MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 318

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"Since the **** of glory, Necrozma, has now been stolen by Solgaleo, the **** of the sun, it means that although the gods of the sun and the moon were seriously injured in that battle, they did not dissipate."

"We can compare the aura of the power of the two gods in the war ruins with the strange aura of the ultimate cave to see if we can neutralize the aura of the ultimate cave. Let us reach the opposite side smoothly and go to the different space. "

Chapter 222 is very idealistic

Listening to Luochen's statement, the remaining three patron saints fell into contemplation. It is really Luochen's idea that is too wild, but there is a problem, Ka Pumingming asked seriously:

"Solgaleo and Lunayala are the ultimate alien beasts in different space? You know, the two of them stood at the top of the elf world before the four of us were born."

"Now you suddenly say that the two of them came to the Alola region through the ultimate cave. Is this statement credible? It's not your side of the word, is it?"

Luochen shook his head and said sincerely: "Of course I won't lie to a few people. As for the source of the news, it is really very involved in secrets, and it is inconvenient to disclose."

It is impossible for me to say that when I watched the anime before, the Sun and Moon Gods and Necrozma mentioned in the background story came to the Alola region through the Ultimate Cave.

Ka Pu Mingming nodded, no longer questioning anything, but Ka Pu Moufeng on the side, his eyes were full of doubts, he wanted to open his mouth to ask several times, but thinking of what the elder brother said, he forced himself to endure it.

Luochen also noticed the confused look in Kapu's eyes, but this matter is really difficult to explain, and he can only prove that he is right when the results come out.

Now I don’t have to worry anymore, I continue to move forward with Kapu Mingming’s footsteps, and go to the war relics to learn Z moves. If my guess is correct, after learning the Z moves in the war relics, it will not be long before the ultimate hole can be opened. .

There was no words all the way, and after a while, a group of three elves finally arrived at their destination.

Luochen thought to himself, the war relics are said to be used to worship Kapu Mingming, but I have never heard of it, and I have to come here to learn Z moves. What Kapu Mingming said, it can be better under the pressure of God. Let the elves and trainers feel each other's power, and make the trainers and elves more adaptable to the Z power, thus making the moves more powerful.

But why does it sound so much like idealism? Z pure crystal, Z power, Z bracelet, the three cooperate with each other to make Z moves, which is really ideal.

While thinking wildly, Luo Chen followed Kapu Mingming to a huge square.

Kapu Mingming stood here with a look of nostalgia, "It was in this place that I broke through to the level of a patron saint. When I broke through, the humans of Alola saw the scene of my breakthrough and thought it was a miracle, and many people came. People come here to worship priests, hoping to get my blessing,". "

"o\'I didn't have any feelings for human beings at that time, and I didn't pay attention to them. It was day after day, and in the later contacts, I slowly discovered the beautiful moral emotions called human beings."

"So I tried to be their patron saint, bless the land with good weather, and use the lightning and the earth I mastered to make this land bear hope."

"Slowly time passed quickly. On Meile (Wang Dezhao) Meile Island, I also selected several island kings, and I didn't come to the war relics very often. After all, it has been so long, and I am still full of vitality. Being with people makes me feel alive.”

Kapu Mingming thought again that the ruins of the war were the terrain caused by Solgaleo and Lunaara's mutual attack. His path to becoming a **** also largely borrowed from the legacy of the two of them. .

Chapter 223 Sun and Moon Ruins

But when he thought that the **** of glory, Necrozma, had been stolen by Solgaleo, the **** of the sun, Kapu Mingming didn't know how to face the war relics.

After all, the great **** of glory, Necrozma, is an existence that brings light to all elves and humans in the Alola region. It can be said that it is the basis for the development of all things. No one does not worship him or respect him.

But one of the two gods of the sun and the moon, who is also a legendary elves, has stolen the power that should belong to the glory. Kapu Mingming didn't know who was right and who was wrong for a while.

It seems that when you are old, you are prone to cranky and divergent thinking. Kapu Mingming smiled and shook 617's head, focused on the matter in front of him, turned around and said to Luochen:

"The next thing is to give you the Z move. You have a very deep understanding of the Z move. I won't repeat it. Now I tell you what is worth noting is that you must have the same mind with your elves. Below, it is easier to feel the Z power."

