MTL - All the Cultivators In the Immortal World Think That the Peak Master is Ruthless.-Chapter 271 go home 6

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   Chapter 271 Going Home 6

   What's more, the secret detoxification pill that Le Qingyan gave was just one piece.

   Shanyueci was taking a poison that had a rapid onset. Shanyueci did not have so much time to develop an antidote, and could only rely on the antidote to slow the spread of the toxin.

   However, Gu Qingmo really doesn't know if Shan Weiyou will come up with the formula of the poison.

   After all, just half an hour ago, she stimulated others to take the detoxification pill, so she might have a life aspiration.

   Gu Qingmo thought about it and felt that he was a little sloppy just now.

  Fortunately, it's not a big problem.

   Those puppets, Gu Qingmo, didn't forget at all, although she didn't know what Fifth Xinyue did with that kind of thing, but she intuitioned that those puppets were very important.

   Moreover, the elder brother of the little thing is one of the puppets, even if Shanyueci wants to let it go, it is impossible.

   Little things will surely harass them, demanding that an antidote be developed.

  Gu Qingmo drank the tea made by Mo Chuli and ate two more cakes.

   solved Shentuba, and the whole person felt a lot easier, and it was one thing.

   Moreover, Gu Qingmo only knew one thing.

  The inheritance of the Shentu family is much stricter than that of other races. Each heir must defeat the current patriarch and kill the other in order to become the new patriarch.

   Therefore, the Shentu family is strong and strong, but unlike other families, there is a strong ancestor behind it.

   is also a big hassle.

   For the next period of time, Gu Qingmo was planning to occupy Tiancheng.

  The Shentu clan without the head of the family is like a mess of sand, and among the remaining people, those with some strength want to compete for the position of the head of the family.

   However, the strongest among the shrimp soldiers and crab generals are only a little stronger than the little shrimp, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

  Gu Qingmo simply let them fight by themselves, and observe the situation by the way.

  The Shentu Clan lost their master, and the surrounding families made no secret of their desire for this territory.

  Gu Qingmo has few people here, and there are also a group of people who are incompetent, so he can only make the most conservative plan and only guard Tiancheng.

   is equivalent to completely occupying this city.

   Shanyueci was not idle during this period, not only to solve the problem of the puppet, but also to find a way to solve the poison on Shanweiyou.

   Let’s talk about this puppet first, Shanyueci also learned after checking that the medicine in their bodies was taken from them every month by the Shentu Clan.

   The ingredients are all the same.

   But every time they make a medicine, they are very clear about it, and they have no idea that combining these medicines can turn people into puppets.

  Although, they can't blame them for this, but the Shanshi people still took all the responsibility on themselves and researched the antidote day and night.

   In addition, although Shanyueci found something to replace Jiedudan, the effect is obviously not as good as Jiedudan.

  Shan Weiyou was tortured by poison day after day, and the whole person lost a lot of weight.

   Shan Yueci heartache Shan Weiyou was tortured by poison, but she was reluctant to give her daughter a relief.

   So, the mother and daughter were deadlocked like this.

   After another three months, Shanshi finally had some ideas for the antidote to the puppet, and the two teams of Mumu and Zuo Liao also came.

   The messengers of Lang and Changsun also came with them.

  Gu Qingmo stood on the city gate and looked down, seeing everyone clearly.

  Mumu and Zuo Liao don't seem to have changed much, but Luan Yiluan and Ran Cao have grown a lot more steadily.

   Apart from them, Gu Qingmo could see a few fewer familiar faces and a lot more unfamiliar faces.

   It seems that the people who came out of the Lost Realm sacrificed a lot.

  Gu Qingmo didn't feel anything about this, and welcomed a group of people into Tiancheng.

   Even though the entire Tiancheng belongs to them now, Gu Qingmo still lives in the restaurant, and he has handed over the entire main city to the Shan family as a place to test the medicine.

   A group of people entered the city mighty and mighty, certainly not all of them lived in the restaurant, they couldn't live there at all.

   In addition to Mumu Zuolio and the leading messenger, they had to find another place to live for them.

  Gu Qingmo was sitting in the outer hall of their suite drinking tea.

   Ever since the Shan clan came, they have arbitrarily claimed to use this place as a council hall.

   Of course, it is impossible for them to have such a boldness to challenge Gu Qingmo, and Young Master He is the one who deserves the credit.

   In order to avenge the revenge of kicking him out that day, he really "worked very hard", and he was not happy in all kinds of ways.

After   Mumu and the others came back, before they could drink a cup of hot tea, they hurried to the meeting.

  Mumu's goal is to dominate the entire demon world, and now it's not enough to only have the support of so many people.

  The whole process of the meeting was controlled by Mumu, Gu Qingmo seemed to be here for tea, and he didn't seem to listen at all.

   But the demon cultivators present felt the oppression emanating from Gu Qingmo, and no one dared to cause trouble.

   As for Mo Chuli, it was even more extreme, like a errand boy who came to bring tea and water, and only gave Gu Qingmo one person.

  Mumu looked at this picture, although I was glad that the two of them had a much better relationship.

   But, can you be a little more restrained!

  Mo Chuli, you two fools, your eyes are about to stick to your brother!

  I'm afraid others won't see your relationship!

   Mumu finished the meeting with a sullen face the whole time.

   After rushing for so many days and having a meeting, even if their cultivation is good, they will still feel tired.

   It is not physical exhaustion, but mental exhaustion.

   Everyone said goodbye and went back to the room to rest.

  Gu Qingmo was still drinking tea until everyone left.

   "Mumu, what do you think of the Changsun clan?" Gu Qingmo stared at the empty cup and asked Mo Chuli to pour another cup.

   "Ambitious and ruthless." Mumu perfectly summed up his thoughts on the Changsun family in eight words.

  Gu Qingmo nodded, "Just know what you have in mind."

   Then, it was quiet again.

  Mumu saw that Gu Qingmo had nothing to ask, so he pulled Mo Chuli and walked to his room.

   When he left, he didn't forget to say, "Peak Master, if the disciples have something to say, please retire first."

   "Yes." Gu Qingmo replied lightly.

   Mo Chuli had a puzzled look on his face, and just as he was about to speak, Mumu covered his mouth and dragged him into the room.

   Shan Yueci took her to the main city a long time ago in order to detoxify Shan Weiyou.

   So, Mo Chuli's room is his again.

  Gu Qingmo glanced at them and continued drinking tea.


   As soon as he entered the room, Mumu used the power of heaven and earth to set up a soundproof magic circle in the room, without disturbing others.

   "What do you want to do?" Mo Chuli pushed Mumu away, looking defensive.

  Mumu tutted angrily, eyes full of disgust, "I said, did you show your heart to the peak master?"

  Mo Chuli's face instantly turned red, and before he could speak, he heard Mumu say, "Even if I say it, can I ask you to control your eyes well?"

   "What's wrong with my eyes?" Mo Chuli didn't feel anything wrong at all.

Mumu now wants to slap him to death, "Are you afraid that others won't know what you think about the peak master! It's fine in this demon world, I remind you that it's best to restrain yourself when you return to the cultivation world, if you are noticed, it's not little thing."

   Good news, good news, we are about to enter the final stage (filling the hole), there will be a little abuse, but please rest assured, there is not much abuse ()



   (end of this chapter)