MTL - After the Divorce, I Was Entangled By the Sick and Charming Fifth Master-Chapter 305 you can't speak?

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  Chapter 305 You can't speak?

   This lonely woman is Nanhuang.

  Nanhuang couldn't remember everything, even the Mandarin of country Z.

  But she remembered her name, her name was Nanhuang.

The prey is getting less and less, Nanhuang is anxious to hoard more food for the winter, she uses a few pieces of animal skins and ropes she woven with grass to fix Xiaobao on her stomach, today she plans to go further place to find more food.

   This time, she went a little far. When she raised her head, she was puzzled and saw something strange on the mountain in front of her.

   "Ma Ma..." Xiao Bao in his arms called her, and the woman stroked his head comfortingly.

  Xiaobao, today Mama will take you to a farther place. Maybe you can find animals of the same kind as us.

  The woman is very brave and courageous, she ran over with Xiaobao in her arms.

   Then, she saw something that she didn't quite understand.


   Also, one car after another is driving fast on the road.

what are these? They run so fast.

   There seems to be an animal like her sitting in this thing.

  Seeing a car stop, Nanhuang hurriedly hugged the child and squatted in the stone beside her, watching that person carefully.

   That was the driver of that car. The driver couldn't hold back and came out for convenience.

  Nanhuang hid there and stared at the driver for a while, frowning.

   His body is different from hers. Is it not the same species as her?

  No, one animal in the jungle also has two structures. Is this a male human?

  Nanhuang looked at the car, it was a truck, and there seemed to be goods on the truck.

  She hesitated, she still has a tree house, which is her home for three years.

  But what she saw in front of her eyes made her realize that there might be another world outside, a world she had never seen before.

  People in that world wear clothes and tools that are different from hers, but that is the same world as her and Xiaobao.

  She couldn't stay alone in the jungle with Xiaobao all the time.

  Women are very smart, she quickly figured out this question, and while the driver was not paying attention, she jumped into the cargo compartment behind the truck.

  The truck is full of food.

  Rice, meat products, tofu, fruits, fresh vegetables.

  The woman's eyes widened.

   After the driver finished his convenience, he got into the car and started the car.

   Nanhuang felt the car move, looked around, it was very strange.

Xiaobao was hungry again, and Nanhuang was not in a hurry. She cut open a bag containing apples with a dagger, wiped the apples on her body, and washed them gently with water from a kettle. After taking a bite, he was sure he could eat it, so he bit off a small piece of flesh and gave it to Xiaobao to eat.

  Xiaobao was very obedient, he hugged Nanhuang and kissed her on the face.

  The woman's face softened instantly, she touched his head, and smiled slightly.

  The car was the supplies cart of the hot spring hotel. When the supplies cart arrived, Nanhuang dexterously jumped out of the cart with the child.

  She saw the driver open the cargo compartment, and the driver asked suspiciously, "Did a mouse get into the car? Why are there so many holes in these bags?"

   What did he say?

  Nanhuang couldn't understand the words, but she was watching the other person's mouth shape and tone very seriously, and guessed what the other person said.

  The driver called for someone to unload the cargo, and many people came to unload the cargo.

   Nanhuang noticed that no one here wore animal skins, they were all wearing thin, breathable clothes.

   She wants to wear the same clothes as them. She turned around and saw a woman drying the same women's overalls on the clothes dryer. On the other side there are some children's clothes.

   Well, that's the kind of clothes.

   Nanhuang took a set while no one was paying attention, and she put the clothes on after thinking about it for a long time. The clothes are a bit big, and it seems inconvenient to breastfeed Xiaobao.

  She also took off Xiaobao's animal fur coat, and changed into the children's clothes she brought.

   In this way, she and Xiaobao look like people here.

   But she couldn't understand what these people were saying.

  Xiao Bao called Ma Ma, she hugged Xiao Bao, and softly hissed.

  It is warm, clean and free of wild beasts, which is very suitable for Xiaobao's life. She needs to quickly understand the rules here and quickly integrate into the world here.

  Not long after she carried Xiaobao, a fat woman stopped her.

  She was wearing the uniform of the staff of the hot spring area, and this fat woman regarded her as a lazy female employee.

   "What are you hanging out here for? Do you think there are not enough things to do? Come with me, there is work to do."

  Nanhuang realized that it was herself who was shouting.

   "A distinguished guest came to the hot spring area today, please wait carefully after you pass."

   Nanhuang didn't quite understand what the fat woman said. She just wants to ask if there is something to eat? Xiaobao is hungry, and it is not convenient for her to breastfeed now.

   "Are you bringing your child to work?" The fat woman glanced at the child in her hand. "Even if you want to take care of the children, you can't delay work to take care of the children!"

   Nanhuang observed her words and expressions, guessed what she meant, and nodded repeatedly.

   Work, work means having something to eat, right?

   Sure enough, the fat woman gave her a plate of fruit and asked her to serve it to the guests on the side.

   Nanhuang's eyes lit up when she saw the fresh fruits and vegetables, she nodded, and when the fat woman left, she took out a slice of orange, took a bite by herself, and gave it to Xiaobao after she was sure she could eat it.

  Xiaobao ate the orange in his arms, and Nanhuang patted his head.

  Xiaobao, Mama has gone to work, and will come to see you later, you stay here, don't run around.

  Xiao Bao understood the meaning of Ma Ma's gesture, so he nodded.

  Nanhuang delivered the fruit to the guests. It didn't take long for her to quickly understand the rules of the hot spring area through observation, and she contracted the task of delivering fruit in the hot spring area.

  Every time she delivers fruit, she has to come back to make sure Xiaobao has any needs. Xiaobao has never eaten such a delicious fruit, and he ate it all the time while staying here, forgetting to ask his grandma to drink it from Mama.

  Nanhuang was very happy, she worked harder and happily.

   Waiting until the day's work was over, the fat aunt looked at Nanhuang and said, "Where are you from? I just asked around, and no one knew you."

   Nanhuang held Xiaobao in her arms, and looked at the woman in front of her vigilantly.

   "You can't talk? I've been observing you for a long time, but you don't say a word." The fat aunt continued.

  Although this woman didn't say a word, her smile was contagious. Every time she came back to touch Xiaobao's head, her gentle smile made Aunt Fat feel that she was not a bad person.

"My surname is Liu. You can call me Aunt Liu or Mama Liu. By the way, I forgot that you can't speak." Mama Liu sighed and said, "Are you lost or lost your memory? Your home is in I'll take you back."

After Nanhuang didn't speak for a long time, Liu's mother said: "Forget it, you mother and child are so pitiful, you can stay with me for the time being, I still have a utility room for you to live in. When you find your family, I'll send you back."

  (end of this chapter)