"Maybe the Z power is the legacy of the Great God of Radiance. Otherwise, why is it only available in the Alola region? I hope you can inherit the legacy of the Great God of Radiance and successfully complete the cultivation of the Z move."

Luo Chen nodded and walked towards the center of the square.

After just entering the square, he suddenly felt a strange pressure spread all over his body, making him unable to walk, when he suddenly heard a reminder in his ear:

"Summon your elf to resist this pressure with you, it will help your growth, cherish it, and I will teach you about the Z move that I promised you later. How much you can learn depends on you. the fit between them.”

Luochen nodded, stretched out his hand, took out the Poke Ball, and summoned the Fast Dragon and the Fire-breathing Dragon, "This is the war relic left over from the battle between the two gods in the Alola region. Let's pass the assessment in this relic together to learn the Z move. "

"The Z move is of great help to our combat effectiveness. I believe that the bond between us will definitely pass the test! Quick (baai) dragon! Fire-breathing dragon! Let's go together!"



The fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon also felt the ubiquitous pressure on their bodies. They are now on the left side of the square, which is also the legacy of Solgaleo's power.

According to Kapu Mingming, they need to go to the center of the square, where the power of the sun and the moon meet, to temper their will and body.

Through the oppression of power, they can reach the realm of spiritual resonance faster. In this case, using the Z bracelet and the Z pure crystal will get twice the result with half the effort, and the Z moves will not be difficult for them.

The characteristic of the war relics is that the stronger the existence, the greater the pressure. As a human, the pressure on the dust is the least, but he also feels like he is carrying a weight of dozens of kilograms, and he can't walk at all. .

Through the spiritual connection, he can feel the pressure on the fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon, which is much higher than himself. After all, as high-level elves, where their strength is placed, the oppression they receive will be stronger.

If you say that you are carrying a weight of dozens of kilograms, then for the two elves, the burden is at least as heavy as a hill.

The scales on the two dragons were squeezed tightly together, making a heavy noise when they walked to the ground, but the entire square was also hardened by the power left behind, leaving no traces at all.

Chapter 224 The pressure of the sun and the moon

Luochen's will is naturally incomparably strong, otherwise he would not have grown to the point where he is now. The fast dragon and fire-breathing dragon who walked down with him are also leaders in their respective ethnic groups.

But when they came to the current ruins of the sun and the moon, they could only be pressed slowly and moved forward step by step. It can only be said that the first-level **** above the legendary guardian **** paper is really too strong.

I don't know how many years have passed, and the aura of strength left by their battles can actually suppress the top high-level elves to the point of being unable to walk. It is hard to imagine how strong they are.

But Luochen is completely confident that he can let his elves also break through to their existence and surpass them, with a system in hand, plus his knowledge of the elves world, he doesn't believe it, he can't do this, it's just that It's just a short time now.

Just as he was thinking about it, the system suddenly prompted -:

[The B-level side quest rewards have been issued, the patron saint Ka Pumingming is teaching you skills: super extreme explosive flame bombs, the ultimate giant dragon shakes the sky and the earth, do you learn how to dive and crash at extreme speeds?

habit? 】

Luochen clicked the Yes button without hesitation, and with a flood of numbers, the names of two skills appeared on the skill interface of Fire-breathing Dragon and Fast Dragon.

As a fire-breathing dragon of the fire and dragon types, the system prompts that you can only choose one between the super extreme flame bomb and the ultimate giant dragon. Choose one from Long Zhentiandi.

This made Luo Chen a little confused. Both options are excellent choices, and they can fully utilize the strength of the elves, so I thought about it carefully.

Luochen intends not to make a choice now, and will consider it when he goes to the Ultimate Cave. After all, he will not encounter a more severe battle now. When he goes to the Ultimate Brake, it will be better to choose according to the development of the matter.

No one can say what will happen in the future. If there is any accident, then the choice will be better.

Save the skills temporarily, continue to face the coercion of the power left by the sun and moon gods, and walk step by step towards the center of the square with the fast dragon fire-breathing dragon.

