MTL - Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao-Chapter 4876 Lord of the Jedi

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The old beast is now fully engaged in the mining business.

He did not mean to fight any more, that is, he struggled to mine, and under the operation of the elements of destruction, he struggled to cut the rock and progressed slowly.

If he can get it fast, he has already got four elements, and no one can stop it.

In this case, Ling Han is also welcome.

The Lord of the Jedi is facing the cold, and his heart is awkward.

This is a terrible opponent that can kill their existence.

As the great emperor, they have never been afraid of anyone in their lives. However, in the face of Ling Han, they all have the meaning of fear.

However, as the pride of the great emperor, they will not be revealed at all.

Which one of them is not invincible?

Even if they die, they must stand dead and die to death.

"You, can you regret it?" Ling Han asked.

"If there is, will you let me go?" said Wan Ying Sheng Huang.

"Sorry, no." Ling Han shook his head.

"Even if there has been remorse, it has already been annihilated." The Nether Emperor said.

Ling Han nodded. He once saw the memory image of the **** ancestors in the underworld. He once had a shake, but she was born and smashed.

Emperor, ruthless.

"In this case, I will send you on the road!" he said quietly.

No ridicule, no triumph.

In any case, being able to become an emperor is worthy of respect, although these emperors are not guaranteed, they are lured by the darkness.

"Ling Han, although you are strong, but want to kill me, etc., it is not so easy!" Black Kwai Devil said proudly.

"Let's come over!" The emperor stood at the entrance to the cave of death, and the emperor was completely blooming.

They must stick to this place, so that the old beast can be fully excavated and the death element completely released.

As long as they can stick to that time, the old beast can be awesome.

This is full of unknowns, and it is not certain that the old beast will turn over and face, but this is the only choice they can make now.

Ling Han rushed to the past, Yang Quan will hit.


He is the third-class combat power, and because of the particularity of the elements of his possession, his combat power is stronger than the ordinary third-grade. Otherwise, even if he has the elements of life, he can't be as close as the old beast.

At the same time, the sea emperor was hit by him and slammed into the wall behind him.

But without waiting for Ling Han to make up a note, the other Jedi Lords have surged up, preventing the pursuit of Ling Han.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

It was another group of great emperors, but this time it was eleven.

Even so, Ling Han still has the absolute advantage, the third gear to the fourth gear, the advantage is too great.

However, it is as if the old beasts could not kill the emperors, and Ling Han could not break the Lord of the Jedi one by one.

Can you become a great man, who is not smart?

The eleven great emperors joined forces to help each other and not give Ling Han a chance to kill.

But this is only a stalemate for a month, because the other emperors either raised their wounds or resurrected and rejoined the battle.

This time it is different.

With them from the side, Ling Han can concentrate on dealing with a Jedi Lord.

The second one to be taken into his own world is the Sanqing Emperor.

As soon as I entered this place, the Emperor Sanqing revealed a stunned color: "It turns out."

How clever the emperor was, he disappeared through the induction of the elements of life and immediately guessed his current situation.

The elements of life cannot be used, and once they die, the mark of the soul will disappear completely.

The Emperor of Sanqing laughed and smiled, revealing the color of free and easy, and then the war was like a blazing, boiling high.

Of course, the great emperor has the mind of the great emperor, even if he has fallen into the Lord of the Jedi, but this is only a change of concept, and will not affect his mind.

"If I am killed, please throw my body into the sea of ​​death." Sanqing Emperor suddenly said.

Ling Han nodded: "Good!"

With the pride of the great emperor, will they allow themselves to die, and the body is swallowed by a beast?

Therefore, he would rather bury the sea of ​​death.

In fact, he did not say that Ling Han did not intend to leave the Emperor's body to the old beast.

I didn’t know before, the old beast actually could rely on the devouring of the emperor’s body and gain the magical power of the emperor’s ability. Now that he knows, he certainly won’t make another mistake.

The two great emperors played against each other. There is no suspense this time. In the cold world, everything is his decision.

Rao is the desperate attempt of the Sanqing Emperor, and he was bombarded without a few hundred strokes.

Ling Han has no sadness and no joy. Speaking of it, the Lord of the Jedi is also a poor man who is bewildered by the old beasts. If not, they may be partners who fight side by side.

His soul retired from his own world, returned to the sea, and stared at a Jedi Lord.

Haihuang, Wanying Shenghuang, Black Kwai Modi, Nether Emperor, a famous Jedi Lord was bombarded by Ling Han, but the old beast is iron-like, and there is no meaning at all.

In a few days, the Lord of the Jedi is completely destroyed.

At this point, the big villains are left with only one old beast.

But this one is 10,000 times more troublesome than all the Jedi Lords add up.

For the time being, the old beast is unsolvable. He wants to fight and fight. If he doesn't want to fight, no one can help him. It is that Ling Han can't stop him from continuing to dig the hole of death and release the elements of death.

Ling Han came to the sea of ​​death and threw out the body of the Lord of the Jedi.

However, when these bodies were about to touch the sea, a large hand suddenly came out of the sea and directly smashed the corpse.


Ling Han was shocked, staring at it, only to see the old beast actually flew out of the sea.

How can it be!

The sea of ​​death can kill all the great emperors, and the old beasts are no exception. How can he ambush in the sea of ​​death?

However, Ling Han immediately became stunned, because when the old beast flew up, the sea level was actually lowered.

He finally understood that the old beast was disguised himself as the sea and covered in the sea of ​​death.

This is really a bold plan, because in the sea of ​​death, there are always water columns rushing up, straight into the sky, the old beasts ambush here, how many attacks have you been born?

Yes, the fifth-grade emperor is touched by this water column. It is also hard to be killed without death. But the old beast is different. He is the only second-class emperor in the world. Even if the death water column is destructive to him, he can bear it in a short time. of.

However, since the old beast is here, what about the island?

"Hey, I am incarnation, how can you know, which one is my true body!" The old beast said proudly.

In fact, this is not his sacred magical power, but the ability to devour the "Yin and Yang beasts", and there is no such thing as horror, only one yin and one yang.

However, this suddenly came out, but it was a meritorious service.