MTL - After Rebirth, I Returned to Miaojiang to Inherit My Family Business-Chapter 17 Gu species

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The deepest cave in Lao Miao Cave is very spacious, enough for ten people to walk side by side. On the rock wall are simple and crude carvings from unknown ages. There are pictures of the Miao people working at sunrise and returning at sunset, and there are also pictures of them raising and taming Gu and driving Gu insects. The most central and most conspicuous figure is a woman, holding a wooden staff in her hand, surrounded by four light clusters, engraved with toads, black scorpions, tarantulas and geckos.

Chongshan cracked in front of her, and the waves of the Yangtze River receded. She led the Miao people to take root in the southwest mountains and established the original tribe. The circle representing the sun above the head is engraved with the word 'Witch' in Xiaozhuan.

This is the ancestor of the witch clan. She also discovered the toad and other Gu beasts and taught the Miao people how to train and control them. Even so, the four poisonous beasts that have followed the ancestor of the witch clan for the longest time can only be painted on the periphery. The ancestor of the witch clan holds a staff in his right hand and a butterfly rests on his left hand.

The butterfly is the totem of the Miao nationality, and it is also the legendary Gu species that can reproduce everything.

There is a white stone platform under each of the four Gu totems in the cave. From left to right, the stone platforms are carved into the shapes of the four Gu totems. The stone platform is hollowed out, very delicate, and the different jars inside can be seen through the patterns on the outside.

Some are ordinary pottery pots, some are specially treated wooden pots, and some are jade pots carved from jadeite, depending on the habits of the Gu species. In the heyday of the stockade, there was a Gu king in each pot, but the spiritual recovery and climate change suddenly, many Gu couldn't adapt to the environment, and died one by one. Although there are still some descendants of Gu species in Lao Miao Cave, no Gu king has been born for a long time, and the village is gradually declining.

Entering here, Wu Rong's left eye hurts to the extreme. It seems that there is a small awl digging in it constantly, trying to make a small hole. But in the severe pain, the originally blurred vision gradually became clear. The black and gloomy mist filled the entire cave. It was icy cold and very thick, almost completely obscuring people's sight. I don't know if it's an illusion, but the fog in the place where Wu Rong is is much thinner, like thick ink and ink droplets that have been blurred by water.

In the line of sight of the left eye, those white stone platforms exude a faint white light, but that light does not have any life fluctuations, it is just the remaining light that has accumulated over the years. Over time it will completely dissipate.

In addition to the stone platform, the butterflies on the fingertips of the ancestors of the witch family are also shining. With a feeling in his heart, Wu Rong stepped forward, his height was just at the front of the stone sculpture, just like what his grandmother had reminded him to remember before he set off, Wu Rong knew what to do.

He took out his pocket knife and cut his fingers, first on the carved eyes, then on her eyebrows, the tip of her nose, and her ears. The voodoo master believes that there are special energies in these places, which are also the source of power to control the voodoo.

The world seen by the left eye is completely different from that of the right eye. Wu Rong saw the black mist in the cave swarming like hornets from his hometown, half of them rushed towards the statue, and half of them rushed towards him. This is filling the body with yin energy, the survival requirements of Gu species are more demanding than other Gu species, even women can hardly bear it, let alone men. There are records in the village that there was once a man from the Wu family who overcame it with great perseverance and inherited the Gu seed, but later he gradually turned into a woman.

She was a real woman, and she later gave birth to the twins of the witch and witch, without any falsehood.

Wu Rong held a snake-shaped wood carving in his hand, which was also the reason why the witch finally let him go to Lao Miao Cave. The snake-shaped woodcarving is the original parasitic place of the Qingling Gu. If the Yin Qi rushes into the body and cannot bear it, as long as Wu Rong drips blood on it, the Qingling Gu can bear most of the Yin Qi for him. Even so, the severe pain of yin qi flooding the body is unbearable for ordinary people, not to mention maintaining a clear mind.

Wu Rong was mentally prepared to endure the pain, and let the turbulent black mist crash into him.

The black mist can't rush in.

The skin was slightly numb, and the wind swirled by the black mist caressed the surface of the body, but no matter what, they couldn't rush into Wu Rong's body. It was as if a jar already filled with water could not hold more water, and Wu Rong's body was not 'water' either.

It was something more gloomy and evil than black mist, and the gap between it and black mist was like solid and gas. Anything that leaks out can create a negative aura that is thicker than the black mist.

But Wu Rong's body was like a special jar, which locked these things firmly inside.

The swarming black mist had nowhere to go, circled around Wu Rong several times, and finally all rushed towards his left eye.

Eyes don't hurt anymore.

Wu Rong's left eye was like a bottomless pit, letting the extremely cool black mist pour into his eyes was like dropping a drop of eye drops. The pain and dryness were all gone, Wu Rong blinked and tentatively closed his right eye. The world seen by the left eye is exceptionally clear and bright. The black mist in the cave is less and less, like stagnant water falling. When it reaches a certain level, a little flickering light particles appear on the left hand of the statue.

It was an egg, crystal clear, bright and bright, like a diamond.

This is the Gu species.

Wu Rong wanted to soak it in blood until it hatched.