Luochen couldn't help but think of the time when he climbed the mountain before. He seemed to be under pressure step by step, carrying his own luggage, and climbed to the top of the mountain step by step, and saw the wonderful scenery.

o0 ask for flowers 0....

It was the same this time, no matter how great the pressure, as long as he didn't crush him to the point that he couldn't walk, he must move forward, and he must get the power left by the Sun and Moon Gods.

While thinking about it, I encouraged the fast dragon and the fire-breathing dragon: "Come on! As long as we get to the midpoint, we can become stronger, and we can also study the way to the ultimate hole at the end, we can go to more fight and grow up faster.”

Although the fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon are under a lot of pressure, their masters are still moving forward. As the strongest part of the high-level elves, how could they be unable to hold on to this pressure.

Roaring towards Luo Chen, he replied, saying that he was definitely fine, how could he let his trainer look down on him! I want to become the strongest spirit existence!

Seeing that both the fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon are full of energy, although it is difficult to walk under the pressure of ubiquitous pressure, they are still full of energy, and Luo Chen can't help but feel that his training is very fruitful.

It's the best thing for your own elves to be the same as yourself.


Chapter 225 Never Let Go

As they cheered each other on, they had already traveled halfway before noticing, and looked back at the patron saints outside the square. Because the distance was too far, they could no longer see the expressions on their faces.

I don't know if my speed will satisfy the Patronus, or will it delay cracking the legacy of the Sun and Moon Gods.

While thinking wildly, he moved forward slowly.

What Luochen didn't know was that after "June 17" looked at their figures that were drifting further away, he stuck his eyes, his eyes were already round, and he murmured:

"Brother, I remember that I wasn't so fast at the time. At that time, I was already the pinnacle of overlord, half-step patron saint."

"After getting to know you, you brought me here to hone myself, let me experience the power of god-level power, and I succeeded in breaking through, but this kid still has his elves, if I read it right, they are only high-level Bar?"

"Although I am half-god-level, I am under more pressure, but compared to them, my speed is like a snail crawling."

"I always thought that this kid said that he didn't have any strength, but when I saw it today, he just entered the ruins by himself, and his performance was not something in the pool."

"I started to have confidence in what he said about saving the glorious **** Necrozma, and I think he can."

Kapu Mingming looked at Kapu Fengfeng who was hit, "You just saw it, I have seen it long ago, brother, let's watch it quietly, I feel that he must have made great progress this time."

Falling Chen, who is worried that his speed will not keep up, will lead to a delay in the study of the Ultimate Cave, and does not know that his speed has broken the record of the four patron saints.

And because of this, I got the approval from Kapu Eye, but even if I knew, Luo Chen laughed it off.

Continuing forward, Luo Chen felt that the end point was approaching. Now, cheer up, the most difficult part of a journey is not the starting point, but the end.

Especially when you see that the end is not far away, you will subconsciously breathe a sigh of relief. As a result, before you reach the end, you have already lost the strength to continue moving forward. After all, there is a saying that it is good to travel a hundred miles.

Luochen knew that he couldn't relax, so he kept on going down again and again, insisted on walking down, and finally came to the final destination of the trip, the middle of the whole square.

Standing in the middle, the body seems to be divided into two different parts, one half is as warm as sunlight, and the other half is as cold as moonlight.

The whole body seems to be placed in two places with opposite temperatures, but surprisingly, this feeling does not make people feel uncomfortable, but a comfortable force emerges from the body.

I asked the fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon beside them, and they felt the same reaction, as if two forces were helping the body to temper, and even the consciousness in their minds seemed to be wrapped in warmth and cold, comfortable and comfortable. Incomparable.

He was groggy and wanted to fall asleep, as if he was in the arms of his mother's 0.8, Luochen thought, no, he couldn't fall asleep, he couldn't put himself in such a dangerous situation unconsciously.

Although he doesn't feel any danger now, but once his consciousness falls into a coma, no one can tell what will happen, and he can't pin his hopes on uncertain facts.

Luo Chen forced his eyes to open, and stood up swayingly.

Chapter 226 Incomparable Tired

After struggling to stand up, Luochen looked at the fast dragon and the fire-breathing dragon beside him. The two of them were a little better than himself. Although the whole body was shaking, they didn't lie down.

