MTL - Alien Snack Bar-Chapter 150 Fish catch

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This guest, other herbs are fine, but this turtle shell sold out today, only two days before the goods. ”

The pharmacy treasurer looked through the list and said with apologies.

The tortoise shell is the shell of the tortoise, which is the core material of the turtle paste. It is recorded in the "Consumer Diet": "The tortoise is a cure for blood, hemoptysis, cough, cold and heat, and supplements to reduce fire."

No turtle shell can not play the therapeutic effect of turtle paste.

"Oh, then I am going to another house." Qin Fei said to go, the pharmacy treasurer quickly pulled him. "Guests don't hurry, the Tianlongcheng turtle is too much, especially in the moat, if the guests want Don't worry, just find a fisherman, a little work can help you catch a dozen."

In order to make this sale, the pharmacy treasurer said this alternative.

Qin Fei thought about saving one stroke, and bought other herbs in the store. As for the turtle shell, according to the shopkeeper, go to the moat.

Just going out, a black man came to the medicinal shop.

"Is you saying that the Tianlongcheng turtle is more than eight?" The black man asked coldly to the treasurer.

The pharmacy dispensers said: "Yeah, what happened?"

"Hey, dare to insinuate the regent of the regent, come and take me away!" A group of soap service rushed in and took the person away.


Qin Fei looked at this scene, his brow was locked, but he didn't have much trouble, shaking his head and leaving.


The moat is like a scarf, gently placed on the shoulders of Tianlong City. Qin Fei came to the moat in the evening, watching the rolling river and several fishing boats that were late, inexplicably thinking of a word -

"the river is long and tempestuous, it was like a hero.

It is a success or failure.

Aoyama is still there, How Many Suns.

The white-haired fisherman is on the river and is used to watching the autumn and spring.

A pot of turbid wine meets.

There are many things in ancient and modern times. ”

Mindful thoughts, Qin Fei is not so irritated.

At this point, a fisherman drove the boat and Qin Fei went forward and said hello: "Fisher, is it okay?"

The fisherman shook his head and sighed: "I am not afraid of the jokes of the son, I have been playing for a day, and I have not been playing."

"Is it impossible?" This luck is too much.

"Hey, it’s not that the nobles in the city are full and have nothing to do, saying that they want to release the virtues. I don’t know where to buy some turtles and put them in the river. Every year, all the fish and shrimps are eaten up.” People are jealous.

"This way... can the old man help me catch twenty turtles, I will give you 80 yuan of labor money." Qin Fei did not turn around and said the purpose.

"Is this true?" The fisherman couldn't believe that the turtle couldn't go to the table like a turtle. What does the turtle want to do?

However, after Qin Fei directly paid the wages, the fisherman determined that the other party was not joking. He hit the chicken blood, and the boat was supported by the river in one shot. Several nets were scattered, and the net had turtles, but there was no fish or shrimp.

After a while, the fishing boat docked, the fisherman gave Qin Fei a cage of turtles, at least thirty, only to send Qin Fei, no more money.

Qin Feidao thanked him and prepared to go back. There was another fishing boat not far away.

Inside the water cage hanging on the side of the fishing boat, all of them are fat fish. Qin Fei said with amazement: "How can he catch so many fish?"

The fisherman who caught the tortoise stopped talking and finally said with anger: "He has raised a water ghost, and of course he can catch a fish."

Qin Fei was the other party’s moment of anger. He didn’t put it in his heart. He took the turtle and went to the boat where the fish was caught: “Fishers, how can the fish be sold, can the whole purchase be cheaper?”

This fish that has just been fished up is very energetic. Qin Fei must stock up anyway.

The fisherman was a middle-aged man with dark skin and his teeth were white. He scratched his head: "Sorry, most of these fish are booked and can only sell you ten."

"Well, ten tails are ten tails, I want it." The price is cheaper than the vegetable market. Qin Fei bought it and invested it directly into the river in the ranch space.

The middle-aged man saw the fish in the hands of Qin Fei disappearing out of the air. He was surprised: "Are you a mage?"

There are many rivers and lakes warlocks in Tianlong City. They dare to call themselves a certain mage. Qin Fei is not a liar. He is going to deny it. Unexpectedly, this fisherman squatted down and smashed his head.

"Please ask the Master to help my friend to surpass the soul!"

Qin Fei quickly pulled the fisherman up and confused: "You talk about it, what is the situation?"

Although Qin Fei has encountered several spiritual events, his inertia is always unbelievable.

Moreover, even in the real experience of Qin Fei, ten times may only be true once, and the rest are feudal superstitions.

The middle-aged fisherman didn't have any eyes. When it was true, it was said: "It was one night three years ago. I thought about no one in the night, maybe I could get more fish, and I drove the boat to the river."

"It was very cold at night. I wanted to drink some wine and warm my body. As a result, the bottle didn't hold steady and fell into the river. I don't know what happened. I caught a lot of fish that night."

"Even every night, I did the same thing, throwing a bottle of wine into the river, it is bound to harvest."

"Until one night, I went to the river to fish again. A young man on the shore called me. He said that he was a water ghost who had thrown himself into the river. Because he drank my wine, he helped me drive the fish community. The net came to repay, and the reason why he appeared today is because he wants to reincarnate."

"I didn't know what was going on at the time. I was very grateful that he had done so much for me. I asked him to go on board and drink."

"I know his name during the period, called Shi Heng, because the exam did not test well, and the river was self-sufficient. Unexpectedly, the dying person could not surpass the life. The soul stayed at the bottom of the river for hundreds of years before he waited for him to replace him."

"The next day, I was curious who would replace Shiheng, and I was watching it by the river. When it was noon, there was a woman holding a doll crossing the river by boat. One did not stand still and fell down the river. The boatman only put the baby. Saved, the woman disappeared."

"My heart is this Shiheng's substitute? I don't think that the woman somehow has already gone to the other side. Except for the wet clothes, the whole person is very good."

"In the evening, I went to the river bank again and saw Shi Heng. I asked him what happened. He said that the woman was supposed to replace him. But when she saw that the baby had no mother-in-law crying, she couldn’t bear it. The women let go."

"Shi Heng therefore missed the secret, and eternal life can only stay at the bottom of the river."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged fisherman excitedly grabbed Qin Fei: "Please ask the Master to help him over, how much I am willing to pay."

With Qin Fei's bar thinking I feel that this story has loopholes, that Shi Heng is not necessarily a water ghost, saying that it is a liar to lie and drink.

But if it is true, then this stone is quite kind.

Of course, the middle-aged fisherman is also worthy of respect. Even if he can't catch the fish in the future, he still hopes that his friend can get too much.

Qin Fei sighed: "Sorry, I can't do anything about this, but if the things you say are true, I wish your friends a good result."


At night, the middle-aged fisherman bought the wine as usual, waiting for the left side of the river, but no friends appeared.

Waiting until the middle of the moon, the middle-aged fisherman was too sleepy, his hand slipped and the bottle fell into the water.

Suddenly a young man in a white gown appeared, and his body shone with light: "Young fisherman, are you missing this gold bottle, or this silver bottle, or this earth bottle?"

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