MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 1 There is always a leopard in the end of good and evil

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  Chapter 1 Good and evil end with a leopard

  The mountain road was rugged, and he chased a lame blue sheep into the dense jungle on the mountainside. Just as he was about to make up the knife, a huge sand-yellow leopard suddenly rushed out three feet ahead and threw him down!

  He grabbed the dagger and opened more than a dozen blood holes in Sand Leopard's body, but it was too late.

   One person and one leopard rolled over and fell into the abyss of hundreds of feet together. Even the sand leopard acted like a demon when it was about to die, biting him on the neck.

   There was a soft "pa", and a jade charm around his waist burst into red light and shattered.

  At that moment, the last frame that was frozen in his field of vision was four **** fangs!


  He Lingchuan opened his eyes in a daze, and slowly focused his sight, and saw the blue sky with white clouds floating in the gaps between the twigs and long leaves.

  This angle is like lying under a tree and looking at the sky.

   It seems that there is something wrong?

  He froze for a few seconds, then suddenly realized—

   No, the intersection he just passed had only concrete walls, electric poles, and small carts of vendors, and the short and thin street tree had only two bare branches left. Where did the twigs grow leaves!

   With this excitement, he immediately noticed that the sky above his head was only the size of a palm, and the surrounding area was surrounded by cliffs and rocks, dense with vegetation.

   In other words, he was in the mountains.

   To be more precise, at the bottom of the stream, because there is the sound of water in the ear, and the top ten feet seems to be a cliff.

  Just as he was about to sit up, pain suddenly swept through his body, making him gasp for breath, which also brought out a strange sound of "ho ho", like a hole in a bellows.

  He Lingchuan looked down and saw a dozen blood holes, large and small, and countless scratches on his body; his right calf was broken, and Bai Sensen's bones were poked out of the flesh.

  He wanted to raise his hand, but the result was severe chest pain, and he did not know how many sternum ribs were broken.

  It only took a few seconds for He Lingchuan to find himself lying on his back in a **** mess, only breathing more than a dead person.

What's going on here?

  He remembered that just a few steps after passing the intersection, he felt a pain in the top of his head, as if he had been knocked down by a heavy object, and then his eyes went dark.

  The row of residential buildings often has high-altitude parabolic objects, and pedestrians have complained many times to no avail. He Lingchuan didn't know what the murder weapon was that knocked him down, but anyway, it shouldn't have caused him to fall down in the valley covered in blood, right?

   Fortunately, his neck was not broken, so he was still free to turn his head.

  The sky is very bright, but the bottom of the stream is damp and dark, and the vegetation is extremely lush. He Lingchuan turned his head, and suddenly saw something with a yellow background and black spots pressing on several bird's nest ferns, lying a foot away in front of him——

Um? This is... a leopard?

  If it weren't for the effort of raising his hand, He Lingchuan really wanted to rub his eyes to see clearly:

  Lying on the grass, what a big leopard!

  The body is comparable to that of a liger, lying on the ground, with a half-open mouth, which can easily stuff a human head into it.

  He Lingchuan was so shocked that his scalp went numb.

   It's outrageous, the size of this thing is at least twice as big as his cognition.

  It’s fine for me to be seriously injured, but I’m still at the bottom of the valley with a beast!

   But he soon discovered that the eyes of the thing were closed and motionless, and the blood from the seven orifices had dried up.

  It also has many scars on its body, some of which are extremely deep, not like scratches. The most unsuitable thing is that it holds a red rope in its lower teeth, and a light white crescent-shaped pendant is tied to the rope. The material is unknown, and it stands out against the green moss.


  He was worried for a while, but he didn't dare to step forward to test it. On the one hand, he could hardly move, on the other hand, he was also afraid that the beast was still alive and waiting for an opportunity to hurt people.

  At this time, He Lingchuan realized that the clothes on his body were not the same as before. The clothes were knee-length, belted around the waist, and there were metal sleeves on his wrists.

  He flipped over his fingers and found that the palms and the bases of the fingers were calloused; in the grass a foot away, there was a **** dagger.

   So, why on earth is he here?

  As soon as the problem came up, countless memories flooded into my mind, none of which belonged to him. He Lingchuan felt his head was about to explode, and he groaned in pain.

  The memory is too complicated, he doesn't have the energy to read it all, he can only find out a few key points first: he seems to have time-traveled. The owner of this dying body is also called He Lingchuan, and he is the eldest son of He Chunhua, the prefect of Qiansong County, Jinzhou, Yuan Kingdom. He went hunting in Calabash Mountain, but was attacked by sand leopards and both fell off the cliff.

   All memories come to an abrupt end here.

  He Lingchuan couldn't help but look at the cliff directly above. It turned out that it really fell from such a high place. Even with the sand leopard as a cushion, the original body was too seriously injured, and died before he woke up, and his skin changed hands.

