MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 102 The upstart president and the down-and-out daughter (8)

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Sitting by the large walnut wood office desk, Ling Yan quickly flipped through the documents that were piled high on the table.

The computers of this era are still very bulky, the chassis and the display screen are like a brick, and the functions are limited to the input of office documents and the creation of simple forms. Just cards and marbles.

The project documentation for 's could not be stored.

So except for some extremely important core materials, most of the current documents still adopt the original and old paper office method.

Even if the efficiency is low, there is no other way. This is an era that relies heavily on manpower, and it is also an era that pays more attention to personal ability.

As long as you are smart enough and diligent enough, coupled with enough good luck, it is not that difficult to get rich.

There were two light knocks on the open study door.

"Come in—"

Ling Yan, who was buried in the sea of ​​documents, did not raise her head at all, and responded very casually.

Only then did Gu Zhong walk into the study, and saw that the people at the table were busy, she didn't say a word, walked to a few distances and waited quietly, even if it was clearly Ling Yan She comes.

She folded her arms and looked around at the spacious study.

Serious and dreary, just like its owner.

After the owner of the study hurriedly browsed through a document again and put it together on the table, he was surprised that it was not in Yanjing but on Hong Kong Island. The guests have been waiting for a long time.

"Miss Gu, I'm sorry—I was busy just now—"

Ling Yan got up quickly and apologized with a face full of apology.

"It's okay, Miss Ling's business matters."

Gu Zhong is very understanding, after all, just by looking at Ling Yan's net worth and doing things, she knows that she is in charge of not too few affairs, maybe just a few words are enough to make her Slow down a decision and miss millions of orders.

"Miss Gu, take a seat."

Finding a book from the table full of documents and holding it in her hand, Ling Yan invited Gu Zhong to sit down on the sofa in the study room and poured a cup of tea for both of them.

"I don't know, what is Miss Ling calling me for today?"

Curiously glanced at the booklet wrapped in pure white cover, Gu Zhong intuitively felt that what Ling Yan was going to say today had something to do with it.

"I wonder if Miss Gu is interested in taking a job?"

While speaking, Ling Yan unfolded the booklet and handed it to Gu Zhong.


Seeing a few large black and white characters on the inside page, Gu Zhong's pupils shrank suddenly, obviously she knew how important the relationship was.

"I didn't expect that Yao Zhong would be in Miss Ling's hands."

She carefully and quickly finished the booklet, Gu Zhong raised his eyes and said seriously.

"There are too many people with eyes and no pearls, but it makes the pearl dusty. Although Miss Gu has not taken over the company seriously, she also has a one-year project. I must be able to see the value of this plan."

He picked up the teacup and took a sip, Ling Yan said leisurely.

"Naturally, but Miss Ling, are you really at ease in entrusting this project to me? After all, I think I still have the courage and ability to be a company leader."

It was clearly a perfect opportunity, Ling Yan directly handed the opportunity to retake Yaoyang to Gu Zhong, and also gave her the cornerstone of a comeback, but Gu Zhong hesitated for a while but frankly refused.

"I thought I wouldn't be wrong."

It is not the first time that Ling Yan, who has understood Gu Zhong's stubbornness, feels a headache again, this time, what method should be used to put Yao Zhong into Gu Zhong's hands.

"Thank you Miss Ling for your love, and another reason is that I don't want to ruin the last hope of the Gu family because of the rash decision of a person like me. If Miss Ling wants to temper me, It doesn't have to be given such a high position to begin with."

Since the agreement has been signed, and I have the will to restore the Gu family, I can directly step on an excellent platform, saving the capital and time of starting from scratch, and Gu Zhong will not pretend to be high Completely shut out the opportunity.

She didn't completely reject Ling Yan's kindness, she just thought that she should not match the position given by Ling Yan.

Understanding Gu Zhong's wishes, Ling Yan could only take a step back as she wished.

"In this case, Ms. Gu will first serve as the director of the marketing operation department. As for the position of president, I will take it back and you can only take it by yourself.

After that, if you can get Yaozhong listed successfully and the market value reaches 1 billion within five years, then 50% of Yaozhong's shares will be given to you. "

"Miss Ling, are you planning to give Yao Zhong directly to me?"

Littled the planning book in her hand, Gu Zhong raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, it seemed that she still had concerns.

With the general plan given by Ling Yan, as long as people who are not too stupid can successfully list Yaozhong.

Now it's like Ling Yan handed over the customs clearance strategy to Gu Zhong, waiting for her to pick the fruit.

"Miss Gu, I just established a proper starting point, I will not interfere in Yaozhong's management.

Things are not as simple as you think. If it were simple, a large number of people would have done it.