It's just that my own situation is very different from what the witch said, without absorbing the mist, Wu Rong doesn't know whether the Yin Qi in my blood is enough to hatch the Gu seeds.

The temperature in the cave continued to drop, to the point where people wearing summer clothes would feel extremely cold, but Wu Rong's feeling was exceptionally good. The black mist had almost been sucked dry by his left eye, and the chisel feeling in the eye reappeared, but this time it was very slight, not painful, but slightly itchy, as if something was gestating.

The blood dripped on the Gu seed, one drop or two, the blood was completely absorbed by the Gu seed as soon as it fell, and at the same time Wu Rong felt a certain connection between himself and the egg. A very childish and vague voice tried to convey its desire to him.

No, not enough.

This blood is far from enough.

Wu Rong frowned, and the blade landed on her wrist.

Blood flowed profusely, completely submerging the Gu species. Its white shell was finally dyed a little red, like a blood plum blooming in the snow, enchanting and gorgeous. But before the red was half dyed, it barely stopped.

Not enough, not enough!

Gu species are immature and greedy.


The dizzy feeling of excessive blood loss came, Wu Rong's fingertips felt cold, and her thinking was a little trance. Gu Zhong's voice contained some kind of temptation, trying to control his thinking, especially when he lost too much blood. The Gu species is the king of all Gu, and the game with it is extremely dangerous. If you are accidentally tempted, you will end up turning into a blood-drained mummy.

No one taught him how to grasp the speed of just awakening the Gu seeds without making him faint, this is a necessary test. The struggle between will and will is like taming animals, only the bravest, calmest, and most determined person in the world can tame the Gu species.

The blood really wasn't enough.

Wu Rong thought calmly, his right wrist had just been cut, and he looked at his left hand.

The bandage wrapped around his wrist was pulled away with a knife, revealing a dark red ghost pattern like blood. Wu Rong didn't hesitate, and the blade fell.

The blood soaked the Gu seeds, and Wu Rong leaned against the rock wall with all his strength, as if he had also merged into the mural. He lost too much blood and closed his eyes unbearably, breathing lightly. Gu's greedy cries became more and more harsh and sharp, but Wu Rong ignored him, he grasped his proportions in his weakness, and remained calm as before.

This time should be enough.

The blood from the left wrist stained the red Gu species, and also stained the bandage. Wu Rong was closing her eyes, but she didn't see the **** red light from the blood-soaked ghost pattern. The bandages fell apart inch by inch, flying in all directions like snowflakes, and the ghost patterns on his left arm had all turned scarlet.

Wu Rong shivered, a chill came from nowhere and enveloped him, his bones were frozen, and it was extremely cold. Especially the wound on the wrist, Wu Rong opened his eyes and found that his wound had healed and stopped bleeding. The wrist was icy cold, as if a person carved from ice and snow was holding his wrist.

more! more! more! return-

The Gu species, which was shouting vigorously in Wu Rong's mind like a repeater, suddenly burst into tears, as if he had been severely frightened by something, crying and howling, fearful:

Wow—no, no, no, sorry!

At the same time, the Gu species emitted an orange-red halo like a maple leaf, ready to recognize its master.

Wu Rong focused his gaze, and he saw the torn bandage on his left arm.

Did that big ghost come out? !

Wu Rong kept close to the rock wall vigilantly and looked around blankly, but he couldn't see anything. Naturally, he didn't know that his current guarded posture was more convenient and something locked him up. If the yin and resentment had any substance, it would have pressed Wu Rong against the rock wall. Only the hand was held out of thin air, as if the ghost was looking at his wound, the cold passed over his wrist, and the wound on his right wrist stopped bleeding.

And the bloodstains that had solidified on the skin were wiped away bit by bit by the coldness. Strangely, Wu Rong didn't feel too much malice from its actions.

‘After the lonely ghost becomes a domestic ghost, its state is almost the same as that of a newborn. '

Wu Rong recalled Zhou Xun's education for novice ghost raisers.

‘Although the strength will be greatly reduced, it will also be closer to you. You have to slowly feed it with incense ashes and paper money, cultivate its relationship, and then it will listen to you. '

But now is not the time to coax ghosts, the Gu seeds have been flashing like alarm lights for a few minutes. If it is not recovered, there may be accidents. Wu Rong thought about how to communicate with the 'newborn' from her own poor experience, reluctantly freed up her hands patiently, patted the air in front of her, and said in a coaxing tone:

"Let's play."

At the same time, the three evil Miao people who had been lurking in Lao Miao cave for a long time were about to move.

"The Gu seed has really been awakened!"

"That kid lost a lot of blood, and he is probably going to die soon. It just happened to be cheap for the brothers."

Wu Rong, who was immobilized by the yin pressure on the rock wall, really looked like he was in a coma, which made these evil seedlings greedy. Coupled with the fact that excessive fear causes nerve breakdown, it will blind people's eyes and prevent them from seeing the danger that is close at hand. I am anxious and just want to finish the task quickly and get out of this ghost place.

"Kill the witch family first, and then seize the Gu seeds!"

The strong man took off his gun without hesitation and aimed at Wu Rong from a distance, his eyes were full of excitement and greed.