MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 488 eat chicken today

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  The prince's special envoy, isn't he sent by the king and his son? Why do you have to ask him such a question?

  Jiao Yu said on the sidelines: "The special envoy has just arrived in our country, so he doesn't know many inside information."

  The connotation of these words was deep, and Xiang Yan was silent for a while, all he was doing was solving the riddle.

  He Lingchuan said with a smile: "I'm not from Chiyan. It would be better to have one thing more than one thing less. It was Fu Shanyue who begged me to handle this case."

   Stare at the rock.

  The prince actually appointed a foreigner as a special envoy to investigate the case. This case is very deep.

   After a long time, he said: "In the whole world, only Lingxu City can refine the medicine of immortality."

   "So the elixir in the hands of the demon kings was also given by Lingxu City?" He Lingchuan understood, "They will give it to the heroes?"

   Xiangyan nodded.

   "So where did the refining raw materials come from?" He Lingchuan said before he could speak, "Xiang Lao has been in Lingxu City for more than ten years, so he must have heard some rumors?"

   Xiang Yan opened his mouth, and after a while he smiled wryly: "How can this be spread indiscriminately? Once the source of the rumor is found out, it will be decapitated."

   "Haven't you heard any rumors?"

"I only heard that some raw materials of the elixir are bought from abroad. I really don't know the specifics." Xiang Yan said softly, "A treasure like elixir is very precious even in Lingxu City. Only a few officials You can enjoy it; I was lucky enough to take it because I was appreciated by the gods for my meritorious service back then, otherwise I would never have such a blessing. Just ask Mr. Jiao, how many people in the court have taken the medicine of immortality?"

  He Lingchuan looked at Jiao Yu, who shook his head and said, "In the past hundred years, the monarch has only given thirty-nine."

  In the more than 160 years since the founding of the country, how many officials have there been in the Chiyan Kingdom? Among them, only thirty-nine people have taken the medicine of elixir.

   It goes without saying that this drug is precious.

   No wonder the old man looked complacent. It is a great honor to be lucky enough to take the elixir and rank among the thirty-ninth!

   "Why so few?"

   "I heard that medicinal materials are rare."

  He Lingchuan remembered what He Lianchen, the great alchemist of Panlong City, said that the elixir has an extremely precious primer: divine blood.

  This may not be easy to do.

   But no matter how rare other medicinal materials are, can’t they be obtained with Bega’s power?

  80% still answered those few words:

   Rare goods can live.

  The effect of the medicine is so good, and the quantity is so small, people who want it must not rush to it?

  He Lingchuan rolled his eyes: "Then, who is in the hands of the elixir of elixir?"

   "Of course it's a god." Xiang Yan took it for granted, "Lingxu City worships medicinal materials, and the gods refine the elixir and bestow it personally."

  He Lingchuan was momentarily confused.

  If only the gods can refine the elixir, then what is the real culprit behind this case collecting the elixir? Furthermore, this seems to be different from what He Lianchen said.

  But Xiang Yan hesitated, and said again: "However, I heard a gossip in Lingxu City."

  He Lingchuan's spirits lifted, is there finally a serious inside story to listen to?

   "Please speak please speak."

   "I can't tell you the source of the news, but there seems to be such a saying, it's just a saying."

   "Yeah, it's all groundless. You can say whatever you want, and I can listen to it." This old man can really fix things.

   "It is rumored that the gods originally released the elixir formula of the elixir, but Lingxu City entrusted it to non-human beings, so it leaked out. In a rage, the gods withdrew the alchemy right. After that, they only gave the alchemy pills, and no human beings were allowed to refine them."

   This is the second time He Lingchuan has heard this statement: "Then this outflowing formula?"

   "Of course the emperor will investigate severely, and set a deadline for surrendering himself. If he is found out after the deadline, he will be punished by the nine clans."

  He Lingchuan recalled what had happened to the descendants of Yuan Kingdom, and knew that Bega Demon Emperor never relents in killing people.

  How can such a monster have any mercy for human life?

   "How many people were killed before and after?"

   "Don't know."

   "Huh?" He Lingchuan wondered, "How come you don't even know how many people you killed?"

"Even if the Dan Fang flows out, there are very few people who are qualified to see it. Then there are also very few people who were killed by the emperor because of it." Xiang Yan laughed at himself, "An official of the vassal state like me has encountered Leave it alone."

  That was a high-end bureau, and those low-level officials, officials from the vassal kingdom, didn't even have the qualifications to enter the bureau.

   Want to be killed for this? There are no doors.

   "During that time, no one was punished by the Nine Clans?"

   "I don't know about this. At least two or three hundred years ago, the old incident itself is just a rumor. I don't know where to verify whether it is true or not."

  He Lingchuan hummed: "It's easy to let it out."

  Xiang Yan cautiously: "Do you think that the current case is related to the lost Dan Fang?"

  He Lingchuan glanced at him, with a half-smile: "You said that, but I never said it."

   Xiang Yan waved his hands in a panic: "No, no, the little old man is just talking nonsense, you didn't hear anything."

   "Exactly." He Lingchuan laughed, "I didn't hear anything."

  He saw the thin sweat on Xiang Yan's forehead.

   "So, what is the experience of taking the elixir?" It's time to change to a more relaxed and happy question.

