listening to the ringing bell and raising her brows.

Cen Simiao handed him the milk and glanced at the phone: "Don't answer?"

He took a sip of the cup and cut the contents of the plate with a knife and fork. The smile on his lips was particularly contented: "I'll see how he solves it."

Qiu Xiejie looks good, but in fact he has the bottom line. If he can do everything for the company, this time, if there is a human life, he will save him.

The office building has become a mess.

Qiu Xiejie entered the front door without a shout, glanced, and saw many people kneeling on the ground, all crying and shouting. He went forward, but no one found it.

The front desk shivered and suddenly looked up, his eyes lit up: "Boss."

All the troublemakers turned back, his eyebrows were tired, his lips were bent, and he walked at ease. He said to the assistant next to him, "Go to the Liuzhou Club, and eat there at night, and then spend a while. spa."

Then he said, "Remember that the ingredients need to be fresh, or they have just been transported by air, or they will affect the taste."

The assistant listened and listened to him a while. The boss of his house was so daring, let alone eat air-freighted ingredients, because the number of hot spring baths was very low.

But still promised.

Qiu Xiejie turned around and walked towards the office like someone who hadn't seen the trouble. He froze suddenly behind him. When he begged, he stopped, turned his head and glanced, his eyes frowning.

There is no more leisure.

He sank: "Want money? Wait slowly, what's the rush?"

The troublemaker wanted to come forward to the theory, and clenched his fists to hold back. Qiu Jiejie noticed that he saw him step back, and felt a little sad.

In one day, the company came in a lot of delivery, all of them are luxury goods, let the front desk open in front of the troublers.

The numbers on the labels are red-eyed.

He hurried to Qiu Jiejie's office. He was busy, glanced at his eyes, and the assistant was asking him where to put these. Qiu Xiejie stopped his work and raised his chin as a signal: "Put it back in the bag and take it back tomorrow."

The assistant glanced at him and stopped talking.

Until the company closed at night, the troublemaker sat on a cold bench for a day. When he was off work, he seized Qiu Xiejie with a snoring voice to explain.

He smoothed the folds on his suit, his tone rising: "The company is raising money, wait."

Then took the luxury bag held in the assistant's hand.

The other person's face turned black, took a step forward, and held back, his anger grew more and more serious. Something that has money to spend, but no money to help them.

This was the case in the office building for several days. Ji Wen's phone was called occasionally, saying that she was taking care of her parents in the countryside and could not leave. The tone was particularly anxious.

Qiu Xiejie tapped his finger on the table, listened to the meaning of the words, and hung up after a few words. After a while, he suddenly looked up and stared sharply: "When this group came in, was Ji Wen in?"

The assistant was taken aback and recalled, "I always came to the company that season and just went out."

Qiu Xiejie pursed his lips and looked dignified: "You, you go to Chafei ... forget it."

He rubbed his forehead without finishing his words.

Suddenly the door of the office was opened, Qiu Xiejie's eyes were faintly excited, and the leader of the group rushed in with a stick and opened his eyes with anger: "If you don't take out the money today, we will all die together!"

Qiu Xiejie stood up, walked to the desk, and said with a good voice: "Why so excited, have something to say."

Before the man had time to talk, he turned around and pulled out a box full of cash. Qiu Xiejie frowned: "Want to?"

The man's eyes were unbelievable, and he was covered by greed again. He reached out to catch it, but before he touched it, the box was closed again.

Qiu Xiejie smiled and stood there: "Just think about it, don't touch it."

The man suddenly looked excited.

Qiu Xiejie pushed the box back.

Suddenly he was hit hard with a stick on his shoulder. His eyes tightened, and he saw the camera held by the assistant, then raised an eyebrow, turned around and snatched the stick, and punched at him.

The man fell to the ground and wept.

Qiu Xiejie unbuttoned his cufflinks and pulled up, with a stern expression on his face: "Don't you want money, get up and get it."

The man was struggling to get up, and suffered another blow on his leg.

Qiu Xiejie stooped, grabbing his collar, his eyes turned cold: "I tell you, I won't take the extra penny. You just jump from here, and I have to ask your family for spiritual loss . "

The next day, the website news came out with news about the company.

Employees accidentally accidentally, the old family read the old situation again to compensate.

The picture is a middle-aged man with an honest Pakistani hand. He reached out and touched the box of cash with an excited expression and greedy eyes.

Instant online reviews are all scolding.

The troublemaker saw that he was guilty, but he didn't dare to go to the company again. There were still photos of him. If Qiu Qiejie moved the real thing, he couldn't take the lawsuit to go for a walk.

It was over, and Ji Wen began to appear.

He also called Qiu Xiejie several times, saying that he had already returned and wanted to invite him to dinner. Coincidentally, so is Cen Simiao.

It was just a text message from her.

Qiu Xiejie had just sent a screenshot to Ji Wen, and suddenly he paused with his fingers, returned, and talked with Cen Simiao.


At home.

What is Ji Wen busy with these days?

After waiting for a while, I got back the message: I don't know. I seem to be busy recently.

Qiu Xiejie stared at the words and wondered. Suddenly the bell rang, and he turned on. Ji Wen said in a pleasant tone over there: "How about, do you want to eat together? I found a beautiful girl."

He pursed his lips, glanced at the text message again, and said, "One is not enough."

Ji Wen froze over there, and then laughed: "When are you open? Okay. You set a time, when should we eat?"

Qiu Xiejie replied that the Chaoyang Hotel at 8 pm told Ji Wen again.

It didn't hurt him to sting.

Maybe I can figure out what medicine Cen Simiao sells.

Read The Yun Family's Ninth Child is an Imp!
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