MTL - After the Eldest Sister-in-law Died Young, Dai Wen Remarried.-Chapter 67 Sister-in-law, are you afraid of chickens?

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Maybe Yun Qinghuan didn't notice it herself. If she was tense, her fingertips would pick at her fingertips unconsciously, but the amplitude was very small, and people who didn't care wouldn't notice it at all.

After eating, Yun Qinghuan and the other three went to cut pig grass again.

Seeing that Sister-in-law Li, who she replaced at the time, was about to return from confinement, Qiao Yue was worried about her. If the job of cutting pigweed was gone, it would be even harder for her to find an easier job.

  Cutting hogweed is already a very light job.

Yun Qinghuan pursed her lips and smiled, but she wasn’t that worried. To be honest, she didn’t really want to cut pigweed. She wanted to do it for ten and a half months to experience life. If she did it every day, she would suffer.

Now every day, Bai Naihan and An An help her cut pig grass all morning long. If she does it by herself, wouldn't it mean that she doesn't stop all day long?

 The key point is that this work is just physical work and you won’t learn anything.

Yun Qinghuan looked at it and was happy, and could already think of the fragrant chicken soup.

The man raised his eyebrows when he heard this, with a smile in his eyes, "Then give it to me, I will kill the chicken. Sister-in-law, check if there is still boiling water in the thermos. If there is no boiling water, you can only boil the water before killing it, otherwise the chicken feathers will be killed." It’s not easy to pull out.”

He raised his head and looked at Yun Qinghuan who was standing in the distance, "Sister-in-law, you may need to come over and hold a bowl to collect the blood."

Yun Qinghuan felt that he was laughing at her and gritted her teeth, "Why not? Women can't say no!"

 The hen's legs were **** with rope, probably to prevent it from running away.

“Then let’s kill the chicken now. Sister-in-law, you go to the kitchen and get a knife, and also get a bowl to catch the chicken blood.”

Probably because the frightened expression on her face was too obvious, the man noticed it and came over in his wheelchair, "Sister-in-law, are you afraid of chickens?"

An An, who was squatting next to him watching the chickens, heard her say she wanted to kill them, and her eyes lit up instantly, "Mom, eat chickens!"

The smile in Bai Naihan's eyes became even bigger when he saw it. He first sharpened the knife on the bottom of the porcelain bowl until it was sharp before he was ready to kill the chicken.

 It’s not a pity to lose it.

 But the smile in his eyes was even greater.

It’s just that her idea was a bit shocking in this era, so she didn’t say it because she was afraid that others would think she was an alien.

 Mainly because I have to cut pigweed every day and I am quite busy and can’t leave.

Goose bumps appeared on her arms, glowing with a light blue color, which showed that she was extremely scared.

 In short, it is very convenient.

"Huh?" Yun Qinghuan looked at him in disbelief, feeling that the goosebumps that had finally gone away had risen again.

 In addition, the thermos bottle is well insulated, so the temperature of the boiling water should be very high now.

 “Yes, let’s eat chicken tonight!”

After cutting two more baskets of pigweed, Yun Qinghuan was too tired to cut any more, so she simply went home. It was a coincidence that as soon as she got home, Grandma Chen came over with an old hen. He looked really healthy, and he was making random noises.

She has never killed a chicken, but she has seen others kill it. However, in their time, killing chickens was relatively simple. They directly put a live chicken into a special machine, and then in just a few dozen seconds, a naked chicken took off its feathers. The chicken comes out. If you don’t want to chop the chicken, you can ask the chicken seller to chop it into pieces.

Yun Qinghuan also asked Qiao Yue what pigs eat in winter.

An'an was also very curious. She squatted on the ground, holding her chin in her hands, and looked at it without blinking.

He naturally took the hen from her hand. Yun Qinghuan felt relieved and quickly breathed a sigh of relief. He ran to the main room to pick up the thermos bottles. Both thermos bottles were full. Now that the weather was getting hot, he couldn't even drink. The water is boiled cold and boiled, and well water is used directly for washing and the like. Therefore, the boiling water boiled last night is still full and almost useless.

 She should just honestly find other ways to make money.

The man's deep voice seemed to be magnetic, "Sister-in-law, put the bowl under the chicken's neck."


Grandma Chen also narrowed her eyes and smiled when she saw her, "This hen is just over five kilograms. It originally cost three yuan and thirty cents. The old lady selling the chicken was a nice person. She said that people in the countryside are not well-off, so you can buy it." She is very grateful for her chicken and hasn’t counter-offered yet, so I’ll give you a small change, it’s only three yuan!”

She was thinking about her manuscript. Seeing that more than half a month had passed and there was still no movement, she planned to take leave in two days if there was no movement and go to town before the summer harvest before submitting the manuscript.

What’s more important is that now in spring and summer, when the grass is the most abundant and lush, it is so difficult to cut pigweed. When winter comes, the grass is gone, wouldn’t it be even more difficult to cut pigweed?

 After giving the thing to Bai Naihan, she subconsciously walked far away, and then looked at it without blinking.

 The man chuckled lightly, but did not expose her.

Although she likes to drink chicken soup and has cut chicken before, she has never touched a live chicken like this.

 “Can’t you?” The man tilted his head and looked at her doubtfully.

 But with the man watching from the side, she could only hold on calmly and carry it with courage.

 Took the remaining two yuan in change and handed it to Yun Qinghuan.

Yun Qinghuan held on, but his scalp was actually numb. I want to put the hen down, but I'm not afraid of it flying away since I'm tied up.

 “There’s still boiling water.”

 “Kill!” The chicken was bought to be eaten. Moreover, Yun Qinghuan felt like he was drooling like crazy and couldn’t wait to drink chicken soup and eat chicken.

Yun Qinghuan followed what he said and ran directly to the kitchen to get the kitchen knife and a porcelain bowl.

According to Qiao Yue, there is no need to cut pig grass in winter. As long as enough grass is stored in summer, it will be counted as five work points a day. However, this is a big project, so Yun Qinghuan thought about it and just let it go.

 For a moment, the expressions and demeanor of mother and son were exactly the same.

After delivering the hens, Grandma Chen went back with her hands behind her back.

 It's just a chicken. Even An An, a three-year-old child, often catches the chickens at home and plays with them. She can't be inferior to a child.

  Taking the bowl from his hand, his eyes drifted, looking around, but not at him or the hen.

Then he walked over heroically like a martyr slitting his throat.

The man didn’t embarrass her and asked quietly, “Sister-in-law, are you going to kill this chicken today?”

 So, this was really the first time she saw someone killing a chicken like this.

While Yun Qinghuan was holding the chicken, he felt goosebumps rising, the fluffy chicken feathers were warm, and his hands were trembling.

 “Thank you, Grandma Chen.” Yun Qinghuan took the money and the hen.

 The work points earned are not many.

Qiao Yue told her that whoever is responsible for cutting pig grass should store the grass that pigs eat in winter. They usually cut a little more and then take it home to dry. When there is no more grass, they can chop it up and feed it to the pigs. To drink hot water, boil the well water to drink, otherwise the raw water will easily make the pigs sick. In short, it sounds very difficult.

Yun Qinghuan had no choice but to turn around, holding back the trembling, and placed the bowl down from the chicken's neck.

The man was seen controlling the chicken with one hand to prevent it from flapping, and holding a knife with the other hand. He raised and lowered the knife and made a neat cut on the chicken's neck.

 The hen trembled violently and roared with difficulty and pain from its throat...