MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 147 God and God of War (7)

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The Emperor's expression changed suddenly, and obvious anger emerged.

"What? After all, it is too risky to cooperate with your God Realm. What if you can't trust it? Can you not ask for a guarantee?"

The demon emperor squinted at the **** emperor, a natural look.

"Oh! Security? Demon Emperor! Don't go too far! Begging for divine beads? Where do you put my **** realm?"

"Why are you asking for a bead? I just simply love God? God Emperor, why can't you fulfill this friendship?"

The demon emperor sat on the chair and quickly backed away, easily dodging the attack of the **** emperor, while still talking nonsense with a hippie smile.

Ling Yan stood aside, his eyes were full of anger, his perception of the demon emperor went down to a negative value—he was frivolous and had no respect for the gods and himself. Waiting for the rogues to turn out to be demon emperors?

And over there, the demon emperor provoked the wrath of the **** emperor, and the two world masters flew out of the hall and jumped into the sky. Destroying the realm of the gods, the demon emperor is also right to play with him, and he has not used his full strength.

"God Emperor, so many years have passed? Your divine power—"

The demon emperor raised his hand to block another punch from the **** emperor, smiled, and the unfinished words were meaningful.

"How are you doing?"

The Emperor's complexion turned even darker, as if he had been smeared with toner.

"Me? I'm so much better than you—"

The Demon Emperor suddenly disappeared in front of the God Emperor, and when he reappeared, a sharp blade reached the back of the God Emperor at the same time.

"I've got what you want--and besides, there's no danger of the two beings together. How about you, think about it?"

The demon emperor's voice was cold and ruthless, with a firmness that could not be rejected. It seemed that if the **** emperor refused, the sharp blade would pierce him in the next second.

"Oh? You know what I want?"

The God Emperor's face was solemn, but there was no fear in the tone of voice, but the Demon Emperor took a step forward. If he really could be threatened by a sharp blade, he would not be in the God Emperor. Sitting in a safe position for many years.

"I know, we don't all want the same thing?"

The demon emperor chuckled, put away his sword, and the struggle stopped temporarily.

The Emperor slowly turned around, his eyes burst with light, and his hopes were full of doubts.

"How do I know what you're saying is true?"

"This—isn't that proof enough?"

The demon emperor stretched out his hand, and in the palm of his hand, there was something green and green, full of vitality, and boundless and vast power poured out of it.

The Emperor looked at the green, and his eyes were full of saliva.

"Then—why do you have to have her?"

He rolled his throat a few times, trying his best to suppress his greed, and asked another question.

"The demon world needs—"

The demon emperor looked at the Jiuxiao Temple at the bottom of his feet, he knew who the **** emperor was talking about.

"—I'll consider it."

In addition to coveting the things in the hands of the demon emperor, the **** emperor did not respond immediately.

A qualified negotiator will never promise any conditions easily, a fair negotiation will never make a covenant easily.

"Okay, you—take your time."

Rubbing his jaw, the demon emperor smiled slightly, not in a hurry, and his expression was full of impetus.

"It should be her 2000th birthday in a few days, right? At that time, I will prepare a big gift, I hope by then, you have already made a decision-"

After he finished speaking, the Demon Emperor did not wait for the God Emperor to respond, turned into a red bird, like a streamer, and disappeared into the God Realm in a blink of an eye.

Looking at the phantom of the demon emperor, the light in the eyes of the **** emperor was dim and unclear. He patted his sleeves, tidied up his clothes, and with a victorious attitude, he calmly returned to back to the temple.


Seeing the God Emperor coming back, and not knowing how his negotiations with the Demon Emperor went, Ling Yan called out to his adoptive father, who had always been close to him, and seemed to hope that he would consider his own thoughts.

God Emperor glanced at Ling Yan, but the emotions inside were not easily understood.

"Young Master, the investigation of the barrier of gods and demons will be handed over to you. Immortals and gods in the realm of the gods, prepare for battle!"

He then turned to the next direction and continued to give the order that was not completed.


"Yan'er, just stay in the God Realm—"

God Emperor glanced at Ling Yan again, his face showed exhaustion and helplessness, as if he didn't recognize him.


"Xiaoyan, what's wrong?"

Young Jun, who walked out with her, stopped and looked worried.

"Sister Shaojun, will your father really - promise to the demon emperor?"