  He didn't know how his consciousness was attached to a dying body, but what's the point?

  In order to die again?

  The wound on his body was still bleeding, and he felt like a water polo full of holes, which would soon dry up.

   Just at this moment, a little white fluff fell from the dwarf kapok on the cliff, just landing on the pointed hairs of the leopard's ears.

  He Lingchuan clearly saw that the leopard's ears moved!

  Besides the smell of rust, he also felt bitter in his mouth: this thing is still alive.

  The original body also stabbed a dozen times in and out of it, and used it as a buffer meat shield, but the original body was already dead, and the leopard didn't burp!

   It is not dead, can he still be alive?

  At the time of life and death, He Lingchuan's mind was clear, and he suddenly remembered that he was still carrying medicine.

  He took out the jade bottle from his arms with shaking hands, and poured out the only pill the size of a pigeon egg inside.

  Deep black, with impurities and earthy smell, like mud pellets rubbed with hands. But he remembered that this was the elixir that the original body's father, He Chunhua, begged for heavily from the great shaman, and it was said to be able to hang life.

  Father loves his son so much, maybe he can save his life right now.

  Eat it, crawl outside for help before the leopard wakes up, or... preemptively kill it?

  Although it is a ferocious beast, how much strength can it have left after being injured more and more?

  But, can his own injury withstand another big fight?

  He Lingchuan was still undecided, but he had to take the medicine before he could plan the next step.

  But He Lingchuan was about to put the pill into his mouth when he heard a muffled voice: "Give me half."

  He was startled, and almost lost the pill: "Who?"

  Is there a living person at the bottom of this cliff?

  But he couldn't see the second figure, but the leopard lying on the ground opened his eyes.


   "Demon, demon..." He Lingchuan's upper and lower teeth were fighting, and his vocal cords couldn't control him, "There are monsters!"

  The beast suddenly spoke, what is it if it is not a monster? It's really good luck to meet monsters when you are on the verge of death.

   There are monsters in this world, which is too exciting.

  The leopard stared at him with yellow eyes, and the voice seemed to come from the chest: "I will give half of the medicine, or I will kill you!"

  After being amazed, He Lingchuan was not afraid anymore: "Why did you give it to you? Whether you share it or not, you will kill me." He didn't know why he suddenly calmed down, probably because they could communicate with each other?

   "Give me the medicine, and I won't bite you, and save your life again." Leopard's pronunciation was vague, as if he wasn't used to speaking.

  He Lingchuan didn't believe half a syllable: "I believe you, ghost, I lost half my life, and it's because of you?"

  He also found that the leopard was always lying on the spot, without moving. That's right, this thing is also seriously injured, and its life is not long.

  Thinking about this, the dying beast is not so scary anymore. Should he crawl over there, give this thing two last blows, and avenge both the original body and himself?

"I confessed my mistake earlier and thought you were a pursuer and a murderer, so I dragged you to the end together." After a few more words, the leopard seemed weak, "Now the real pursuer has also arrived at the bottom of the cliff and is coming here. Can I hear."

  It moved its ears.

   "Someone is here?" He Lingchuan was overjoyed, "It's saved!"

   "It may not be a human being." Leopard said solemnly, "If you don't help me, you will die. My tooth is broken, and they will think you took it away." Then he opened his mouth to show him.

  The left canine of the leopard fell off, leaving only a **** hole.

  He Lingchuan was at a loss: "What does tooth loss have to do with me?"

"Everyone knows that we like to hide treasures in the big teeth. If the teeth fall out, the things are gone." The leopard demon growled, "Because of these things, our family was wiped out. Do you think they will let you go? "

  So the chasing soldiers are not the savior, but the king of **** who reminds them to die? He seemed to have fallen into a vortex of trouble as soon as he arrived, He Lingchuan was a little confused: "How do I know that you really won't harm me?"

   "I make an oath of blood!" The leopard demon gritted his teeth, "If I hurt you again, I will die against the flow of blood!"

  It sounded like an oath lightly, but He Lingchuan suddenly had a feeling in his heart, knowing that this oath would really come true.

  No reason, just knowing, just being sure, as if this is one of the rules of this world, any creature can understand it.

  The small tree in the distance moved. The leopard demon was right, there was indeed something approaching.

   Before thinking deeply, He Lingchuan split the pill in two and threw half of it over.

  The leopard monster reluctantly raised its mouth to eat, then lay down on its original posture, closed its eyes and remained motionless.

  Its position is more outward, even if the pursuers arrive, they will see it first.

  See how it responds, he can adjust accordingly.

  He Lingchuan also took medicine. The ball entered the throat, and there was a muddy and foul smell in the abdomen, and the nausea was about to vomit. It was hard for him to resist the urge to vomit, thinking that the pills his father gave him would not be dropped, right?