If you can really do what I said, it will prove that you are a genius in the business world. Even if I only own the remaining shares, I can get a full return.

Furthermore, it's not a problem to give your girlfriend some small preferential treatment, right? "

Ling Yan's words are clear-cut and well-founded. If she refuses to care about Zhong Zhong, it will be too outlandish and hurt people's feelings.

"Miss Ling, I really don't know how to thank you for your help. Maybe, what if I really promise?"

Sighed lightly, knowing Ling Yan's kindness, Gu Zhongxin accepted this gift again with guilt and anxiety. In addition to thanking him, he suggested a sentence that was half serious and half joking.

Perhaps it was because he was too eager for the success and revival of the Gu family, which made it difficult for Gu Zhong to refuse Ling Yan's help from the very beginning. He could only use an agreement or compensation to eliminate his inner anxiety.

But in any case, she still has difficulty accepting all this with peace of mind, she must say or do something to make herself feel better.

"Miss Gu, aren't you already my girlfriend?"

Aware of Gu Zhong's awkwardness, and fearing that she would make a bold move, Ling Yan secretly changed the concept of her words, put on an unreal gesture, and made no sound. It eased the suddenly weird atmosphere between the two.

"Although I said so, Miss Ling, it seems that we haven't dated."

I don't know what was in my head, Gu Zhong suddenly jumped to the topic of love.

"Wait a while and finish the affairs of Hong Kong Island. Will Miss Gu accompany me on a trip?"

Thinking for a moment, taking the name but not taking any action, it seems a bit strange indeed, Ling Yan followed Gu Zhong's words and made a small request.

"Okay, I'd love to."

Gu Zhong agreed very readily, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Ling Yan then reacted, as if everything was going according to the premise of taking care of herself, she stepped into this fox's trap again.

"I just called housekeeping, and they will come to clean up later. Tonight, Miss Gu can sleep in the guest room, which is much more spacious."

With a hint of anger, Ling Yan announced to Gu Zhong the decision to sleep in separate beds in advance.

"Well, it seems that Miss Ling didn't sleep well last night."

Shrugging, Gu Zhong said regretfully. I don't know if it's because I regret not being able to share the same bed, or because I'm sorry for being seen through a little trick.

In addition to the issue of house division, Ling Yan also carried out her work resolutely to the end, and Gu Zhong was thrown into the company by her in the second week.

The wealthy eldest lady who just went bankrupt was not even able to breathe for a moment and prepare herself psychologically for her social animal life, before being exploited by the inhuman capitalists to start a working career of exploitation.

Standing at the door of Yaozhong, watching the buildings that are getting old and the signs that have not changed at all, Gu Zhong is filled with emotion.

The technology company founded by Gu Chao at that time did not pay much attention, so Gu Zhong's mother named it.

With infinite wishes for the future, this is a mother's love for her child.

Although Gu Chao does not care about children, fortunately, Gu Zhong still has a good mother.

I still remember the last time she came, it was in elementary school and it was opening.

Too young, although Gu Zhong did not have a deep memory of that period, but he could not erase the emotion left in his heart.

Here is her longing for her family and the past.

Packed up her mood, took care of her expensive but out-of-season clothes, and walked into the Yaozhong Building with her head held high, like a queen who came to inspect.

"Miss, who are you looking for?"

I have never seen the real person Gu Zhong, at most I have only seen the front desk of the blurry image in the recent gossip magazines and tabloids. I did not recognize the former young owner, so I politely stopped the person and asked. .

"I'm looking for Li Lin."

Gu Zhong directly said the name of the current president of Yao Zhong, who can be regarded as the elder of the Gu family.

Because it was Ling Yan who took over Yao Zhong, she also wanted to let Gu Zhong exercise thoroughly, and she should build all the empires she wanted.

So the entire company transitioned smoothly without too many personnel changes, as if nothing like bankruptcy had ever happened.

"Do you have an appointment with Mr. Li?"

For some reason, the front desk's face instantly took on a hint of contempt and arrogance, and even the honorific was cancelled.

"Can't I see you without an appointment?"

He raised his eyebrows, thinking of the old man's bad reputation, Gu Zhong knew that the girl at the front desk was probably thinking something wrong.

"Mr. Li is very busy. If you don't make an appointment, you won't be able to see him."

The girl at the front desk explained, with a faint impatience on her face.

"Yo? Who is this?"

Just as Gu Zhong wanted to say something else, a nasty exclamation came from behind him.


The author has something to say:

Every day I struggle with the consideration of whether I should eat soft rice or not: Am I taking too much advantage of myself?

//Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-0623:36:48~2021-12-0723:46:22~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 3 bottles of air cold;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!