Ling Yan asked her feebly, her voice was sullen, her whole person was like a flower that had been exposed to the scorching sun, listless.

"To be honest, I don't know - but although the situation is critical now, the time for the God Realm to use the Demon Realm is not yet. Besides, with Gu Zhong Shenjun guarding the abyss of Gods and Demons, we really Don't worry too much."

Shaojun sighed softly and pressed his palm on top of Ling Yan's head. She had done this action thousands of times, which is the representative of pampering and comforting.

But this time, Ling Yan moved her hand away with some dissatisfaction, and did not become happy.

"Perhaps, the father is not only considering the realm of the gods?"

Ling Yan spoke out her keen intuition, she always felt that things would definitely not be as smooth as Shaojun said.

Shaojun squinted his eyes slightly, refuted her in an unprecedented tough tone, full of enthusiasm and sincerity.

There seems to be a light in her eyes that will cut through the eternal sky, connecting light and darkness.

The relatives who used to be familiar suddenly became unfamiliar, Ling Yan was not infected by the emotions in her words, but was full of confusion.

She has not yet established the so-called thought of devotion and sacrifice—probably this **** realm, there is no person or thing that really makes her nostalgic.

The immortals who have not picked up the sword to fight for tens of thousands of years are trying their best to overcome the fear of the demons in their hearts.

The troops heading to the Abyss of Gods and Demons are ready to go, not everyone has no nostalgia, not everyone is afraid of the Emperor, and not everyone does not care about glory.

As we all know, this is a war about the life and death of the God Realm, it is a battle for the future of the God Realm, and someone must stand up.

Ling Yan did not follow the instructions of the **** emperor.

Perhaps her well-behaved image is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Although the God Emperor said words similar to house arrest, he did not send many soldiers to guard her.

So she left the Promise Hall very easily. She sneaked out of the God Realm earlier than the neat formation.

This is something she has never done before - going to the most dangerous place alone without any protection.

Ling Yan just wants to escape from the realm of the gods and find someone to talk to—to Gu Zhong.

She left the realm of the gods and embarked on a journey she had never set foot on.

The road to the abyss of gods and demons is not long.

completely blocked.

Ling Yan also encountered a lot, but fortunately, she was on guard all the way.

Although this effort may make the always delicate and beautiful little **** become a little embarrassed.


She raised her eyes and looked at the battlefield in front of her. The transparent light curtain that used to be brilliant no longer existed, and she could no longer see the wonderful fluorescent flashes with her fingertips.

The monstrous black went straight to the sky, but was trapped in the obstruction of the dome, roaring and rolling angrily.

The black mist rushed forward in bursts, frightened by the mirror light in the hands of the soldiers guarding the first column.

Tall figures covered in armor walked out in black, each holding a scorpion, like the soldiers of the gods, fighting with the silver armored soldiers.

Their heads were tightly wrapped by the same dark helmets, and their faces could not be seen. Only one pair of eyes were exposed, and those eyes were pure red, as bright as blood, with bloodthirsty killing intent and viciousness.

These tall black armored soldiers should be the demons that only existed in the records and were sealed for tens of thousands of years.

Gu Zhong floated in midair, at the forefront of the battlefield, she kept waving the silver sword in her hand, slashing sword lights, splitting the billowing black mist, splitting the tall black First.

The black armor shattered, and there was still a black fog inside. They hurriedly retreated and merged with the black fog.

The real demons, like the gods, cannot be destroyed easily.

More and more demons are falling down, but the black fog that covers the sky is getting thicker and thicker. So powerless.

Gu Zhong frowned, looking at the endless supply of demonic energy, he inserted the sharp sword in his hand into the ground, and the heavy sword sound resounded through the sky.

A light curtain created by a sword light unfolded, and the magic energy attached to it dissipated as if it had been burned to the ground.

The rest of the black fog saw this situation, and they immediately retreated as if they were conscious, not daring to move easily.

The battle has temporarily stopped.

The soldiers who lined up behind Gu Zhong breathed a sigh of relief, and fell to their knees.

It has been three days of such repeated and fierce battles. With all the strength, the demons can't advance half an inch. However, the gods can't kill too many demons, but they are exhausted. I did my best.

Gu Zhong turned around and vaguely saw a figure on the edge of the battlefield, slightly familiar, she stared in disbelief, and then rushed over in anger.

"Why are you here?"