MTL - After the Rebirth, I Counterattacked and Became An All-around Boss-Chapter 472 want a child

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  Chapter 472 wants a child

  Mu Xi had just returned home when he received a call from Qin Xiang.

   "Hee Hee, are you free now?"

   "Yes." Mu Xi responded. Anyway, Mo Chen is in charge of the wedding, she just needs to be the bride tomorrow.

   "Then let's have a meal together, you don't know, I haven't been out of the house for a long time, that guy is staring at me every day, I'm not free anymore."

   "You are pregnant, Yanqi will definitely be worried when you go out."

"I know, I will be careful, I'm not a child." Qin Xiang touched his belly, with a loving smile on his face, "The baby in my stomach is so naughty, I can't sleep because of kicking it every day, Don’t you want to see your godson as a godmother?”

   "Okay, I'll pick you up." Mu Xi smiled helplessly.

  When Mu Xi came to Yan's house, he saw that Qin Xiang was already waiting for him.

  She was wearing maternity clothes, her round belly was very obvious, Yan Qi looked at her helplessly from the side.

   "Xixi!" Seeing Mu Xi, Qin Xiang happily flew towards her.

   "Be careful!" Yan Qi shouted nervously, following behind Qin Xiang, for fear that she would accidentally fall down.

  Mu Xi supported Qin Xiang who was running over, "Be careful."

Qin Xiang made a grimace, "I'm so happy to see you! Let's go to Aunt Ling's for dinner. I haven't eaten her dishes for a long time. I really want to eat them." Since she was pregnant, she likes to eat very much, especially Something heavy.

   "Okay." Mu Xi nodded and looked at Yan Qi, "Don't worry, I will take good care of her."

  Yan Qi nodded, looked at Qin Xiang, "Call me if you need anything."

   "Understood, long-winded." Qin Xiang gave Yan Qi a white look, and a sweet smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth. Although he was sometimes very verbose, she knew it was because he loved her so much.

  Mu Xi and Qin Xiang came to Zhuyun Private Restaurant.

  Ling Qiuya saw the two of them, and immediately greeted them with a smile, "Xi'er, Xiangxiang."

   "Aunt Ling!"


  Ling Qiuya smiled and glanced at Qin Xiang's stomach, a little envious. She also wanted to have a child of her own, but unfortunately her body did not allow it. She and Fengling were already planning to adopt a child, but she felt very sorry for Fengling.

   Mu Xi noticed Ling Qiuya's eyes, glanced at her body, and understood it.

   After entering the box, Mu Xi said, "Godmother, do you want a child?"

  Ling Qiuya nodded and smiled bitterly.

   "I have a way to get you pregnant."

   "Really?" Ling Qiuya was a little excited. She knows that Mu Xi has medical skills, but she is no longer fertile. She was also pregnant with a child before, but she was beaten by that beast Wei Junping, so she lost her fertility.

  Mu Xi nodded with a smile, took out a elixir and handed it to Ling Qiuya, "You take this elixir."

  Ling Qiuya didn't suspect him, took the medicine and put it in her mouth, she believed in Xi'er.

   Soon, Ling Qiuya felt a warm current in her abdomen. She always feels cool in her abdomen due to the cold palace all year round.

   "Xi'er, my belly is hot now, very comfortable." Ling Qiuya stroked her belly.

   "That's right, godmother, you just wait for the good news." Mu Xi laughed. The elixir she gave to her godmother has the function of repairing the body. As long as any organ in the body is damaged, it can quickly repair it.

   "I will really have a baby in the future?" Ling Qiuya couldn't believe it. This is really a big surprise.

  (end of this chapter)