  Xiang Yan really relaxed a lot:

"After taking it, the internal effects are immediate, such as light body, flexible legs and feet, better appetite, and old diseases can be cured without medicine. However, the severed limbs did not grow back. I heard that some demon generals Even taking the medicine of elixir did not heal the old wounds."

  He Lingchuan nodded. It seems that the effect of the elixir is mainly to prolong life.

   "Is this also divided into internal effects and external effects?"

"The external effect is not obvious." Xiang Yan said with a smile, "I was fifty-two years old when I took the medicine, and my appearance has hardly changed. It has not gone back thirty years. But in the thirty years after taking the medicine, I have almost been Stay fifty-two."

   It turned out to be a slow-release pill?

  He Lingchuan now has a rough understanding of pharmacology, and Aluo often yells in the ears of the team members, so he knows that the so-called good medicine is stable and long-lasting, and it is most beneficial to the human body to let the medicine effect be released gently, continuously and for a long time.

  Not to mention anything else, this is the effect of Diliuye, so it is the king of all medicines.

   "So it's not accurate to say it's the Return to Tong Pill?"

   "It may be more appropriate to call it Zhuyan Pill or Longevity Medicine."

  He Lingchuan stood up: "Thank you, Mr. Xiang, this information is very useful, I have been bothering you a lot today."

   "It's just a friend's gossip, how can there be any information?" Xiang Yan smiled kindly, "Shall the special envoy stay for dinner?"

  He was just saying it casually, but He Lingchuan responded happily: "Okay, I heard from General Ling that the poached chicken in the house is very smooth and tender, and there is a unique secret recipe."

   "..." Xiang Yan could only smile more happily, "Come, come, this way please."

  What's wrong with that old sheep! If it is a sheep, it should eat grass. What kind of chicken do you recommend?


   At the same time, the inn where He Lingchuan stayed.

  The tenant is not here, so He Lingchuan's room is of course empty.

  The door opened suddenly, and a shop clerk slipped in, looked around to make sure there was no one in the room, and then gently closed the door with his backhand.

  He went straight to the wooden bed.

  Fu Shanyue allocated a lot of funds to the special envoy, and the inn where He Lingchuan stayed was also well-ranked in Baisha, and he even booked a room for several days.

   There is a living room, a master bedroom, and even an extra spare guest room, which is also very elegantly furnished. Even the beds prepared for guests are made of huanghuali wood, which is known as a hundred-craft bed.

  As soon as the shop clerk arrived at the bed, he bent forward and looked for something on the pillow with his eyes wide open.

   "Where's the hair?"

  This inn uses soft pillows, and this distinguished guest stayed here for several days, how could there be no hair on the pillow?

   However, there is really nothing. The store clerk searched for it for a long time, but found nothing.

  If you take the pillow away directly, it may alarm the guests, so that's not acceptable.

  He walked around the house twice to find a way.

  Even if you can find Luofa in other places in the guest room, it is useless, it may not be the guest surnamed He. After all, this is an inn, and this room has received many other guests before.

  Only bedding is changed for one guest.

   After all, this is also a high-end inn.

   Then, how can I get He Lingchuan's exclusive item?

  The shop assistant's eyes still fell on the screen.

   Behind that is the toilet.

   How about?

   This is a very tasteful idea, which shocked the shop assistant himself.

  The inn changes the toilet and pours the night incense for the guests every day. Calculated from the time, it should be two hours later.


   Don't do it?

  He really didn't want to do it, but someone gave too much.

  The store clerk didn't sway for long, then walked behind the screen, covered his nose, and lifted the toilet lid!

   No matter how dirty the job is, as long as you give enough money, someone will do it.

  But he was dumbfounded the next moment:

  The toilet is empty.

   No, it should be said that there is nothing at all.

   It makes sense to say that people can't lose their hair while sleeping.

   Doesn't this guest need to go to the bathroom all day?

  The store clerk had a ridiculous idea in his heart:

   Could it be that this honored guest is always wary of others, even going to the public toilet outside for the reincarnation of the five grains?

what to do?


  The next day, He Lingchuan went to the government office to find the county magistrate Baisha.

  Magistrate Tian came out with two big dark circles under his eyes. He Lingchuan was slightly surprised when he saw it: "What's wrong with Magistrate Tian?"

  He has been tossing and turning insomnia for the past few days, and the instigator asked him what's wrong?

   "It's okay, the wild cats outside the window have been calling for most of the night." Facing He Lingchuan, Tian County Magistrate could only hold back his yawns, so as not to be disrespectful, "What is the special envoy's order today?"

   "I have something to ask County Magistrate Tian to do, but do it quietly."

   "Oh?" The magistrate of Baishayu understood the meaning of "keep his face" and asked, "Do you want to keep the inspector from knowing?"

   "That's a must." He Lingchuan further said, "It's best that other people in the city don't know about it."

   "You say, you say."

   "Find a maintenance crew."

   "Huh?" County magistrate Tian was a little confused, and he didn't know if he didn't get enough sleep last night.

   "Tide Lake Tower."

   "Oh... well, it's a small thing."

   "But I still have a request." He Lingchuan whispered a few words in his ear, and then said, "Before the construction starts, don't let anyone in the city know, can it be done?"