Luo Chen suddenly felt very tired, unparalleled tired.

In particular, he could clearly feel the power of the sun and the moon, wandering around in his body, helping him stretch his meridians, making him feel as if he was about to fall asleep, and this kind of exhaustion became more real.

Luo Chen stood up straight, and not a single one fell to the ground. It was not easy to stand up just now. He didn't know if he still had the strength and courage to stand up after the second time he fell to the ground.

"What should I do now? Let me think about it..." Luo Chen felt that his head was like a mess, he couldn't remember anything, and he had forgotten the purpose of his coming here.

I was really tired, "Why don't you just fall asleep like this, just sleep for a while, then wake up after a while."

There seemed to be a gentle voice in his mind, persuading him like this. Luochen was about to take it any longer, he struggled, but there was still no memory in his mind.

"Then I'll sleep for a while. It won't affect anything anyway. People always have to rest." He thought so.

Just as he was about to close his eyes, a weak roar came from his ear, and a heavy object seemed to be pressing down on his body, making his body that he finally stood up to fall to the ground again.

Luochen glanced at the place where the sound came from, um, a dragon? The orange-yellow body and the flames on the tail look familiar.

Is it the little fire dragon from Pokémon? Luo Chen thinks like this, am I too sleepy? Are you dreaming?

I'm so heavy, what's pressing me?

Just thinking about it like that, Luo Chen suddenly felt his cheeks get warm, and it was very prickly.

Luochen suddenly woke up: "Fire-breathing dragon! What are you doing! Who asked you to lick me?"

Luo Chen was in a hurry, but at the same time he woke up instantly. Thinking of the exhaustion and confusion just now, Luo Chen only felt a moment of fear, the power came silently, which made him subconsciously relax his vigilance.

I just want to obey that power and relax the nerves of my whole body, but once I do this, the consequences will definitely be disastrous.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the fire-breathing wheel hesitantly. This idiot probably felt something, or he wouldn't come over and lick him with his hot tongue.

After sobering up, Luo Chen realized that the tail of the fast dragon was pressing on him. It seemed that he had just fallen into some unknown state, and both of them felt that something was wrong.

Luochen gave a wry smile. As an elf trainer, he said after entering the ruins. In the end, he even asked his own elf to rescue him. This was meant to be laughed at.

Shaking his head, he threw all the exhaustion and depression out of his mind, and Luo Chen tried his best to wake up and observe the war relics in front of him.

This relic is estimated to have experienced too much damage and looks dilapidated. Looking directly at it, there is nothing unique.

Maybe he doesn't have any special power, because according to the performance of the fast dragon and the fire-breathing dragon, they seem to be very afraid of this place, so they can feel the resistance in their hearts.

It doesn't mean resistance, but reverence for the strong, and there is also a trace of pride in it that "will definitely replace it". It is worthy of being a dusty elf. Even in the face of such a strong, it does not appear to be hit at all.

Chapter 227 Super extreme flame bomb

Luochen was very curious about what the ruins in their eyes looked like.

But now the focus is not on researching the ruins, Luo Chen took out the Z pure crystal and Z bracelet that Puming Ming gave him on the way.

There are six pure Z crystals given by Kapu Mingming, two fire-type, two flying-type, and two dragon-type. Originally, according to Luo Chen's idea, it would not be too late to learn the Z move after entering the Ultimate Cave.

But now that he came to this ruin, Luo Chen felt that this was a good opportunity to learn Z moves.

According to the description of the Z move, the elves and the trainer need to work together to exert their spiritual power to make the move more powerful.

In this place, not only did the sun and moon gods leave behind their power as coercion, under such pressure, learning Z moves would be more effective with less effort, not to mention Luochen also had the gift of spiritual connection.

Just thinking of this, Luo Chen decided to start learning the Z move directly, after he thought about it carefully.

He decided to let the fire-breathing dragon learn the super extreme flame bomb. After all, although the fire-breathing dragon could learn dragon-type tricks, the power he was most familiar with was the fire-type power from the very beginning.

And because the fast dragon has broken through the speed limit, the flying system's extreme speed, dive, crash, and collision, combined with its ultra-limit speed, will be even more powerful.