  But after the nausea passed, the pain on his body was greatly relieved, his limbs and bones felt a surge of strength, and his breathing became much smoother, as if he could get up and walk after turning over.

   Of course, this is an illusion, his legs and sternum are still broken.

   Then he heard footsteps and the sound of branches and leaves, getting closer.

  He Lingchuan suddenly took two steps forward, picked up the short dagger on the ground, lay down again, pressed the dagger under his arm, and half buried it in the soil.

  In this way, if the visitor does not turn him over, he will not be able to see his hidden weapon.

  Life is too precious to be entrusted to the leopard demon who wanted to kill him before, let alone a visitor who has never met before.

  He squinted his eyes, and after a while, two people appeared in his field of vision, one tall and the other thin, both of them were walking here.

   "Hey, I found it!" The tall man was overjoyed, "Huh, I can finally get a job done!"

   "The leopard fell down." The thin man looked up at the cliff, "It's weird, it's a monster anyway, even if it was chased to nowhere, how could it fall?"

   "Let me just say, there is blood on the cliff, and it probably rolled down." At this time, the tall man also found He Lingchuan in the darker place inside, and he let out a cry, "There is someone there."

  The dwarf glanced at it and laughed, "Where is the unlucky ghost? Look, it and the leopard are full of holes. They both fell off the cliff! It made us spend a lot of time tracking it down!"

  He Lingchuan closed his eyes and twisted his neck, his body was covered in blood, and he held his breath again, not daring to let his chest rise and fall too fast, and he was in the dark again, looking no different from a dead person.

  The two had no interest in him, they just kicked the leopard demon twice, seeing that it didn't respond at all, they confirmed that it was dead.

  The dwarf suddenly shouted: "Look, the necklace! Sure enough, the thing is on this leopard demon!"

  He Lingchuan knew what the necklace he was talking about was. He couldn't move at that time, and he was afraid of the beast, so he didn't dare to go forward to check it.

  But the tall man was very anxious: "Is this what the superior explained?" He looked at He Lingchuan again, a little cautiously, "By the way, you can see if that person is dead, and if he is not dead, give him a ride."

  The thin man gave a piss, reluctantly walked towards He Lingchuan, wiped his waist, and grabbed a knife.

  He Lingchuan was lucky at first, thinking that everyone was born as a human being, so he felt a little sympathetic and asked for help, but he pulled out the knife before this person approached.

  The attitude of killing people like slaughtering chickens is obviously a skilled worker.

  He Lingchuan's heart suddenly went cold, and he realized that the leopard demon was not lying.

   "What kind of world did I fall into!" First the leopard demon and then humans, all want to kill him and then hurry up.

  The tall man bent down to fish for the necklace.

  He bowed his body and lowered his head, the leopard demon who had been lying still jumped up, opened his mouth wide, and bit his neck.

   This time he exploded into trouble, and the tall man was immediately knocked to the ground. But he also reacted quickly, pulled out the short knife from his waist, and stabbed the leopard demon hard into the belly.

  The leopard demon turned his head in pain. With a click, the tall man's neck broke.

  He Lingchuan remembered that the leopard demon had sneaked up on the cliff before, and it was so fast as lightning. Who knew that he still had courage after being seriously injured, thanks to himself for not getting close.

  The thin man turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw that his companion was thrown to the ground by the leopard demon. Before he had time to think about it, he slashed at its head with a knife.

  The leopard dodged and staggered a bit, but then rushed forward.

  The thin man swung the knife again, but someone suddenly pushed **** his back, and the cold metal sharp weapon pierced his waist, making him lose his strength all at once.

   Sneak attack, the dead on the ground actually sneak attack him!

   This sudden attack caused him to take two steps forward, and the knife missed its aim.

  The leopard demon seized the opportunity, and bit off his carotid artery with two bites, and blood splashed on Lao Gao.

  The thin man fell to the ground and twitched a few times. The last thought in his mind was puzzlement:

   Wasn’t the man on the ground bitten by the leopard and fell off the cliff? Why did he suddenly cooperate with the leopard to plot against him?

   Isn't this a simple errand, how could it be so unlucky!

   Before he could figure it out, he died.

  The dagger was stuck in the thin man's back, He Lingchuan panted, picked up the victim's knife, and looked at the leopard demon vigilantly. Just now when he got up to stab someone, he was in so much pain that the wounds all over his body opened again. But he didn't care so much anymore, the external threat had disappeared, and the conflict between him and the leopard demon was re-emerged.

  The trouble is, he found that even after taking the hanging medicine, he couldn't walk a few steps at all.

   After all, the injury was too serious, and the leg was broken.

  The leopard demon took two steps towards him, suddenly got up on the ground, also panted for a long time before saying: "The effect of the medicine is going to pass."

  (end of this chapter)